Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Yes, as in somone people consider important enough of a leader to consider a martyr for their cause.

i get it. Kill the Pleabs all you want. Someone important dies, then its a problem.

Killing an average citizen generally does not create the same effect that killing a popular leader does.

Historically this is true. Do you disagree?
I hope this helps. :cool:

hey ingore my earlier post...i didn't see this one...let me read it and i'll edit this post

EDIT: I understand your premise much better now.

We just disagree, i dont even think his 2 million viewers (that does seem like a lot), would get violent after watching anything i've seen myself or been shown by others. Even his rabid fans, in my opinion, are not going to go out and get violent after watching anything i've seen.

You made an earlier post about the video being linked multiple times, i hate to be a douche but can you just link it one more just may get me to STFU for you :lol: or i'll can be lazy and just keep pressing anyone to post/prove it.

Sure, here you go:

The One Thing: 8/11 -

Strangely enough, I don't watch him all that often, and this is not even the worst of some of what he says, apparently...
and he had YOU pegged in the first 20 seconds of it
Again, as I have stated, I believe that there are random nutjobs on both sides.

Which is why I thought "Farenheit 9/11", Michael Moore's insane rant against Mr Bush, was just as f-ed up.

Of course there wasn't too much I could do about that in terms of talking to advertisers.
I'm 4:12 seconds into it and he is getting into talking about what the nazi's do.

No violence incitement yet. Ok back to the video, i needed a break it plays all choppy on my computer.

EDIT: Ok i finished watching it. I can see how it might make someone on the far left very angry but i think his viewers would find comfort and not violence in his broadcast. They would find it a comfort because their concerns and suspicions are being discussed by somone on national television.

I dont think it would drive someone to violence, i dont see him calling obama a nazi, i see/hear him imploring people to have an honest and respectful debate and to not be violent.

I can see how it could make people feel angry after watching though.

Any other video? or transcripts, i liked the transcript on the bottom of that one.
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I'm 4:12 seconds into it and he is getting into talking about what the nazi's do.

No violence incitement yet. Ok back to the video, i needed a break it plays all choppy on my computer.

EDIT: Ok i finished watching it. I can see how it might make someone on the far left very angry but i think his viewers would find comfort and not violence in his broadcast. They would find it a comfort because their concerns and suspicions are being discussed by somone on national television.

I dont think it would drive someone to violence, i dont see him calling obama a nazi, i see/hear him imploring people to have an honest and respectful debate and to not be violent.

I can see how it could make people feel angry after watching though.

Any other video? or transcripts, i liked the transcript on the bottom of that one.

See, now, that's an answer I can respect. I may not agree, but I respect it.

Someone has a different opinion of something, but instead of personally attacking the person with the alternative opinion, you reply in a logical rebuttal and give your honest opinion. Some other aggro posters could learn from you.

I've seen some other Beck episodes that have really made me concerned, I'll try and remember what they were and find them. As I said, I don't watch him too often, I just try and catch an episode here and there of all the talking heads to check in and get a feel for the debates, and the propaganda, of the day.

I have to say, I am really starting to dislike the talking heads on both sides of the fence.

Matthews and O'Reilly, for instance, are very similar in style, if not opinion. They both talk loudly, have condescending attitudes, and try to drown out their guests if they don't like an answer.
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I equate Beck to Rachel Maddow. I can't stand to watch Maddow for more than a few minutes at a time.

She really just annoys the crap out of me.
I equate Beck to Rachel Maddow. I can't stand to watch Maddow for more than a few minutes at a time.

She really just annoys the crap out of me.
meh, i would rather watch Maddow, at least shes a little bit cute
batshit crazy, but beck is ugly

btw, i dont watch EITHER on a regular basis
I equate Beck to Rachel Maddow. I can't stand to watch Maddow for more than a few minutes at a time.

She really just annoys the crap out of me.
meh, i would rather watch Maddow, at least shes a little bit cute
batshit crazy, but beck is ugly

btw, i dont watch EITHER on a regular basis

LOL, true, but Maddow's a Lesbian.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that", as Seinfeld might say, but she's unattainable, as well as annoying.
I equate Beck to Rachel Maddow. I can't stand to watch Maddow for more than a few minutes at a time.

She really just annoys the crap out of me.
meh, i would rather watch Maddow, at least shes a little bit cute
batshit crazy, but beck is ugly

btw, i dont watch EITHER on a regular basis

LOL, true, but Maddow's a Lesbian.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that", as Seinfeld might say, but she's unattainable, as well as annoying.
the point wasnt that i would try to attain
people on TV are not really attainable as a general rule(well, they generally look on people that try as stalkers)
and i already have someon
and shes more than enough for me
58 Pages. Not one credible claim. Where's the Beef?

Perhaps not "credible" to you or your fellow right-wing friends, who are fans Beck, but quite credible to many others.

This board is filled with extremists from both ends of the spectrum. Many of whom see Beck as a hero of sorts, and would not think ill of him.

You are most probably one of these.

Sounds like you are drinking the Kool-Aid while passing it out. Do you sleep with your aluminum foil admiral's hat on? Do you shower in it? Tell Elvis I said Hi!

59 Pages of Reading between the lines of bullshit piled on bullshit. Support your claim with a link or try a new argument. A Link either is or isn't ATL. It is not relative.
Dive....It's good to have a woman who loves you isn't it? My wife is so good to me and I LOVE my inlaws.
meh, i would rather watch Maddow, at least shes a little bit cute
batshit crazy, but beck is ugly

btw, i dont watch EITHER on a regular basis

LOL, true, but Maddow's a Lesbian.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that", as Seinfeld might say, but she's unattainable, as well as annoying.
the point wasnt that i would try to attain
people on TV are not really attainable as a general rule(well, they generally look on people that try as stalkers)
and i already have someon
and shes more than enough for me

Yeah, my wife wouldn't approve either, lol, but the un-attainable part kind of detracts from the attraction for me.
i'm watching it now

Well, now he has two new viewers, I'm checking out his web shows.

He'll be happy with all this free advertising.
yeah, i hardly ever watched him, didnt like his style, too much drama
but because of all this bullshit i have watched the show several times
still too much drama for my tastes
if i want to watch drama, i can find better in other shows

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