"Good kid with a gun fatally shoots 9 month old"

This is what I wonder too. Where do these people live that they need guns to protect them. I lived in the States for 50 years, many of those years as a single woman. I never lived in an area where I needed a gun to protect myself, and I lived in two different states and seven different towns or cities. Since then I've lived in five different countries on two different continents. I have NEVER needed to own a gun to feel or be safe. I just wonder why these pro-gun people are so scared and so afraid for their safety that they need not only to own guns, but to own many guns and often to carry them around with them.
Again, comparing swimming pools to guns is a false analogy. They have different purposes and uses. They are completely different. Your attempt to compare guns and pools is completely illogical. You don't further your argument at all with such an illogical argument.

Yeah you are right. I haven't had my house broken into, I haven't been mugged, no one in my family has been killed. I don't need the police. Get rid of them. My house hasn't caught on fire yet, I don't need to Fire Department. Get rid of it.

You left wing nut jobs are some epically stupid people.
You are the one who is stupid. We have the police and the fire department to deal with these issues, if they come up. Having a gun, or a bunch of them, insures nothing other than you are more likely to have a gun accident in your home or some kind of gun tragedy at home or among your friends and family. Unless you live in a seriously crime ridden area, going around day by day feeling afraid you will be mugged, your house will be broken into, etc., is just foolishness.

Using your logic why would anyone need to keep a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit in their home or auto?
Good lord. You really are stupid. My logic says nothing of the kind. You are trying to compare a gun to a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. Those are both logically falacies. You truly do not know how to think.

You just said, "We have the police and the fire department to deal with these issues, if they come up", in regards to having one's house broke into or catching on fire.

So if you don't need a gun in your home for protection since we have the police, it is safe to say we don't need a fire extinguisher because we have fireman.

That's your logic in a nutshell.
No it isn't. Your pathetic attempt to be logical is kind of sad. There is no logical comparison between a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. Period.
Yeah you are right. I haven't had my house broken into, I haven't been mugged, no one in my family has been killed. I don't need the police. Get rid of them. My house hasn't caught on fire yet, I don't need to Fire Department. Get rid of it.

You left wing nut jobs are some epically stupid people.
You are the one who is stupid. We have the police and the fire department to deal with these issues, if they come up. Having a gun, or a bunch of them, insures nothing other than you are more likely to have a gun accident in your home or some kind of gun tragedy at home or among your friends and family. Unless you live in a seriously crime ridden area, going around day by day feeling afraid you will be mugged, your house will be broken into, etc., is just foolishness.

Using your logic why would anyone need to keep a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit in their home or auto?
Good lord. You really are stupid. My logic says nothing of the kind. You are trying to compare a gun to a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. Those are both logically falacies. You truly do not know how to think.

You just said, "We have the police and the fire department to deal with these issues, if they come up", in regards to having one's house broke into or catching on fire.

So if you don't need a gun in your home for protection since we have the police, it is safe to say we don't need a fire extinguisher because we have fireman.

That's your logic in a nutshell.
No it isn't. Your pathetic attempt to be logical is kind of sad. There is no logical comparison between a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. Period.

You made the comment about the fire department. Not I.
You are the one who is stupid. We have the police and the fire department to deal with these issues, if they come up. Having a gun, or a bunch of them, insures nothing other than you are more likely to have a gun accident in your home or some kind of gun tragedy at home or among your friends and family. Unless you live in a seriously crime ridden area, going around day by day feeling afraid you will be mugged, your house will be broken into, etc., is just foolishness.

Using your logic why would anyone need to keep a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit in their home or auto?
Good lord. You really are stupid. My logic says nothing of the kind. You are trying to compare a gun to a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. Those are both logically falacies. You truly do not know how to think.

You just said, "We have the police and the fire department to deal with these issues, if they come up", in regards to having one's house broke into or catching on fire.

So if you don't need a gun in your home for protection since we have the police, it is safe to say we don't need a fire extinguisher because we have fireman.

That's your logic in a nutshell.
No it isn't. Your pathetic attempt to be logical is kind of sad. There is no logical comparison between a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. Period.

You made the comment about the fire department. Not I.
:rolleyes: It's just not worth it. :bye1:
Tragic sad story, I grieve with the family and friends. But no, you cannot have my guns or my gun rights.

Quit hiding behind that lie.

You post these stories hoping to persuade more people to become anti-gun. I just want you to know it won't work with me, or other members here who support Second Amendment rights.

I think everyone knows that no number of children dying means anything to the real gun nuts.

Hopefully someone reads these and properly locks up their guns.

I'm saddened when children die in car accidents too, especially if they were not properly restrained.
Doesn't mean though that I think we should end the use of motor vehicles.
Comparing cars to guns is a false analogy. They have completely different purposes and uses. Comparing cars to guns does not advance your argument one bit. It's a completely illogical comparison.

no it is not. because death is the ultimate issue and both cause many deaths. you just don't care when people die in a car accident because it does not further your agenda.
Quit hiding behind that lie.

You post these stories hoping to persuade more people to become anti-gun. I just want you to know it won't work with me, or other members here who support Second Amendment rights.

I think everyone knows that no number of children dying means anything to the real gun nuts.

Hopefully someone reads these and properly locks up their guns.

I'm saddened when children die in car accidents too, especially if they were not properly restrained.
Doesn't mean though that I think we should end the use of motor vehicles.
Comparing cars to guns is a false analogy. They have completely different purposes and uses. Comparing cars to guns does not advance your argument one bit. It's a completely illogical comparison.

no it is not. because death is the ultimate issue and both cause many deaths. you just don't care when people die in a car accident because it does not further your agenda.

Sorry but cars are used daily by most people. Guns will not be needed by most people their entire life. They really can't be compared.
You post these stories hoping to persuade more people to become anti-gun. I just want you to know it won't work with me, or other members here who support Second Amendment rights.

I think everyone knows that no number of children dying means anything to the real gun nuts.

Hopefully someone reads these and properly locks up their guns.

I'm saddened when children die in car accidents too, especially if they were not properly restrained.
Doesn't mean though that I think we should end the use of motor vehicles.
Comparing cars to guns is a false analogy. They have completely different purposes and uses. Comparing cars to guns does not advance your argument one bit. It's a completely illogical comparison.

no it is not. because death is the ultimate issue and both cause many deaths. you just don't care when people die in a car accident because it does not further your agenda.

Sorry but cars are used daily by most people. Guns will not be needed by most people their entire life. They really can't be compared.

irrelevant to the issue at hand, DEATHS. alcohol is not needed by most people, yet, that is still legal and used to break the law when people drive. drunks kill more people than guns. it is wholly relevant to the topic.
I think everyone knows that no number of children dying means anything to the real gun nuts.

Hopefully someone reads these and properly locks up their guns.

I'm saddened when children die in car accidents too, especially if they were not properly restrained.
Doesn't mean though that I think we should end the use of motor vehicles.
Comparing cars to guns is a false analogy. They have completely different purposes and uses. Comparing cars to guns does not advance your argument one bit. It's a completely illogical comparison.

no it is not. because death is the ultimate issue and both cause many deaths. you just don't care when people die in a car accident because it does not further your agenda.

Sorry but cars are used daily by most people. Guns will not be needed by most people their entire life. They really can't be compared.

irrelevant to the issue at hand, DEATHS. alcohol is not needed by most people, yet, that is still legal and used to break the law when people drive. drunks kill more people than guns. it is wholly relevant to the topic.

Except if you calculate it by the hour of use. Then cars look safe compared to guns.
I'm saddened when children die in car accidents too, especially if they were not properly restrained.
Doesn't mean though that I think we should end the use of motor vehicles.
Comparing cars to guns is a false analogy. They have completely different purposes and uses. Comparing cars to guns does not advance your argument one bit. It's a completely illogical comparison.

no it is not. because death is the ultimate issue and both cause many deaths. you just don't care when people die in a car accident because it does not further your agenda.

Sorry but cars are used daily by most people. Guns will not be needed by most people their entire life. They really can't be compared.

irrelevant to the issue at hand, DEATHS. alcohol is not needed by most people, yet, that is still legal and used to break the law when people drive. drunks kill more people than guns. it is wholly relevant to the topic.

Except if you calculate it by the hour of use. Then cars look safe compared to guns.

great, then compared by the hour of use, nukes pose less risk than cars using your logic
I raised 5 children. I always had loaded guns in the house. Shotgun by the bed, 9mm Auto in my office, my carry handgun either in my pocket or in the kitchen on the counter. No one was ever shot, no rounds accidentally went off, none of my kids played with them ever.

Where do you live that you are so scared you need so many loaded guns? Sounds like you are lucky nobody was accidently shot.
This is what I wonder too. Where do these people live that they need guns to protect them. I lived in the States for 50 years, many of those years as a single woman. I never lived in an area where I needed a gun to protect myself, and I lived in two different states and seven different towns or cities. Since then I've lived in five different countries on two different continents. I have NEVER needed to own a gun to feel or be safe. I just wonder why these pro-gun people are so scared and so afraid for their safety that they need not only to own guns, but to own many guns and often to carry them around with them.
But using the death of a baby to push your antigun agenda is cool

I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?

More children die each year in swimming pools than by firearms. Do you want to outlaw swimming pools?
Again, comparing swimming pools to guns is a false analogy. They have different purposes and uses. They are completely different. Your attempt to compare guns and pools is completely illogical. You don't further your argument at all with such an illogical argument.

Yeah you are right. I haven't had my house broken into, I haven't been mugged, no one in my family has been killed. I don't need the police. Get rid of them. My house hasn't caught on fire yet, I don't need to Fire Department. Get rid of it.

You left wing nut jobs are some epically stupid people.
You are the one who is stupid. We have the police and the fire department to deal with these issues, if they come up. Having a gun, or a bunch of them, ensures nothing other than you are more likely to have a gun accident in your home or some kind of gun tragedy at home or among your friends and family. Unless you live in a seriously crime ridden area, going around day by day feeling afraid you will be mugged, your house will be broken into, etc., is just foolishness.

Complete bull shit from an idiot.

If I am the victim of a home invasion, by the time the cops get there they will be in time to call the coroner. I have had a bunch of guns in my house and have never had an accident so you are full of shit. And don't try that idiotic left wing trick where you think you can imply that I'm a coward for having a gun, it's just stupid and no one falls for it ever. Not to mention the fact that I don't give a shit what a bunch of moronic left wing idiots think.

Your "logic" that I don't need a gun because I;m not in a high crime neighborhood is EXACTLY as stupid as saying I don't need the cops either. That's the point though I don't expect that someone as ignorant as you would understand.

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.
yup, like not every parent should have access to his child. Save our children from guns and stupid parents and then they will be alive. It seems to be possible only in the USA to become 5-year-old killer. The 2d amendment must be revised or banned.
Where do you live that you are so scared you need so many loaded guns? Sounds like you are lucky nobody was accidently shot.
This is what I wonder too. Where do these people live that they need guns to protect them. I lived in the States for 50 years, many of those years as a single woman. I never lived in an area where I needed a gun to protect myself, and I lived in two different states and seven different towns or cities. Since then I've lived in five different countries on two different continents. I have NEVER needed to own a gun to feel or be safe. I just wonder why these pro-gun people are so scared and so afraid for their safety that they need not only to own guns, but to own many guns and often to carry them around with them.
More children die each year in swimming pools than by firearms. Do you want to outlaw swimming pools?
Again, comparing swimming pools to guns is a false analogy. They have different purposes and uses. They are completely different. Your attempt to compare guns and pools is completely illogical. You don't further your argument at all with such an illogical argument.

Yeah you are right. I haven't had my house broken into, I haven't been mugged, no one in my family has been killed. I don't need the police. Get rid of them. My house hasn't caught on fire yet, I don't need to Fire Department. Get rid of it.

You left wing nut jobs are some epically stupid people.
You are the one who is stupid. We have the police and the fire department to deal with these issues, if they come up. Having a gun, or a bunch of them, insures nothing other than you are more likely to have a gun accident in your home or some kind of gun tragedy at home or among your friends and family. Unless you live in a seriously crime ridden area, going around day by day feeling afraid you will be mugged, your house will be broken into, etc., is just foolishness.

Using your logic why would anyone need to keep a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit in their home or auto?
Good lord. You really are dense. My logic says nothing of the kind. You are trying to compare a gun to a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. Those comparisons are both logically fallacies. You truly do not know how to think.

How ironic. You are too dense to understand that what YOU stated makes the comparison valid. Idiot.

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.
yup, like not every parent should have access to his child. Save our children from guns and stupid parents and then they will be alive. It seems to be possible only in the USA to become 5-year-old killer. The 2d amendment must be revised or banned.

Do the world a favor and hold your breath until that happens. Don't worry, it should be any minute now.
I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

No...we don't think violent criminals should have access to guns...or the dangerously mentally ill....yet you guys only have solutions for the very people who won't use guns to commit crimes...doesn't make sense......

Universal gun safety classes in all elementary schools...that will help....but you anti gunners fight it tooth and nail.......
Whine and lie all you want but the nutters should be ashamed of their cavalier attitude concerning the needless deaths of innocent children.

We aren't the ones with a cavalier attitude...ask anyone here...they will support universal gun safety classes in k-12.....that will help reduce these accidents...the anti gunners....fight it tooth and nail because a death like this....is great for the anti gun cause........they can drag the little body in front of their minions in the democrat controlled media and exploit it like no other propaganda tool.....gun safety would reduce these accidents....and the anti gunners just can't have that.....after all....one dead child is great for their cause....not ours......

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......
Comparing cars to guns is a false analogy. They have completely different purposes and uses. Comparing cars to guns does not advance your argument one bit. It's a completely illogical comparison.

no it is not. because death is the ultimate issue and both cause many deaths. you just don't care when people die in a car accident because it does not further your agenda.

Sorry but cars are used daily by most people. Guns will not be needed by most people their entire life. They really can't be compared.

irrelevant to the issue at hand, DEATHS. alcohol is not needed by most people, yet, that is still legal and used to break the law when people drive. drunks kill more people than guns. it is wholly relevant to the topic.

Except if you calculate it by the hour of use. Then cars look safe compared to guns.

great, then compared by the hour of use, nukes pose less risk than cars using your logic

How many times have nukes been used?

How else can you compare something used daily by most people to something most people will never need to use? The death count shouldn't be at all close.

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......
The issue is that gun accidents are totally unnecessary. Poisons in the home, water, cars, etc., are part of everyday life. None of those things are meant as and used as weapons to kill. Guns have only one purpose, to kill, or at least injure. They are purposely lethal. Comparing them to household cleaning products, medicines, swimming pools or bathtubs, automobiles, etc., is logically fallacious. Guns are not necessities of everyday life; all the other things are. Guns have only one purpose: they are lethal weapons. All the other things have reasonable, necessary purposes. This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

The bottom line is not how many deaths are involved but something that is meant to kill as opposed to things which are simply objects used for ordinary, everyday life.

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

Get a life and quit being so scared of your surroundings



Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......
The issue is that gun accidents are totally unnecessary. Poisons in the home, water, cars, etc., are part of everyday life. None of those things are meant as and used as weapons to kill. Guns have only one purpose, to kill, or at least injure. They are purposely lethal. Comparing them to household cleaning products, medicines, swimming pools or bathtubs, automobiles, etc., is logically fallacious. Guns are not necessities of everyday life; all the other things are. Guns have only one purpose: they are lethal weapons. All the other things have reasonable, necessary purposes. This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

The bottom line is not how many deaths are involved but something that is meant to kill as opposed to things which are simply objects used for ordinary, everyday life.

Your fail is what you want, is not what our civil rights mandate. Your definition of 'ordinary' is not all inclusive.

Essentially, MYOB

Left wingers ALWAYS blame the gun. They never ever care to look at the reasons why people kill. It's because their control of others is more important than human life. That they don't care about at all.

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