Global Warming. Here's the thing.

So you believe them without knowing why they say that?

Is a crater that you can see with your own eyes over your head?

I can't see the bottom of the ocean. But it has been mapped. And I have seen the topographical contours of the sea floor. Do you think that just because I didn't do it myself it should be ignored?
Global warming has gone beyond a weather related theory. It is a genuine religion where true believers have to rely on faith rather than what your senses tell you. The 1st of September in the western part of Va. is usually a portent to the Fall season and it didn't disappoint today. A dramatic temperature drop into the 70's. What I'm trying to say is that everything looks normal.

If you were a christian, I would have to ask you if you have personally seen jesus. Or at least a real video of him on TV. But I have seen as much when it comes to the melting glacier on Greenland and massive ice sheets breaking off of of the Antarctic. That alone makes it much more than a religion, wouldn't you say? Also, about four years ago or so scientists reported that the entire ice sheet on Greenland was experiencing melting. It was the first time they had even seen that happen.
Test of logic: Assume that "human factors" are a major accelerant of naturally-occurring climate change. It does not matter whether it is true or not.

The assumption begs the question, What now?

There are a number of things that humanity can do to reduce its "carbon footprint," but they are all "on the margins." Nothing feasible will significantly reduce global CO2 production from transportation, heating & cooling, agriculture, and universal electrical usage. And keep in mind, the developing world and the third world (more than half the world's population) don't give a damn about their greenhouse gas emissions - nor should they. They are seeking modernity and no one can tell them they shouldn't. Both the Chinese and the Indians are building new coal-fired power plants as we sit here mentally-masturbating on this issue.

If every single nation who participated in the Paris Climate meetings a few years ago met every one of their commitments, the impact on global temperatures a hundred years out would be less than one degree Celsius.

With that in mind, what can you possibly say to someone who thinks that if s/he turns the thermostat a few degrees it will have an impact? One might as well try to empty out the Pacific Ocean with a glass tumbler.

The refusal of the international Left to embrace nuclear power proves the lie of the Climate Change Narrative. They don't give a Flying Fuck(!) about the climate; what they want is control of the world economy, especially private industry.

The climate is changing and there is NOTHING we can do about it - at least nothing that will have a measurable impact within the lifetime of any living person. But we can devise engineering solutions to what is coming. Seawater desal. Sea walls. Move vulnerable populations. Prepare better for floods and droughts. Make better use of natural heating and cooling. Improve fuel efficiencies. Build new nuke plants.

And all of this can be done creatively using market government coercion needed.

It doesn't matter what is causing climate change. We can't impact it significantly no matter what we do. We need to focus on engineering solutions to what we know is coming. Anything else is foolishness.
Really? What results have you seen? Use your own words. I don't need a link. I need to hear you put it into your own words so I know you understand what you are talking about. Can you do that?

You want personal evidence? You would be better off going by measurements made by scientists. Though I will say this, where I live, last summer of 2020, we had temperatures for about a week and a half in the 90's. I've never known that to have happened before. The worst stretch of temperatures in the 90's before then only lasted three days in a row.
Nonsense blah blah blah. Also, when most of the life on the planet starts going extinct in about 20 years, you will think it matters than. And if you are planning to live past 2050, you will definitely think it matters then. Because you'll be dead.
You think life is going to start going extinct in 20 years? Are you serious? How much warmer do you think it's going to be in 20 years?
You want personal evidence? You would be better off going by measurements made by scientists. Though I will say this, where I live, last summer of 2020, we had temperatures for about a week and a half in the 90's. I've never known that to have happened before. The worst stretch of temperatures in the 90's before then only lasted three days in a row.
No. I want to know what you know. Because it doesn't seem like you know anything.

Wow... you had temperatures for about a week and a half in the 90's. I can see why you are panicking.
None that would satisfy a denier cultist such as yourself.
I'll take anything from you at this point. Do you have one thing you can tell me besides for about a week and a half the temperatures were in the 90's?

I mean hold the presses. It was in the 90's for about a week and half. Holy shit, why wasn't that the lead story on all the news channels, right?
where I live, last summer of 2020, we had temperatures for about a week and a half in the 90's. I've never known that to have happened before.

Well, that's enough proof that we need to waste...err...invest trillions in windmills.

Should we double or triple our electricity cost in the US? More than triple?
Recently ice sheets have been thinning and disappearing. Where they have disappeared, the earth absorbs sunlight instead of reflecting it back into space. That increases the rate of global warming. I watched a show a while ago taking about Inuit peoples to the north of Canada needing to get their whole villages moved. Because ice has disappeared from their shores. Leaving their villages exposed to the wrath of the sea.
That's what happens during interglacial cycles. It's been warming for over 20,000 years.
Yes, it is important to understand past climates. To get a good understanding of just how seriously we are quickly destroying our planet. I found a little something about what may be the worst extinction event in world history. You should find it interesting.

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So how long do you think we have before the planet is destroyed?
Test of logic: Assume that "human factors" are a major accelerant of naturally-occurring climate change. It does not matter whether it is true or not.

The assumption begs the question, What now?

There are a number of things that humanity can do to reduce its "carbon footprint," but they are all "on the margins." Nothing feasible will significantly reduce global CO2 production from transportation, heating & cooling, agriculture, and universal electrical usage. And keep in mind, the developing world and the third world (more than half the world's population) don't give a damn about their greenhouse gas emissions - nor should they. They are seeking modernity and no one can tell them they shouldn't. Both the Chinese and the Indians are building new coal-fired power plants as we sit here mentally-masturbating on this issue.

If every single nation who participated in the Paris Climate meetings a few years ago met every one of their commitments, the impact on global temperatures a hundred years out would be less than one degree Celsius.

With that in mind, what can you possibly say to someone who thinks that if s/he turns the thermostat a few degrees it will have an impact? One might as well try to empty out the Pacific Ocean with a glass tumbler.

The refusal of the international Left to embrace nuclear power proves the lie of the Climate Change Narrative. They don't give a Flying Fuck(!) about the climate; what they want is control of the world economy, especially private industry.

The climate is changing and there is NOTHING we can do about it - at least nothing that will have a measurable impact within the lifetime of any living person. But we can devise engineering solutions to what is coming. Seawater desal. Sea walls. Move vulnerable populations. Prepare better for floods and droughts. Make better use of natural heating and cooling. Improve fuel efficiencies. Build new nuke plants.

And all of this can be done creatively using market government coercion needed.

It doesn't matter what is causing climate change. We can't impact it significantly no matter what we do. We need to focus on engineering solutions to what we know is coming. Anything else is foolishness.

There is something that can be done about it. Just think of what you would find to be unacceptable. That is the solution.
You think life is going to start going extinct in 20 years? Are you serious? How much warmer do you think it's going to be in 20 years?

I posted a number of graphs in post #23. Just look at any of them and think of them doing what they are doing at an ever accelerating rate. Life won't have any time to adjust. Even today there are many species that go extinct each year. That too no doubt is accelerating.
I posted a number of graphs in post #23. Just look at any of them and think of them doing what they are doing at an ever accelerating rate. Life won't have any time to adjust. Even today there are many species that go extinct each year. That too no doubt is accelerating.
I saw those. They showed about a 1 degree increase in temperature over a 240 year period.

So how much hotter do you think it will be in 20 years?
I'll take anything from you at this point. Do you have one thing you can tell me besides for about a week and a half the temperatures were in the 90's?

I mean hold the presses. It was in the 90's for about a week and half. Holy shit, why wasn't that the lead story on all the news channels, right?

Well back in post #23 is showed a bunch of graphs. Look at them and deny away some more. Also, methane is around 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. I will show that graph again here. Just for you. Surprisingly, despite all the methane that escapes from melting tundra or methane hydrate ice melting in shallow seas, around 60% of what is shown is directly from the activities of humans.


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