Global Stains: Political Deadheads


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
We go to the dry-cleaner to have our worst stains moved from our clothing professionally.

A stain is an undesirable marking on clothing left behind by some food residue or maybe mud or perhaps even a nosebleed.

When we see stains on clothing, we think of either poor hygiene and self-presentation and/or clumsiness and disorganization.

Stains can happen by accident of course and also signify a kind of 'vanity tragedy' (as in an accidental wine stain on a wedding-down).

Stains are 'metaphysical markings' of filth and fury out-of-place or a sort of 'perceptual chaos' which highlight our social focus on the 'norms' of self-presentation, etiquette, or prestige. If a person makes an intentional stain or intentional ugly marking on clothing or paper or on a building, such a stain may be a comedic/artistic expression or statement meant to highlight humanity's special focus on organization and presentation-etiquette (e.g., graffiti on the side of an institutional building, invisible ink message on paper for a prank, etc.).

When we go to a public restroom at a music concert or fast-food restaurant or shopping mall or airport, we expect to see great cleanliness and hygienic safety/sanity, and when we see terrible stains instead, we feel like we're part of a civilization that is neglecting social norms regarding proper/prestigious presentation appearances and marketing diligence.

For our modern age of commerce and consumerism-values (if there is such a thing), we rely on streamlining of all production and distribution of convenience-goods at convenience stores and despise unchecked tampering and improper cleaning of standard 'shelf-items.' We don't want any 'stains' on our souls as we sift through the modern 'shopping experience' at Wal-Mart or see undesirable 'slander/slang' on Internet forums meant for widespread 'marketing.'

So how will U.S. President Donald Trump negotiate the 'ethos' of commerce/consumerism in this new age and deal with the 'human stains' of piracy, profiteers, and power (e.g., Wall Street scandals, narcotics rings in Third World nations, North Korean nuclear affronts)?

How will such a 'modern concern' affect our 'patriotism storytelling'?


Trump was in South Korea negotiating with the democratic trading-partner about the success of Samsung consumer-electronics and what such successes would mean for peaceful relations with neighboring North Korea, engaging in various forms of dangerous nuclear-weapons tests. Trump met with South Korean leaders as well as industrialists and discussed how commerce and traffic (and tourism too) could be 'accented' to improve relations in the area and obviously with neighboring troubled North Korea. Trump was introduced to a South Korean 'political imagineer' named Kyung who was in charge of 'designing' ways to improve relations with North Korea purely through trade.

Kyung and Trump talked for a long time, and the Korean imagineer respected the U.S. President's views on Wall Street, NATO, and the European Union. Kyung recommended that the U.S. government devise ways to use trade-treaties to appease North Korea's insistence on proliferating nuclear weapons and conducting nuclear tests. Trump suggested to Kyung that South Korea should consider boycotting all commercial relations with North Korea and side with the USA until North Korea's nuclear test crisis subsided. Kyung told Trump that North Korea's 'anti-globalization' nuclear tests had become a 'stain' on the modern world.

Trump returned to America and started calling leaders from around the world and especially his allies at the European Union. Trump decided to curb trade between the USA and North Korea until the latter became more responsive to trade-treaty talks designed to subvert instincts to proliferate nuclear weapons. Trump believed that commerce should prevail over paranoia and territorialism in this modern age of globalization! Trump then called his friends again in South Korea and was surprised to discover that his 'buddy' Kyung (the clever political imagineer) had disappeared. No one knew where Kyung went, but the Korean left a note for Trump.

"It was my pleasure to meet and negotiate with Donald Trump, a shrewd businessman and a surprisingly savvy social consultant/politician. I'm glad I told President Trump about my feelings regarding North Korea's nuclear affronts and how they created a 'moral stain' on modernization and geo-political discussions. It is my intention to withdraw from politics and social consultancy work altogether, but I leave the U.S. President a memento --- a classy polo-shirt with a terrible butternut-squash soup stain on it. Maybe Trump will receive this shirt as a symbolic 'gift' meant to convey my passion for appropriate 'removal of all terrorism stains' during globalization negotiations. I also hope that my resignation from public life does not make Trump think I was some kind of 'whistle-blowing ghost'!"



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