Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

The New York Post reports a Long Island single mother of three was arrested Thursday for “scouting out and taking pictures” of an Air National Guard base, with an assault rifle, a shotgun and 500 rounds of ammunition in her car.

Turns out this woman is Nancy Genovese, whose MySpace page (which has since been set to private) has an embedded clip from Beck’s June 17 program and a post calling for others to re-post it. Here is an excerpt from the clip:

We are coming. We will be heard. We will be represented. You think that we are so busy with our lives that we will never come for you. And we were. But now you’ve gone and done it. We are the formally silent majority, all of us. Quietly work, pay our taxes, obey the laws, vote, save money, keep our noses to the grindstone – now looking up at you. You have awakened us, and a patriotic spirit so strong and so powerful. It had been sleeping too long. You have pushed us too far.
again, prove anything beck said has anything to do with that
[ame=]YouTube - War Room: "Bubba Effect" - Martial Law, Looting, Hyperinflation, Depression, Chaos, America Implodes[/ame]

At the 5:00 mark, in Beck and FOX's "light scenario"….Glenn asks, "I don't think we would head for an American revolution, we'd head for a French Revolution." Beck's guest, at the 5:50 mark, references the second amendment (militia gun ownership rights), "weaponry to defend themselves, as a last resort, against a tyrannical government." "A tyranny of incompetence….I think that, ultimately, is what our country is facing." Beck adds, "don't get me wrong, I am against the government,…and I do think they have been betraying the principles of our Founders." "Do the soldiers come in, and do they fight with the people? What does the Army, what does the military do?" Guest, Michael Scheurer, "I don't think the military is going to shoot on the American people." Beck…"People are training for civil unrest all over this country."
The New York Post reports a Long Island single mother of three was arrested Thursday for “scouting out and taking pictures” of an Air National Guard base, with an assault rifle, a shotgun and 500 rounds of ammunition in her car.

Turns out this woman is Nancy Genovese, whose MySpace page (which has since been set to private) has an embedded clip from Beck’s June 17 program and a post calling for others to re-post it. Here is an excerpt from the clip:

We are coming. We will be heard. We will be represented. You think that we are so busy with our lives that we will never come for you. And we were. But now you’ve gone and done it. We are the formally silent majority, all of us. Quietly work, pay our taxes, obey the laws, vote, save money, keep our noses to the grindstone – now looking up at you. You have awakened us, and a patriotic spirit so strong and so powerful. It had been sleeping too long. You have pushed us too far.
again, prove anything beck said has anything to do with that

That is in beck's words I saw it in one of those videos

So you (VASTLWC) think that it is becks fault that some lady was taking pictures of military might while having guns and ammo in her car? Maybe she likes guns, as the post describes her as a "gun nut".

Where do you see the biggest and baddest guns? At a military base.

Do you think she was going to try and go after the base? I personally dont know what she was doing but my assumption, unlike yours, is that she likes guns and wanted to get some cool pics of the biggest ones she could find. I could be wrong, but then again so could you.

IF she was going to get violent, based on the verbage you quoted from her webpage, it would be against the representatives in congress that were spoken of in it.

again this is my interpretation/opinion.
YouTube - War Room: "Bubba Effect" - Martial Law, Looting, Hyperinflation, Depression, Chaos, America Implodes

At the 5:00 mark, in Beck and FOX's "light scenario"….Glenn asks, "I don't think we would head for an American revolution, we'd head for a French Revolution." Beck's guest, at the 5:50 mark, references the second amendment (militia gun ownership rights), "weaponry to defend themselves, as a last resort, against a tyrannical government." "A tyranny of incompetence….I think that, ultimately, is what our country is facing." Beck adds, "don't get me wrong, I am against the government,…and I do think they have been betraying the principles of our Founders." "Do the soldiers come in, and do they fight with the people? What does the Army, what does the military do?" Guest, Michael Scheurer, "I don't think the military is going to shoot on the American people." Beck…"People are training for civil unrest all over this country." video for me to watch...i will watch and tell you what i think now.

EDIT: Watching now, its a scenario segment...a bunch of "what if/well thens" Its the "doom bunker" episode that colbert did a hillarious segment about.

Its stretching a lot to say that 10 min incites violence. They do describe violent "what if...then" scenerios, but they aren't telling people to stock up on guns and ammo then go mow down your representatives.
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The New York Post reports a Long Island single mother of three was arrested Thursday for “scouting out and taking pictures” of an Air National Guard base, with an assault rifle, a shotgun and 500 rounds of ammunition in her car.

Turns out this woman is Nancy Genovese, whose MySpace page (which has since been set to private) has an embedded clip from Beck’s June 17 program and a post calling for others to re-post it. Here is an excerpt from the clip:
again, prove anything beck said has anything to do with that

That is in beck's words I saw it in one of those videos

So you (VASTLWC) think that it is becks fault that some lady was taking pictures of military might while having guns and ammo in her car? Maybe she likes guns, as the post describes her as a "gun nut".

Where do you see the biggest and baddest guns? At a military base.

Do you think she was going to try and go after the base? I personally dont know what she was doing but my assumption, unlike yours, is that she likes guns and wanted to get some cool pics of the biggest ones she could find. I could be wrong, but then again so could you.

IF she was going to get violent, based on the verbage you quoted from her webpage, it would be against the representatives in congress that were spoken of in it.

again this is my interpretation/opinion.
ah, my bad
again, prove anything beck said has anything to do with that

See, now you people are just delusional now.

The woman had his call to arms posted on her web page.

I'm beginning to believe that perhaps you all are just being intentionally dumb now. I know you're all a bit smarter than this.
The point is that if Beck comes right out and says "Revolt against the government!" or "Shoot your Senator", he's going to get into a whole lot of trouble, First Amendment be damned.

So he pussy-foots around the point and makes hundreds of implications that, when taken together, send a message.
again, prove anything beck said has anything to do with that

See, now you people are just delusional now.

The woman had his call to arms posted on her web page.

I'm beginning to believe that perhaps you all are just being intentionally dumb now. I know you're all a bit smarter than this.

So if she'd had mickey mouse on her web page you'd be blaming Walt Disney for her actions?
again, prove anything beck said has anything to do with that

See, now you people are just delusional now.

The woman had his call to arms posted on her web page.

I'm beginning to believe that perhaps you all are just being intentionally dumb now. I know you're all a bit smarter than this.

So if she'd had mickey mouse on her web page you'd be blaming Walt Disney for her actions?

If "Mickey" was implying that she go kill people in the clip, I would in fact blame the artist.

Though it probably wouldn't be Disney, as he's been dead quite a long time.
The point is that if Beck comes right out and says "Revolt against the government!" or "Shoot your Senator", he's going to get into a whole lot of trouble, First Amendment be damned.

So he pussy-foots around the point and makes hundreds of implications that, when taken together, send a message.

I think that if you and I keep going we are gonna get dizzy.

To you that is enough to incite violence, to me it isn't. I'm not arguing what you're saying beck is doing, I'm just disagreeing with your perceived impact of what he is doing.
See, now you people are just delusional now.

The woman had his call to arms posted on her web page.

I'm beginning to believe that perhaps you all are just being intentionally dumb now. I know you're all a bit smarter than this.

So if she'd had mickey mouse on her web page you'd be blaming Walt Disney for her actions?

If "Mickey" was implying that she go kill people in the clip, I would in fact blame the artist.

Though it probably wouldn't be Disney, as he's been dead quite a long time.
except beck didnt tell anyone to "go kill people"
YouTube - War Room: "Bubba Effect" - Martial Law, Looting, Hyperinflation, Depression, Chaos, America Implodes

At the 5:00 mark, in Beck and FOX's "light scenario"….Glenn asks, "I don't think we would head for an American revolution, we'd head for a French Revolution." Beck's guest, at the 5:50 mark, references the second amendment (militia gun ownership rights), "weaponry to defend themselves, as a last resort, against a tyrannical government." "A tyranny of incompetence….I think that, ultimately, is what our country is facing." Beck adds, "don't get me wrong, I am against the government,…and I do think they have been betraying the principles of our Founders." "Do the soldiers come in, and do they fight with the people? What does the Army, what does the military do?" Guest, Michael Scheurer, "I don't think the military is going to shoot on the American people." Beck…"People are training for civil unrest all over this country."

The problem

•Normally under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the American people are not generally subject to random and arbitrary stops and searches.
•The border, however, has always been an exception. There, the longstanding view is that the normal rules do not apply. For example the authorities do not need a warrant or probable cause to conduct a “routine search.”
•But what is “the border”? According to the government, it is a 100-mile wide strip that wraps around the “external boundary” of the United States.
•As a result of this claimed authority, individuals who are far away from the border, American citizens traveling from one place in America to another, are being stopped and harassed in ways that our Constitution does not permit.
•Border Patrol has been setting up checkpoints inland — on highways in states such as California, Texas and Arizona, and at ferry terminals in Washington State. Typically, the agents ask drivers and passengers about their citizenship. Unfortunately, our courts so far have permitted these kinds of checkpoints – legally speaking, they are “administrative” stops that are permitted only for the specific purpose of protecting the nation’s borders. They cannot become general drug-search or other law enforcement efforts.
•However, these stops by Border Patrol agents are not remaining confined to that border security purpose. On the roads of California and elsewhere in the nation – places far removed from the actual border – agents are stopping, interrogating, and searching Americans on an everyday basis with absolutely no suspicion of wrongdoing.
•The bottom line is that the extraordinary authorities that the government possesses at the border are spilling into regular American streets.
Much of U.S. population affected

•Many Americans and Washington policymakers believe that this is a problem confined to the San Diego-Tijuana border or the dusty sands of Arizona or Texas, but these powers stretch far inland across the United States.
•To calculate what proportion of the U.S. population is affected by these powers, the ACLU created a map and spreadsheet showing the population and population centers that lie within 100 miles of any “external boundary” of the United States.
•The population estimates were calculated by examining the most recent US census numbers for all counties within 100 miles of these borders. Using numbers from the Population Distribution Branch of the US Census Bureau, we were able to estimate both the total number and a state-by-state population breakdown. The custom map was created with help from a map expert at World Sites Atlas.
•What we found is that fully TWO-THIRDS of the United States’ population lives within this Constitution-free or Constitution-lite Zone. That’s 197.4 million people who live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders.
•Nine of the top 10 largest metropolitan areas as determined by the 2000 census, fall within the Constitution-free Zone. (The only exception is #9, Dallas-Fort Worth.) Some states are considered to lie completely within the zone: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.

American Civil Liberties Union : Fact Sheet on U.S. "Constitution Free Zone"

I guess my big problem with the French Revolution was the Blood Lust. It lost any relation with Justice early on. I side with Mark Levin, and the Concept of Structured Liberty, Reform, preferred to Revolution.

Prez. Needs to abandon his wayward ways, before he starts hurting and killing innocents. His Radical Ideas may very well get us all killed.

Not to imply that the Prez. is the source of the Link, this predates him. Statist Creed, does too, though he does serve allegiance to it.
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You're defending this guy?

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck Armed with Gun at Movie Theater! - Give a Boy a Gun and see what he does[/ame]
Simpsons endorses child abuse.

Family Guy does to, as well as murder and a ton of other things.

South Park endorses children misbehaving, and fighting back against tyranny.

Penn and Teller support gun rights.

Disney Corp endorses bestiality, child porn, and many other things. (Hannah Montana and their twisted versions of fairy tales)

Are all these to blame for the woes in our society as well?
LOL, and you people accuse ME of "Drinking the Kool-Aid".

Alrighty, I've made my case. It's all here on this thread in black and white for anyone who wants to read it.

I'm obviously never going to convince you folks, so I'm going to stop trying, and move on to other threads.

But just know that disagreeing with me doesn't prove me wrong.
LOL, and you people accuse ME of "Drinking the Kool-Aid".

Alrighty, I've made my case. It's all here on this thread in black and white for anyone who wants to read it.

I'm obviously never going to convince you folks, so I'm going to stop trying, and move on to other threads.

But just know that disagreeing with me doesn't prove me wrong.
you ARE drinking the koolaid
LOL, and you people accuse ME of "Drinking the Kool-Aid".

Alrighty, I've made my case. It's all here on this thread in black and white for anyone who wants to read it.

I'm obviously never going to convince you folks, so I'm going to stop trying, and move on to other threads.

But just know that disagreeing with me doesn't prove me wrong.
you ARE drinking the koolaid

At this point, I'd say they are snorting it.

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