GOP Congressman Steve King Calls Hispanics Dirt

Who is stopping you?

I have no respect for people who are too afraid to speak their mind

Closet racists we call them...
i'm not afraid to speak my mind. i just dont want to be banished from USMB
Then you are afraid to speak your mind...

I speak my mind all the time and I don't have any concerns of being banished...

Maybe because I am not a depraved racist stay afraid
i speak my mind whenever there is no threat of being banished from something i love doing. give it a rest
depraved racists always afraid to speak honestly .......mad that the rest of society is not as racist and depraved as they are.....sad

Wetbacks are disgusting subhumans....only filthy cockroaches will continue having children they expect others to pay for....nobody decent does half the shit these low iQ thirdworlders do ....anybody legit and in touch knows this, some are willing to say it aloud.
Keep in mind; filthy fucks like you canā€™t really recognize other filth...youā€™re a sucker and likely one of ā€˜themā€™.
Iā€™m hoping you ignorant bastards keep this shit up though...youā€™re forcing good people to HATE wetbacks...Thatā€™s awesome!
Make America Racist Again....PLEASE.
You fools wonā€™t be happy until we have all wetbacks eradicated and the few left over riding at the back of the bus.
Donā€™t let up....PLEASE.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about natural rights, not even in abortion threads.
Rep. Steve King spars with conservative magazine which said he called immigrants 'dirt'

So Steve King got caught being a white supremacist Neo-Nazi again, shocker! -- This time he was outed by a conservative magazine -- from the article: The Weekly Standard, a D.C.-based conservative opinion magazine, released a two-minute audio clip of a campaign stop in Webster City, claiming that the representative called Mexican immigrants "dirt."

When the writers at Weekly Standard first went public with the allegations -- Steve King called them out on Twitter saying "Just release the full tape. Leftists lies exist without original sources because they are false and manufactured accusations. Weekly Standard is transitioning into ā€œAntifa Newsā€. <<-- You know you have reached racist level 10 when you call the Weekly Standard, Antifa News.

Well the Weekly Standard called him on his bluff and released the tape; from the article: "The two-minute clip features King talking about growing peppers and needing "dirt from Mexico" to make the peppers hotter. A woman attending the event replied, ā€œTrust me, itā€™s already on its way." "Well, yeah, thereā€™s plenty of dirt," King said. "Itā€™s coming from the West Coast, too. And a lot of other places, besides. This is the most dirt weā€™ve ever seen.ā€

Guess who Steve King has never called dirt? Neo-Nazis and white supremacists...Look trump supporters, I know you get very hypersensitive during times like these -- but can we at least agree that what he said was wrong without having to try to find a way to justify it? You can still go back to supporting the GOP and Trump all you like, you can wrap yourself in your security blanket of calling Democrats racists and the KKK, so be it... but at least denounce Steve King because if you don't -- then you shouldn't complain when folks say the GOP panders to Neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
Yeah, welll they're not sending their best dirt.
Raycisss raycissss raycissssss.... everyday, same tards.
Who is stopping you?

I have no respect for people who are too afraid to speak their mind

Closet racists we call them...
i'm not afraid to speak my mind. i just dont want to be banished from USMB
Then you are afraid to speak your mind...

I speak my mind all the time and I don't have any concerns of being banished...

Maybe because I am not a depraved racist stay afraid
i speak my mind whenever there is no threat of being banished from something i love doing. give it a rest
depraved racists always afraid to speak honestly .......mad that the rest of society is not as racist and depraved as they are.....sad

Wetbacks are disgusting subhumans....only filthy cockroaches will continue having children they expect others to pay for....nobody decent does half the shit these low iQ thirdworlders do ....anybody legit and in touch knows this, some are willing to say it aloud.
Keep in mind; filthy fucks like you canā€™t really recognize other filth...youā€™re a sucker and likely one of ā€˜themā€™.
Iā€™m hoping you ignorant bastards keep this shit up though...youā€™re forcing good people to HATE wetbacks...Thatā€™s awesome!
Make America Racist Again....PLEASE.
You fools wonā€™t be happy until we have all wetbacks eradicated and the few left over riding at the back of the bus.
Donā€™t let up....PLEASE.
Calling a group of people dehumanizing things like "cockroaches" makes it so much easier to treat them as if they are NOT human.

That was how the genocide in Rwanda took shape.That was exactly the term used to describe the subjects of that genocide.

Be very careful people. Doing so puts us on very shaky ground
i'm not afraid to speak my mind. i just dont want to be banished from USMB
Then you are afraid to speak your mind...

I speak my mind all the time and I don't have any concerns of being banished...

Maybe because I am not a depraved racist stay afraid
i speak my mind whenever there is no threat of being banished from something i love doing. give it a rest
depraved racists always afraid to speak honestly .......mad that the rest of society is not as racist and depraved as they are.....sad

Wetbacks are disgusting subhumans....only filthy cockroaches will continue having children they expect others to pay for....nobody decent does half the shit these low iQ thirdworlders do ....anybody legit and in touch knows this, some are willing to say it aloud.
Keep in mind; filthy fucks like you canā€™t really recognize other filth...youā€™re a sucker and likely one of ā€˜themā€™.
Iā€™m hoping you ignorant bastards keep this shit up though...youā€™re forcing good people to HATE wetbacks...Thatā€™s awesome!
Make America Racist Again....PLEASE.
You fools wonā€™t be happy until we have all wetbacks eradicated and the few left over riding at the back of the bus.
Donā€™t let up....PLEASE.
Calling a group of people dehumanizing things like "cockroaches" makes it so much easier to treat them as if they are NOT human.

That was how the genocide in Rwanda took shape.That was exactly the term used to describe the subjects of that genocide.

Be very careful people. Doing so puts us on very shaky ground
People like broke loser don't call people dehumanizing things by accident -- he does it for the sole purpose of justifying a sort of genocide of these folks -- he would not care in the least if a bunch of racist militia groups went down to the border and murdered people by the thousands -- after all, they are only insects

And these types of people usually call themselves "conservatives"

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