GOP Iowa Lincoln Dinner


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
This happened:

Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner Video

Each candidate and potential candidate was limited to 10 minutes. That's because there are so many clowns in the GOP mix.

What they decided to focus on with that time is very telling. Was it:

A) The horrible failing US economy?
B) Their positive vision for the future?
C) ISIS and Iran?

You guessed it. They spent most of the evening telling the audience that they should be afraid....very afraid.

It makes sense. They can't talk about the horrible economy. The opposition runs the economy much more competently.

They don't have a positive vision for the future. All of their ideas are old and proven to be failures.

The only thing they can do is try to scare people into thinking that the opposition won't be tough on the terrorists.

It's a tough position to be in.
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This happened:

Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner Video

Each candidate and potential candidate was limited to 10 minutes. That's because there are so many clowns in the GOP mix.

What they decided to focus on with that time is very telling. Was it:

A) The horrible failing US economy?
B) Their positive vision for the future?
C) ISIS and Iran

You guessed it. They spent most of the evening telling the audience that they should be afraid....very afraid.

It makes sense. They can't talk about the horrible economy. The opposition runs the economy much more competently.

They don't have a positive vision for the future. All of their ideas are old and proven to be failures.

The only thing they can do is try to scare people into thinking that the opposition won't be tough on the terrorists.

It's a tough position to be in.
The economy is the worst its been in a supposed recovery since the 1930s. Unless you are in the top 1% you have seen no income growth and very little household wealth growth. High paying jobs have been replaced by McJobs.
The low growth economy has meant stagnation as well as a loss of American power. The candidates are right to focus on it. Once the stock market crashes everyone will realize how tenuous the economy is.
This happened:

Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner Video

Each candidate and potential candidate was limited to 10 minutes. That's because there are so many clowns in the GOP mix.

What they decided to focus on with that time is very telling. Was it:

A) The horrible failing US economy?
B) Their positive vision for the future?
C) ISIS and Iran

You guessed it. They spent most of the evening telling the audience that they should be afraid....very afraid.

It makes sense. They can't talk about the horrible economy. The opposition runs the economy much more competently.

They don't have a positive vision for the future. All of their ideas are old and proven to be failures.

The only thing they can do is try to scare people into thinking that the opposition won't be tough on the terrorists.

It's a tough position to be in.
The economy is the worst its been in a supposed recovery since the 1930s. Unless you are in the top 1% you have seen no income growth and very little household wealth growth. High paying jobs have been replaced by McJobs.
The low growth economy has meant stagnation as well as a loss of American power. The candidates are right to focus on it. Once the stock market crashes everyone will realize how tenuous the economy is.

Read the OP, ya HUGE dummy.

Do you ever get anything right?
boy oh boy, these lefties sure do keep an Eagle eye out on the Republicans, don't they?

I guess that way they don't have concentrate on their own LOSER party and their ONE old lady candidate getting creamed with her Corruptions coming out daily
boy oh boy, these lefties sure do keep an Eagle eye out on the Republicans, don't they?

I guess that way they don't have concentrate on their own LOSER party and their ONE old lady candidate getting creamed with her Corruptions coming out daily

Gawd! You is so friggen smart, Staph! Every times you posts you makes such good senses.
boy oh boy, these lefties sure do keep an Eagle eye out on the Republicans, don't they?

I guess that way they don't have concentrate on their own LOSER party and their ONE old lady candidate getting creamed with her Corruptions coming out daily

OMG OMG frikken frikken skwishy-skwashy Corruptions ficken LOSER creamed ONE old boy on Eagle GAWD!!!
This happened:

Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner Video

Each candidate and potential candidate was limited to 10 minutes. That's because there are so many clowns in the GOP mix.

What they decided to focus on with that time is very telling. Was it:

A) The horrible failing US economy?
B) Their positive vision for the future?
C) ISIS and Iran

You guessed it. They spent most of the evening telling the audience that they should be afraid....very afraid.

It makes sense. They can't talk about the horrible economy. The opposition runs the economy much more competently.

They don't have a positive vision for the future. All of their ideas are old and proven to be failures.

The only thing they can do is try to scare people into thinking that the opposition won't be tough on the terrorists.

It's a tough position to be in.
The economy is the worst its been in a supposed recovery since the 1930s. Unless you are in the top 1% you have seen no income growth and very little household wealth growth. High paying jobs have been replaced by McJobs.
The low growth economy has meant stagnation as well as a loss of American power. The candidates are right to focus on it. Once the stock market crashes everyone will realize how tenuous the economy is.

Only, that's not what they focused on.

Boy, it must suck for you to be sooo wrong so often.

Next time, you might want to read the OP first.
Politicians telling Americans to be afraid of terrorists is helping the terrorists. An American politician telling Americans to be afraid of anything is fucked up, we are supposed to be the home of the brave and it's time the conservatives acted out of courage and optimism rather than be herded by dire predictions of destruction.
That was a LONG evangelical invocation to start off the Lincoln Dinner. I started to think it was a revival meeting. And he asked people to open their bibles before he began....

But you can tell the GOP is trying: the evangelical pastor was a Latino, who spoke very well and said the words "in the name of Jesus" en Espanol. Guess the GOP is a Christian only organization, eh? No place for Jews or Buddhists or Sihks in the GOP, nosiree. These days, the GOP prays "in the name of Jesus" because, well, uh, Benghazi.
Geoff Kauffman called Obama's tenure as president a "reign". (7:20 into the video)

At 10:00 he is talking about "Hillary's Coronation"..

What a fucking drama queen.


My favorite is Rick Perry. His body language often suggests that what he is about to say will be a game changer.....and then it isn't. It cracks me up every time.

It's like a Luis Tiant windup with a 20mph fastball.
At 12 minutes, apparently, a video is running with a nice military musical theme, because nothing gets the idea that your state has more hogs than any other state than the military rat-a-tat-tat of the snare drum.

GOPers just love to wrap themselves in the flag, even when talking about pigs, which is what this Kaufmann dude looks like: a big, fat pig.
Geoff Kauffman called Obama's tenure as president a "reign". (7:20 into the video)

At 10:00 he is talking about "Hillary's Coronation"..

What a fucking drama queen.


My favorite is Rick Perry. His body language often suggests that what he is about to say will be a game changer.....and then it isn't. It cracks me up every time.

It's like a Luis Tiant windup with a 20mph fastball.

I'm in and out today, so I will be commenting in starts and spurts (oh, spurts!!! Bet that got Stephanie all excited), but I will watch the entire video by the end of the day, just for shits and grins...

Opposition always plays on fear. Any of these Liberals wagging their finger at the notion of fear mongering from the GOP, remember, the Left tells people that they will be put back in chains.
Sen. Grassley is the first official speaker.

"2016 is about saving the Constitution"....

And within one minute, Grassley has already fucked up:


"I want you to know that I'm fully committed to our nominee carrying Iowa. It's only happened once in the last 5 re-elections"


The last five RE-election campaigns:


Those are the cycles where a sitting president was up for RE-election, and as you can see, Reagan won Iowa in 1984.

You can hear very clearly on the video that Grassley said "RE-elections", no doubt about it.

What Grassley probably meant to say was that the GOP won Iowa only once in the last SEVEN cycles:

1988: Dukakis (D)
1992: Clinton (D)
1996: Clinton (D)
2000: Gore (D)
2004: Bush 43 (R)
2008: Obama (D)
2012: Obama (D)

Most people don't know that Bush, Sr. never won Iowa and he is the only Republican President in history to have lost the state both times around. This is part of the reason why Bush 43 was so hot to win the state, also to win Pennsylvania as well.

So, congratulations, Sen. Grassley: not even one minute in your speech and you have already fucked up.

Yepp, Grassley is a Republican.

And at 17:15, he compares Obama to King George

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Opposition always plays on fear. Any of these Liberals wagging their finger at the notion of fear mongering from the GOP, remember, the Left tells people that they will be put back in chains.

Uhm, nope. But unlike you, who always speaks in generalities as if you are spreading gospel, I share real information.

LOL. Sure you do, fakey.
Opposition always plays on fear. Any of these Liberals wagging their finger at the notion of fear mongering from the GOP, remember, the Left tells people that they will be put back in chains.

Uhm, nope. But unlike you, who always speaks in generalities as if you are spreading gospel, I share real information.

LOL. Sure you do, fakey.

It's what I am doing right now, right here, on this thread.

Or do you deny the information in posting 15, fake Rabbit?
Opposition always plays on fear. Any of these Liberals wagging their finger at the notion of fear mongering from the GOP, remember, the Left tells people that they will be put back in chains.

Uhm, nope. But unlike you, who always speaks in generalities as if you are spreading gospel, I share real information.

LOL. Sure you do, fakey.

It's what I am doing right now, right here, on this thread.

Or do you deny the information in posting 15, fake Rabbit?
Where are the indictments of Grassly, poseurJew?
Opposition always plays on fear. Any of these Liberals wagging their finger at the notion of fear mongering from the GOP, remember, the Left tells people that they will be put back in chains.

Uhm, nope. But unlike you, who always speaks in generalities as if you are spreading gospel, I share real information.

LOL. Sure you do, fakey.

It's what I am doing right now, right here, on this thread.

Or do you deny the information in posting 15, fake Rabbit?
Where are the indictments of Grassly, poseurJew?

So, you were unable to read posting 15, what?

I suppose senility does that to fake Rabbis.

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