GOP jobs agenda

THAT wasn't the promise of the GOP/Brownback though right? They said tax cuts, especially Corp ones, would bring more jobs AND more revenues??? LOL
I was simply stating that budgets can be cut making government workers work with less. I made no comment on taxes.

I believe tax breaks for companies should be incentive based - but I also believe you are not being totally honest with your argument...clearly the problem was incompetent law writing that allowed loopholes. Let them fix the loopholes and give it an honest chance.

YOU responded to a comment SPECIFICALLY detailing the GOP's tax cut plan in Kansas. It failed, MISERABLY by any HONEST persons metrics. NOW you want to change the premise that the GOP did a bad job of targeting the tax cuts? And you want to have them try it again? LOL

You keep going back to the tax cuts for businesses. I told you that I was simply commenting on the principle of cutting back for the good of the state.

I did offer my opinion on coporate taxes, I stated that I believe tax breaks for companies is a viable economic strategy - and that I would prefer any tax cuts to be incentive based, something separate from the plan in question. Nonetheless, I can't reasonably call this economic ideology a failure as it was simply perverted of its original intent by greedy companies. You cannot 100% say that tax cuts for businesses is a failure because of this. You don't have to agree with that ideal, but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes.

GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

Got it, you want to change the original posit to one you like better, Gov't should work with less, IGNORE the promise of the GOP/Brownback, or the failed policy of the GOP
I was simply stating that budgets can be cut making government workers work with less. I made no comment on taxes.

I believe tax breaks for companies should be incentive based - but I also believe you are not being totally honest with your argument...clearly the problem was incompetent law writing that allowed loopholes. Let them fix the loopholes and give it an honest chance.

YOU responded to a comment SPECIFICALLY detailing the GOP's tax cut plan in Kansas. It failed, MISERABLY by any HONEST persons metrics. NOW you want to change the premise that the GOP did a bad job of targeting the tax cuts? And you want to have them try it again? LOL

You keep going back to the tax cuts for businesses. I told you that I was simply commenting on the principle of cutting back for the good of the state.

I did offer my opinion on coporate taxes, I stated that I believe tax breaks for companies is a viable economic strategy - and that I would prefer any tax cuts to be incentive based, something separate from the plan in question. Nonetheless, I can't reasonably call this economic ideology a failure as it was simply perverted of its original intent by greedy companies. You cannot 100% say that tax cuts for businesses is a failure because of this. You don't have to agree with that ideal, but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes.

GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

Got it, you want to change the original posit to one you like better, Gov't should work with less, IGNORE the promise of the GOP/Brownback, or the failed policy of the GOP

Kansas is doing just fine economically.

They'll make some adjustments....

But overall they are fine.

Even though you are ignore...I do print your posts from time to time and use them to wipe my ass.
I was simply stating that budgets can be cut making government workers work with less. I made no comment on taxes.

I believe tax breaks for companies should be incentive based - but I also believe you are not being totally honest with your argument...clearly the problem was incompetent law writing that allowed loopholes. Let them fix the loopholes and give it an honest chance.

YOU responded to a comment SPECIFICALLY detailing the GOP's tax cut plan in Kansas. It failed, MISERABLY by any HONEST persons metrics. NOW you want to change the premise that the GOP did a bad job of targeting the tax cuts? And you want to have them try it again? LOL

You keep going back to the tax cuts for businesses. I told you that I was simply commenting on the principle of cutting back for the good of the state.

I did offer my opinion on coporate taxes, I stated that I believe tax breaks for companies is a viable economic strategy - and that I would prefer any tax cuts to be incentive based, something separate from the plan in question. Nonetheless, I can't reasonably call this economic ideology a failure as it was simply perverted of its original intent by greedy companies. You cannot 100% say that tax cuts for businesses is a failure because of this. You don't have to agree with that ideal, but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes.

GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

Got it, you want to change the original posit to one you like better, Gov't should work with less, IGNORE the promise of the GOP/Brownback, or the failed policy of the GOP
YOU responded to a comment SPECIFICALLY detailing the GOP's tax cut plan in Kansas. It failed, MISERABLY by any HONEST persons metrics. NOW you want to change the premise that the GOP did a bad job of targeting the tax cuts? And you want to have them try it again? LOL

You keep going back to the tax cuts for businesses. I told you that I was simply commenting on the principle of cutting back for the good of the state.

I did offer my opinion on coporate taxes, I stated that I believe tax breaks for companies is a viable economic strategy - and that I would prefer any tax cuts to be incentive based, something separate from the plan in question. Nonetheless, I can't reasonably call this economic ideology a failure as it was simply perverted of its original intent by greedy companies. You cannot 100% say that tax cuts for businesses is a failure because of this. You don't have to agree with that ideal, but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes.

GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

I assume you mean duddypeepee....I've got him on ignore.

He's got no context and my guess is that you've been eating spam for pages.
He is an interesting guy.

Interesting? You mean I don't live in the right wing bubble, where tax cut policies fail, as they ALWAYS do, I call them on it? Yeah, tax rates have almost zero effect on an economy in the US for it's history. GOP policy ALWAYS fails.
You keep going back to the tax cuts for businesses. I told you that I was simply commenting on the principle of cutting back for the good of the state.

I did offer my opinion on coporate taxes, I stated that I believe tax breaks for companies is a viable economic strategy - and that I would prefer any tax cuts to be incentive based, something separate from the plan in question. Nonetheless, I can't reasonably call this economic ideology a failure as it was simply perverted of its original intent by greedy companies. You cannot 100% say that tax cuts for businesses is a failure because of this. You don't have to agree with that ideal, but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes.

GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

I assume you mean duddypeepee....I've got him on ignore.

He's got no context and my guess is that you've been eating spam for pages.
He is an interesting guy.

Interesting? You mean I don't live in the right wing bubble, where tax cut policies fail, as they ALWAYS do, I call them on it? Yeah, tax rates have almost zero effect on an economy in the US for it's history. GOP policy ALWAYS fails.
Interesting person, that's all I was saying. Relax.
ANOTHER con who wants to conflate Gov't with a family budget *shaking head*

WORK WITH LESS? Is THAT what the GOP/Brownback said would happen? Or did they say, conservative theory, that tax cuts would create more jobs AND more revenues??? lol

Waste? Yeah, plenty of cons I'm sure are in Kansas

Saving money on an agency level can be accomplished in so many ways. Re-bidding contracts putting more emphasis on price, cutting back on special functions, decreasing the use of stationary...going paperless, online services....

So many ways to save money if we are determined. Not that do it all of the time and amazingly adjust. Businesses alway try to find ways to save money...the government should do it too.

Got it, you don't want to argue GOP policy ALWAYS fails, but that hey, why not just get Gov't more efficient since our policy starved them of revenues, the opposite of what supply side THEORY is supposed to do, Go figure
Your stuck in a loop with arguments I have never made. If you have something to say, say it...don't pretend it is in response to an idea I never presented.

I appreciate you cooperation.

Bubba, YOU RESPONDED TO MY POSIT, THAT WAS THE GOP's TAX CUTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BOOM AN ECONOMY. It was ANOTHER right wing economic failure, like EVERY policy they ever have!

NOW you want to argue, hey, although the GOP's plan didn't work as promised, AGAIN, lets just not worry about it Gov't can just get leaner? lol
Clearly, I failed to properly communicate my ideals with you. I do not wish to are too emotional and you bore me.

Have a good night. Maybe we can try this again some time.

Got it, since you can't change the subject to make Gov't 'leaner', from the PREMISE that tax cuts were SUPPOSED to improve Kansas's economy, you are out of here
GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

I assume you mean duddypeepee....I've got him on ignore.

He's got no context and my guess is that you've been eating spam for pages.
He is an interesting guy.

Interesting? You mean I don't live in the right wing bubble, where tax cut policies fail, as they ALWAYS do, I call them on it? Yeah, tax rates have almost zero effect on an economy in the US for it's history. GOP policy ALWAYS fails.
Interesting person, that's all I was saying. Relax.

Got it.
Saving money on an agency level can be accomplished in so many ways. Re-bidding contracts putting more emphasis on price, cutting back on special functions, decreasing the use of stationary...going paperless, online services....

So many ways to save money if we are determined. Not that do it all of the time and amazingly adjust. Businesses alway try to find ways to save money...the government should do it too.

Got it, you don't want to argue GOP policy ALWAYS fails, but that hey, why not just get Gov't more efficient since our policy starved them of revenues, the opposite of what supply side THEORY is supposed to do, Go figure
Your stuck in a loop with arguments I have never made. If you have something to say, say it...don't pretend it is in response to an idea I never presented.

I appreciate you cooperation.

Bubba, YOU RESPONDED TO MY POSIT, THAT WAS THE GOP's TAX CUTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BOOM AN ECONOMY. It was ANOTHER right wing economic failure, like EVERY policy they ever have!

NOW you want to argue, hey, although the GOP's plan didn't work as promised, AGAIN, lets just not worry about it Gov't can just get leaner? lol
Clearly, I failed to properly communicate my ideals with you. I do not wish to are too emotional and you bore me.

Have a good night. Maybe we can try this again some time.

Got it, since you can't change the subject to make Gov't 'leaner', from the PREMISE that tax cuts were SUPPOSED to improve Kansas's economy, you are out of here
I really don't understan what you want me to argue. You have created all of these arguments for me...I am just watching.
YOU responded to a comment SPECIFICALLY detailing the GOP's tax cut plan in Kansas. It failed, MISERABLY by any HONEST persons metrics. NOW you want to change the premise that the GOP did a bad job of targeting the tax cuts? And you want to have them try it again? LOL

You keep going back to the tax cuts for businesses. I told you that I was simply commenting on the principle of cutting back for the good of the state.

I did offer my opinion on coporate taxes, I stated that I believe tax breaks for companies is a viable economic strategy - and that I would prefer any tax cuts to be incentive based, something separate from the plan in question. Nonetheless, I can't reasonably call this economic ideology a failure as it was simply perverted of its original intent by greedy companies. You cannot 100% say that tax cuts for businesses is a failure because of this. You don't have to agree with that ideal, but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes.

GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

Got it, you want to change the original posit to one you like better, Gov't should work with less, IGNORE the promise of the GOP/Brownback, or the failed policy of the GOP

Kansas is doing just fine economically.

They'll make some adjustments....

But overall they are fine.

Even though you are ignore...I do print your posts from time to time and use them to wipe my ass.

Only weenies put people on ignore, then choose to come in from time to time to lie

KANSAS IS FOLLOWING CONSERVATIVES ECONOMIC THEORY, CUT TAXES AND JOBS WILL COME. Weird how they are at the bottom of the pack in the US while Cali increased taxes on the 'job creators' and we are near the top, lol
Got it, you don't want to argue GOP policy ALWAYS fails, but that hey, why not just get Gov't more efficient since our policy starved them of revenues, the opposite of what supply side THEORY is supposed to do, Go figure
Your stuck in a loop with arguments I have never made. If you have something to say, say it...don't pretend it is in response to an idea I never presented.

I appreciate you cooperation.

Bubba, YOU RESPONDED TO MY POSIT, THAT WAS THE GOP's TAX CUTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BOOM AN ECONOMY. It was ANOTHER right wing economic failure, like EVERY policy they ever have!

NOW you want to argue, hey, although the GOP's plan didn't work as promised, AGAIN, lets just not worry about it Gov't can just get leaner? lol
Clearly, I failed to properly communicate my ideals with you. I do not wish to are too emotional and you bore me.

Have a good night. Maybe we can try this again some time.

Got it, since you can't change the subject to make Gov't 'leaner', from the PREMISE that tax cuts were SUPPOSED to improve Kansas's economy, you are out of here
I really don't understan what you want me to argue. You have created all of these arguments for me...I am just watching.

No Bubba,, YOU created the argument that AFTER the GOP/Brownbacks plan didn't work out as planned, Gov't can just do with less (leaner). ANOTHER con who isn't honest. Shocking
Saving money on an agency level can be accomplished in so many ways. Re-bidding contracts putting more emphasis on price, cutting back on special functions, decreasing the use of stationary...going paperless, online services....

So many ways to save money if we are determined. Not that do it all of the time and amazingly adjust. Businesses alway try to find ways to save money...the government should do it too.

Got it, you don't want to argue GOP policy ALWAYS fails, but that hey, why not just get Gov't more efficient since our policy starved them of revenues, the opposite of what supply side THEORY is supposed to do, Go figure
Your stuck in a loop with arguments I have never made. If you have something to say, say it...don't pretend it is in response to an idea I never presented.

I appreciate you cooperation.

Bubba, YOU RESPONDED TO MY POSIT, THAT WAS THE GOP's TAX CUTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BOOM AN ECONOMY. It was ANOTHER right wing economic failure, like EVERY policy they ever have!

NOW you want to argue, hey, although the GOP's plan didn't work as promised, AGAIN, lets just not worry about it Gov't can just get leaner? lol
Clearly, I failed to properly communicate my ideals with you. I do not wish to are too emotional and you bore me.

Have a good night. Maybe we can try this again some time.

Got it, since you can't change the subject to make Gov't 'leaner', from the PREMISE that tax cuts were SUPPOSED to improve Kansas's economy, you are out of here
You keep going back to the tax cuts for businesses. I told you that I was simply commenting on the principle of cutting back for the good of the state.

I did offer my opinion on coporate taxes, I stated that I believe tax breaks for companies is a viable economic strategy - and that I would prefer any tax cuts to be incentive based, something separate from the plan in question. Nonetheless, I can't reasonably call this economic ideology a failure as it was simply perverted of its original intent by greedy companies. You cannot 100% say that tax cuts for businesses is a failure because of this. You don't have to agree with that ideal, but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes.

GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

Got it, you want to change the original posit to one you like better, Gov't should work with less, IGNORE the promise of the GOP/Brownback, or the failed policy of the GOP

Kansas is doing just fine economically.

They'll make some adjustments....

But overall they are fine.

Even though you are ignore...I do print your posts from time to time and use them to wipe my ass.

Only weenies put people on ignore, then choose to come in from time to time to lie

KANSAS IS FOLLOWING CONSERVATIVES ECONOMIC THEORY, CUT TAXES AND JOBS WILL COME. Weird how they are at the bottom of the pack in the US while Cali increased taxes on the 'job creators' and we are near the top, lol

Only dumbassed motherfuckers who can't stop posting the same spam bullshit.

Here's a clue asswipe.

Kansas was never really hurt that bad by Obama's recession. Unlike California which saw hugh unemployment numbers, Kansans have been working steady. I know...I live here.

Brownback is going fine and the Kansas economy is doing fine.

Or maybe you want to tell me how many cities and counties in Kansas are declaring bankruptcies.

BTW: I moved to Kansas from Cali to get away from the horseshit like double up schools.
Your stuck in a loop with arguments I have never made. If you have something to say, say it...don't pretend it is in response to an idea I never presented.

I appreciate you cooperation.

Bubba, YOU RESPONDED TO MY POSIT, THAT WAS THE GOP's TAX CUTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BOOM AN ECONOMY. It was ANOTHER right wing economic failure, like EVERY policy they ever have!

NOW you want to argue, hey, although the GOP's plan didn't work as promised, AGAIN, lets just not worry about it Gov't can just get leaner? lol
Clearly, I failed to properly communicate my ideals with you. I do not wish to are too emotional and you bore me.

Have a good night. Maybe we can try this again some time.

Got it, since you can't change the subject to make Gov't 'leaner', from the PREMISE that tax cuts were SUPPOSED to improve Kansas's economy, you are out of here
I really don't understan what you want me to argue. You have created all of these arguments for me...I am just watching.

No Bubba,, YOU created the argument that AFTER the GOP/Brownbacks plan didn't work out as planned, Gov't can just do with less (leaner). ANOTHER con who isn't honest. Shocking

He's not a con you dumbassed moron.

He's actually trying to listen to you.

That's what makes you such a jackass.

It's like an ongoing rorschach test.

You see one word and you ejaculate your pre-meditated spam all over the place.
Your stuck in a loop with arguments I have never made. If you have something to say, say it...don't pretend it is in response to an idea I never presented.

I appreciate you cooperation.

Bubba, YOU RESPONDED TO MY POSIT, THAT WAS THE GOP's TAX CUTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BOOM AN ECONOMY. It was ANOTHER right wing economic failure, like EVERY policy they ever have!

NOW you want to argue, hey, although the GOP's plan didn't work as promised, AGAIN, lets just not worry about it Gov't can just get leaner? lol
Clearly, I failed to properly communicate my ideals with you. I do not wish to are too emotional and you bore me.

Have a good night. Maybe we can try this again some time.

Got it, since you can't change the subject to make Gov't 'leaner', from the PREMISE that tax cuts were SUPPOSED to improve Kansas's economy, you are out of here
I really don't understan what you want me to argue. You have created all of these arguments for me...I am just watching.

No Bubba,, YOU created the argument that AFTER the GOP/Brownbacks plan didn't work out as planned, Gov't can just do with less (leaner). ANOTHER con who isn't honest. Shocking, I didn't. Go back and study the posts. I going crazy? Did I say all of theses things he
Bubba, YOU RESPONDED TO MY POSIT, THAT WAS THE GOP's TAX CUTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BOOM AN ECONOMY. It was ANOTHER right wing economic failure, like EVERY policy they ever have!

NOW you want to argue, hey, although the GOP's plan didn't work as promised, AGAIN, lets just not worry about it Gov't can just get leaner? lol
Clearly, I failed to properly communicate my ideals with you. I do not wish to are too emotional and you bore me.

Have a good night. Maybe we can try this again some time.

Got it, since you can't change the subject to make Gov't 'leaner', from the PREMISE that tax cuts were SUPPOSED to improve Kansas's economy, you are out of here
I really don't understan what you want me to argue. You have created all of these arguments for me...I am just watching.

No Bubba,, YOU created the argument that AFTER the GOP/Brownbacks plan didn't work out as planned, Gov't can just do with less (leaner). ANOTHER con who isn't honest. Shocking, I didn't. Go back and study the posts.


That's why I put the cocksucker on ignore.

He won't read what's there...he reads what he thinks is there.

And he responds with the same bullshit time after time.

You've just been responding with some thoughtful points and he farts out another canned bullshit post.
Aside from taxes, what have they cut? The fact is they haven't cut a thing. IF nothing works, it isn't the fault of the tax cut.
How can you be so dumb to not understand that cutting revenue creates deficits? It doesn't get more simple than that.

Where did I say cutting revenue doesn't create deficits? However, cutting taxes and cutting government at the same time will promote job growth. That isn't what Kansas did.

Weird, NOW it's cut taxes AND Gov't in order for the 'job creators' to do their thing? lol

Real world contradicts right-wing tax theories
California raised taxes, Kansas cut them. California did better

Ever since economist Arthur Laffer drew his namesake curve on a napkin for two officials in President Richard Nixon’s administration four decades ago, we have been told that cutting tax rates spurs jobs and higher pay, while hiking taxes does the opposite.

Now, thanks to recent tax cuts in Kansas and tax hikes in California, we have real-world tests of this idea. So far, the results do not support Laffer’s insistence that lower tax rates always result in more and better-paying jobs. In fact, Kansas’ tax cuts produced much slower job and wage growth than in California.

The empirical evidence that the Laffer curve is not what its promoter insists joins other real-world experience undermining the widely held belief that minimum wage increases reduce employment and income.

Real world contradicts right-wing tax theories Al Jazeera America

You obviously have me confused with someone who said tax cuts alone would boost the economy.

BTW, I'm not interested in responding to your spam.

Good you agree, tax cuts have a VERY small stimulative effect, especially to Corps and 'job creators'

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback says he must take “corrective action” to close a projected $280 million budget hole created by his income-tax cuts and plans to reduce spending on pensions and highways.

....The budget moves, which include diverting almost $100 million from highway funds and cutting the contribution to the public employees’ retirement system by $41 million, followed claims of the governor’s opponents that tax cuts approved in 2012 would result in deep spending reductions.

Brownback to Cut Pensions Roads to Close Kansas Budget Deficit - Bloomberg

Yep, tax cuts don't matter that much as long as the system isn't too progressive. It's spending cuts that matter. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar of goods and services that weren't available to the private sector.
How can you be so dumb to not understand that cutting revenue creates deficits? It doesn't get more simple than that.

Where did I say cutting revenue doesn't create deficits? However, cutting taxes and cutting government at the same time will promote job growth. That isn't what Kansas did.

Weird, NOW it's cut taxes AND Gov't in order for the 'job creators' to do their thing? lol

Real world contradicts right-wing tax theories
California raised taxes, Kansas cut them. California did better

Ever since economist Arthur Laffer drew his namesake curve on a napkin for two officials in President Richard Nixon’s administration four decades ago, we have been told that cutting tax rates spurs jobs and higher pay, while hiking taxes does the opposite.

Now, thanks to recent tax cuts in Kansas and tax hikes in California, we have real-world tests of this idea. So far, the results do not support Laffer’s insistence that lower tax rates always result in more and better-paying jobs. In fact, Kansas’ tax cuts produced much slower job and wage growth than in California.

The empirical evidence that the Laffer curve is not what its promoter insists joins other real-world experience undermining the widely held belief that minimum wage increases reduce employment and income.

Real world contradicts right-wing tax theories Al Jazeera America

You obviously have me confused with someone who said tax cuts alone would boost the economy.

BTW, I'm not interested in responding to your spam.

Good you agree, tax cuts have a VERY small stimulative effect, especially to Corps and 'job creators'

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback says he must take “corrective action” to close a projected $280 million budget hole created by his income-tax cuts and plans to reduce spending on pensions and highways.

....The budget moves, which include diverting almost $100 million from highway funds and cutting the contribution to the public employees’ retirement system by $41 million, followed claims of the governor’s opponents that tax cuts approved in 2012 would result in deep spending reductions.

Brownback to Cut Pensions Roads to Close Kansas Budget Deficit - Bloomberg

Yep, tax cuts don't matter that much as long as the system isn't too progressive. It's spending cuts that matter. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar of goods and services that weren't available to the private sector.
That is what I was trying to say.
How can you be so dumb to not understand that cutting revenue creates deficits? It doesn't get more simple than that.

Where did I say cutting revenue doesn't create deficits? However, cutting taxes and cutting government at the same time will promote job growth. That isn't what Kansas did.

Weird, NOW it's cut taxes AND Gov't in order for the 'job creators' to do their thing? lol

Real world contradicts right-wing tax theories
California raised taxes, Kansas cut them. California did better

Ever since economist Arthur Laffer drew his namesake curve on a napkin for two officials in President Richard Nixon’s administration four decades ago, we have been told that cutting tax rates spurs jobs and higher pay, while hiking taxes does the opposite.

Now, thanks to recent tax cuts in Kansas and tax hikes in California, we have real-world tests of this idea. So far, the results do not support Laffer’s insistence that lower tax rates always result in more and better-paying jobs. In fact, Kansas’ tax cuts produced much slower job and wage growth than in California.

The empirical evidence that the Laffer curve is not what its promoter insists joins other real-world experience undermining the widely held belief that minimum wage increases reduce employment and income.

Real world contradicts right-wing tax theories Al Jazeera America

You obviously have me confused with someone who said tax cuts alone would boost the economy.

BTW, I'm not interested in responding to your spam.

Good you agree, tax cuts have a VERY small stimulative effect, especially to Corps and 'job creators'

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback says he must take “corrective action” to close a projected $280 million budget hole created by his income-tax cuts and plans to reduce spending on pensions and highways.

....The budget moves, which include diverting almost $100 million from highway funds and cutting the contribution to the public employees’ retirement system by $41 million, followed claims of the governor’s opponents that tax cuts approved in 2012 would result in deep spending reductions.

Brownback to Cut Pensions Roads to Close Kansas Budget Deficit - Bloomberg

Yep, tax cuts don't matter that much as long as the system isn't too progressive. It's spending cuts that matter. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar of goods and services that weren't available to the private sector.

We love the spending reductions. Kansas has to many state workers sucking on the teat of it's private sector as it is.

Ask duddypeepee how many kansas cities have gone bankrupt. lol.

I did.

It shut his ass up real fast.
Last edited:
Oh yes....I forgot all those "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bills"

I could provide a few dozen jobs bills that were passed by the House, but you would probably forget them.

You mean the "Force workers to work for minimum wage Jobs Bill"?

or the "End all Environmental Protections Jobs Bill"?

Tell that to those that have had to take two and three jobs because to current economy provides the low paying jobs.

That's got to be a LIE., After 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies, there were jobs everywhere right? I mean since Obama/Dems passed the 'jobs killer law, Obamacares Feb 2010, there have 11 million PRIVATE sector jobs created. I bet Dubya/GOP had 22+ million right?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
We are recovering from a recession. I would hope that Obama created a lot of jobs. I don't think you can honestly blame the recession on Bush.

Why wouldn't you blame the recession on Bush?

He stood like a deer in the headlights waiting for the economy to self correct
And the Libs have convinced people that the GOP is the party of no.
How is this possible?

Better question. Why can't the republicans convince all Americans that they have viable solutions to todays problems. Should be a piece of cake to show working class Americans just how the Republicans are looking out for us working, middle class Americans.

So why can't the Republicans convince us all that they really care? How is it possible that they can't do that?
I could provide a few dozen jobs bills that were passed by the House, but you would probably forget them.

You mean the "Force workers to work for minimum wage Jobs Bill"?

or the "End all Environmental Protections Jobs Bill"?

Tell that to those that have had to take two and three jobs because to current economy provides the low paying jobs.

That's got to be a LIE., After 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies, there were jobs everywhere right? I mean since Obama/Dems passed the 'jobs killer law, Obamacares Feb 2010, there have 11 million PRIVATE sector jobs created. I bet Dubya/GOP had 22+ million right?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
We are recovering from a recession. I would hope that Obama created a lot of jobs. I don't think you can honestly blame the recession on Bush.

Why wouldn't you blame the recession on Bush?

He stood like a deer in the headlights waiting for the economy to self correct

Yes I know that is what the far left religious propaganda tells you..

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