GOP Establishment Going All Out to Derail Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The GOP establishment has chosen to go to war against Donald Trump, and propel their chosen one (Jeb Bush) as the front-runner and eventual nominee. This is obvious, and their attempts to derail the Trump campaign couldn't be more clear. It has been one distortion of Trump's word's after another.

1. They distort his words against illegal alien Mexicans, into being against all Mexicans (including those remaining in Mexico). They then stretch that out as a slam against all Hispanics. Trump's comments were actually nicer to illegal aliens than they should have been. He called some of them "good people". Actually, no lawbreakers disrespecting our laws and us, are good people.

2. Then, they seized upon the McCain words. Trump first said "He's not a war hero". So what ? There's a large body of evidence that McCain WASN'T a war hero, and may well have been a traitor, who collaborated for years with the North Vietnamese. Again, Trump was nicer than he had to be, when he revised with "He's a war hero", four times.

3. Then we have all the hubbub about Trump having contributed to Democrats over the years. More DDD (deliberate derail distortion). People in high places in the business world contribute to everyone, in relatively small (for them) contributions, in order to secure business transactions that otherwise could go to business opponents who also make those contributions. It is the ways of the business world, and really has little to do with any political favoritism. Also looking at Trump's contributions, he has only contributed to Republicans over the past 5 years, with not one dime going to a Democrat.

4. Then we have the debate and Fox News joining the GOP regulars in the lynch mob against Trump. All 3 moderators went on the attack, with Bret Baier starting it, asking about a 3rd party candidacy (knowing full well what Trump had already said about that).

5. Lastly, now we have the hypocrite, sexist Eric Erickson, putting words in Trump's mouth that he never said, and then condemning him for it. Only a deviant mind would follow Erickson's obvious derail on that, and I'm surprised at Huckabee, Fiorina and some other candidates for going along with it, but then they are vested interests here, and this is a ruthless race, with some aging candidates maybe seeing this as their last and only shot at the presidency.
As far as what Trump did say, the words "whatever, wherever, whenever" are words very commonly used in the New York style of speech. If you combed through hundreds of Trump's speeches, you would find them hundreds of times, all having nothing to do with anything biological or disparaging to anyone. This is just a smear job from Erickson (whose own record on women is atrocious), creating an issue, and too many people are falling for it.

There will be many more of these attacks, and often using words never spoken by Trump. It's time to realize that.
Agreed and I think it is very simple to explain. Trump can't be bought by the establishment like the other candidates, so he must be destroyed.
Agreed and I think it is very simple to explain. Trump can't be bought by the establishment like the other candidates, so he must be destroyed.

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