GoFundMe acct started to help 'Sweet Cakes' fight off Gay Nazi's and state

Fuck the state, fuck the "family" bullshit as defined by christians.
At least you are honest. A stupid asshole but an honest stupid asshole.
Marxist has some issues going on
I'm an anarchist, what do you expect?
You are an idiot, I expect nothing from you.
Sorry that Anarchism/socialism has actually worked before, and quite wonderfully. Keep spewing retardation.
You forgot to mention any examples.
Marxist has some issues going on
I'm an anarchist, what do you expect?
You are an idiot, I expect nothing from you.
Sorry that Anarchism/socialism has actually worked before, and quite wonderfully. Keep spewing retardation.
Yeah, sure it has, look at how well Venezuela is doing! LOL! Socialist moron.
Venezuela is just socialism by promise, they don't follow it at all.. none the less, Venezuela is doing better then before hugo. Please, refer to my signature

So, they don't follow socialism but Hugo did good with something he promised not what he did, however they are better for it? Makes no sense.

As far has sigs, I can't see them, they are a waste of space and time.
I do know history, you seem to not know any. Are you ignoring the paris commune?
LOL !!!

Fighting Over the Paris Commune - The New Yorker
Then, in February of 1871, new legislative elections were held throughout France, and a majority returned in favor of an as yet ill-defined form of republican royalism. The Assembly, led by the aging statesman Adolphe Thiers—a politician under the Second Republic, who had been don’t-poke-the-bear wise about the war with the Germans before it started—soon declared itself the Third Republic. The people of Paris, always farther to the left than the rest of France, feared that the new republic would be republican in name only, and began organizing their own, alternative regime in the capital.

A confrontation between what remained of the regular French Army, the Versaillais, and Paris’s popular militia, known as the National Guard, ended with the death of two generals, and the royalist-minded government fled Paris for Versailles, the old seat of the French kings. In Paris, a left-wing Communard government, protected by the National Guard, rose up and seized power, and for about two months that spring tried to rule on radical principles.

It made various feints at self-organization, and offered statements of purpose that still seem prophetically advanced—particularly the boldly feminist ones. It also insulted the clergy and the few remaining rich people, and committed mostly disorganized acts of looting and reprisal against its ancient political enemies, including tearing down Thiers’s house and toppling the Place Vendôme column with its statue of Napoleon. (It’s back.)
Go away, freak.

Aww, I made SassyIrishLass mad. Its okay girl, I got a secret remedy for your consistent anger. It's called GET THE F**K OVER STUPID SHIT and stop taking away people's rights.

Here is an analogy. You "Christians" claiming to be "under attack" would be like Japanese getting mad at America for attacking them after Pearl Harbor. YOU TOOK THE FIRST SHOTS and now gay rights supporters have taken Midway and you're mad at them for fighting back? GTFO.
That couple chose to be gay and the other couple owning the store chose to not serve to gays. It's a violation of the freedom of that business. This is communist China now apparently.

Who the hell chooses to be gay? Family disowns you, laws created to demean and degrade you, and constant bullying? Yeah someone "chooses" that. Please.
Being gay is comparable to child molestation only the act of being gay does not hurt a helpless individual..

Wow- and you don't see the critical difference there? What is it about homophobes that they cannot tell the difference between 'consenting adults' and 'child rape'?

That would require critical thinking skills which Republicans don't have.
Aww, I made SassyIrishLass mad. Its okay girl, I got a secret remedy for your consistent anger. It's called GET THE F**K OVER STUPID SHIT and stop taking away people's rights.

Here is an analogy. You "Christians" claiming to be "under attack" would be like Japanese getting mad at America for attacking them after Pearl Harbor. YOU TOOK THE FIRST SHOTS and now gay rights supporters have taken Midway and you're mad at them for fighting back? GTFO.
That couple chose to be gay and the other couple owning the store chose to not serve to gays. It's a violation of the freedom of that business. This is communist China now apparently.

Who the hell chooses to be gay? Family disowns you, laws created to demean and degrade you, and constant bullying? Yeah someone "chooses" that. Please.
Being gay is comparable to child molestation only the act of being gay does not hurt a helpless individual..

Wow- and you don't see the critical difference there? What is it about homophobes that they cannot tell the difference between 'consenting adults' and 'child rape'?

That would require critical thinking skills which Republicans don't have.

Nice broadbrush.
ran across this. look at WHAT was awarded and FOR WHAT. this is SHAMEFUL FOLKS. speak out. You need to get the hell out of Oregon


“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa” GoFundMe Page Violates Terms
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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Byron Beck, GoLocalPDX Features Editor


The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) completed its case against Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a Gresham bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple planning to marry.
The bakery was fined $135,000.

In the Proposed Order, the administrative law judge awards $60,000 in damages to Laurel Bowman-Cryer and $75,000 in damages to Rachel Bowman-Cryer for emotional suffering stemming directly from unlawful discrimination.

all of it here:
GoLocalPDX Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa GoFundMe Page Violates Terms

Long before this story I have planned to leave Oregon. I've seen the change over the years as more and more liberal Californians move here and Washington. Isn't it interesting that two of the three states where recreational pot is legal, are both just north of northern California.

Even if I had planned on retiring in the U.S. I wouldn't do it here. The weather sucks, it's liberal hell, and just a few years ago Oregon was rated #1 as the WORST state to retire in based on economics.

I've seen what they've done to California. They started on Colorado when I left in the late 80's. Unless the people speak out they are going to keep steamrolling over them
ran across this. look at WHAT was awarded and FOR WHAT. this is SHAMEFUL FOLKS. speak out. You need to get the hell out of Oregon


“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa” GoFundMe Page Violates Terms
Email to a friend Permalink

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Byron Beck, GoLocalPDX Features Editor


The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) completed its case against Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a Gresham bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple planning to marry.
The bakery was fined $135,000.

In the Proposed Order, the administrative law judge awards $60,000 in damages to Laurel Bowman-Cryer and $75,000 in damages to Rachel Bowman-Cryer for emotional suffering stemming directly from unlawful discrimination.

all of it here:
GoLocalPDX Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa GoFundMe Page Violates Terms

Long before this story I have planned to leave Oregon. I've seen the change over the years as more and more liberal Californians move here and Washington. Isn't it interesting that two of the three states where recreational pot is legal, are both just north of northern California.

Even if I had planned on retiring in the U.S. I wouldn't do it here. The weather sucks, it's liberal hell, and just a few years ago Oregon was rated #1 as the WORST state to retire in based on economics.

I've seen what they've done to California. They started on Colorado when I left in the late 80's. Unless the people speak out they are going to keep steamrolling over them
This fight is all over but the shouting. Your side lost, as it should. As usual, it was trying to hold back human progress, yet again.
ran across this. look at WHAT was awarded and FOR WHAT. this is SHAMEFUL FOLKS. speak out. You need to get the hell out of Oregon


“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa” GoFundMe Page Violates Terms
Email to a friend Permalink

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Byron Beck, GoLocalPDX Features Editor


The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) completed its case against Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a Gresham bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple planning to marry.
The bakery was fined $135,000.

In the Proposed Order, the administrative law judge awards $60,000 in damages to Laurel Bowman-Cryer and $75,000 in damages to Rachel Bowman-Cryer for emotional suffering stemming directly from unlawful discrimination.

all of it here:
GoLocalPDX Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa GoFundMe Page Violates Terms

Long before this story I have planned to leave Oregon. I've seen the change over the years as more and more liberal Californians move here and Washington. Isn't it interesting that two of the three states where recreational pot is legal, are both just north of northern California.

Even if I had planned on retiring in the U.S. I wouldn't do it here. The weather sucks, it's liberal hell, and just a few years ago Oregon was rated #1 as the WORST state to retire in based on economics.

I've seen what they've done to California. They started on Colorado when I left in the late 80's. Unless the people speak out they are going to keep steamrolling over them
Now on Huffingtonpuffington Post.

Sweet Cakes By Melissa Receives Donations After Judge Rules They Owe $135,000 To Lesbian Couple

Sweet Cakes By Melissa Receives Donations After Judge Rules They Owe 135 000 To Lesbian Couple

Shame that that Sweet Cakes choose to ignore the law but that is what fines are for.
ran across this. look at WHAT was awarded and FOR WHAT. this is SHAMEFUL FOLKS. speak out. You need to get the hell out of Oregon


“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa” GoFundMe Page Violates Terms
Email to a friend Permalink

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Byron Beck, GoLocalPDX Features Editor


The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) completed its case against Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a Gresham bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple planning to marry.
The bakery was fined $135,000.

In the Proposed Order, the administrative law judge awards $60,000 in damages to Laurel Bowman-Cryer and $75,000 in damages to Rachel Bowman-Cryer for emotional suffering stemming directly from unlawful discrimination.

all of it here:
GoLocalPDX Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa GoFundMe Page Violates Terms

Long before this story I have planned to leave Oregon. I've seen the change over the years as more and more liberal Californians move here and Washington. Isn't it interesting that two of the three states where recreational pot is legal, are both just north of northern California.

Even if I had planned on retiring in the U.S. I wouldn't do it here. The weather sucks, it's liberal hell, and just a few years ago Oregon was rated #1 as the WORST state to retire in based on economics.

I've seen what they've done to California. They started on Colorado when I left in the late 80's. Unless the people speak out they are going to keep steamrolling over them

You see, "they" are "the people" here. This state is hopeless, libs far and away control the counties that matter here.

Once you get east of the I-5 corridor, Oregon becomes conservative, but there simply isn't enough population to control anything statewide. There has been the usual talk of splitting into two states, and allowing central and eastern Oregon to govern themselves, but nothing ever comes of it.

Change is hopeless, and in fact it's only going to get worse. This is the problem when a once conservative state of what was two million people years back, borders a forty million government sucking people state. Eventually the godzilla is going to begin looking beyond it's borders and attack everything around them.
ran across this. look at WHAT was awarded and FOR WHAT. this is SHAMEFUL FOLKS. speak out. You need to get the hell out of Oregon

Really not that complicated- don't break the law and don't get any fines.

But do those fines have to put someone on the streets? It really isn't complicated, if you don't like someone who refuses service to you, go somewhere else. Does it require the financial ruination of a whole family with small children? I think not.

I mean hey, liberals should be happy now. The Kleins may apply for food stamps and government assistance all while becoming the model American family, according to the liberal ideology.
Last edited:
for those wishing to provide support

they have set up on another site

Christian Couple Faces 135 000 Fine

Is there a way to know how much was raised?

They raised about $130K, when the plug was pulled, and Melissa does say they were informed they will be able to keep it.
The rest will be raised on the new site they are now on, so all in all things look good at the moment.
As long as the bigot check clears, it's all good.

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