Google making sure any main stream news articles on this are squelched.

Feb 28, 2009
It's spooky to see, but the wide news coverage of this still brings only 2 hits in a google "news" search, and only one or two more in a google web search:

Google News Search: Malik Zulu Shabazz attacks obama

Here's from one of the hits:

New Black Panther Leader Malik Zulu Shabazz: Obama Works for White Man
New Black Panther Leader Malik Zulu Shabazz: Obama Works for White Man
Video by Mark Berman Opposing Views
(23 Hours Ago) in Politics

In a speech last week, the leader of the New Black Panther Party, Malik Zulu Shabazz, lashed out at President Obama. Calling him an "Uncle Tom," Shabazz said Obama "represents the white man." Shabazz is a controversial figure -- his calls for equal rights for blacks are often mixed with anti-Semitic rhetoric. In fact, the Anti-Defamation League calls the New Black Panther Party "the largest organized anti-Semitic and racist black militant group in America." Shabazz took over as National Chairman after the equally controversial Khalid Abdul Muhammad died in 2001.
It's spooky to see, but the wide news coverage of this still brings only 2 hits in a google "news" search, and only one or two more in a google web search:

Google News Search: Malik Zulu Shabazz attacks obama

Here's from one of the hits:

New Black Panther Leader Malik Zulu Shabazz: Obama Works for White Man
New Black Panther Leader Malik Zulu Shabazz: Obama Works for White Man
Video by Mark Berman Opposing Views
(23 Hours Ago) in Politics

In a speech last week, the leader of the New Black Panther Party, Malik Zulu Shabazz, lashed out at President Obama. Calling him an "Uncle Tom," Shabazz said Obama "represents the white man." Shabazz is a controversial figure -- his calls for equal rights for blacks are often mixed with anti-Semitic rhetoric. In fact, the Anti-Defamation League calls the New Black Panther Party "the largest organized anti-Semitic and racist black militant group in America." Shabazz took over as National Chairman after the equally controversial Khalid Abdul Muhammad died in 2001.

I saw this story.

MM, am I being too cynical in believing that this incident, and last week's 'attack' by Rev. Wright, on Obama, are designed to help him in his re-election campaign?
It's spooky to see, but the wide news coverage of this still brings only 2 hits in a google "news" search, and only one or two more in a google web search:

Google News Search: Malik Zulu Shabazz attacks obama

Here's from one of the hits:

New Black Panther Leader Malik Zulu Shabazz: Obama Works for White Man
New Black Panther Leader Malik Zulu Shabazz: Obama Works for White Man
Video by Mark Berman Opposing Views
(23 Hours Ago) in Politics

In a speech last week, the leader of the New Black Panther Party, Malik Zulu Shabazz, lashed out at President Obama. Calling him an "Uncle Tom," Shabazz said Obama "represents the white man." Shabazz is a controversial figure -- his calls for equal rights for blacks are often mixed with anti-Semitic rhetoric. In fact, the Anti-Defamation League calls the New Black Panther Party "the largest organized anti-Semitic and racist black militant group in America." Shabazz took over as National Chairman after the equally controversial Khalid Abdul Muhammad died in 2001.

I saw this story.

MM, am I being too cynical in believing that this incident, and last week's 'attack' by Rev. Wright, on Obama, are designed to help him in his re-election campaign?
If they were, would Google be quashing it?

Other search engines give 100s of news results on same search terms....
Media titan and News Corp czar Rupert Murdoch seems to be on a warpath against Google's spiders, particularly with regard to Google News' indexing of News Corp items.

In an interview today with Australian media outlet Sky News, Murdoch hinted that when News Corp sites start charging users for access to content around June 2010, said content will be de-indexed from all search engines. It's an old-school approach to the burgeoning threat of new media, but who wants to argue with a 78 year-old billionaire? And exactly how much share does News Corp hold in the search engine news v. old-guard media battle?

Australian-born Murdoch said in the interview, "There are no websites... anywhere in the world making any serious money. Some may be breaking even or maybe making a couple of million."

Murdoch continues to criticize Google as plagiarists who steal News Corp content, just as he claims users should never have had access to free content in the first place. Take a look at this video of the interview. Beware: It's long and deeply fascinating:

Murdoch to Block Google from Searching News Items?
Just to play devil's advocate--what are the odds of this being some technical glitch? I'm not familiar with how Google actually works under the hood. Is it possible there is some kind of tagging error or whatever?

Both web hits from Google and Bing look alike. The first page comes up with similar links from what look like rightwing sites and blogs, based on the urls. Under the news tab, neither shows hits.

Both web hits from Google and Bing look alike. The first page comes up with similar links from what look like rightwing sites and blogs, based on the urls. Under the news tab, neither shows hits.
Lots more articles overall on this on Bing, than on Google.
Yeah about 20K more. Google is 60 and bing is 80.

This is probably the first time in about a year that I've used bing. :lol:
Of course we all know what it is, it's simply that news outlets don't want to give this loon any coverage. Can we blame them?
I have to wonder though... Were this a KKK guy or a right winger of some other sort, would we be having ANY trouble finding millions of hits on this?

I bet not.
google is as liberal of an entity as liberal can get, and barack hussein obama is their guy. They're going to do whatever they can within their power to protect, advance and help the guy. Just figure on it. It's no secret.
google is as liberal of an entity as liberal can get, and barack hussein obama is their guy. They're going to do whatever they can within their power to protect, advance and help the guy. Just figure on it. It's no secret.
Google usually archives USMB threads within minutes of their posting and has them near the top of the searches........ Wonder if this one will be?
google is as liberal of an entity as liberal can get, and barack hussein obama is their guy. They're going to do whatever they can within their power to protect, advance and help the guy. Just figure on it. It's no secret.
Google usually archives USMB threads within minutes of their posting and has them near the top of the searches........ Wonder if this one will be?

I've seen that. Don't know about this thread though, and your first link to google is dead.
google is as liberal of an entity as liberal can get, and barack hussein obama is their guy. They're going to do whatever they can within their power to protect, advance and help the guy. Just figure on it. It's no secret.
Google usually archives USMB threads within minutes of their posting and has them near the top of the searches........ Wonder if this one will be?

I've seen that. Don't know about this thread though, and your first link to google is dead.
Thanks! Fixed!

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