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GOP hero Putin has really done a number on Isis !

For my money the Russians can stay in Syria.

Hope they kill as many terrorists as they can.

Putin is there for a reason. He does nothing out of the goodness of his heart. If he's there its because he needs to be there.

Only reason Putin is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. Most of his bombing are directed at moderate rebels but only few ISIS. I guess that's a goodness of his heart.
Moderate my ass...................drink the Kool Aide................

Missed the part were they were killing Christians..........

The FSA aren't moderate at all and will never hold the dang country even if we help them win...................the best option is for Assad to take back control and end the radical BS................We the area Stabilized................He may be an asshat, but he will contain them with Russian support and would then be a buffer zone again against Shiite dominance............

Bottom line...........I really don't care who kills the ISIS scum.........if the Russians help in this then good hunting.............as far as the FSA they are probably as bad or worse than Assad....................

Dude don't forget to clean up your droppings.
Take a good look at my post a while back............where they put the cross through the woman's mouth after raping and torturing here................

The current administration also wanted Egypt to accept the Muslim Brotherhood there..............He's an Idiot.........and our policy of the FSA is BS.............

They are murdering and pillaging just like the rest.........It isn't the dang answer...........We want Assad gone for a oil pipeline from Qatar............

I don't give a rat ass of your post. Read my post where I stand about Assad. My point has nothing to do what you are bitchin. Someone here glamorizing Putin when he has not done much about isis. He just started bombing last month. We've bombing Isis since last year. Someone question me if we have the right to bomb Syria but it's okay for Putin to bomb Syria. Dude pick up your droppings.
Charwin 12823742
. Only reason Putin is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power.

You need to understand what was discussed behind the scenes as the P5+1 was making the nuclear deal with Iran. There was public talk headed this way until the rightwingers in Kiev launched a coup d'état against the elected president of Ukraine resulting in Crimeans taking advantage and rejoining the Russian Federation by choice.

Most secret memos are leaked deliberately. The Grand Bargain can now take shape in public view.

The German magazine Der Spiegel has just published a leaked official Russian memo outlining a proposed grand bargain in which Putin eases out its close ally, Syrian President Assad, in favor of a still pro-Russian regime that at least stops killing its own people.

The French terrorist attacks in Paris will move the process along. This is where right wing idiots in the U.S. fall down.

Then the U.S., Russia, Iran, and the rest of the grand coalition can get on with the urgent business of eliminating or at least drastically weakening ISIS.

It was being discussed prior to the Paris attack.

Greater progress on getting rid of Assad was raised at a strategy conference on Syria held in Vienna earlier this week that included senior diplomats from the U.S., Russia, Iraq and several other nations. No grand bargain was reached but the idea will surely be raised again at the G-20 Summit now under way in Turkey.

A Grand Bargain With Putin Against ISIS?

The U.S. Wing-nuts' charade of having a better plan will evaporate before their very hate-filled xenophobic eyes.

Foreign policy by buzzword and dancing on piles of bloodied maimed and dead bodies is amoral and not a long term productive political strategy.

As Obama said, ISIS is militarily contained in Iraq and Syria with respect to the size and freedom of movement within their so-called caliphate that is steadily shrinking. But fighters come and go he said.

Some see ISIS striking out at soft targets as a sign of weakness and knowing they are losing in Iraq and Syria.

I also agree with that view.

Another way to dismiss US Wing-nuts is to point out that Peshmerga is not the only successful ground combat force in Iraq. So are the Shiite Iran backed militias that are now coordinated with Iraq's regular army in driving ISIS off territory and supply routes they once held. One such Iran backed militia is the Badr Brigade. You know the Iran backed militia that rolled in tanks into Baghdad from Iran in 2003 as the U.S. too rolled into the Capitol of Iraq.

US wingnuts have no legitimate claims against Iran backed militia's operating in Iraq to destroy anything that breathes having ISIS thoughts in their heads.

Bush 43 empowered both sides of this current Shiite Sunni war when he took out SH for no good reason.
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Hmmm, what was it? Like 2-3 weeks ago this place was flooded wh threads about Putin defeating Isis ?? Cause he's a real man , unlike Obama . His shirtless self defeated Isis within a week! Ain't that what y'all said ? Cause he has the balls to do what Obama won't !

Yet "defeated" ISIS managed to blow up a Russian plane and shoot up Paris . How is this possible !??!

Well, Putin certainly hasn't contained ISIS like Obama has.
For my money the Russians can stay in Syria.

Hope they kill as many terrorists as they can.

Putin is there for a reason. He does nothing out of the goodness of his heart. If he's there its because he needs to be there.

Only reason Putin is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. Most of his bombing are directed at moderate rebels but only few ISIS. I guess that's a goodness of his heart.
Moderate my ass...................drink the Kool Aide................

Missed the part were they were killing Christians..........

The FSA aren't moderate at all and will never hold the dang country even if we help them win...................the best option is for Assad to take back control and end the radical BS................We the area Stabilized................He may be an asshat, but he will contain them with Russian support and would then be a buffer zone again against Shiite dominance............

Bottom line...........I really don't care who kills the ISIS scum.........if the Russians help in this then good hunting.............as far as the FSA they are probably as bad or worse than Assad....................

Dude don't forget to clean up your droppings.
Take a good look at my post a while back............where they put the cross through the woman's mouth after raping and torturing here................

The current administration also wanted Egypt to accept the Muslim Brotherhood there..............He's an Idiot.........and our policy of the FSA is BS.............

They are murdering and pillaging just like the rest.........It isn't the dang answer...........We want Assad gone for a oil pipeline from Qatar............

I don't give a rat ass of your post. Read my post where I stand about Assad. My point has nothing to do what you are bitchin. Someone here glamorizing Putin when he has not done much about isis. He just started bombing last month. We've bombing Isis since last year. Someone question me if we have the right to bomb Syria but it's okay for Putin to bomb Syria. Dude pick up your droppings.

Nobody is glamorizing Putin. He's a thug and always has been. He's just a guy who knows what he wants and is ruthless enough to do what it takes to make it happen.

He doesn't care what anyone thinks about what he does or who he is.

I hope he bombs the shit out of ISIS and I could give a rats ass how many other he kills.

The whole ME is a shithole and I for one don't want our troops there again.

Obama should go back to his golf game.
Even if Putin manages to defeat ISIS he is far more dangerous to the USA than
ISIS ever was. Putin is supporting IRANIAN IMPERIALISM-----in fact his only
motivation to defeat ISIS actually constitutes an opportunity to lick
AYATOILET ASS and get in on the gross imperialistic venture of those animals
..let israel deal with iran, then...we're done fighting wars for israel by proxy.

My Grandfather is retired military and our son asked him if Israel could defeat Iran in war, he told him one on one Israel wins, the problem is Iran's proxies

another problem is ------what does Israel DO with Iran if she wins? The whole idea of Israel going to war against Iran makes no sense------but jerks sing song it whilst they play "jump rope"
When Arabs in Israel are offered a passport to Israel or a passport to Jordan; they always chose Israel
Yesterday morning Obama told us ISIS was contained didn't look that way yesterday afternoon.

Isis cannot be "contained" Isis is islam. The ONLY legitimate government
ACCORDING TO ISLAMIC ETHOS-----is a CALIPHATE------the "caliph" is considered something like a person in the ROYAL LINE of MUHUMMAD and the
only persons who have a right to "rule" on earth
666=Allah is the only god, and muhammad is his prophet
eagle 12828479
The current administration also wanted Egypt to accept the Muslim Brotherhood there...

There is no indication that Obama wanted Egypt to accept the MB. That is more RW hogwash. Morsi was elected President by a majority that wanted him. Obama respected the election but continued our strategic military alliance and support - by refusing to call Morsu's ouster as a coup d'état because the U.S. Dollars could not go to the military backed regime if he used that label.

You are wrong again.
Hmmm, what was it? Like 2-3 weeks ago this place was flooded wh threads about Putin defeating Isis ?? Cause he's a real man , unlike Obama . His shirtless self defeated Isis within a week! Ain't that what y'all said ? Cause he has the balls to do what Obama won't !

Yet "defeated" ISIS managed to blow up a Russian plane and shoot up Paris . How is this possible !??!

Well, Putin certainly hasn't contained ISIS like Obama has.

After one month, Putin is really showing Obama how to take care of ISIS

ISIS took out one of Putins commercial airplanes
ISIS attacked Paris

Never realized what a weak leader Putin is
Only reason Putin is in Syria is to make sure Assad will remain in power. Most of his bombing are directed at moderate rebels but only few ISIS. I guess that's a goodness of his heart.
Moderate my ass...................drink the Kool Aide................

Missed the part were they were killing Christians..........

The FSA aren't moderate at all and will never hold the dang country even if we help them win...................the best option is for Assad to take back control and end the radical BS................We the area Stabilized................He may be an asshat, but he will contain them with Russian support and would then be a buffer zone again against Shiite dominance............

Bottom line...........I really don't care who kills the ISIS scum.........if the Russians help in this then good hunting.............as far as the FSA they are probably as bad or worse than Assad....................

Dude don't forget to clean up your droppings.
Take a good look at my post a while back............where they put the cross through the woman's mouth after raping and torturing here................

The current administration also wanted Egypt to accept the Muslim Brotherhood there..............He's an Idiot.........and our policy of the FSA is BS.............

They are murdering and pillaging just like the rest.........It isn't the dang answer...........We want Assad gone for a oil pipeline from Qatar............

I don't give a rat ass of your post. Read my post where I stand about Assad. My point has nothing to do what you are bitchin. Someone here glamorizing Putin when he has not done much about isis. He just started bombing last month. We've bombing Isis since last year. Someone question me if we have the right to bomb Syria but it's okay for Putin to bomb Syria. Dude pick up your droppings.

Nobody is glamorizing Putin. He's a thug and always has been. He's just a guy who knows what he wants and is ruthless enough to do what it takes to make it happen.

He doesn't care what anyone thinks about what he does or who he is.

I hope he bombs the shit out of ISIS and I could give a rats ass how many other he kills.

The whole ME is a shithole and I for one don't want our troops there again.

Obama should go back to his golf game.

Nobody glamorizing Putin? Look at TinyDancer post #212 and his other post strongly support Putin as savior of Human beings. I think he is Russian. If eagle fart is so concern why don't he unload his droppings to this dude.
As one previously mentioned here... Eagle is wrong again.
Last edited:
eagle 12828479
The current administration also wanted Egypt to accept the Muslim Brotherhood there...

There is no indication that Obama wanted Egypt to accept the MB. That is more RW hogwash. Morsi was elected President by a majority that wanted him. Obama respected the election but continued our strategic military alliance and support - by refusing to call Morsu's ouster as a coup d'état because the U.S. Dollars could not go to the military backed regime if he used that label.

You are wrong again.
I remember him saying they had to be part of the process for Democracy.............They don't need to be part of the process.........they have helped establish most of the Radical Islamic Groups in the region over history...............They guarantee Islamic Law in places like Egypt..............The military was right to depose them and restore order.
Moderate my ass...................drink the Kool Aide................

Missed the part were they were killing Christians..........

The FSA aren't moderate at all and will never hold the dang country even if we help them win...................the best option is for Assad to take back control and end the radical BS................We the area Stabilized................He may be an asshat, but he will contain them with Russian support and would then be a buffer zone again against Shiite dominance............

Bottom line...........I really don't care who kills the ISIS scum.........if the Russians help in this then good hunting.............as far as the FSA they are probably as bad or worse than Assad....................

Dude don't forget to clean up your droppings.
Take a good look at my post a while back............where they put the cross through the woman's mouth after raping and torturing here................

The current administration also wanted Egypt to accept the Muslim Brotherhood there..............He's an Idiot.........and our policy of the FSA is BS.............

They are murdering and pillaging just like the rest.........It isn't the dang answer...........We want Assad gone for a oil pipeline from Qatar............

I don't give a rat ass of your post. Read my post where I stand about Assad. My point has nothing to do what you are bitchin. Someone here glamorizing Putin when he has not done much about isis. He just started bombing last month. We've bombing Isis since last year. Someone question me if we have the right to bomb Syria but it's okay for Putin to bomb Syria. Dude pick up your droppings.

Nobody is glamorizing Putin. He's a thug and always has been. He's just a guy who knows what he wants and is ruthless enough to do what it takes to make it happen.

He doesn't care what anyone thinks about what he does or who he is.

I hope he bombs the shit out of ISIS and I could give a rats ass how many other he kills.

The whole ME is a shithole and I for one don't want our troops there again.

Obama should go back to his golf game.

Nobody glamorizing Putin? Look at TinyDancer post #212 and his other post strongly support Putin as savior of Human beings. I think he is Russian. If eagle fart is so concern why don't he unload his droppings to this dude.
As one previously mentioned here... Eagle is wrong again.
BS..............The FSA option under Obama is a joke...................and they will never hold the place if they did take over................And the Christians over there are saying that the FSA is killing them...............Why the hell would we support these asshats..............
Hmmm, what was it? Like 2-3 weeks ago this place was flooded wh threads about Putin defeating Isis ?? Cause he's a real man , unlike Obama . His shirtless self defeated Isis within a week! Ain't that what y'all said ? Cause he has the balls to do what Obama won't !

Yet "defeated" ISIS managed to blow up a Russian plane and shoot up Paris . How is this possible !??!

Well, Putin certainly hasn't contained ISIS like Obama has.

After one month, Putin is really showing Obama how to take care of ISIS

ISIS took out one of Putins commercial airplanes
ISIS attacked Paris

Never realized what a weak leader Putin is

Did Putin allow the savages into Europe?

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