‘Go Back to Your Own Country’: Ann Coulter Trashes South Carolina-Born Nikki Haley

Jul 26, 2010
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter said Nikki Haley should “go back to your own country” after the former South Carolina governor announced her 2024 presidential candidacy on Wednesday.

The South Carolina-born Haley, who also served as former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, is challenging her ex-boss for the Republican nomination.

Appearing on Mark Simone’s show on WOR radio Wednesday, Coulter took issue with Haley removing the Confederate flag from the state capitol in 2015 after a White supremacist shot and killed nine people at a historically Black church in Charleston.

Coulter called her a “preposterous creature” and wondered why cows are considered sacred in India, where Haley’s parents emigrated from:

She’s an absolutely ridiculous character and the only people who say they support her are people who probably, genuinely are sexist. And, “Oh I support the girl. Good for you. You like girls!”
No, she’s utterly, completely, preposterously ridiculous. I don’t think she will get more than 2% of the vote. And you know how I hate making predictions about things like that, but she’s just a preposterous creature.
But her candidacy did remind me that I need to immigrate to India so I can demand they start taking down parts of their history. What’s with the worshipping of the cows? They’re all starving over there and they’re worshipping cows? Do you know they have a rat temple where they worship? Rats? Hey babycakes, why don’t you go back to your own country and reconsider that history?
Coulter added, “This is my country, lady. I’m not an American Indian, and I don’t like them taking down all the monuments.”

She then riffed on “American Indians” (as opposed to Americans who emigrated from India) and said football teams were named after them “out of admiration.”

Coulter concluded by saying Haley is weak on the issue of immigration and that her own state will not vote for her.

See folks Trump has told them it is ok to be openly racist again.

Now Haley has been a Trump Humper and now a Trump Humper is attacking her.

See it doesn't pay to be a boot licker, this is what happens.
As usual i was the 1st to report it HOURS EARLIER

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter said Nikki Haley should “go back to your own country” after the former South Carolina governor announced her 2024 presidential candidacy on Wednesday.

The South Carolina-born Haley, who also served as former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, is challenging her ex-boss for the Republican nomination.

Appearing on Mark Simone’s show on WOR radio Wednesday, Coulter took issue with Haley removing the Confederate flag from the state capitol in 2015 after a White supremacist shot and killed nine people at a historically Black church in Charleston.

Coulter called her a “preposterous creature” and wondered why cows are considered sacred in India, where Haley’s parents emigrated from:

Coulter added, “This is my country, lady. I’m not an American Indian, and I don’t like them taking down all the monuments.”

She then riffed on “American Indians” (as opposed to Americans who emigrated from India) and said football teams were named after them “out of admiration.”

Coulter concluded by saying Haley is weak on the issue of immigration and that her own state will not vote for her.

See folks Trump has told them it is ok to be openly racist again.

Now Haley has been a Trump Humper and now a Trump Humper is attacking her.

See it doesn't pay to be a boot licker, this is what happens.
Coulter is mentally ill.
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter said Nikki Haley should “go back to your own country” after the former South Carolina governor announced her 2024 presidential candidacy on Wednesday.

Please don't identify Coulter as a 'Conservative'. Such a statement, and belief expressed, should not be condemned as either 'Left' or 'Right' but instead as just plain STUPID.
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter said Nikki Haley should “go back to your own country” after the former South Carolina governor announced her 2024 presidential candidacy on Wednesday.

The South Carolina-born Haley, who also served as former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, is challenging her ex-boss for the Republican nomination.

Appearing on Mark Simone’s show on WOR radio Wednesday, Coulter took issue with Haley removing the Confederate flag from the state capitol in 2015 after a White supremacist shot and killed nine people at a historically Black church in Charleston.

Coulter called her a “preposterous creature” and wondered why cows are considered sacred in India, where Haley’s parents emigrated from:

Coulter added, “This is my country, lady. I’m not an American Indian, and I don’t like them taking down all the monuments.”

She then riffed on “American Indians” (as opposed to Americans who emigrated from India) and said football teams were named after them “out of admiration.”

Coulter concluded by saying Haley is weak on the issue of immigration and that her own state will not vote for her.

See folks Trump has told them it is ok to be openly racist again.

Now Haley has been a Trump Humper and now a Trump Humper is attacking her.

See it doesn't pay to be a boot licker, this is what happens.
Well, is she wrong? India is fucking stupid for making cows sacred. These are foolish people whom shouldnt be taken seriously. I dont give two shits if its part of their culture. That just means that their culture sucks. :dunno:
Well, is she wrong? India is fucking stupid for making cows sacred. These are foolish people whom shouldnt be taken seriously. I dont give two shits if its part of their culture. That just means that their culture sucks. :dunno:
you should participate in MY Ann Coulter/Haley thread from hours ago, not this johnny come lately one

you should participate in MY Ann Coulter/Haley thread from hours ago, not this johnny come lately one

That would be racist. SupaBad probably spent hours tying to cut and paste and start a thread, with his 6 year old neighbor's help, so technically he was first on the story. Plus he called some white people racists.
Well, is she wrong? India is fucking stupid for making cows sacred.

Ummm...Haley is from - as in 'born in' - the United States.


Telling Haley to go back 'home' to India is as stupid and racist as telling self-identified 'African-Americans' to go back home to AFRICA despite the fact they were born in the US.
you should participate in MY Ann Coulter/Haley thread from hours ago, not this johnny come lately one

It is, at least, an 'opinion' that Haley is a 'Bimbo'...I don't know her personally...


...but saying she needs to go back 'home' to India is just racist stupidiy.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter said Nikki Haley should “go back to your own country” after the former South Carolina governor announced her 2024 presidential candidacy on Wednesday.

The South Carolina-born Haley, who also served as former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, is challenging her ex-boss for the Republican nomination.

Appearing on Mark Simone’s show on WOR radio Wednesday, Coulter took issue with Haley removing the Confederate flag from the state capitol in 2015 after a White supremacist shot and killed nine people at a historically Black church in Charleston.

Coulter called her a “preposterous creature” and wondered why cows are considered sacred in India, where Haley’s parents emigrated from:

Coulter added, “This is my country, lady. I’m not an American Indian, and I don’t like them taking down all the monuments.”

She then riffed on “American Indians” (as opposed to Americans who emigrated from India) and said football teams were named after them “out of admiration.”

Coulter concluded by saying Haley is weak on the issue of immigration and that her own state will not vote for her.

See folks Trump has told them it is ok to be openly racist again.

Now Haley has been a Trump Humper and now a Trump Humper is attacking her.

See it doesn't pay to be a boot licker, this is what happens.

Coulter hangs with the never-TRUMP crowd, and has become irrelevant. Lots of reasons to not support Haley but her parents being from India isn't one of them.
I can't believe I used to like her. Many times she's right, but she's always a madia whore. She's not a part of the Trump people
Ummm...Haley is from - as in 'born in' - the United States.


Telling Haley to go back 'home' to India is as stupid and racist as telling self-identified 'African-Americans' to go back home to AFRICA despite the fact they were born in the US.
I would tell anyone who shows contempt for this country AS FOUNDED to go back. Not a patriotic American who loves this country
Please don't identify Coulter as a 'Conservative'. Such a statement, and belief expressed, should not be condemned as either 'Left' or 'Right' but instead as just plain STUPID.
Why isn't she a conservative?

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