Glenn Beck: My DC rally will ‘reclaim the civil rights movement’

Retards...(according to palin, that word cant be said...but the N word is something that is being repressed and is taking away rights of a certain Dr.)

You seem to be the only one complaining about it.

The N word not being able to be said? Dr. Laura quit her job because she said she is being stiffled by not being able to say it.

You really are one said little puppy.

You need one of those lil Truth"masher" avatars. The one with the stupid lil pup looking longing at its master saying "was I good lil pup.... did I do your bidding?"
No, saying things like "I think the President has a serious dislike for white people" then claiming "you aren't saying he's racist" and beating on things like the black panthers at the Philly polling place like a dead horse and claiming Obama and the Administration are looking to protect black people when it was the Bush admin that chose not to prosecute, etc is what makes him a race baiting asshole.

Any more dumb questions?

Yeah. Do you really believe that bullcrapy?

What bull crap? What I said was factually correct. He said those things, beat on that horse, and it was the Bush admin that didn't prosecute the black pantthers and not the Obama admin.
glennbeck is a race baiting fucktard.


The Black Panther case - Washington Times

"In a Chicago-style political move, Mr. Obama decided to give a free pass to his political allies who had broken the law on Election Day 2008. "
Yeah. Do you really believe that bullcrapy?

What bull crap? What I said was factually correct. He said those things, beat on that horse, and it was the Bush admin that didn't prosecute the black pantthers and not the Obama admin.
glennbeck is a race baiting fucktard.


The Black Panther case - Washington Times

"In a Chicago-style political move, Mr. Obama decided to give a free pass to his political allies who had broken the law on Election Day 2008. "

Bullshit, yourself.

Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect

The case was downgraded to a civil matter a couple of weeks before Obama took office and month before Eric Holder took his post.
What bull crap? What I said was factually correct. He said those things, beat on that horse, and it was the Bush admin that didn't prosecute the black pantthers and not the Obama admin.
glennbeck is a race baiting fucktard.


The Black Panther case - Washington Times

"In a Chicago-style political move, Mr. Obama decided to give a free pass to his political allies who had broken the law on Election Day 2008. "

Bullshit, yourself.

Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect

The case was downgraded to a civil matter a couple of weeks before Obama took office and month before Eric Holder took his post.

Oh really???

The Black Panther case - Washington Times

"Some administration officials claim the case was dropped for reasons similar to those that led to the department's retreat in the public corruption case against former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, a Republican.

Unfortunately, this assertion ignores the differences between the cases. The prosecutors in the case against Mr. Stevens were reprimanded on numerous occasions for prosecutorial misconduct. No such allegations were ever made against the attorneys handling the New Black Panther Party claims. To the contrary, there is clear evidence -- including video -- documenting the behavior of the defendants on Election Day.

If Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. truly believes the Justice Department had legitimate reasons to dismiss the case against the New Black Panther Party, why not make those reasons public? Without an explanation, the only logical conclusion is that this was political payback to a group that helped elect Mr. Obama even though its help crossed legal lines."

The Black Panther case - Washington Times

"In a Chicago-style political move, Mr. Obama decided to give a free pass to his political allies who had broken the law on Election Day 2008. "

Bullshit, yourself.

Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect

The case was downgraded to a civil matter a couple of weeks before Obama took office and month before Eric Holder took his post.

Oh really???

The Black Panther case - Washington Times

"Some administration officials claim the case was dropped for reasons similar to those that led to the department's retreat in the public corruption case against former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, a Republican.

Unfortunately, this assertion ignores the differences between the cases. The prosecutors in the case against Mr. Stevens were reprimanded on numerous occasions for prosecutorial misconduct. No such allegations were ever made against the attorneys handling the New Black Panther Party claims. To the contrary, there is clear evidence -- including video -- documenting the behavior of the defendants on Election Day.

If Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. truly believes the Justice Department had legitimate reasons to dismiss the case against the New Black Panther Party, why not make those reasons public? Without an explanation, the only logical conclusion is that this was political payback to a group that helped elect Mr. Obama even though its help crossed legal lines."


What I am saying is that it was dropped from a criminal case to a civil case under the Bush Admin and that, Infidel, is a fact.
It will be interesting to see all the hate come out from the protesters...I'm sure they will have their signs. They won't be able to mix in with the Beck crowd because the Beckers won't have signs...this should be good. I'm sure there will be aerial photos to give an unquestionable assertion as to the size of the crowd. I figure there will be some lame ass attempt at stirring up a racial attack by a Beck supporter within the first hour. I certainly hope that the Beck haters don't lose control and actually hurt someone. I can't wait for the footage to roll of all the angry leftards. I wish I could be there...just to see the contrast. It should be very interesting.
It will be interesting to see all the hate come out from the protesters...I'm sure they will have their signs. They won't be able to mix in with the Beck crowd because the Beckers won't have signs...this should be good. I'm sure there will be aerial photos to give an unquestionable assertion as to the size of the crowd. I figure there will be some lame ass attempt at stirring up a racial attack by a Beck supporter within the first hour. I certainly hope that the Beck haters don't lose control and actually hurt someone. I can't wait for the footage to roll of all the angry leftards. I wish I could be there...just to see the contrast. It should be very interesting.

Me too
Bullshit, yourself.

Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect

The case was downgraded to a civil matter a couple of weeks before Obama took office and month before Eric Holder took his post.

Oh really???

The Black Panther case - Washington Times

"Some administration officials claim the case was dropped for reasons similar to those that led to the department's retreat in the public corruption case against former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, a Republican.

Unfortunately, this assertion ignores the differences between the cases. The prosecutors in the case against Mr. Stevens were reprimanded on numerous occasions for prosecutorial misconduct. No such allegations were ever made against the attorneys handling the New Black Panther Party claims. To the contrary, there is clear evidence -- including video -- documenting the behavior of the defendants on Election Day.

If Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. truly believes the Justice Department had legitimate reasons to dismiss the case against the New Black Panther Party, why not make those reasons public? Without an explanation, the only logical conclusion is that this was political payback to a group that helped elect Mr. Obama even though its help crossed legal lines."


What I am saying is that it was dropped from a criminal case to a civil case under the Bush Admin and that, Infidel, is a fact.

OK... a truce then.

I think you know what I am getting at.

It was dropped and should'nt have been. That is a fact.
oh look....the senior citizen college student a15 finally won a point

The whole thing makes me ill. If MLK were alive today you can bet your booty he would be up on Mr. Beck's chalkboard nightly.
If Beck is attempting to emulate MLK and revive the civil rights movement, when can we expect him to move to socialism?
The whole thing makes me ill. If MLK were alive today you can bet your booty he would be up on Mr. Beck's chalkboard nightly.

Which proves nothing more than you are actually dumb. Congrats on that. Beck wouldn't hesitate to slap MLKs picture on the chalkboard if he had reason to put him there. Your problem, you speak before you think. It's best to flip that.
Beck's not a dumb guy?

Right......he just keeps spewing out bullshit information that he crafts into fear mongering.

I'd consider that to be stupid as well as dumb.

Don't get me wrong: I don't like the guy, mainly because I think his FoxNews facade spouts some things that are cancerous to political debate.

You don't even have to look any further than this board to see the connection between the script on his show and the regurgitated posts:

Obama as Lenin, correlation constantly conflated as causation, socialist symbols in everything as a subversive plot to take over America, obsessive reverence for anything and everything the founding fathers did and said as if they were all unanimous.

But I'm sure he makes some interesting and intelligent points, too. I don't watch enough to know enough.

Still, you don't make millions by being mentally deficient and unaware of your surroundings. He's not riding the short bus; he's driving it.[/QUOTE]

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It is hard to reclaim the civil rights movement, when only white people show up. Just sayin!
It is hard to reclaim the civil rights movement, when only white people show up. Just sayin!

I did not know you were blessed with the gift of seeing into the future. What does mine hold?

So the over whelming majority at every other Tea Party event wasn't white?
How about RNC? Do they have a lot of minorities who are members?

One thing I do know for sure, if there is a black person there, they will take a picture of them. And of course will say, " See, we do have black people involved in our movement."
It will be interesting to see all the hate come out from the protesters...I'm sure they will have their signs. They won't be able to mix in with the Beck crowd because the Beckers won't have signs...this should be good. I'm sure there will be aerial photos to give an unquestionable assertion as to the size of the crowd. I figure there will be some lame ass attempt at stirring up a racial attack by a Beck supporter within the first hour. I certainly hope that the Beck haters don't lose control and actually hurt someone. I can't wait for the footage to roll of all the angry leftards. I wish I could be there...just to see the contrast. It should be very interesting.

There is a Professor at a US University who is an expert in estimating crowd numbers. I've already been in touch with him to ask if he'll be looking at it. He says he will be. However, he will not (for political reasons) not give an official expert estimate. What I find most interesting is his reason for not going public with a figure. Hmmmmm.
It is hard to reclaim the civil rights movement, when only white people show up. Just sayin!

I did not know you were blessed with the gift of seeing into the future. What does mine hold?

So the over whelming majority at every other Tea Party event wasn't white?
How about RNC? Do they have a lot of minorities who are members?

One thing I do know for sure, if there is a black person there, they will take a picture of them. And of course will say, " See, we do have black people involved in our movement."
MLK Jr niece, Alveda King, will be a featured speaker
It is hard to reclaim the civil rights movement, when only white people show up. Just sayin!

I did not know you were blessed with the gift of seeing into the future. What does mine hold?

So the over whelming majority at every other Tea Party event wasn't white?
How about RNC? Do they have a lot of minorities who are members?

One thing I do know for sure, if there is a black person there, they will take a picture of them. And of course will say, " See, we do have black people involved in our movement."

Yea, like the left showed up at TEA Parties with racist signs so they could 'prove' that the movement is racist.

People vote for the party that panders to their interests. With Democrats, that's minorities. It makes sense that they will attract more minorities. Its that 'herd' mentality. That does not make the Tea Parties racist.

And..... as I have said previously..... the Tea Parties that my parents attended, in California, had - according to my dad (who I tend to believe since he's as honest as the day is long) - lots of minorities in attendence.... In fact, they car pooled with some friends... Hispanic friends to be precise. My cousin and her husband went to a Tea Party - he's black and Muslim! Damn! We must be a bunch of racists in my family!
It will be interesting to see all the hate come out from the protesters...I'm sure they will have their signs. They won't be able to mix in with the Beck crowd because the Beckers won't have signs...this should be good. I'm sure there will be aerial photos to give an unquestionable assertion as to the size of the crowd. I figure there will be some lame ass attempt at stirring up a racial attack by a Beck supporter within the first hour. I certainly hope that the Beck haters don't lose control and actually hurt someone. I can't wait for the footage to roll of all the angry leftards. I wish I could be there...just to see the contrast. It should be very interesting.

There is a Professor at a US University who is an expert in estimating crowd numbers. I've already been in touch with him to ask if he'll be looking at it. He says he will be. However, he will not (for political reasons) not give an official expert estimate. What I find most interesting is his reason for not going public with a figure. Hmmmmm.
oooooooooooooooooo! Is this one of your secret sources? I have a friend that is a statistician, I'll ask her to estimate the crowd and then not give an official estimate for political reasons. :lol:

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