Good Things White People Have Done

Have White People Done More Good Or More Bad for the World?

  • Good

    Votes: 33 91.7%
  • Bad

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters
I do not take credit for the actions of my ancestors....good or bad. I feel kinship with my family emotional attachment and shared experiences. I feel joy when someone in my family succeeds.....a little more than if it were someone who is not in my family. But I am not running around looking for compliments over my father's military service or my grandmother's distinguished service to her community. I had nothing to do with it.

My wife and kids.....the family we have built together....yep. I am proud of them. None of them are white, by the way. Cool, huh!

Now you are talking about something different. I never took credit for anyone's actions. I am proud of my family(where we came from and what we have done) and my extended family(my race, the White Race).

Good for you.

And..that is retarded. Merry Christmas, nutjob.
Why the hate?
Steam engine
Modern astronomy
Modern geology
Modern Meteorology

Sure you could list a lot of things Asians and arabs done for this world. You could also list the same bads....What makes a people is what they do good for humanity.

Sushi and Suicide Bombing?
Yes because our educational system since integration has just shot through the roof with test scores and such eh? More like we allowed negro's to attend white schools and they have been turned into cesspools of drugs,rape,crime and gangs.

gee you aint a racist are ya?.....

Actually my dad told me that Two young men set out to prove that integration was a huge success, but after extensive research they had to admit that integration not only didn't help blacks but brought white scores down.

I haven't been able to find anything to verify this, so I'm not sure.

i went to school with blacks were i grew up about 30-40% black.....but the schools were much better back then.....there were plenty of black kids who were avg to good students and there were plenty of dummies just like the white kids....the President of the School body was a black guy.....
1. those are all over the time line and things change over time
2. what roll did jews have in instigating wars and conflicts? Do some research on that.
3. So what if the white race has had a lot of wars? We are a warrior race.Vikings,Conquistadors,Crusaders etc etc.

The question was if whites have done more GOOD.

You boast of being a "Warrior" race.

If in fact, you see war as ....good, then I can understand your rationale perfectly clear.

Good no,Necessary at times yes. Also a lot of the wars in the past 2 centuries were forced or started based on lies or deception of outside sources.

Yes because our educational system since integration has just shot through the roof with test scores and such eh? More like we allowed negro's to attend white schools and they have been turned into cesspools of drugs,rape,crime and gangs.

gee you aint a racist are ya?.....
Realist. Look up the facts for yourself. You call our education system today a good one?

so thats all because of blacks that it is not?.....
[MENTION=25186]Two Thumbs[/MENTION], again.

You say "man is violent by nature", and we know that whites excel in violence and war.

Yet, the question was "Is this GOOD....or BAD?"

I personally see violence and war as....bad.

If you guys see violence and war as...good, I again will understand your rationale perfectly clear.


Despite where you come from, the most technologically advanced always excel at war. That doesn't mean that the less technologically advanced isn't war prone or would have done it differently. Of course, technological advancement has nothing to do with the color of ones skin, although, it is reflective of a culture on the whole. In any case, just because blacks weren't advanced enough to make any headway in the world doesn't mean that they weren't violent. Indeed, it was their warring among tribes and civilizations that afforded the western colonizers the golden opportunity to play them off of one another. Now, if you take constant war as the standard, AND IT WAS, then you must look at history as it was. Perhaps your adding too much credence to this war thing? In fact, he only continent that is in wide scale perpetual war today is Africa. Figure that.
There's no such thing as white people. We are all blends and all blends have done lots of things good and bad and in between. The fact we/you/they make this artificial distinction is the start of stupidity, the rest follows.

OK then. Lets call it "white culture." Problem solved.
White Europeans learned after the fall of Rome how to be centralized and invent a social structure which excelled at warfare and exploitation of social classes to build a society.
@ Publius, we actually don't have to scratch our heads and "figure out" why Africa is fragmented and war-torn.

I agree, blacks are violent as well as whites.

And the multi-millions of dead soldiers probably would beg to differ that I'm "placing too much thought into this war thing."

I'm not gonna give a pass or try to rationalize away the atrocities committed by blacks.

Alas, the topic isn't about blacks.:eusa_angel:

One day, I looked up the number of people killed in all wars the last 1500 years.

A deep sadness and despair descended upon my persona.

For who knows the triumphs and lives these men could've contributed to humanity.

Evil, won instead.

Evil, is what should be eradicated and enslaved.

NOT Native Americans or Blacks.

Can You Dig That?
@ Moonglow, Rome was in power for centuries. Whites were doing just fine. The depravity of Caligula, Nero, and other rulers helped weaken Rome.

Rome itself was a war machine. So I think that whites were well-schooled in murder and mayhem LOOOOONG before ever Rome fell.
@ Publius, we actually don't have to scratch our heads and "figure out" why Africa is fragmented and war-torn.

I agree, blacks are violent as well as whites.

And the multi-millions of dead soldiers probably would beg to differ that I'm "placing too much thought into this war thing."

I'm not gonna give a pass or try to rationalize away the atrocities committed by blacks.

Alas, the topic isn't about blacks.:eusa_angel:

One day, I looked up the number of people killed in all wars the last 1500 years.

A deep sadness and despair descended upon my persona.

For who knows the triumphs and lives these men could've contributed to humanity.

Evil, won instead.

Evil, is what should be eradicated and enslaved.

NOT Native Americans or Blacks.

Can You Dig That?

I'm afraid it's not as clean cut as that. In the great scheme of things, as a percentage of total population, wars and murders have gone down.
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We need to refocus our goals towards knowledge and advancement of idea's.

War shouldn't be at the center of our civilization...

We should do things for more then just profit but for our own betterment....Like making fusion work or curing diseases. Or landing people on mars.

Whites, blacks, Asians and arabs should all work together for our benefit and advancement as a species.
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Look. White people have a problem.

But when people try to tell you what that problem become violent and vindictive.

So often, ppl are content to let you run off a cliff, instead of risking themselves to warn you of danger.

It takes 3 times as much for a non-white person to speak truthfully publicly to you, than it takes for racists to call me ****** from a anonymous profile with no pic.

Listen to your conscious.

Black Americans are your conscious, and living memorials to something that God shall demand an answer for.
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I honestly believe that blacks have problems exceeding far any whites have.

Violent crime within your communities being committed by fatherless children. The best thing the black race along with all races could possibly do is love the growth of knowledge and betterment of your community.

Teach your children to be able to compete
Teach your people to dream big

This should be the goal for us all.
"Gone down"?

So a little murder and a touch of war is not so bad huh?

Relative to what alternative? Don't tell me peace is a legitimate alternative. In fact, creation of the nuclear bomb is the best peace enabler in world history. You may thank whitey for that. In any case, having established that all civilizations are violent, the only question is which one do you want to prosper? Generally, the more advanced civilizations prospered. I would say that's a good thing.
Look. White people have a problem.

But when people try to tell you what that problem become violent and vindictive.

So often, ppl are content to let you run off a cliff, instead of risking themselves to warn you of danger.

It takes 3 times as much for a non-white person to speak truthfully publicly to you, than it takes for racists to call me ****** from a anonymous profile with no pic.

Listen to your conscious.

Black Americans are your conscious, and living memorials to something that God shall demand an answer for.

On the whole, white problems are the least of our worries.

[ame=]Thomas Sowell - Culture And Success - YouTube[/ame]
Look. White people have a problem.

But when people try to tell you what that problem become violent and vindictive.

So often, ppl are content to let you run off a cliff, instead of risking themselves to warn you of danger.

It takes 3 times as much for a non-white person to speak truthfully publicly to you, than it takes for racists to call me ****** from a anonymous profile with no pic.

Listen to your conscious.

Black Americans are your conscious, and living memorials to something that God shall demand an answer for.

On the whole, white problems are the least of our worries.

[ame=]Thomas Sowell - Culture And Success - YouTube[/ame]

What a fucking blowhard.
The question was if whites have done more GOOD.

You boast of being a "Warrior" race.

If in fact, you see war as ....good, then I can understand your rationale perfectly clear.

Good no,Necessary at times yes. Also a lot of the wars in the past 2 centuries were forced or started based on lies or deception of outside sources.

gee you aint a racist are ya?.....
Realist. Look up the facts for yourself. You call our education system today a good one?

so thats all because of blacks that it is not?.....

Course not. Jews have a large hand in it. Not only Jews but those that have bought into their way of thinking now running things. Also Black Man why did you never respond to my reply discrediting most of your assumptions about whites in Asia,Australia,NA and SA?
@ National Socialist, because I thought you were posting that white apologist, pseudo-racist cherry picked version of history and theoretical hypothesis just to look like you were effectively debating me or something.

For surely we all know it was the unwarranted aggression of whites and their greed that drove colonialism and slavery since from Alexander in Greece, all the way until America.

I mean, you just have to concede that, and not try and make it look like anything else...or else you will lose all credibility.


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