GOP Goes Nuclear and I approve!

Great political ad regarding Joe Biden's competence. He was most definitely telling the truth when he said that his VP choice must be ready to be president from day one, because if he won the election, he may be sitting in the White House, but it's his running mate that will make the decisions.....or his wife will.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden exhibits the symptoms of Senile Dementia if this man became American President it would be a GREAT DANGER to the Western World. I hope The Silent Majority in America AGAIN elected Donald J. Trump for another four years.

Someone is behind Joe Biden. That's who would really be running things. Someone hidden and unelected.
Great political ad regarding Joe Biden's competence. He was most definitely telling the truth when he said that his VP choice must be ready to be president from day one, because if he won the election, he may be sitting in the White House, but it's his running mate that will make the decisions.....or his wife will.

Donald Trump will DESTROY Creepy Joe in the Debates, DESTROY him.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden exhibits the symptoms of Senile Dementia if this man became American President it would be a GREAT DANGER to the Western World. I hope The Silent Majority in America AGAIN elected Donald J. Trump for another four years.

Someone is behind Joe Biden. That's who would really be running things. Someone hidden and unelected.

It's very probably Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton AND their Boss Communist China, they will run America IF God Forbid Creepy Joe wins.

It is of PARAMOUNT importance for The Western World that The Silent Majority in America go out and vote and take your phones and FILM EVERYTHING at the polling station because the Leftists and BLM will do EVERYTHING they can to make sure you do NOT get to vote OR that your vote does NOT get counted.

IF Creepy Joe wins this world is FUCKED and America as EVERYONE has EVER known it will be FINISHED and they will take the rest of The Western World DOWN with it leaving their actual Boss CHINA in charge of this world and that is NOT a world any rational human being WANTS to live in, where the Communist Chinese RUN the place.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden isn't suggesting ingesting disinfectants.

He was hoping Democrats would listen to him.


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