GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories

The Benghazi syndrome

The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook, “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5),” is about to be published. It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. Even though the hour is late, I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome.

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the noggin, the symptoms of which are a compulsion to grossly exaggerate matters and to compare almost anything to Watergate (see Watergate Syndrome, DSM-IV). Patient Zero in this regard is Sen. Lindsey Graham, a usually affable Republican from South Carolina who has suggested that the Benghazi, Libya, episode warrants an investigation by a special congressional committee, just like Iran-Contra and — drum roll, please — Watergate.

Benghazi Syndrome For GOP there is no cure

Did Obama and Hillary get one of their Ambassadors killed in Libya????

No, NaziCons got one of their ambassadors killed in Libya.

Was Ronnie Reagan to blame when 240+ American Marines were killed in Beirut; why were their guns taken away?

In 1983 President Reagan ordered American service members be sent into Lebanon as an international peacekeeping force. Although they were being ordered into a war zone, they were under strict presidential orders not to load their weapons. On Oct. 23, 1983, 248 American service members died as a direct result of President Reagan’s actions. Reagan cut and ran and their killers were never brought to justice.
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Why the House Intel Committee’s Benghazi Report is Worthless

But let’s clear up some myths about the report.

To quote from its introduction, “the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the Benghazi attacks focused on the Intelligence Community’s activities before, during, and after the attacks in Benghazi… The Committee did receive evidence about the activities of the Defense Department, State Department, and White House personnel, which are explained in both the report and the additional views. But the Committee does not make final conclusions about other agencies to the extent they were not the focus of the Committee’s investigation.”

While the media is treating this as some sort of conclusive overall report, it’s a look at the actions of the CIA.

That said, the report is a joke. I have no idea why it was even released. It’s a meaningless collection of statements undercut within that same report. Here’s another example from the introduction.

“The committee finds that a mixed group of individuals including those affiliated with Al Qaeda, participated in the attacks on US facilities in Benghazi, although the Committee finds that the intelligence was and remains conflicting about the identities, affiliations and motivations of the attackers.”

That entire sentence nullifies itself.

The report is filled with such self-nullifying conclusions in which the conclusion can be summed up as “Uh.”

The report concludes that there was no intelligence failure because there was no specific warning that an attack would occur on September 11. Aside from the “stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence” afterward.

Why the House Intel Committee 8217 s Benghazi Report is Worthless FrontPage Magazine
Butthurt Frontpagers can't accept their own party's findings.

Ho hum.

Too juiced up on the Ghazilade.
Butthurt Frontpagers can't accept their own party's findings.

Ho hum.

Too juiced up on the Ghazilade.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa after the last election it sure ain't the right that has a burning butt. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Glad to see that the left wing now trusts Republicans.
Republicans should be embarrassed about this. I wish this report had come out 20 days ago so the rubes would know they'd been played like a fiddle all this time and stayed home on election day.
Was Ronnie Reagan to blame when 240+ American Marines were killed in Beirut; why were their guns taken away?

In 1983 President Reagan ordered American service members be sent into Lebanon as an international peacekeeping force. Although they were being ordered into a war zone, they were under strict presidential orders not to load their weapons. On Oct. 23, 1983, 248 American service members died as a direct result of President Reagan’s actions. Reagan cut and ran and their killers were never brought to justice.

That is such a lying POS it is hard to imagine anyone being so distorted that they would post such crap.
Republicans should be embarrassed about this. I wish this report had come out 20 days ago so the rubes would know they'd been played like a fiddle all this time and stayed home on election day.

Why? You and your left wing ilk are not embarrassed about Obama lying and leaving a gay American in Benghazi to end up being killed.
Republicans should be embarrassed about this. I wish this report had come out 20 days ago so the rubes would know they'd been played like a fiddle all this time and stayed home on election day.

Why? You and your left wing ilk are not embarrassed about Obama lying and leaving a gay American in Benghazi to end up being killed.

I wish you knew how to take a step back to analyze the stupidity of what you just said.
So ....what do we know?

There was conflicting reports of the cause of the attack
There was no coverup
There was no stand down order

Republicans: What difference does it make?
We know Obama told our military to stand down. Then when they complained he fired nearly every single military leader this country has.
So ....what do we know?

There was conflicting reports of the cause of the attack
There was no coverup
There was no stand down order

Republicans: What difference does it make?
We know Obama told our military to stand down. Then when they complained he fired nearly every single military leader this country has.

Either you don't keep up with the news or you're an idiot.
So ....what do we know?

There was conflicting reports of the cause of the attack
There was no coverup
There was no stand down order

Republicans: What difference does it make?
We know Obama told our military to stand down. Then when they complained he fired nearly every single military leader this country has.

Either you don't keep up with the news or you're an idiot.
Either you're a democrat cum bucket or a POS retarded hand out seeking democrat looser.
So ....what do we know?

There was conflicting reports of the cause of the attack
There was no coverup
There was no stand down order

Republicans: What difference does it make?
We know Obama told our military to stand down. Then when they complained he fired nearly every single military leader this country has.

Either you don't keep up with the news or you're an idiot.
Either you're a cum bucket or a POS retarded hand out seeking looser.

Oh so you're an idiot. Go read the GOP's report on Benghazi and get back to us when you know something about what you're talking about.
Oh look...the dems have a "report" that the "GOP" put out.

The NRC didn't put anything out. This is a house report that had input from both sides.

And wait.....

It came from congress.....

Those guys the left is famous for telling us have single digit approval ratings.

But they put out a REPORT.


They are O.K. now.
Oh look...the dems have a "report" that the "GOP" put out.

The NRC didn't put anything out. This is a house report that had input from both sides.

And wait.....

It came from congress.....

Those guys the left is famous for telling us have single digit approval ratings.

But they put out a REPORT.


They are O.K. now.

You're right it's very important that we go off of your imaginary information from now on.

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