"God" is a tyrant.

All he is saying is that if you reject him, you will live in the absence of him. He doesn't exist to serve you but he will accept you if you accept him. It appears that you don't, which is your choice.
No, it's not. The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned. Jesus was also quite vivid in his description of Hell in his story of the suffering of the Rich man in Hell. You are either ignorant of what the Bible says, of you are trying to understate the case, now that it is being called out. Because, frankly, I am separated from that God now, and I do not feel terribly tortured. So, if that is all the Bible is referring to, then it greatly overstated it's case.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned.
Do tell.
Listen Meri, you can try to punch holes in the way that I said what I said all day long but that doesn't change the fact that you desecrate the teachings of Jesus as a matter of religious devotion and celebrate his torture and death while defying the laws of God against idolatry, perjury, adultery, and murder.

You worship a false image of God in the form of a man and then desecrate the teachings of Jesus by handing out a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you eat for spiritual life.

Would you prefer I try to find a nicer way to point out your devotion to evil?

My preference is that people present what they believe and leave it to others to present their own beliefs. People with strong, valid beliefs in God (or atheism) feel no need to try to slander or taunt the beliefs of others. They are more interested in presenting how God works in their own life (or how non-belief works for them) than they are in lecturing people on why (from their perspective) those other beliefs will never work for anyone.
All he is saying is that if you reject him, you will live in the absence of him. He doesn't exist to serve you but he will accept you if you accept him. It appears that you don't, which is your choice.
No, it's not. The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned. Jesus was also quite vivid in his description of Hell in his story of the suffering of the Rich man in Hell. You are either ignorant of what the Bible says, of you are trying to understate the case, now that it is being called out. Because, frankly, I am separated from that God now, and I do not feel terribly tortured. So, if that is all the Bible is referring to, then it greatly overstated it's case.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned.
Do tell.

I heard that the damned are so screwed up in their befuddled minds that they actually read the divine commands to not worship anything that is not God and then get down on their knees in deranged adoration before an image of a naked man dying on a cross and tell everyone that they are saved and everyone else is going to hell even though they are already in it.

Thats when reality becomes for them like a consuming fire that will never go out.

You can see them running amok on these very boards flailing about in sulfurous flames, a cacophony of lost souls crying out in agony for Jesus to come down from the sky and save them..
Listen Meri, you can try to punch holes in the way that I said what I said all day long but that doesn't change the fact that you desecrate the teachings of Jesus as a matter of religious devotion and celebrate his torture and death while defying the laws of God against idolatry, perjury, adultery, and murder.

You worship a false image of God in the form of a man and then desecrate the teachings of Jesus by handing out a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you eat for spiritual life.

Would you prefer I try to find a nicer way to point out your devotion to evil?

My preference is that people present what they believe and leave it to others to present their own beliefs. People with strong, valid beliefs in God (or atheism) feel no need to try to slander or taunt the beliefs of others. They are more interested in presenting how God works in their own life (or how non-belief works for them) than they are in lecturing people on why (from their perspective) those other beliefs will never work for anyone.

Ok, these are my beliefs.

God is not edible.

The teaching of Jesus cannot be handed out like a cheap snack food that people can eat one day and crap down the toilet the next day.

Divine law will ever become obsolete.

Your inability to see the evil in teaching other people to adopt your irrational beliefs and imitate your degrading practices devoted to defying the laws of God and desecrating the teachings of Jesus, the actual Body of Christ, is proof of you being under divine condemnation, proof that the laws of God remain in effect and are in full force.
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Ok, these are my beliefs.

God is not edible.

The teaching of Jesus cannot be handed out like a cheap snack food that people can eat one day and crap down the toilet the next day.

Divine law will ever become obsolete.

Your inability to see the evil in teaching other people to adopt your irrational beliefs and imitate your degrading practices is proof of you being under divine condemnation, proof that the laws of God remain in effect and are in full force.

This only tells me what you don't believe, and what you don't believe is a perversion of Christianity. Christians don't believe in a perversion of Christianity, either.

What are your beliefs? What do you believe about God's love, His mercy and His justice? Do you believe God cares intimately about each individual, or are you more of the mind that God started things rolling and then stepped back? Do you believe in predestination or free will? What do you believe about forgiveness?
What are your beliefs?

I already told you.

God is not edible. The teachings of Jesus, the actual Body of Christ, cannot be handed out like a cheap snack food and eaten, Divine law will never become obsolete, and your inability to perceive the evil of what you are mixed up in is evidence of divine condemnation and evidence that the laws of God remain in effect and are in full force are all my clearly expressed beliefs.

What do you believe about God's love, His mercy and His justice?

Gods love is infinite, his mercy reserved for the repentant. His love, mercy, and justice have established the boundaries of hell.

Do you believe God cares intimately about each individual, or are you more of the mind that God started things rolling and then stepped back?

God is passionately devoted to those who are devoted to him. Everyone else is only an unhatched egg, only potentially a living being, dormant seeds sleeping in the dust of the earth telling each other ghost stories like children sitting around a camp fire in the middle of a cold and blustery winter night.

Do you believe in predestination or free will?

everyone is predestined to exercise their free will according to their nature and the portion of divine influence granted them by God..

What do you believe about forgiveness?

It is freely available to anyone who actually applies their mind to understand the will of God and exerts their own will to do it.

Even Jesus repented before "the heavens were opened up to him" after his baptism done as a token of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

Thats what Jesus meant when he said, "we do well to conform to what scripture requires",when John objected to baptizing Jesus.

Scripture requires repentance before the forgiveness of sin. Those who persist in sin remain unforgiven and in hells keeping even if they should repent of it day and night forever. A person has to actually change fundamentally, to the core, and stop sinning and then do what is right to be forgiven and become a living being, a child of the living God.
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A person has to actually change fundamentally, to the core, and stop sinning and then do what is right to be forgiven and become a living being, a child of the living God.
No man is without sin. By your standard, no one would ever be forgiven.
A person has to actually change fundamentally, to the core, and stop sinning and then do what is right to be forgiven and become a living being, a child of the living God.
No man is without sin. By your standard, no one would ever be forgiven.
You only say that because you were told that the laws of God were about things which they are not about. The teaching of the law is secret, the subjects hidden in figurative language. This is what Jesus taught. This is why he was despised and reviled by religious authorities, for publicly revealing this teaching, and why he was ridiculed for being a nut job by people who never thought very deeply about it in the first place. It was obviously a thousand year old tradition and even the dumbest person believed that God wanted people to lop off the foreskins of 8 day old infants because it said so in a scroll..

I am telling you that the laws of God are as difficult or easy as it is for a person to not be stupid.

How hard would that be for you?

Would it be hard for you to stop praying to a figment of your imagination for special favors and to watch over your loved ones while you are doing nothing but mumbling to yourself and lighting candles in a dark cave in the company of spiders rats, snakes, and every other foul and loathsome creepy form of life, and they are being mutilated, maimed, and eaten alive by wild beasts in the glaring sunlight of the open field ?
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A person has to actually change fundamentally, to the core, and stop sinning and then do what is right to be forgiven and become a living being, a child of the living God.
No man is without sin. By your standard, no one would ever be forgiven.
You only say that because you were told that the laws of God were about things which they are not about. The teaching of the law is secret, the subjects hidden in figurative language. This is what Jesus taught. This is why he was despised and reviled by religious authorities, for publicly revealing this teaching, and why he was ridiculed for being a nut job by people who never thought very deeply about it in the first place. It was obviously a thousand year old tradition and even the dumbest person believed that God wanted people to lop off the foreskins of 8 day old infants because it said so in a scroll..

I am telling you that the laws of God are as difficult or easy as it is for a person to not be stupid.

How hard would that be for you?

Would it be hard for you to stop praying to a figment of your imagination for special favors and to watch over your loved ones while you are doing nothing but mumbling to yourself and lighting candles in a dark cave in the company of spiders rats, snakes, and every other foul and loathsome creepy form of life, and they are being mutilated, maimed, and eaten alive by wild beasts in the glaring sunlight of the open field ?
I thank God I'm not as ignorant as you. Good luck.
A person has to actually change fundamentally, to the core, and stop sinning and then do what is right to be forgiven and become a living being, a child of the living God.
No man is without sin. By your standard, no one would ever be forgiven.
You only say that because you were told that the laws of God were about things which they are not about. The teaching of the law is secret, the subjects hidden in figurative language. This is what Jesus taught. This is why he was despised and reviled by religious authorities, for publicly revealing this teaching, and why he was ridiculed for being a nut job by people who never thought very deeply about it in the first place. It was obviously a thousand year old tradition and even the dumbest person believed that God wanted people to lop off the foreskins of 8 day old infants because it said so in a scroll..

I am telling you that the laws of God are as difficult or easy as it is for a person to not be stupid.

How hard would that be for you?

Would it be hard for you to stop praying to a figment of your imagination for special favors and to watch over your loved ones while you are doing nothing but mumbling to yourself and lighting candles in a dark cave in the company of spiders rats, snakes, and every other foul and loathsome creepy form of life, and they are being mutilated, maimed, and eaten alive by wild beasts in the glaring sunlight of the open field ?
I thank God I'm not as ignorant as you. Good luck.

lol... Now thats rich..

I'm sure the pig in its sty thinks he is wise and the farmer is a doofus for tilling the soil when there is an abundance of garbage to eat and a ton of excrement to roll around in free for the taking...

I know, I know, you are skating through life on easy street, a wise porker in a tutu. I'm very impressed.

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All he is saying is that if you reject him, you will live in the absence of him. He doesn't exist to serve you but he will accept you if you accept him. It appears that you don't, which is your choice.
No, it's not. The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned. Jesus was also quite vivid in his description of Hell in his story of the suffering of the Rich man in Hell. You are either ignorant of what the Bible says, of you are trying to understate the case, now that it is being called out. Because, frankly, I am separated from that God now, and I do not feel terribly tortured. So, if that is all the Bible is referring to, then it greatly overstated it's case.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned.
Do tell.
Revelation 20: 11-15:

11 And I saw a great white throne and the one sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from his presence, but they found no place to hide. 12 I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. 14 Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. 15 And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Now, unless you know of a version of a "lake of fire" that is not painful, and torturous, or you are suggesting that "the dead' referred to are not the "souls" of those who are not adherents of Christianity, or you are suggesting it was not the Christian God who was doing the judging, and the casting, then I would say that, as I said, Revelation was quite visceral in its description. Now, many of the Christians here have been trying to sell the idea that
Hell" is nothing more than being separated from God. However, Revelation rather vividly describes it as a lake of fire, and it has been described by eschatologists, over the years, at various times actively painful, unpleasant, and torturous. so, you'll forgive me if I find that rationalisation more than a little disingenuous.
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A person has to actually change fundamentally, to the core, and stop sinning and then do what is right to be forgiven and become a living being, a child of the living God.
No man is without sin. By your standard, no one would ever be forgiven.
You only say that because you were told that the laws of God were about things which they are not about. The teaching of the law is secret, the subjects hidden in figurative language. This is what Jesus taught. This is why he was despised and reviled by religious authorities, for publicly revealing this teaching, and why he was ridiculed for being a nut job by people who never thought very deeply about it in the first place. It was obviously a thousand year old tradition and even the dumbest person believed that God wanted people to lop off the foreskins of 8 day old infants because it said so in a scroll..

I am telling you that the laws of God are as difficult or easy as it is for a person to not be stupid.

How hard would that be for you?

Would it be hard for you to stop praying to a figment of your imagination for special favors and to watch over your loved ones while you are doing nothing but mumbling to yourself and lighting candles in a dark cave in the company of spiders rats, snakes, and every other foul and loathsome creepy form of life, and they are being mutilated, maimed, and eaten alive by wild beasts in the glaring sunlight of the open field ?
I thank God I'm not as ignorant as you. Good luck.

lol... Now thats rich..

I'm sure the pig in its sty thinks he is wise and the farmer is a doofus for tilling the soil when there is an abundance of garbage to eat and a ton of excrement to roll around in free for the taking...

Feel free to roll around in that excrement all you like. It's obviously the only approach you're familiar with.
A person has to actually change fundamentally, to the core, and stop sinning and then do what is right to be forgiven and become a living being, a child of the living God.
No man is without sin. By your standard, no one would ever be forgiven.
You only say that because you were told that the laws of God were about things which they are not about. The teaching of the law is secret, the subjects hidden in figurative language. This is what Jesus taught. This is why he was despised and reviled by religious authorities, for publicly revealing this teaching, and why he was ridiculed for being a nut job by people who never thought very deeply about it in the first place. It was obviously a thousand year old tradition and even the dumbest person believed that God wanted people to lop off the foreskins of 8 day old infants because it said so in a scroll..

I am telling you that the laws of God are as difficult or easy as it is for a person to not be stupid.

How hard would that be for you?

Would it be hard for you to stop praying to a figment of your imagination for special favors and to watch over your loved ones while you are doing nothing but mumbling to yourself and lighting candles in a dark cave in the company of spiders rats, snakes, and every other foul and loathsome creepy form of life, and they are being mutilated, maimed, and eaten alive by wild beasts in the glaring sunlight of the open field ?
I thank God I'm not as ignorant as you. Good luck.

lol... Now thats rich..

I'm sure the pig in its sty thinks he is wise and the farmer is a doofus for tilling the soil when there is an abundance of garbage to eat and a ton of excrement to roll around in free for the taking...

I know, I know, you are skating through life on easy street, a wise porker in a tutu. I'm very impressed.

Feel free to roll around in that excrement all you like. It's obviously the only approach you're familiar with.

I should roll around in your filth? I don't think so.....

I know, I know, you are skating through life on easy street, a wise porker in a tutu.

I'm very impressed.
All he is saying is that if you reject him, you will live in the absence of him. He doesn't exist to serve you but he will accept you if you accept him. It appears that you don't, which is your choice.
No, it's not. The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned. Jesus was also quite vivid in his description of Hell in his story of the suffering of the Rich man in Hell. You are either ignorant of what the Bible says, of you are trying to understate the case, now that it is being called out. Because, frankly, I am separated from that God now, and I do not feel terribly tortured. So, if that is all the Bible is referring to, then it greatly overstated it's case.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned.
Do tell.
Revelation 20: 11-15:

11 And I saw a great white throne and the one sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from his presence, but they found no place to hide. 12 I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. 14 Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. 15 And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Now, unless you know of a version of a "lake of fire" that is not painful, and torturous, or you are suggesting that "the dead' referred to are not the "souls" of those who are not adherents of Christianity, or you are suggesting it was not the Christian God who was doing the judging, and the casting, then I would say that, as I said, Revelation was quite visceral in its description.
I was expecting an earth shattering kaboom.
Every faith has it's hell. Hindus have 9 hells. The athiest faith is the only one where there is no escaping it though.
All he is saying is that if you reject him, you will live in the absence of him. He doesn't exist to serve you but he will accept you if you accept him. It appears that you don't, which is your choice.
No, it's not. The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned. Jesus was also quite vivid in his description of Hell in his story of the suffering of the Rich man in Hell. You are either ignorant of what the Bible says, of you are trying to understate the case, now that it is being called out. Because, frankly, I am separated from that God now, and I do not feel terribly tortured. So, if that is all the Bible is referring to, then it greatly overstated it's case.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned.
Do tell.
Revelation 20: 11-15:

11 And I saw a great white throne and the one sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from his presence, but they found no place to hide. 12 I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. 14 Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. 15 And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Now, unless you know of a version of a "lake of fire" that is not painful, and torturous, or you are suggesting that "the dead' referred to are not the "souls" of those who are not adherents of Christianity, or you are suggesting it was not the Christian God who was doing the judging, and the casting, then I would say that, as I said, Revelation was quite visceral in its description.
I was expecting an earth shattering kaboom.
Every faith has it's hell. Hindus have 9 hells. The athiest faith is the only one where there is no escaping it though.
That's it? "Yeah, God is a tyrant, and a Bully. So is the God of every other religion, so what? " Really????? And, no. Atheism has no Hell. That is a lie.
All he is saying is that if you reject him, you will live in the absence of him. He doesn't exist to serve you but he will accept you if you accept him. It appears that you don't, which is your choice.
No, it's not. The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned. Jesus was also quite vivid in his description of Hell in his story of the suffering of the Rich man in Hell. You are either ignorant of what the Bible says, of you are trying to understate the case, now that it is being called out. Because, frankly, I am separated from that God now, and I do not feel terribly tortured. So, if that is all the Bible is referring to, then it greatly overstated it's case.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned.
Do tell.
Revelation 20: 11-15:

11 And I saw a great white throne and the one sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from his presence, but they found no place to hide. 12 I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. 14 Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. 15 And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Now, unless you know of a version of a "lake of fire" that is not painful, and torturous, or you are suggesting that "the dead' referred to are not the "souls" of those who are not adherents of Christianity, or you are suggesting it was not the Christian God who was doing the judging, and the casting, then I would say that, as I said, Revelation was quite visceral in its description.
I was expecting an earth shattering kaboom.
Every faith has it's hell. Hindus have 9 hells. The athiest faith is the only one where there is no escaping it though.
That's it? "Yeah, God is a tyrant, and a Bully. So is the God of every other religion, so what? " Really????? And, no. Atheism has no Hell. That is a lie.
God would be a tyrant if He did not tell you what the ramifications of your actions will be.
In this case you have no excuse when you stand before God. You know all the ramifications and made a choice God allows you to make.
No, it's not. The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's descriptions of the suffering of the damned. Jesus was also quite vivid in his description of Hell in his story of the suffering of the Rich man in Hell. You are either ignorant of what the Bible says, of you are trying to understate the case, now that it is being called out. Because, frankly, I am separated from that God now, and I do not feel terribly tortured. So, if that is all the Bible is referring to, then it greatly overstated it's case.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The Bible is quite visceral, particularly in Revelations, in it's dUh..no. That still makes him a tyrant and a bully. When I tell you that escriptions of the suffering of the damned.
Do tell.
Revelation 20: 11-15:

11 And I saw a great white throne and the one sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from his presence, but they found no place to hide. 12 I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. 14 Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. 15 And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Now, unless you know of a version of a "lake of fire" that is not painful, and torturous, or you are suggesting that "the dead' referred to are not the "souls" of those who are not adherents of Christianity, or you are suggesting it was not the Christian God who was doing the judging, and the casting, then I would say that, as I said, Revelation was quite visceral in its description.
I was expecting an earth shattering kaboom.
Every faith has it's hell. Hindus have 9 hells. The athiest faith is the only one where there is no escaping it though.
That's it? "Yeah, God is a tyrant, and a Bully. So is the God of every other religion, so what? " Really????? And, no. Atheism has no Hell. That is a lie.
God would be a tyrant if He did not tell you what the ramifications of your actions will be.
In this case you have no excuse when you stand before God. You know all the ramifications and made a choice God allows you to make.
Uh...no. That still makes him a tyrant and a bully. When I tell you that I am going to beat you up, if you don't give me your lunch money, and you choose not to give me your lunch money, does that make me any less of a bully when I beat you up, just because I was nice enough to let you know the ramifications of choosing not to do what I told you to do?
Revelation 20: 11-15:

11 And I saw a great white throne and the one sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from his presence, but they found no place to hide. 12 I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. 14 Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. 15 And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Now, unless you know of a version of a "lake of fire" that is not painful, and torturous, or you are suggesting that "the dead' referred to are not the "souls" of those who are not adherents of Christianity, or you are suggesting it was not the Christian God who was doing the judging, and the casting, then I would say that, as I said, Revelation was quite visceral in its description.
I was expecting an earth shattering kaboom.
Every faith has it's hell. Hindus have 9 hells. The athiest faith is the only one where there is no escaping it though.
That's it? "Yeah, God is a tyrant, and a Bully. So is the God of every other religion, so what? " Really????? And, no. Atheism has no Hell. That is a lie.
God would be a tyrant if He did not tell you what the ramifications of your actions will be.
In this case you have no excuse when you stand before God. You know all the ramifications and made a choice God allows you to make.
Uh...no. That still makes him a tyrant and a bully. When I tell you that I am going to beat you up, if you don't give me your lunch money, and you choose not to give me your lunch money, does that make me any less of a bully when I beat you up, just because I was nice enough to let you know the ramifications of choosing not to do what I told you to do?
If you think believing Jesus was the Son of God sent here to take our punishment so we may go to heaven is the same as you getting beat up and robbed, then you have issues.
Revelation 20: 11-15:

11 And I saw a great white throne and the one sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from his presence, but they found no place to hide. 12 I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. 14 Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. 15 And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Now, unless you know of a version of a "lake of fire" that is not painful, and torturous, or you are suggesting that "the dead' referred to are not the "souls" of those who are not adherents of Christianity, or you are suggesting it was not the Christian God who was doing the judging, and the casting, then I would say that, as I said, Revelation was quite visceral in its description.
I was expecting an earth shattering kaboom.
Every faith has it's hell. Hindus have 9 hells. The athiest faith is the only one where there is no escaping it though.
That's it? "Yeah, God is a tyrant, and a Bully. So is the God of every other religion, so what? " Really????? And, no. Atheism has no Hell. That is a lie.
God would be a tyrant if He did not tell you what the ramifications of your actions will be.
In this case you have no excuse when you stand before God. You know all the ramifications and made a choice God allows you to make.
Uh...no. That still makes him a tyrant and a bully. When I tell you that I am going to beat you up, if you don't give me your lunch money, and you choose not to give me your lunch money, does that make me any less of a bully when I beat you up, just because I was nice enough to let you know the ramifications of choosing not to do what I told you to do?
If you think believing Jesus was the Son of God sent here to take our punishment so we may go to heaven is the same as you getting beat up and robbed, then you have issues.
Yeah...Jesus (God) sent/came here to take our punishment that he (God) imposed in the first place, that is only granted by adhering to his rules. yeah. That is coercion, and bullying.
I was expecting an earth shattering kaboom.
Every faith has it's hell. Hindus have 9 hells. The athiest faith is the only one where there is no escaping it though.
That's it? "Yeah, God is a tyrant, and a Bully. So is the God of every other religion, so what? " Really????? And, no. Atheism has no Hell. That is a lie.
God would be a tyrant if He did not tell you what the ramifications of your actions will be.
In this case you have no excuse when you stand before God. You know all the ramifications and made a choice God allows you to make.
Uh...no. That still makes him a tyrant and a bully. When I tell you that I am going to beat you up, if you don't give me your lunch money, and you choose not to give me your lunch money, does that make me any less of a bully when I beat you up, just because I was nice enough to let you know the ramifications of choosing not to do what I told you to do?
If you think believing Jesus was the Son of God sent here to take our punishment so we may go to heaven is the same as you getting beat up and robbed, then you have issues.
Yeah...Jesus (God) sent/came here to take our punishment that he (God) imposed in the first place, that is only granted by adhering to his rules. yeah. That is coercion, and bullying.
Only two places in the next life - the place where God is and the place where God is not.

Not my fault that you deny Jesus. But you do know the ramifications, so my hands are clean.

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