"God" is a tyrant.

God does not force or coerce anyone.
Mankind does that, but not God.
We each have free will to choose in belief of him or not.
You do understand the nature of coercion, right?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I most certainly do !
Do you?
Well, considering I posted the definition, I'd say yes.

No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
You do understand the nature of coercion, right?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I most certainly do !
Do you?
Well, considering I posted the definition, I'd say yes.

No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
Right. If he came to debate he would debate the merits of our faith rather than manufacture straw-men of his own making.
I most certainly do !
Do you?
Well, considering I posted the definition, I'd say yes.

No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
Right. If he came to debate he would debate the merits of our faith rather than manufacture straw-men of his own making.

His own words told us.
People don't come into this thread with the title" God is a tyrant" and expect a debate after an insult. :)
So would you say that his misstating your beliefs invalidates his premise? Has he constructed a logical fallacy straw-man of an argument. I have corrected him over and over on this subject, but still he persists. He can't argue against our beliefs, so he persists in manufacturing beliefs he can argue against. That is pathological.

pathological: compulsive; obsessive.

synonyms: compulsive, obsessive, inveterate, habitual, persistent, chronic, hardened, confirmed

While Czernobog has mis-stated some of my beliefs/what I wrote, I chalk that up to mixing me up with another member. I know I have unintentionally made this mistake myself. Another thing that may have happened since we have been conversing over a couple of days now is faulty memory due to other activities occurring in real life situations. The third alternative is that it is very, very difficult to thoroughly comprehend another perspective.

Currently, I am wading through reading The Closing of the Muslim Mind. It is well written and the vocabulary is not difficult, but it is almost impossible for me to step out of my own perspective of reason and free will into an understanding of no reason, no free will--only God's will. There is almost no concept of cause and effect.

This author has also written a book on The Closing of the Western Mind, and I look forward to reading that as well because I think it might assist me in understanding the valid difficulties people have with Christianity.

I am not of the mind to convert anyone to Christianity. What I would like is for people to correctly understand what I am a Christian. It is certainly not the dismissive "Brainwashed" conclusion.
Currently, I am wading through reading The Closing of the Muslim Mind. It is well written and the vocabulary is not difficult, but it is almost impossible for me to step out of my own perspective of reason and free will into an understanding of no reason, no free will--only God's will. There is almost no concept of cause and effect.

I'm sure I'll get beat up over this, but I don't see many differences in the core themes of all religions, Islam included. Islam believes in Peace through surrender. This isn't much different than what Christianity teaches as Christianity teaches that we are rebels and need to surrender to God.
Well, considering I posted the definition, I'd say yes.

No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
Right. If he came to debate he would debate the merits of our faith rather than manufacture straw-men of his own making.

His own words told us.
People don't come into this thread with the title" God is a tyrant" and expect a debate after an insult. :)
Agreed. I don't believe he is looking for a debate. I believe he is looking for a conflict.
Well, considering I posted the definition, I'd say yes.

No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
Right. If he came to debate he would debate the merits of our faith rather than manufacture straw-men of his own making.

His own words told us.
People don't come into this thread with the title" God is a tyrant" and expect a debate after an insult. :)
His own words told us.
People don't come into this thread with the title" God is a tyrant" and expect a debate after an insult.

Right. If he came to debate he would debate the merits of our faith rather than manufacture straw-men of his own making.

Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

there is a dichotomy in this thread where the atheist is specific, the god being attacked is the christian god where the christians are claiming their god represents the Almighty of the 1st century and not their 4th century book which indeed is a mischaracterization of the OP.
I'm sure I'll get beat up over this, but I don't see many differences in the core themes of all religions, Islam included. Islam believes in Peace through surrender. This isn't much different than what Christianity teaches as Christianity teaches that we are rebels and need to surrender to God.

That's probably a more Western definition, and one where one might think it is a common ground. In fact, we might start out on the same location where everyone sincerely believes following the will of God is vital. But we quickly diverge. Christianity sees following the will of God as an act of will (or obedience) on our part. Islam sees that humanity has no choice because God's will is the only reality. Every thing we do from scratching our nose to blowing up the Twin Towers is God's will, because without God's will we could do neither. Unless it is the will of God, we can do nothing. Murderers murder because God wills it and it is not up to anyone to question God's will. People do not die because of a knife (or bullet) through the heart. They die because God wills it.

Keep in mind I am not speaking for all Muslim denominations and that I am using a bit of hyperbole to make my point that while all religions believe in the will of God, that will is often seen through a different lens than the one we use.
You do understand the nature of coercion, right?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I most certainly do !
Do you?
Well, considering I posted the definition, I'd say yes.

No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
I posted a perfectly reasonable topic for debate, and discussion. The fact that your faith is so fragile that it can't handle a little challenge is your problem, not mine.
No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
Right. If he came to debate he would debate the merits of our faith rather than manufacture straw-men of his own making.

His own words told us.
People don't come into this thread with the title" God is a tyrant" and expect a debate after an insult. :)
His own words told us.
People don't come into this thread with the title" God is a tyrant" and expect a debate after an insult.

Right. If he came to debate he would debate the merits of our faith rather than manufacture straw-men of his own making.

Proposed: The Christian God is a tyrant determined to force everyone on the planet to convert to Christianity, and worship as a Christian, and the illusion of "Free Will" is a pretence that he created to convince you that observance was your own idea.

there is a dichotomy in this thread where the atheist is specific, the god being attacked is the christian god where the christians are claiming their god represents the Almighty of the 1st century and not their 4th century book which indeed is a mischaracterization of the OP.
Don't entirely disagree. And trust ne, I will certainly be right there, the next time I read a thread talking about the "danger" of everlasting suffering for not converting to Christianity, to remind them that I was assured that the Christian God would simply not do that...
I most certainly do !
Do you?
Well, considering I posted the definition, I'd say yes.

No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
I posted a perfectly reasonable topic for debate, and discussion. The fact that your faith is so fragile that it can't handle a little challenge is your problem, not mine.

I post facts and you think saying that, tells it all right there.
My faith is based in facts,15 years of deep reading and research and 45 years of dealing with theological atheism.
Well, considering I posted the definition, I'd say yes.

No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
I posted a perfectly reasonable topic for debate, and discussion. The fact that your faith is so fragile that it can't handle a little challenge is your problem, not mine.

I post facts and you think saying that, tells it all right there.
My faith is based in facts,15 years of deep reading and research and 45 years of dealing with theological atheism.
And yet, when presented with a simple proposition,. the best counter you could come up with was a personal attack on my character, which you call "posting facts". Pathetic.
No you aren't, you have a very biased view based on the words you use.
Trigger words influence people's view and can twist things into how they think.
*sigh* Okay. You can go now, too. Well, Meriweather. I guess it's up to youy. You seem to be the only one who has been up to the challenge without having to resort to either logical fallacies, or turning this into personal attacks on my character (ad hominem). Have none of you people ever even learned the most basic rules of logical, rational debate?

Here's a hint for you: It doesn't matter how cvile, disgusting, or morally, or ethical reprehensible I am. *I could be a child rapist, cannibal who hunts school yards for victims, and it wouldn't matter. Either my argument is rational, or it is not. If it is not, then you should be able to defend, and dismantle it, rationally, and logically, without having to resort to attacking me, and my character. If you cannot do that, then simply admit as much, and be on your way.

You came to insult not debate.
I posted a perfectly reasonable topic for debate, and discussion. The fact that your faith is so fragile that it can't handle a little challenge is your problem, not mine.

I post facts and you think saying that, tells it all right there.
My faith is based in facts,15 years of deep reading and research and 45 years of dealing with theological atheism.
And yet, when presented with a simple proposition,. the best counter you could come up with was a personal attack on my character, which you call "posting facts". Pathetic.
How is her saying that you came here to insult and not debate a personal insult? Can you explain that to me? That seems like a statement of fact of to me. A personal insult would have been if she had said, "you came here to insult because your ego is so fragile that it can't handle a little challenge. That's what your problem is." Which is what you effectively said in post #189. You are literally accusing her of something you did.
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That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

The ridiculous things that you falsely claim to know to be true about God according to the most ignorant interpretation of scripture possible, even though you have never seen or heard a single word from God in your entire life and do not know him, creates the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of human beings..

Consequently, believers are forced by that belief established in their minds as an ideal to conform to the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of other human beings.

Thats why the most devout believer out there inevitably becomes a sanctimonious asshole.
How do you know what I have heard or not heard from God? You don't know anything about my journey.

How do I know you have never heard from God? ? You are a confessed sinner and an unrepentant idolator who brazenly lies in the name of God because you have allowed satan to enter your mind to perpetuate evil..

If the very scriptures that you claim are the words of God are true then in the very day you first got down on your knees in deranged adoration before the image of a nonexistent trinity that became a man you became separated from God, died, and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you have been tormented day and night ever since..

Some journey.

You have done nothing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.
That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

The ridiculous things that you falsely claim to know to be true about God according to the most ignorant interpretation of scripture possible, even though you have never seen or heard a single word from God in your entire life and do not know him, creates the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of human beings..

Consequently, believers are forced by that belief established in their minds as an ideal to conform to the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of other human beings.

Thats why the most devout believer out there inevitably becomes a sanctimonious asshole.
How do you know what I have heard or not heard from God? You don't know anything about my journey.

How do I know you have never heard from God? ? You are a confessed sinner and an unrepentant idolator who brazenly lies in the name of God because you have allowed satan to enter your mind to perpetuate evil..

If the very scriptures that you claim are the words of God are true then in the very day you first got down on your knees in deranged adoration before the image of a nonexistent trinity that became a man you became separated from God, died, and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you have been tormented day and night ever since..

Some journey.

You have done nothing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.
I see. It is because I am a Christian, lol. I can see how open minded you are.
That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

The ridiculous things that you falsely claim to know to be true about God according to the most ignorant interpretation of scripture possible, even though you have never seen or heard a single word from God in your entire life and do not know him, creates the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of human beings..

Consequently, believers are forced by that belief established in their minds as an ideal to conform to the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of other human beings.

Thats why the most devout believer out there inevitably becomes a sanctimonious asshole.
How do you know what I have heard or not heard from God? You don't know anything about my journey.

How do I know you have never heard from God? ? You are a confessed sinner and an unrepentant idolator who brazenly lies in the name of God because you have allowed satan to enter your mind to perpetuate evil..

If the very scriptures that you claim are the words of God are true then in the very day you first got down on your knees in deranged adoration before the image of a nonexistent trinity that became a man you became separated from God, died, and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you have been tormented day and night ever since..

Some journey.

You have done nothing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.
I see. It is because I am a Christian, lol. I can see how open minded you are.
No its not about you being a Christian its about you having become a completely false person and when given a once every other eon opportunity to return to life you act as if your are just fine and dandy and actually prefer slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Suit yourself.
That is the position of people who do not believe that God exists in the first place. Can you explain to me how something you don't believe exists can be a tyrant?

The ridiculous things that you falsely claim to know to be true about God according to the most ignorant interpretation of scripture possible, even though you have never seen or heard a single word from God in your entire life and do not know him, creates the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of human beings..

Consequently, believers are forced by that belief established in their minds as an ideal to conform to the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of other human beings.

Thats why the most devout believer out there inevitably becomes a sanctimonious asshole.
How do you know what I have heard or not heard from God? You don't know anything about my journey.

How do I know you have never heard from God? ? You are a confessed sinner and an unrepentant idolator who brazenly lies in the name of God because you have allowed satan to enter your mind to perpetuate evil..

If the very scriptures that you claim are the words of God are true then in the very day you first got down on your knees in deranged adoration before the image of a nonexistent trinity that became a man you became separated from God, died, and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you have been tormented day and night ever since..

Some journey.

You have done nothing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.
I see. It is because I am a Christian, lol. I can see how open minded you are.
No its not about you being a Christian its about you having become a completely false person and when given a once every other eon opportunity to return to life you act as if your are just fine and dandy and actually prefer slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Suit yourself.
You only think you know me. You don't. You worry about yourself.
The ridiculous things that you falsely claim to know to be true about God according to the most ignorant interpretation of scripture possible, even though you have never seen or heard a single word from God in your entire life and do not know him, creates the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of human beings..

Consequently, believers are forced by that belief established in their minds as an ideal to conform to the image and likeness of a capricious and puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet and fashion and the sexual preferences of other human beings.

Thats why the most devout believer out there inevitably becomes a sanctimonious asshole.
How do you know what I have heard or not heard from God? You don't know anything about my journey.

How do I know you have never heard from God? ? You are a confessed sinner and an unrepentant idolator who brazenly lies in the name of God because you have allowed satan to enter your mind to perpetuate evil..

If the very scriptures that you claim are the words of God are true then in the very day you first got down on your knees in deranged adoration before the image of a nonexistent trinity that became a man you became separated from God, died, and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you have been tormented day and night ever since..

Some journey.

You have done nothing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.
I see. It is because I am a Christian, lol. I can see how open minded you are.
No its not about you being a Christian its about you having become a completely false person and when given a once every other eon opportunity to return to life you act as if your are just fine and dandy and actually prefer slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Suit yourself.
You only think you know me. You don't. You worry about yourself.

Oh, was I wrong to think that you really believed what you claim to believe and have said about your beliefs in your own words??

You don't worship an image of an edible three in one god that impregnated a virgin to become a human being without a human father who performed miraculous demonstrations of divine power over actual reality, said things that no one understood, was tortured and executed, and then floated up into the sky three days later??

sorry, my mistake.

I thought that you were one of those unfortunate lost souls who professes to love God but grovels before the image of a naked man dying on a cross and celebrates his life by desecrating his teachings and doing the exact opposite of what scripture teaches is the way to life...

If you are not a lost soul, then your lies and your murders and your sorcery are deliberate.

I get it....
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Oh, was I wrong to think that you really believed what you claim to believe and have said about your beliefs in your own words??

You don't worship an image of an edible three in one god that impregnated a virgin to become a human being without a human father who performed miraculous demonstrations of divine power over actual reality, said things that no one understood, was tortured and executed, and then floated up into the sky three days later??

sorry, my mistake.

I thought that you were one of those unfortunate lost souls who professes to love God but grovels before the image of a naked man dying on a cross and celebrates his life by desecrating his teachings and doing the exact opposite of what scripture teaches is the way to life...

If you are not a lost soul, then your lies and your murders and your sorcery are deliberate.

I get it....

The above response intentionally misrepresents Christianity...and, it is a very poorly thought out misrepresentation. In other words, you use a straw man--and a very poorly built straw man. Is this the best you can do in your argument against Christianity? You first have to crudely misrepresent it in order to find something to argue against?
Oh, was I wrong to think that you really believed what you claim to believe and have said about your beliefs in your own words??

You don't worship an image of an edible three in one god that impregnated a virgin to become a human being without a human father who performed miraculous demonstrations of divine power over actual reality, said things that no one understood, was tortured and executed, and then floated up into the sky three days later??

sorry, my mistake.

I thought that you were one of those unfortunate lost souls who professes to love God but grovels before the image of a naked man dying on a cross and celebrates his life by desecrating his teachings and doing the exact opposite of what scripture teaches is the way to life...

If you are not a lost soul, then your lies and your murders and your sorcery are deliberate.

I get it....

The above response intentionally misrepresents Christianity...and, it is a very poorly thought out misrepresentation. In other words, you use a straw man--and a very poorly built straw man. Is this the best you can do in your argument against Christianity? You first have to crudely misrepresent it in order to find something to argue against?

Listen Meri, you can try to punch holes in the way that I said what I said all day long but that doesn't change the fact that you desecrate the teachings of Jesus as a matter of religious devotion and celebrate his torture and death while defying the laws of God against idolatry, perjury, adultery, and murder.

You worship a false image of God in the form of a man and then desecrate the teachings of Jesus by handing out a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you eat for spiritual life.

Would you prefer I try to find a nicer way to point out your devotion to evil?

Your entire religion is devoted to degrading the entire life of Jesus and the words from God that he spoke for the life of the world into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.

And there is something wrong with me for pointing it out?

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