Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

That daily show video is nothing compared to Colbert's "Doom Bunker" episode :lol:

Oh and i REALLY want a video that does show how he incites violence....i've seen what is posted and the explainations but its just not convincing to me. I dont see how, even with the explainations given, an average person would turn violent after watching Glenn Beck's entertainment/news program.
56 Pages of Bullshit and not one supportable link. You sissy boys are a riot. Girlie Men who secretly crush on Beck.

YouTube - Last Man Standing ( Walken )

Never Trust a Lib. Never Turn Your Back.

The stinking neo con christan fascists are being crushed. Watching them bleed out is entertaining as they blame everyone but themselves for the conditions they and they alone created since they highjacked the republican party. They have finally found the enemy and to thier phony suprise it is themselves.

They have found the death panels and lo and behold it is the "beurocrats" that work full time for the insurance corporations to deny and delay coverage hoping the "insured" will die before payment for services.

They have found the poison and it is the McDonalds happy meals that have bloated thier pasty white oversized frames and filled out the fat faces evident at the town hall meetings.

They deny the attempted health regulations and single payer healthcare that might save them from the diabetes and heart attacks that a huge number of them will be knocked out of the human race from.

They have looked hard at our countries condition through the lens of Fox television and Clear Channel radio that produce Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. Don't tell them that many of the board members dictating the talking points they cherish interlock with the biggest HMOs and the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about in a strangle hold to keep them suicidally fat and stupid.

Yes, they have found the threat to our republic and it is thier own willfull ignorance.
Nice sallybooboo impersonation!! :clap2:

Next time, try taking your Paxil 1/2 hour before posting.
Do you people ever pay attention?

No im not a fundamentalist Christian. I just think your demonizing of them is ridiculous. They arent evil people. They arent some demonic force trying to enslave mankind. They are merely people who want to have their voices count just like everyone else. They are people who want to be able to freely exercise their religion without government telling them what they can and cant do.

I know you want to hate these people, but thats your problem, not theirs.
Calm yourself Avatar, no need to be so dramatic.

I simply asked a question. No one is trying to demonize anyone, however, the scripture says "by their fruits ye shall know them."

Ok, so you're not a fundamentalist Christian. Are you Christian?

And BTW, who are "you people?"
There is sadness to this. It's not the character. What do you think it is?

[ame=]YouTube - Mad As Hell ...[/ame]
Were mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore :) Classic video.

Still waiting for one of these people who truly believes the talking point that beck incites violence to show me the video that actually would incite violence in the average american.

Anyone? Anyone?

I thought I found it but after spending 8 min watching it i found out that he Wasn't calling for any violence. Skip up to 6 min if you can't stand 8 min of beck.

[ame=]YouTube - The Traitorous Glenn Beck Thinks It's Ok For Him to Call for Violent Revolution, but That's It[/ame]
58 Pages. Not one credible claim. Where's the Beef?


[ame=]YouTube - Where's the Beef[/ame]
Hello. Back again.

Were mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore :) Classic video.

Still waiting for one of these people who truly believes the talking point that beck incites violence to show me the video that actually would incite violence in the average american.

Anyone? Anyone?

I thought I found it but after spending 8 min watching it i found out that he Wasn't calling for any violence. Skip up to 6 min if you can't stand 8 min of beck.

Yeah, sure, I'll lay it out for you in a logcial step-by-step progression.

First of all, who said anything about the "average American"? I was talking about the 1 percent of 1 percent of the most rabid of the Glenn Beck faithful.

Since he has about 2 million faithful viewers, that's still a whole lot of people.

Now let me explain my reasoning, in depth. I thought it would be obvious, but I guess it's not.

The average extreme viewer, whether on the left, right, or martian, hears what they want to hear from a broadcast, and then proceeds to disregard anything that contradicts what they want to hear.

There have been MANY studies done on this subject. If you want me to link one, I'm sure I can, but, more importantly, as regular posters on message boards, (where many of these folks come to roost) we all know this to be true.

So, in this particular instance, Beck exacerbates this effect by showing a long string of images and storylines clearly "tying" Mr Obama and the Democrats to Hitler and the Nazis.

Now, Mr Beck, as an intelligent (if a bit insane) person, realizes that these images, by themselves, are clearly inflammatory, and, without some kind of denial immediately following, would get him in big trouble.

So, after each long inflammatory tirade, he denies his assertions in short statements. Tying it off with a call to make any demonstrations "peaceful".

Now. To the average person, they see the entire piece and say, "But Mr Obama isn't really trying to kill my grandmother" and "peaceful protests are every American's right, so maybe I should go to one". That is a logical and normal reaction.

But then we have the non-average extremist. There are those on the left-wing, certainly, but here we are referring to those on the right-wing.

This is the type of person who joined the local "militia", has 20 automatic weapons, piles of canned goods and a rocket launcher in his basement (loaded and ready to go) and looks forward to "the coming revolution". These people may be 1 in 10,000, but they are out there, and a great many of them watch extremist right-wing shows like Glenn Beck.

When this type of person watches a show like this one, they watch all the Nazi parts, and then when he gets to the part where he says "Obama's not going to kill your grandmother" they yell "yes he is!!!" at the screen. They imagine Beck's fingers crossed behind his back when beck says "peaceful protest". People like this see a "peaceful protest" as a good place to bring their gun and try to pick a fight.

Beck knows these people are out there. There are plenty of examples, like the Unibomber, Tim McVeigh, that guy who recently killed Tiller.

What happens if one of these people kills someone important? This may lead to reprisals by extremists on the other end of the spectrum setting off a tit for tat violence effect. And there are a LOT of angry people out there right now after all the partisanship of the past 8 years.

Worst case scenario: an escalating series of violent events.

What I am suggesting in this thread, is that Mr Beck may want to tone down his rhetoric to avoid inflaming some of the crazier elements in our society.

I am also suggesting that people send him a message to do so, by contacting his advertisers, since he has been escalating his rhetoric non-stop for some time now, with no sign of stopping.

What I am not suggesting is that the government interfere with Mr Beck's free-speech rights.

I hope this helps. :cool:
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58 Pages. Not one credible claim. Where's the Beef?

Perhaps not "credible" to you or your fellow right-wing friends, who are fans Beck, but quite credible to many others.

This board is filled with extremists from both ends of the spectrum. Many of whom see Beck as a hero of sorts, and would not think ill of him.

You are most probably one of these.
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And, the piece itself has been linked multiple times, there is no need for further links, unless you have the attention span of a gnat, and need to have things handed to you in small sound bites...
Were mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore :) Classic video.

Still waiting for one of these people who truly believes the talking point that beck incites violence to show me the video that actually would incite violence in the average american.

Anyone? Anyone?

I thought I found it but after spending 8 min watching it i found out that he Wasn't calling for any violence. Skip up to 6 min if you can't stand 8 min of beck.

Do you deny that Beck spent much of the program making direct comparisons between Obama and Hitler, in an attempt to show that a Public Health plan is very much like Nazi Eugenics?

Oh, and that clip is quite interesting.

He shows a book of Propaganda from some crazy communist group in France, and attempts to link it to American liberals.

Then, ignoring all the crazy right-wing propaganda out there, he brings up a book calling for peaceful revolution as a prime example of what right-wing extremists write.

Me, I know that there are violent "random nutjobs" (as he says) on both sides. I'm sure he knows this too.

Creating this impression, in fact, makes right-wing extremists even more likely to take up arms and react violently to events, as they are afraid left-wing extremists will "act-first" and try to violently take over the world.

Again, he takes about 5 seconds of his 8 minute tirade to deny that he is in fact calling for violence, and then goes right back to the inflammatory statements he was making.
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Were mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore :) Classic video.

Still waiting for one of these people who truly believes the talking point that beck incites violence to show me the video that actually would incite violence in the average american.

Anyone? Anyone?

I thought I found it but after spending 8 min watching it i found out that he Wasn't calling for any violence. Skip up to 6 min if you can't stand 8 min of beck.

Do you deny that Beck spent much of the program making direct comparisons between Obama and Hitler, in an attempt to show that a Public Health plan is very much like Nazi Eugenics?

show me the link, i'll watch the video, then tell you if i deny it or not. I'm not a regular beck watcher and i dont trust all of the party line talking point places you seem to quote across various threads. Just show me the link and i'll watch and tell you what i think.
Hello. Back again.

Were mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore :) Classic video.

Still waiting for one of these people who truly believes the talking point that beck incites violence to show me the video that actually would incite violence in the average american.

Anyone? Anyone?

I thought I found it but after spending 8 min watching it i found out that he Wasn't calling for any violence. Skip up to 6 min if you can't stand 8 min of beck.

Yeah, sure, I'll lay it out for you in a logcial step-by-step progression.

First of all, who said anything about the "average American"? I was talking about the 1 percent of 1 percent of the most rabid of the Glenn Beck faithful.
Since he has about 2 million faithful viewers, that's still a whole lot of people.

Now let me explain my reasoning, in depth. I thought it would be obvious, but I guess it's not.

The average extreme viewer, whether on the left, right, or martian, hears what they want to hear from a broadcast, and then proceeds to disregard anything that contradicts what they want to hear.

There have been MANY studies done on this subject. If you want me to link one, I'm sure I can, but, more importantly, as regular posters on message boards, (where many of these folks come to roost) we all know this to be true.

So, in this particular instance, Beck exacerbates this effect by showing a long string of images and storylines clearly "tying" Mr Obama and the Democrats to Hitler and the Nazis.

Now, Mr Beck, as an intelligent (if a bit insane) person, realizes that these images, by themselves, are clearly inflammatory, and, without some kind of denial immediately following, would get him in big trouble.

So, after each long inflammatory tirade, he denies his assertions in short statements. Tying it off with a call to make any demonstrations "peaceful".

Now. To the average person, they see the entire piece and say, "But Mr Obama isn't really trying to kill my grandmother" and "peaceful protests are every American's right, so maybe I should go to one". That is a logical and normal reaction.

But then we have the non-average extremist. There are those on the left-wing, certainly, but here we are referring to those on the right-wing.

This is the type of person who joined the local "militia", has 20 automatic weapons, piles of canned goods and a rocket launcher in his basement (loaded and ready to go) and looks forward to "the coming revolution". These people may be 1 in 10,000, but they are out there, and a great many of them watch extremist right-wing shows like Glenn Beck.

When this type of person watches a show like this one, they watch all the Nazi parts, and then when he gets to the part where he says "Obama's not going to kill your grandmother" they yell "yes he is!!!" at the screen. They imagine Beck's fingers crossed behind his back when beck says "peaceful protest". People like this see a "peaceful protest" as a good place to bring their gun and try to pick a fight.

Beck knows these people are out there. There are plenty of examples, like the Unibomber, Tim McVeigh, that guy who recently killed Tiller.

What happens if one of these people kills someone important? This may lead to reprisals by extremists on the other end of the spectrum setting off a tit for tat violence effect. And there are a LOT of angry people out there right now after all the partisanship of the past 8 years.

Worst case scenario: an escalating series of violent events.

What I am suggesting in this thread, is that Mr Beck may want to tone down his rhetoric to avoid inflaming some of the crazier elements in our society.

I am also suggesting that people send him a message to do so, by contacting his advertisers, since he has been escalating his rhetoric non-stop for some time now, with no sign of stopping.

What I am not suggesting is that the government interfere with Mr Beck's free-speech rights.

I hope this helps. :cool:

hey ingore my earlier post...i didn't see this one...let me read it and i'll edit this post

EDIT: I understand your premise much better now.

We just disagree, i dont even think his 2 million viewers (that does seem like a lot), would get violent after watching anything i've seen myself or been shown by others. Even his rabid fans, in my opinion, are not going to go out and get violent after watching anything i've seen.

You made an earlier post about the video being linked multiple times, i hate to be a douche but can you just link it one more just may get me to STFU for you :lol: or i'll can be lazy and just keep pressing anyone to post/prove it.
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I hope this helps. :cool:

hey ingore my earlier post...i didn't see this one...let me read it and i'll edit this post

EDIT: I understand your premise much better now.

We just disagree, i dont even think his 2 million viewers (that does seem like a lot), would get violent after watching anything i've seen myself or been shown by others. Even his rabid fans, in my opinion, are not going to go out and get violent after watching anything i've seen.

You made an earlier post about the video being linked multiple times, i hate to be a douche but can you just link it one more just may get me to STFU for you :lol: or i'll can be lazy and just keep pressing anyone to post/prove it.

Sure, here you go:

The One Thing: 8/11 -

Strangely enough, I don't watch him all that often, and this is not even the worst of some of what he says, apparently...

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