GOP jobs agenda

And the Libs have convinced people that the GOP is the party of no.
How is this possible?

Better question. Why can't the republicans convince all Americans that they have viable solutions to todays problems. Should be a piece of cake to show working class Americans just how the Republicans are looking out for us working, middle class Americans.

So why can't the Republicans convince us all that they really care? How is it possible that they can't do that?

Yes we know you use far left religious scriptures that are not connected to reality..
Your forgetting all the jobs bills passed by the House that are sitting in the Senate that needs to be passed now that they have the majority.

Oh yes....I forgot all those "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bills"

I could provide a few dozen jobs bills that were passed by the House, but you would probably forget them.

You mean the "Force workers to work for minimum wage Jobs Bill"?

or the "End all Environmental Protections Jobs Bill"?

Tell that to those that have had to take two and three jobs because to current economy provides the low paying jobs.

That's got to be a LIE., After 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies, there were jobs everywhere right? I mean since Obama/Dems passed the 'jobs killer law, Obamacares Feb 2010, there have 11 million PRIVATE sector jobs created. I bet Dubya/GOP had 22+ million right?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You refuted nothing I said. This recession has created a need for people to take two and three jobs to make ends meet. Many jobs are 30 hours, just a fact. Not sure what Bush had to do with this now.
I could provide a few dozen jobs bills that were passed by the House, but you would probably forget them.

You mean the "Force workers to work for minimum wage Jobs Bill"?

or the "End all Environmental Protections Jobs Bill"?

Tell that to those that have had to take two and three jobs because to current economy provides the low paying jobs.

That's got to be a LIE., After 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies, there were jobs everywhere right? I mean since Obama/Dems passed the 'jobs killer law, Obamacares Feb 2010, there have 11 million PRIVATE sector jobs created. I bet Dubya/GOP had 22+ million right?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
We are recovering from a recession. I would hope that Obama created a lot of jobs. I don't think you can honestly blame the recession on Bush.

Why wouldn't you blame the recession on Bush?

He stood like a deer in the headlights waiting for the economy to self correct
Ridiculous. You can always be counted on to believe the lies of the power elite.

W intervened massively in the economy. Ever heard of TARP? He bailed out the Banks and Wall Street...and the fool said,
“I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system”

...and then your Messiah intervened even more, further damaging the economy and the American enriching his friends on Wall Street and in the TBTF banks. I guess 7.5 trillion in new debt under your guy, is a good your small mind.
However, cutting taxes and cutting government at the same time will promote job growth.

LMAO. Stoopid fucking briar. 50% (according to you) of workers already don't pay any taxes. So cutting their taxes won't help.
The ultra rich have never had it so good and have more money than they could ever spend, so cutting their taxes won't do any good.
That leaves us middle class folk for the coming tax cuts. I pay about 16%. So you would have to cut my taxes to what, 5% to make it worth while. But I don't think a few million middle class consumers with 5% tax rates can carry the entire recovery. But I am sure you believe we can.

So when will I be getting my big tax reductions from this Republican Congress. I want to plan what I am going to buy with my new found money.

btw, when those government workers lose their jobs, how will that promote job growth? Won't those workers be unemployed? And you are all the time saying how those government workers can't do shit and aren't worth their money. So who is gonna hire them when they lose their jobs?
"but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes."

Unintended? They knew EXACTLY how these so called unintended loopholes would work. The word is PLANNED. I have a niece who lives in Kansas..her outlook is quite different. Things ain't going very well. If you went to cut that's fine. Then also cut any and all loopholes that benefit private corporations.
As I already explained, when liberals use the term "jobs agenda" they mean pork, crony capitalism, corporate welfare and Democrat reelection slush fund. If you knock those off the list, then Democrats have no "jobs agenda" either. There is simply no Democrat legislative proposal that would actually increase jobs.
This is how you KNOW you have a RW radical pegged dead to rights...

They concede to the main point and say BS like "Well Democrats don't have one either."

So we now ALL KNOW that the damn Republicans don't have a job plan.

Thanks for your honesty, as minimized as it was.
However, cutting taxes and cutting government at the same time will promote job growth.

LMAO. Stoopid fucking briar. 50% (according to you) of workers already don't pay any taxes. So cutting their taxes won't help.
The ultra rich have never had it so good and have more money than they could ever spend, so cutting their taxes won't do any good.
That leaves us middle class folk for the coming tax cuts. I pay about 16%. So you would have to cut my taxes to what, 5% to make it worth while. But I don't think a few million middle class consumers with 5% tax rates can carry the entire recovery. But I am sure you believe we can.

So when will I be getting my big tax reductions from this Republican Congress. I want to plan what I am going to buy with my new found money.

btw, when those government workers lose their jobs, how will that promote job growth? Won't those workers be unemployed? And you are all the time saying how those government workers can't do shit and aren't worth their money. So who is gonna hire them when they lose their jobs?

More proof that the far left does not understand anything about economics, let alone anything connected to reality..
As I already explained, when liberals use the term "jobs agenda" they mean pork, crony capitalism, corporate welfare and Democrat reelection slush fund. If you knock those off the list, then Democrats have no "jobs agenda" either. There is simply no Democrat legislative proposal that would actually increase jobs.
This is how you KNOW you have a RW radical pegged dead to rights...

They concede to the main point and say BS like "Well Democrats don't have one either."

So we now ALL KNOW that the damn Republicans don't have a job plan.

Thanks for your honesty, as minimized as it was.

Like when the far left uses the excuse, "Well the (R)'s do it!"?
More proof that the far left does not understand anything about economics, let alone anything connected to reality..

Kosh, you are really, REALLY stuck on stupid. Slap yourself upside the head 10 times and see if you can get unstuck. Or continue to make your self look the fool.
More proof that the far left does not understand anything about economics, let alone anything connected to reality..

Kosh, you are really, REALLY stuck on stupid. Slap yourself upside the head 10 times and see if you can get unstuck. Or continue to make your self look the fool.

The irony impaired far left drones does it again, but they also believe that they help create jobs by hiring illegals to be their slave labor.
I was simply stating that budgets can be cut making government workers work with less. I made no comment on taxes.

I believe tax breaks for companies should be incentive based - but I also believe you are not being totally honest with your argument...clearly the problem was incompetent law writing that allowed loopholes. Let them fix the loopholes and give it an honest chance.

YOU responded to a comment SPECIFICALLY detailing the GOP's tax cut plan in Kansas. It failed, MISERABLY by any HONEST persons metrics. NOW you want to change the premise that the GOP did a bad job of targeting the tax cuts? And you want to have them try it again? LOL

You keep going back to the tax cuts for businesses. I told you that I was simply commenting on the principle of cutting back for the good of the state.

I did offer my opinion on coporate taxes, I stated that I believe tax breaks for companies is a viable economic strategy - and that I would prefer any tax cuts to be incentive based, something separate from the plan in question. Nonetheless, I can't reasonably call this economic ideology a failure as it was simply perverted of its original intent by greedy companies. You cannot 100% say that tax cuts for businesses is a failure because of this. You don't have to agree with that ideal, but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes.

GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

Got it, you want to change the original posit to one you like better, Gov't should work with less, IGNORE the promise of the GOP/Brownback, or the failed policy of the GOP
You got him pegged dead-to-rights.
YOU responded to a comment SPECIFICALLY detailing the GOP's tax cut plan in Kansas. It failed, MISERABLY by any HONEST persons metrics. NOW you want to change the premise that the GOP did a bad job of targeting the tax cuts? And you want to have them try it again? LOL

You keep going back to the tax cuts for businesses. I told you that I was simply commenting on the principle of cutting back for the good of the state.

I did offer my opinion on coporate taxes, I stated that I believe tax breaks for companies is a viable economic strategy - and that I would prefer any tax cuts to be incentive based, something separate from the plan in question. Nonetheless, I can't reasonably call this economic ideology a failure as it was simply perverted of its original intent by greedy companies. You cannot 100% say that tax cuts for businesses is a failure because of this. You don't have to agree with that ideal, but I would think that any honest person would recognize the failure wasn't necessarily in the plan.but in the unintended loopholes.

GOOD OF THE STATE? You mean in the rear in job creation? Or cutting back services? You mean the 'job creators (1%ers) have more money to offshore jobs with?

THIS economic ideology has NEVER worked ANYTIME the GOP tried it!

Loopholes? Oh you mean the ones the GOP placed in there OOPs

Weird hoe California increased taxes AND has a stronger job AND economic picture right?
Why do you keep on attributing me to arguments I have never made? You are getting yourself in a self created rage as you ignore what I am saying and fictionalize the rest.

Got it, you want to change the original posit to one you like better, Gov't should work with less, IGNORE the promise of the GOP/Brownback, or the failed policy of the GOP
You got him pegged dead-to-rights.

Yes a far left drone agreeing with another far left drone..

Yet the far left did nothing to create jobs as close to 40% of the labor force is still out of work 6 years under the far left Obama.
As I already explained, when liberals use the term "jobs agenda" they mean pork, crony capitalism, corporate welfare and Democrat reelection slush fund. If you knock those off the list, then Democrats have no "jobs agenda" either. There is simply no Democrat legislative proposal that would actually increase jobs.
This is how you KNOW you have a RW radical pegged dead to rights...

They concede to the main point and say BS like "Well Democrats don't have one either."

So we now ALL KNOW that the damn Republicans don't have a job plan.

Thanks for your honesty, as minimized as it was.

Like when the far left uses the excuse, "Well the (R)'s do it!"?
Got a link for that mook? Point it out please.

Oh yes....I forgot all those "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bills"

I could provide a few dozen jobs bills that were passed by the House, but you would probably forget them.

You mean the "Force workers to work for minimum wage Jobs Bill"?

or the "End all Environmental Protections Jobs Bill"?

Tell that to those that have had to take two and three jobs because to current economy provides the low paying jobs.

That's got to be a LIE., After 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies, there were jobs everywhere right? I mean since Obama/Dems passed the 'jobs killer law, Obamacares Feb 2010, there have 11 million PRIVATE sector jobs created. I bet Dubya/GOP had 22+ million right?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You refuted nothing I said. This recession has created a need for people to take two and three jobs to make ends meet. Many jobs are 30 hours, just a fact. Not sure what Bush had to do with this now.
Just NOT a fact!

There are LESS people working PT for economic reasons now than when Obama took office.
Now that's FACT!
You mean the "Force workers to work for minimum wage Jobs Bill"?

or the "End all Environmental Protections Jobs Bill"?

Tell that to those that have had to take two and three jobs because to current economy provides the low paying jobs.

That's got to be a LIE., After 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies, there were jobs everywhere right? I mean since Obama/Dems passed the 'jobs killer law, Obamacares Feb 2010, there have 11 million PRIVATE sector jobs created. I bet Dubya/GOP had 22+ million right?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
We are recovering from a recession. I would hope that Obama created a lot of jobs. I don't think you can honestly blame the recession on Bush.

Why wouldn't you blame the recession on Bush?

He stood like a deer in the headlights waiting for the economy to self correct
Ridiculous. You can always be counted on to believe the lies of the power elite.

W intervened massively in the economy. Ever heard of TARP? He bailed out the Banks and Wall Street...and the fool said,
“I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system”

...and then your Messiah intervened even more, further damaging the economy and the American enriching his friends on Wall Street and in the TBTF banks. I guess 7.5 trillion in new debt under your guy, is a good your small mind.

Bush waited until the Nov 2008 elections before he started to take serious action

He didn't even acknowledge that we were in a recession until after the election
close to 40% of the labor force is still out of work 6 years under the far left Obama.
Pure BULLSHIT, swallowed only by complete fools. To get a fake number like that you have to count retirees, the disabled, stay at home spouses, and students as "still out of work" which only an idiot is gullible enough to accept.
As I already explained, when liberals use the term "jobs agenda" they mean pork, crony capitalism, corporate welfare and Democrat reelection slush fund. If you knock those off the list, then Democrats have no "jobs agenda" either. There is simply no Democrat legislative proposal that would actually increase jobs.
This is how you KNOW you have a RW radical pegged dead to rights...

They concede to the main point and say BS like "Well Democrats don't have one either."

So we now ALL KNOW that the damn Republicans don't have a job plan.

Thanks for your honesty, as minimized as it was.

Apparently that went right over your head. The term "jobs agenda" is a euphemism. Government can create jobs.
I could provide a few dozen jobs bills that were passed by the House, but you would probably forget them.

You mean the "Force workers to work for minimum wage Jobs Bill"?

or the "End all Environmental Protections Jobs Bill"?

Tell that to those that have had to take two and three jobs because to current economy provides the low paying jobs.

That's got to be a LIE., After 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies, there were jobs everywhere right? I mean since Obama/Dems passed the 'jobs killer law, Obamacares Feb 2010, there have 11 million PRIVATE sector jobs created. I bet Dubya/GOP had 22+ million right?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You refuted nothing I said. This recession has created a need for people to take two and three jobs to make ends meet. Many jobs are 30 hours, just a fact. Not sure what Bush had to do with this now.
Just NOT a fact!

There are LESS people working PT for economic reasons now than when Obama took office.
Now that's FACT!

Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco What s Behind the Increase in Part-Time Work
Progressive got duped into believing that the Federal government and the US economy are the same thing
It all depends upon what one defines as a job. I would approximate anything that pays less than $15 per hour is not really a" job" and requires one to show minimal effort. Minimal wage "jobs" should not be included in "jobs" category.

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