Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

In a sane world when the PRESIDENT suggests injecting disinfectant
The press would gasp.

The stock market would collapse.

The nightly news would only be talking about this crazy ass nonsense that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES just said on TV. Did you hear that? Let’s play it again.

The PRESIDENT just suggested - seriously and not as some sarcastic humorous aside - but seriously suggested human beings inject themselves with a goddamned DISINFECTANT. This is absolutely insane.

We have failed. All of us. You. Me. The person sitting next to you. Everyone. As a society we have failed because we have normalized this utterly batshit crazy insanity.

This is not normal.

This is not ACCEPTABLE.

People need to call every news man and woman, every congressional staffer and scream at them THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.




Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!


This man is a total idiot. Seriously here. How much of a moron does a person have to be to say something like that?


He asked questions and theorized.

At least that's what was 'reported' in the links that were provided in this thread.
COVIDIOT Tramp also asked for taxpayer paid for TESTS to prove it!!!!!

Idiot. It’s already proven. UV light is a disinfectant for both blood AND other types of sterilization. And it is used in hospitals as blood treatments for lung cancer patients as well as for disinfecting rooms.

also has been used against SARS and other corona virus strains.

See post 188.
FYI..........the biological guy at 31 minutes in backs away from testing on the body parts.

So in fact......the bio GUY stepped away from it......................

So Trump did a screw up there..........oh me looking into it........and found they are actually trying it.........LOL
UV light has been used as a blood treatment for lung cancer patients.
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!


This man is a total idiot. Seriously here. How much of a moron does a person have to be to say something like that?


He asked questions and theorized.

At least that's what was 'reported' in the links that were provided in this thread.
COVIDIOT Tramp also asked for taxpayer paid for TESTS to prove it!!!!!

Idiot. It’s already proven. UV light is a disinfectant for both blood AND other types of sterilization. And it is used in hospitals as blood treatments for lung cancer patients as well as for disinfecting rooms.

also has been used against SARS and other corona virus strains.

See post 188.

thought you bozo’s were the experts on “Science”

Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!

And we have TDS thread 1,441
And it is used in hospitals as blood treatments for lung cancer patients as well as for disinfecting rooms.

It disinfects rooms by killing micro-organisms...and thats how it kills cancer...right? :rolleyes:

No silly, wrong. UV blood treaments are used to supress immune system response, they do not actually disinfect anything.
Last edited:
Trump is killing people and making this pandemic so much worst. The bastard needs to be removed from office!

He's killing no one... You know this thread has gone 10 pages and EVERYONE misses the big news here. Including you and your OP making this about Trump... The BLOCKBUSTER science ROCKS here..

It's that you can WIPE covid from a subway train in a matter of hours without a team of 10 people EXPOSING themselves to the virus... Same with grocery stores, shopping malls and other places overnight..

If TRUE and it can be quickly scaled up --- would SAVE thousands of lives potentially..
And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!


This man is a total idiot. Seriously here. How much of a moron does a person have to be to say something like that?


He asked questions and theorized.

At least that's what was 'reported' in the links that were provided in this thread.
COVIDIOT Tramp also asked for taxpayer paid for TESTS to prove it!!!!!

Idiot. It’s already proven. UV light is a disinfectant for both blood AND other types of sterilization. And it is used in hospitals as blood treatments for lung cancer patients as well as for disinfecting rooms.

also has been used against SARS and other corona virus strains.

See post 188.

Why ?

Fuck you.
Obviously he's heard of UVBI before or you have to admit he's a genius
UVLrx Therapy Lights Up Charlatans Dealing In Medical Devices
Pharma & Healthcare
UV treatment of blood has been around for some time, but no proof of efficacy has ever emerged. The claims made for the therapy that it deactivates pathogens, stimulates the immune system or increases oxygen saturation are pure fantasy.

Thats not UVBI.
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!
Sundowner Tramp makes Biden look SMARTER and YOUNGER with every press conference!!!!!!
Pussygrabber is right it will kill virus but before that, it will kill the patient..
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!
Sundowner Tramp makes Biden look SMARTER and YOUNGER with every press conference!!!!!!
Pussygrabber is right it will kill virus but before that, it will kill the patient..

Here we are sitting in a country with a nearly closed health care system.. People afraid to call 911 for heart issues/strokes.. Hospitals defining installing pacemakers as "elective".,. Listened to a talk radio call-in today telling everyone how to pull their own abscessed teeth like he and his son just did because dentists are SHUT DOWN and a tooth is not a 911 issue...

And YOU'RE afraid that someone is gonna "scope themselves" with an optical UV tube... As tho that could happen because the "pussy grabber" was thinking on his feet...

BTW -- you ready to pull own tooth yet??? Maybe Trump will give you advise next Tues if all the dentists are STILL all closed... Don't laugh.. Think....
Pussygrabber is right it will kill virus but before that, it will kill the patient..

Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
No. Doctors don’t inject DISINFECTANT into people. Have you people lost your fucking minds? How can you defend this clown on this?
Dumbass the disinfectant is the UV light.
That’s not what he said, blue balls.
Sounds more like you made yourself look like a fool actually believing the MSM instead of reasearching it yourself..asshat.
Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
No. Doctors don’t inject DISINFECTANT into people. Have you people lost your fucking minds? How can you defend this clown on this?
Dumbass the disinfectant is the UV light.
That’s not what he said, blue balls.
Sounds more like you made yourself look like a fool actually believing the MSM instead of reasearching it yourself..asshat.
I watched the video, ass-to-mouth. Go wipe your chin. You’re an embarrassment.

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