Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
No. Doctors don’t inject DISINFECTANT into people. Have you people lost your fucking minds? How can you defend this clown on this?
Dumbass the disinfectant is the UV light.
That’s not what he said, blue balls.
Sounds more like you made yourself look like a fool actually believing the MSM instead of reasearching it yourself..asshat.
I watched the video, ass-to-mouth. Go wipe your chin. You’re an embarrassment.

here shit for brains UV light used as a disinfectant...for treating patients AND cleaning surfaces.

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"Exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees DOES NOT prevent the coronavirus disease," WHO says on its website. "You can catch COVID-19, no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19," it adds.

No one said it prevented it. Sunlight, however, plus fresh air, helped recovery as the article about the Spanish flu points out.

Its not clear if he meant prevention or as a cure (nothing he says seems to be coherent) but he definitely said "bringing it into the body". He is one stupid mother fucker.

Your hate is sad. Living with such hate is sadder still.
Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
No. Doctors don’t inject DISINFECTANT into people. Have you people lost your fucking minds? How can you defend this clown on this?
Dumbass the disinfectant is the UV light.
That’s not what he said, blue balls.
Sounds more like you made yourself look like a fool actually believing the MSM instead of reasearching it yourself..asshat.
I watched the video, ass-to-mouth. Go wipe your chin. You’re an embarrassment.

here shit for brains UV light used as a disinfectant...for treating patients AND cleaning surfaces.

Yep, we'll use laser on Covid-19 while we UV the skin to kill it as it runs from the lungs to the surface. :rolleyes:

....Can you just stop fucking emberasisng yourself?
That an eminent official would suggest injecting cleaners into the body this way is too reprehensible to believe. How could anyone attain such a level of responsibility and still act so irresponsibly? It cannot be possible that he doesn't know chemicals like these are entirely antithetical to ingestion.
The president discussed injecting (poor choice of words) one of the 2 dissinfectants not sun light, the sunlight was duscussed seperately as a blue light or whatever at entrance and injecting dissinfectant was stated "into the building" not people, like mist entrances you see at labs like tech clean rooms and exiting toxic areas.
LINK please to those exact words or admit you are a liar.
OP is required to provide the link to the exact words, therefore you admitted thw OP is lying amd did not post the actual words thus changed the narrative and meaning. Pence clarified what Trump said to prevent this kind of confusion and abuse by the press.
but when you do a million speaches your choice of words can by percentages occassionally be off. But then normal people know this.

Occassionally???? nimrods slay really do :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ..
How many posts do you have and how many times do you chose the wrong words or could have used better words? Now compare your precentage with the President by listing all his numbers of speaches and your proof of misspeach.
Then compare that to actual Biden Gaffs beyond missused words and into the twighlight zone.
Then compare Bidens percentages with MSM changed wording in reporting down the line not actual transcripts.
Who would win and lose that comparison
Would Biden or MSM have the highest number of mistakes?
Remember, you being to lazy to do the science and study the data means you are not going by facts, you are decision making through emotions, ones that are created by your puppet master MSM which you would be admitting make up the words/narrative as well as your hostility.
So what's it like being subverted by parrots?
Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!


This man is a total idiot. Seriously here. How much of a moron does a person have to be to say something like that?


He asked questions and theorized.

At least that's what was 'reported' in the links that were provided in this thread.
COVIDIOT Tramp also asked for taxpayer paid for TESTS to prove it!!!!!

Idiot. It’s already proven. UV light is a disinfectant for both blood AND other types of sterilization. And it is used in hospitals as blood treatments for lung cancer patients as well as for disinfecting rooms.

also has been used against SARS and other corona virus strains.

See post 188.

thought you bozo’s were the experts on “Science”

Yeah that uses a laser light, not UV and it is for cancer, not a virus.
try again,
Obviously he's heard of UVBI before or you have to admit he's a genius
UVLrx Therapy Lights Up Charlatans Dealing In Medical Devices
Pharma & Healthcare
UV treatment of blood has been around for some time, but no proof of efficacy has ever emerged. The claims made for the therapy that it deactivates pathogens, stimulates the immune system or increases oxygen saturation are pure fantasy.

Thats not UVBI.
You seem to have missed this part!
UV treatment of blood has been around for some time, but no proof of efficacy has ever emerged. The claims made for the therapy that it deactivates pathogens, stimulates the immune system or increases oxygen saturation are pure fantasy.
FYI..........the biological guy at 31 minutes in backs away from testing on the body parts.

So in fact......the bio GUY stepped away from it......................

So Trump did a screw up there..........oh me looking into it........and found they are actually trying it.........LOL
UV light has been used as a blood treatment for lung cancer patients.
25.5. Modern Devices to Carry Out UBI
Although it is often said that UBI is “the cure that time forgot” [90, 91], it has not actually been completely forgotten. There are several companies, organizations and devices existing at the present time, which are being used or proposed (on a rather small scale) to carry out UBI, or as it often called “Photoluminescence Therapy (PT)”. Several websites provide information on UBI and PT. Perhaps one of the most comprehensive is (Photoluminescence Therapy) that provides a listing of practitioners located in USA that offer UBI to patients. UBI medical (UBI MEDICAL | About Us) also has a lot of information available. The web-site entitled “Infections cured” ( is also worth checking out. Physicians UBI Awareness Center ( even has a video posted online comparing different kinds of UBI machines.
Go to:
25.6. Conclusion
UV irradiation of blood was hailed as a miracle therapy for treating serious infections in the 1940s and 1950s. In an ironic quirk of fate, this historical time period coincided with the widespread introduction of penicillin antibiotics, which were rapidly found to be an even bigger medical miracle therapy. Moreover another major success of UBI, which was becoming increasingly used to treat polio, was also eclipsed by the introduction of the Salk polio vaccine in 1955 [91]. UBI had originally been an American discovery, but then was transitioned to being more studied in Russia and other eastern countries, which had long concentrated on physical therapies for many diseases, which were more usually treated with drugs in the West.
However in the last decade the problem of multi-antibiotic resistant bacteria has grown relentlessly. Multidrug-resistant (MDR) and pandrug resistant (PDR) bacterial strains and their related infections are emerging threats to public health throughout the world [92]. These are associated with approximately two-fold higher mortality rates and considerably prolonged hospital admissions [93]. The infections caused by antibiotic resistant strains are often exceptionally hard to treat due to the limited range of therapeutic options [94]. Recently in Feb 2015, the Review on Antimicrobial Resistance stated “Drug- resistant infections could kill an extra 10 million people across the world every year by 2050 if they are not tackled. By this date they could also cost the world around $100 trillion in lost output: more than the size of the current world economy, and roughly equivalent to the world losing the output of the UK economy every year, for 35 years” [95].
Sepsis is an uncontrolled response to infection involving massive cytokine release, widespread inflammation, which leads to blood clots and leaky vessels. Multi-organ failure can follow. Every year, severe sepsis strikes more than a million Americans. It is estimated that between 28–50% percent of these people die. Patients with sepsis are usually treated in hospital intensive care units with broad-spectrum antibiotics, oxygen and intravenous fluids to maintain normal blood oxygen levels and blood pressure. Despite decades of research, no drugs that specifically target the aggressive immune response that characterizes sepsis have been developed.
We would like to propose that UBI be reconsidered and re-investigated as a treatment for systemic infections caused by multi-drug resistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in patients who are running out of (or who have already run out) of options. Patients at risk of death from sepsis could also be considered as candidates for UBI. Further research is required into the mechanisms of action of UBI. The present confusion about exactly what is happening during and after the treatment is playing a large role in the controversy about whether UBI could ever be a mainstream medical therapy, or must remain side-lined in the “alternative and complementary” category where it has been allowed to be forgotten for the last 50 years.
The president discussed injecting (poor choice of words) one of the 2 dissinfectants not sun light, the sunlight was duscussed seperately as a blue light or whatever at entrance and injecting dissinfectant was stated "into the building" not people, like mist entrances you see at labs like tech clean rooms and exiting toxic areas.
LINK please to those exact words or admit you are a liar.
OP is required to provide the link to the exact words, therefore you admitted thw OP is lying amd did not post the actual words thus changed the narrative and meaning. Pence clarified what Trump said to prevent this kind of confusion and abuse by the press.
OP provided a link, so I admit YOU are a LIAR.
Here is the :asshole: making a fool of himself in his own "best" words.
My goodness.

This just gets worse.
Are you inferring you have the solution?
I can understand why you'd want to change the subject. I get it.

This just isn't funny any more.
I didn't change the subject; I turned you into the subject because you turned Trump into the subject.
You prove over and over again that you're not taking other people's fatalities seriously.
"changed", "turned"

You deflected, and tried to put me on the defensive. I had commented directly on what he said, what he said was too fucking stupid to defend (again), so you tried to make it about me.

Standard nutter tactics. They don't work on me. But they do prove my point about nutters.
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Bleach does kill the virus so it would do the same in the lungs. That part of the reasoning is faultless.
You are stating that MDs can inject trace amount of deadly radioactive material into a human to destroy harmful cells, but not trace amount of a disinfectant.
Are you seriously claiming that doctors have proposed injecting lysol or "sunlight" into patients???
If you are truly posting this, you are an idiot.
Have you ever had a nuclear cardiac scan?
I guess you haven't.
I hope you never have to.
The radiation from those scans is tiny. Enough to pick up on a detector but not enough to harm you. We are exposed to background radiation all the time, the body is made to compensate for it.

The body is not made to compensate for injecting Lysol into your blood stream.
Is it safe to drink, or inject, to kill the virus ?

Personally I want to follow best practice in this and get it right.

For example I would drink it with a mixture of alcohol and tonic water to mitigate the taste. Small doses, never more than a pint a day.

Injections I am not so sure about. Can you get a big enough injection to make a difference ?

The shelves have been stripped of disinfectant over here so that is another problem.

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