God is a Black Man,Africa is original garden of Eden.

This is one of the reasons He, God destroys the Earth periodically. Disrespectful White demonic comments
by you White troublemakers.Its bad enough that you white people are disrespecting God, by legitimizing
your "Homosexual" marriage.But to try to poke fun of this legitimate post, is highly blasphemous.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!

Oh, you're right! Jeez, I hope a lightning bolt doesn't shoot out of the sky to smite me!! Wait, or will God be more gangsta than that? Will he do a drive-by and shoot me with his holy A-K from the Pope-mobile?

Do you think Jesus could rap for the Deathrow Label since he was, in a way, on Deathrow but was actually executed? If Jesus was black, don't you think the holy sacrament should be fried chiken and grape koolaid instead of bread and wine?

White people aren't becoming the most hated race in the world, we already are! Haven't you seen what my ancestors have done for the last 600 years! We've killed everyone who wasn't white and Christian. We're so hated that I even know white people who really wish they were black.

Either way, it doesn't matter what color Jesus was. It just matters that he preached love, peace, equality, and kindness to others. Something those that worship him would do well to heed.

And I'm sure God knows I'm joking and is maybe even laughing. Its just the religious stiffs, like you, who have a problem with humor.

No, problem with humor,I do see your point though. Maybe I come off a bit to serious or uptight,it just that living in a country were white men pay themselves millions in bonuses,
while the country is going through a major economic downturn, with public taxpayer money, makes me very angry, and apathetic.
I have reason to believe that God is a Black man, and the Africa is the original Garden of Eden. No other continent has such a wide variety of Animals, and so much archeological information, identifying Black people as the first humans to walk the Earth and to form
civilized societies. The Bible does saw that he made man from the soil of the Earth, which in many parts of Africa is Black , to a redish brown color. The garden of Eden was not in
what is now Iraq, but on the African continent, were the first humans walked the Earth.

thanks Professor.

So your contention is that man is made out of african soil, and eve is made from Adams rib?


Next thing you'll be telling me is that some dude named Jonah lived inside a fish!

Dude, Does God really have a gender? A sex organ? That's some freaky shit right there :eek:
No, problem with humor,I do see your point though. Maybe I come off a bit to serious or uptight,it just that living in a country were white men pay themselves millions in bonuses,
while the country is going through a major economic downturn, with public taxpayer money, makes me very angry, and apathetic.

Yeah, I understand. I live in a country where Christians restrict the rights of nonbelievers by legislating their religious beliefs, even though we've already gone through the civil rights movement.

If you're not white, then, why are you conservative? That's like voting against yourself.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!
Then why do white people have to build walls around there countrys to try to keep the people of color out?
52nd your on the right track! That's why it's very important to know the truth. Blacks should never except any religion..not christianity, islam, buddism etc. The jesus figure is a very old motif, and has been in many cultures throughout many time periods. One thing all jesus figures have in common is the birthdate ..dec 25..virgin birth..holyghost..12 deciples..death..resurrection. Now why ? It's all astrological. They actually plagerized most of our ancient african knowledge and twisted it. The first known deity or figure in known history to have these attributes was ..horus aka king of kings, lamb of god, good shepard..all these concepts are from african tradition...baptism...holly ghost..afterlife. In fact the ten commandments of the bible are outright stolen from Egyptians ( really kemet) the book of the dead. Christianity is responsible for enlightening events such as ...the crusades, witch trails, inquisition, dark ages, ...its the fraud of all time. Even the cross they bear is a pagan adaptation of the cross of the zodiac. Why are blacks doing so bad. Truth be told...its because we shared knowledge with the self destructive white race and other races. Now after they have killed off most elders with the true knowledge, and seperated us from our own, they replaced our true spiritualism with that bullcrapt christianity...which they dont even practice themselves...its just a diversion to keep us from our true source of power....Anyone wanna dispute or rebuke my truth...come bring it!
Was Jesus black? And if he was, then his you-know-what would've been apparent when he was hanging from the cross with only a loin cloth to hide his no-no spot. Maybe that's why hs is depicted as white man in churches - so as to not tempt women with his huge holy schlong.

YouTube - 5 South Park Songs from Christian Rock Hard (great quality)

Jesus was a fucking Arab and probably looked more like Saddam Hussein than the blue eyed anglo so often depicted.

An Arab?? What planet do you live on?

He was a Jew. Or is that too hard to say??
This is one of the reasons He, God destroys the Earth periodically. Disrespectful White demonic comments
by you White troublemakers.Its bad enough that you white people are disrespecting God, by legitimizing
your "Homosexual" marriage.But to try to poke fun of this legitimate post, is highly blasphemous.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!

Oh yeah, we bad!

Cruelty to trolls...God won't like that, man.

And just to prove to us that he's the all loving god he's going to rain down fire and brimstone on us.

Sorta like we bomb other nations into democracy, I suppose.
This is one of the reasons He, God destroys the Earth periodically. Disrespectful White demonic comments
by you White troublemakers.Its bad enough that you white people are disrespecting God, by legitimizing
your "Homosexual" marriage.But to try to poke fun of this legitimate post, is highly blasphemous.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!
Three snaps in Z for mation for da black god!

I have reason to believe that God is a Black man, and the Africa is the original Garden of Eden. No other continent has such a wide variety of Animals, and so much archeological information, identifying Black people as the first humans to walk the Earth and to form
civilized societies. The Bible does saw that he made man from the soil of the Earth, which in many parts of Africa is Black , to a redish brown color. The garden of Eden was not in
what is now Iraq, but on the African continent, were the first humans walked the Earth.

Actually Eden is suspected of having been EAST of Iraq. Last I checked that area is NOT full of blacks at all.
Was Jesus black? And if he was, then his you-know-what would've been apparent when he was hanging from the cross with only a loin cloth to hide his no-no spot. Maybe that's why hs is depicted as white man in churches - so as to not tempt women with his huge holy schlong.

YouTube - 5 South Park Songs from Christian Rock Hard (great quality)

Jesus was a fucking Arab and probably looked more like Saddam Hussein than the blue eyed anglo so often depicted.

An Arab?? What planet do you live on?

He was a Jew. Or is that too hard to say??

Puhlease. Jesus was from what we now call the middle east no, The Arabian Peninsula? And Jewish is not a nationality or an ethnic designation but rather a religious sect. That would be like using Muslim to designate country of origin.
No, problem with humor,I do see your point though. Maybe I come off a bit to serious or uptight,it just that living in a country were white men pay themselves millions in bonuses,
while the country is going through a major economic downturn, with public taxpayer money, makes me very angry, and apathetic.

Yeah, I understand. I live in a country where Christians restrict the rights of nonbelievers by legislating their religious beliefs, even though we've already gone through the civil rights movement.

If you're not white, then, why are you conservative? That's like voting against yourself.

You are a brain dead liar.
Arabs and the original Jews (and lot are Kuzars, I'm informed) were both Semites were they not?
This is one of the reasons He, God destroys the Earth periodically. Disrespectful White demonic comments
by you White troublemakers.Its bad enough that you white people are disrespecting God, by legitimizing
your "Homosexual" marriage.But to try to poke fun of this legitimate post, is highly blasphemous.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!

Blacks belong to a race created before Adam and from among whom the biblical villain Cain found his wife. Cain, by marrying one of these pre-Adamic peoples, became the progenitor of all black people. Therefore, black people, especially "Negroes," are not actually human, because they did not descend from Adam but from some pre-Adamic creation, having entered the human race only by intermarriage, and that with a notorious sinner. As non-humans, therefore, the black race do not have souls, but are merely beasts like any other beast of the field. And since the Bible says God gave humans dominion over the beasts, it is then concluded that blacks are soulless creatures that only exist to do work for the human race...
This is one of the reasons He, God destroys the Earth periodically. Disrespectful White demonic comments
by you White troublemakers.Its bad enough that you white people are disrespecting God, by legitimizing
your "Homosexual" marriage.But to try to poke fun of this legitimate post, is highly blasphemous.
I can see why you White people are fast becoming the most hated race in the world.!!

Blacks belong to a race created before Adam and from among whom the biblical villain Cain found his wife. Cain, by marrying one of these pre-Adamic peoples, became the progenitor of all black people. Therefore, black people, especially "Negroes," are not actually human, because they did not descend from Adam but from some pre-Adamic creation, having entered the human race only by intermarriage, and that with a notorious sinner. As non-humans, therefore, the black race do not have souls, but are merely beasts like any other beast of the field. And since the Bible says God gave humans dominion over the beasts, it is then concluded that blacks are soulless creatures that only exist to do work for the human race...

I think I heard this statement with regards to the caucasin race.White people not, Black people. It was white people who Jesus refered to as the race of "Dogs" not blacks.
I see those Yorkie dogs have hair just as stright as causcasians. Do the research.
And the White race is more hairy than Blacks.Like beasts., Animals.
Jesus was a fucking Arab and probably looked more like Saddam Hussein than the blue eyed anglo so often depicted.

An Arab?? What planet do you live on?

He was a Jew. Or is that too hard to say??

Puhlease. Jesus was from what we now call the middle east no, The Arabian Peninsula? And Jewish is not a nationality or an ethnic designation but rather a religious sect. That would be like using Muslim to designate country of origin.

jews are not arabs.

jesus was from judea, not the "arabian penninsula". is that what people are saying now to try to make jews un-people?

if you have a problem with jews being considered an ethnicity, you might want to have a chat with hitler who made judaism a blood designation as opposed to a religious designation... or with the soviet union which had special passports designated as "jewish" while giving "russians" passports designated russian.

in the meantime, don't confuse jews with arabs.

An Arab?? What planet do you live on?

He was a Jew. Or is that too hard to say??

Puhlease. Jesus was from what we now call the middle east no, The Arabian Peninsula? And Jewish is not a nationality or an ethnic designation but rather a religious sect. That would be like using Muslim to designate country of origin.

jews are not arabs.

jesus was from judea, not the "arabian penninsula". is that what people are saying now to try to make jews un-people?

if you have a problem with jews being considered an ethnicity, you might want to have a chat with hitler who made judaism a blood designation as opposed to a religious designation... or with the soviet union which had special passports designated as "jewish" while giving "russians" passports designated russian.

in the meantime, don't confuse jews with arabs.


Don't try to play the anti Semitic card with me Jillian. Nazareth and Bethlehem are on the Arabian peninsula hence people heralding from that area call be called Arabian, or Arab there is absolutely no negative connotation to the term unless you are an oversensitive idiot.

And FYI the term Semitic does not refer to an ethnic group or race but is a linguistic designation that applies to people who spoke one of a number of related languages belonging to a common linguistic family and included among others Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew and Syriac. And the original home of the Semites is where, Jillian? The Arabian Peninsula.

Don't forget that we are not discussing modern times here so don't r drag your own 20th century prejudices into an archeological and anthropological discussion.
Same Semetic lingusitic roots, Jill.

How'd that happen if they're not closely related in antiquity?
Forget what they taught you in Sunday school. The Garden of Eden isn’t in Mesopotamia. It’s off Highway 20, in northern Florida.

Over millennia a crystal clear creek had undercut the slope to create the hidden canyon. At the place where it sprang from the toe of the valley wall I crouched down to dip my fingers in the fresh water. There were newts and dusky salamanders in its sandy shallows. Water beetles pushed against its current. Underfoot were soft mosses and minute, delicate ferns.

I whispered thanks to Willy for bringing me here.

The ravine was shaped like a natural amphitheatre, the tiers of lush vegetation rising above us on all sides. A chestnut-brown wren flew off from its feeding. We walked on through the fragile valley watching for diamondbacks and indigo snakes, maybe even for a serpent. The track rose out of the basin of sweet air and toward the Apalachicola, climbing up between the hickory and the oaks, back into the sultry afternoon. I tried to stay in the shade, ducking beneath the delicate brown flower heads of the Spanish moss.

The Garden - or Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve - supports a remarkable range of plant life. Conservationists classify it as a ‘paleorefugia’, a refuge of ancient flora and fauna stranded during the retreat of glaciers and unchanged for millions of years. There are subtropical pines on its sandy uplands, mountain laurel on the steepheads and northern hydrangea in the depths of the primeval ravines. Its river system sustains the greatest variety of amphibians and reptiles in North America. As far back as the 1830s, botanists puzzled over the valley’s strange mix of native, northern and alien plant species, many of which were extinct elsewhere.
I wondered again why the site hadn’t been developed into a tourist destination. The sanctity of the ravines could have been defiled by a Genesis Walk and kids’ Serpent Slide. The last few gopher wood trees could have been uprooted to make a replica Ark (‘Meet Mr. & Mrs. Noah! Count the animals, two by two!’). The park shop would do a steady trade in ‘Like Naked’ Fig Leaf swimwear. The Reserve could be transformed into a homely, family attraction that would be simplistic and idiotic. It might still happen, of course.

the only place on earth you will find a gopher wood tree!
Science damnit you're all fucking retarded.

"God" is a myth. Start thinking rationally, and quit clutching your religions that you only believe in because you were brainwashed growing up.

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