GOP outlaws consumer class action suits against financial institutions.

Enron was a major donor to the Bill Clinton Campaign
Enron and the Clinton Administration: Ties That Bind Obama was in office when it was found out that VW was cheating the diesel emissions testing, why didn't Obama punish VW like they did with BP(which the interior Department passed that oil rig)? Germany is socialist, while Britain is not... What a tangle web is woven.....

Neither needed a class action to punish the offenders. ENRON was taken out using the criminal justice system, and with VW the government was able to go after them.

I was a resident of California during the time that Enron stole the entire state surplus over artificial price gouging. That was my tax money. i never saw any of it again, so, I would say that there really is no need to dial back the financial responsibility of corporations stealing from the public.

Considering ENRON was making money out of thin air, how would a class action suit against them win anything? They got punished using good old fashioned criminal prosecution.

Got a problem with corporations being held accountable of their actions? Damn! I thought that the GOP was all about personal responsibility! Speaking of which, how many financial institution executives went to prison after the 2008 housing meltdown?

Class action lawsuits are not the method to use. and now you are just bouncing from one thing to another and cannot focus because you don't have an actual answer.

In 2008 everyone was pretty much following the rules, and everyone got burned.

In the case of ENRON people didn't follow the rules, and they went to jail.
The CEO of Enron hung himself in Jail, at least he had the decency to keep from having US pay for the rest of his life. Shame more liberals don't follow suit, and lower the CO2 levels by self suicide and stop Global Warming.

Neither needed a class action to punish the offenders. ENRON was taken out using the criminal justice system, and with VW the government was able to go after them.

I was a resident of California during the time that Enron stole the entire state surplus over artificial price gouging. That was my tax money. i never saw any of it again, so, I would say that there really is no need to dial back the financial responsibility of corporations stealing from the public.

Considering ENRON was making money out of thin air, how would a class action suit against them win anything? They got punished using good old fashioned criminal prosecution.

Got a problem with corporations being held accountable of their actions? Damn! I thought that the GOP was all about personal responsibility! Speaking of which, how many financial institution executives went to prison after the 2008 housing meltdown?

Class action lawsuits are not the method to use. and now you are just bouncing from one thing to another and cannot focus because you don't have an actual answer.

In 2008 everyone was pretty much following the rules, and everyone got burned.

In the case of ENRON people didn't follow the rules, and they went to jail.

And yet the employees and stockholders remain screwed. I agree, class action suits are not the answer, but outlawing them only benefits the wrongdoer (and in most cases the wrongdoer is the corporation, the Republican Party's best friend).

Again, fix the laws to compensate victims, but use the existing criminal and civil system as is. If there really is a big class of citizens being fucked over, let the Justice department handle it, and leave the yacht-lawyers out of it.

And how many different corporations donate to democrats?

Top Organization Contributors | OpenSecrets
Enron was a major donor to the Bill Clinton Campaign
Enron and the Clinton Administration: Ties That Bind Obama was in office when it was found out that VW was cheating the diesel emissions testing, why didn't Obama punish VW like they did with BP(which the interior Department passed that oil rig)? Germany is socialist, while Britain is not... What a tangle web is woven.....

Neither needed a class action to punish the offenders. ENRON was taken out using the criminal justice system, and with VW the government was able to go after them.

I was a resident of California during the time that Enron stole the entire state surplus over artificial price gouging. That was my tax money. i never saw any of it again, so, I would say that there really is no need to dial back the financial responsibility of corporations stealing from the public.

Considering ENRON was making money out of thin air, how would a class action suit against them win anything? They got punished using good old fashioned criminal prosecution.

Got a problem with corporations being held accountable of their actions? Damn! I thought that the GOP was all about personal responsibility! Speaking of which, how many financial institution executives went to prison after the 2008 housing meltdown?

Class action lawsuits are not the method to use. and now you are just bouncing from one thing to another and cannot focus because you don't have an actual answer.

In 2008 everyone was pretty much following the rules, and everyone got burned.

In the case of ENRON people didn't follow the rules, and they went to jail.

Amazing! Nobody did anything wrong in the derivative mortgage meltdown in 2008. Everybody got burned, but that is just the breaks in the "free market". Nobody I know of went to prison. Billions, if not trillions were stolen. It is all good.

Yet, if a person commits a misdemeanor by crossing the border without papers, he should be rounded up as a criminal, tried and convicted, even if he has not stolen anything, separated from his legal citizen children, and deported.

i don't even have the heart to continue this discussion.
Neither needed a class action to punish the offenders. ENRON was taken out using the criminal justice system, and with VW the government was able to go after them.

I was a resident of California during the time that Enron stole the entire state surplus over artificial price gouging. That was my tax money. i never saw any of it again, so, I would say that there really is no need to dial back the financial responsibility of corporations stealing from the public.

Considering ENRON was making money out of thin air, how would a class action suit against them win anything? They got punished using good old fashioned criminal prosecution.

Got a problem with corporations being held accountable of their actions? Damn! I thought that the GOP was all about personal responsibility! Speaking of which, how many financial institution executives went to prison after the 2008 housing meltdown?

Class action lawsuits are not the method to use. and now you are just bouncing from one thing to another and cannot focus because you don't have an actual answer.

In 2008 everyone was pretty much following the rules, and everyone got burned.

In the case of ENRON people didn't follow the rules, and they went to jail.

Amazing! Nobody did anything wrong in the derivative mortgage meltdown in 2008. Everybody got burned, but that is just the breaks in the "free market". Nobody I know of went to prison. Billions, if not trillions were stolen. It is all good.

Yet, if a person commits a misdemeanor by crossing the border without papers, he should be rounded up as a criminal, tried and convicted, even if he has not stolen anything, separated from his legal citizen children, and deported.

i don't even have the heart to continue this discussion.
I didn't get burned, but bought into Chipotle when the stock went from $155 to $50 a share. Then when it hit $400 I sold out. Does this make me EVIL?
Neither needed a class action to punish the offenders. ENRON was taken out using the criminal justice system, and with VW the government was able to go after them.

I was a resident of California during the time that Enron stole the entire state surplus over artificial price gouging. That was my tax money. i never saw any of it again, so, I would say that there really is no need to dial back the financial responsibility of corporations stealing from the public.

Considering ENRON was making money out of thin air, how would a class action suit against them win anything? They got punished using good old fashioned criminal prosecution.

Got a problem with corporations being held accountable of their actions? Damn! I thought that the GOP was all about personal responsibility! Speaking of which, how many financial institution executives went to prison after the 2008 housing meltdown?

Class action lawsuits are not the method to use. and now you are just bouncing from one thing to another and cannot focus because you don't have an actual answer.

In 2008 everyone was pretty much following the rules, and everyone got burned.

In the case of ENRON people didn't follow the rules, and they went to jail.

Amazing! Nobody did anything wrong in the derivative mortgage meltdown in 2008. Everybody got burned, but that is just the breaks in the "free market". Nobody I know of went to prison. Billions, if not trillions were stolen. It is all good.

Yet, if a person commits a misdemeanor by crossing the border without papers, he should be rounded up as a criminal, tried and convicted, even if he has not stolen anything, separated from his legal citizen children, and deported.

i don't even have the heart to continue this discussion.

There is a difference between wrong and illegal. Nothing that was done was really illegal. It was a perfect storm of everyone making money or getting something they really didn't have the money to have.

And yes, if you break an ACTUAL LAW you have to pay for it by being sent back on your ass to the country you came from. Then you can apply to come here legally.
Strawman as usual... Why would McDonalds have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to a stupid bitch who put her HOT coffee between her legs then get in an accident that burned her legs? Phishing...

good point. Let's make suing McDonald's illegal, too. Then, when they poison people, they can take them to arbitration....if they live.

Why would that be a class action lawsuit?
And, why would republicans want to protect the financial industry against class action lawsuits?

Wells Fargo, Awash in Scandal, Faces Violations Over Car Insurance Refunds

Wells Fargo account fraud scandal - Wikipedia

Wells Fargo's scandals just won’t die

Wells Fargo Scandals Expand With Firing of Foreign Exchange Bankers

These are just a few from the last year or so, just for ONE bank.

And saying that the republicans are trying to curb abuses of class action trial lawyers is a joke. if they wanted to do that, they would allow EVERY business to require arbitration.

This is so transparent that even a Trump supporter knows that that dog don't hunt.

It doesn't say you cannot sue them!

Class action suits favor the lawyer, not those ripped off.

I had a class action lawsuit that notified me that I got $23,00 back out of a multimillion lawsuit. How much did I lose? Probably ten times that much. How much did the lawyer get?

Sure, that's fair. Me, a retired citizen living on a fixed income, suing Wells Fargo, which has a building full of attorneys, perfectly content on delaying the trial by legal strategies until I am dead..

OK, consider the alternative! You join a class action suit, it takes years to settle, and when you do get your payment, it's pennies of the dollars of what you lost, plus you gave up your right to sue them.
good point. Let's make suing McDonald's illegal, too. Then, when they poison people, they can take them to arbitration....if they live.

Why would that be a class action lawsuit?
And, why would republicans want to protect the financial industry against class action lawsuits?

Wells Fargo, Awash in Scandal, Faces Violations Over Car Insurance Refunds

Wells Fargo account fraud scandal - Wikipedia

Wells Fargo's scandals just won’t die

Wells Fargo Scandals Expand With Firing of Foreign Exchange Bankers

These are just a few from the last year or so, just for ONE bank.

And saying that the republicans are trying to curb abuses of class action trial lawyers is a joke. if they wanted to do that, they would allow EVERY business to require arbitration.

This is so transparent that even a Trump supporter knows that that dog don't hunt.

It doesn't say you cannot sue them!

Class action suits favor the lawyer, not those ripped off.

I had a class action lawsuit that notified me that I got $23,00 back out of a multimillion lawsuit. How much did I lose? Probably ten times that much. How much did the lawyer get?

Sure, that's fair. Me, a retired citizen living on a fixed income, suing Wells Fargo, which has a building full of attorneys, perfectly content on delaying the trial by legal strategies until I am dead..

OK, consider the alternative! You join a class action suit, it takes years to settle, and when you do get your payment, it's pennies of the dollars of what you lost, plus you gave up your right to sue them.
Back in the day when Bill Clintons economy was going into recession that George Inherited, I bought an IPO called E-Toys. The sock puppet on tv had a novel idea of being able to buy toys on the internet and not have to drive miles away to some Toy store that charged more. Problem was E-Toys was about 15 years too early. They went bankrupt and I lost $8,000 as the stock went belly up. I have 100 shares of worthless paper. A few years later there was a lawsuit against the owners of E-Toys and at the end I got $.004 cents for every share. The lawyer got hundreds of thousands of dollars. I never again will be suckered into an IPO...
Neither needed a class action to punish the offenders. ENRON was taken out using the criminal justice system, and with VW the government was able to go after them.

I was a resident of California during the time that Enron stole the entire state surplus over artificial price gouging. That was my tax money. i never saw any of it again, so, I would say that there really is no need to dial back the financial responsibility of corporations stealing from the public.

Considering ENRON was making money out of thin air, how would a class action suit against them win anything? They got punished using good old fashioned criminal prosecution.

Got a problem with corporations being held accountable of their actions? Damn! I thought that the GOP was all about personal responsibility! Speaking of which, how many financial institution executives went to prison after the 2008 housing meltdown?

Class action lawsuits are not the method to use. and now you are just bouncing from one thing to another and cannot focus because you don't have an actual answer.

In 2008 everyone was pretty much following the rules, and everyone got burned.

In the case of ENRON people didn't follow the rules, and they went to jail.

Amazing! Nobody did anything wrong in the derivative mortgage meltdown in 2008. Everybody got burned, but that is just the breaks in the "free market". Nobody I know of went to prison. Billions, if not trillions were stolen. It is all good.

Yet, if a person commits a misdemeanor by crossing the border without papers, he should be rounded up as a criminal, tried and convicted, even if he has not stolen anything, separated from his legal citizen children, and deported.

i don't even have the heart to continue this discussion.

Nobody did anything about the 2008 meltdown because it was perfectly LEGAL!

The Dimocrats changed the laws so the banks followed them and everything went to hell in a handbasket.
I was a resident of California during the time that Enron stole the entire state surplus over artificial price gouging. That was my tax money. i never saw any of it again, so, I would say that there really is no need to dial back the financial responsibility of corporations stealing from the public.

Considering ENRON was making money out of thin air, how would a class action suit against them win anything? They got punished using good old fashioned criminal prosecution.

Got a problem with corporations being held accountable of their actions? Damn! I thought that the GOP was all about personal responsibility! Speaking of which, how many financial institution executives went to prison after the 2008 housing meltdown?

Class action lawsuits are not the method to use. and now you are just bouncing from one thing to another and cannot focus because you don't have an actual answer.

In 2008 everyone was pretty much following the rules, and everyone got burned.

In the case of ENRON people didn't follow the rules, and they went to jail.

Amazing! Nobody did anything wrong in the derivative mortgage meltdown in 2008. Everybody got burned, but that is just the breaks in the "free market". Nobody I know of went to prison. Billions, if not trillions were stolen. It is all good.

Yet, if a person commits a misdemeanor by crossing the border without papers, he should be rounded up as a criminal, tried and convicted, even if he has not stolen anything, separated from his legal citizen children, and deported.

i don't even have the heart to continue this discussion.

Nobody did anything about the 2008 meltdown because it was perfectly LEGAL!

The Dimocrats changed the laws so the banks followed them and everything went to hell in a handbasket.
They tried to stop the upcoming crash because they did an investigation and found Fannie and Feddie were being nefarious. But Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank stopped it dead in its tracks, and then the bubble burst. Those 3 should be strung up but 2 of them retired and the other buffoon could be the next Democrat candidate for 2020...
Why would that be a class action lawsuit?
And, why would republicans want to protect the financial industry against class action lawsuits?

Wells Fargo, Awash in Scandal, Faces Violations Over Car Insurance Refunds

Wells Fargo account fraud scandal - Wikipedia

Wells Fargo's scandals just won’t die

Wells Fargo Scandals Expand With Firing of Foreign Exchange Bankers

These are just a few from the last year or so, just for ONE bank.

And saying that the republicans are trying to curb abuses of class action trial lawyers is a joke. if they wanted to do that, they would allow EVERY business to require arbitration.

This is so transparent that even a Trump supporter knows that that dog don't hunt.

It doesn't say you cannot sue them!

Class action suits favor the lawyer, not those ripped off.

I had a class action lawsuit that notified me that I got $23,00 back out of a multimillion lawsuit. How much did I lose? Probably ten times that much. How much did the lawyer get?

Sure, that's fair. Me, a retired citizen living on a fixed income, suing Wells Fargo, which has a building full of attorneys, perfectly content on delaying the trial by legal strategies until I am dead..

OK, consider the alternative! You join a class action suit, it takes years to settle, and when you do get your payment, it's pennies of the dollars of what you lost, plus you gave up your right to sue them.
Back in the day when Bill Clintons economy was going into recession that George Inherited, I bought an IPO called E-Toys. The sock puppet on tv had a novel idea of being able to buy toys on the internet and not have to drive miles away to some Toy store that charged more. Problem was E-Toys was about 15 years too early. They went bankrupt and I lost $8,000 as the stock went belly up. I have 100 shares of worthless paper. A few years later there was a lawsuit against the owners of E-Toys and at the end I got $.004 cents for every share. The lawyer got hundreds of thousands of dollars. I never again will be suckered into an IPO...

it also shows the only winners in a class actions suit.
And, why would republicans want to protect the financial industry against class action lawsuits?

Wells Fargo, Awash in Scandal, Faces Violations Over Car Insurance Refunds

Wells Fargo account fraud scandal - Wikipedia

Wells Fargo's scandals just won’t die

Wells Fargo Scandals Expand With Firing of Foreign Exchange Bankers

These are just a few from the last year or so, just for ONE bank.

And saying that the republicans are trying to curb abuses of class action trial lawyers is a joke. if they wanted to do that, they would allow EVERY business to require arbitration.

This is so transparent that even a Trump supporter knows that that dog don't hunt.

It doesn't say you cannot sue them!

Class action suits favor the lawyer, not those ripped off.

I had a class action lawsuit that notified me that I got $23,00 back out of a multimillion lawsuit. How much did I lose? Probably ten times that much. How much did the lawyer get?

Sure, that's fair. Me, a retired citizen living on a fixed income, suing Wells Fargo, which has a building full of attorneys, perfectly content on delaying the trial by legal strategies until I am dead..
Of course you could do like I did and pull all your money out of the bank, and find a more reputable banking system. But just like you guys voting Democrat all the time, you don't give a rats ass if a liberal politicians steals your money, but if a liberal bank does it, then get out the pitchforks.. liberalism is a mental disorder...

A liberal bank?

Anda...., you simply have to stop eating those mushrooms.....
A conservative bank wouldnt screw over their customers... Got it?

Really? A conservative bank wouldn't screw over it's customers? Wanna talk about Wells Fargo?

Wonder how much money they paid to get this law passed?
It doesn't say you cannot sue them!

Class action suits favor the lawyer, not those ripped off.

I had a class action lawsuit that notified me that I got $23,00 back out of a multimillion lawsuit. How much did I lose? Probably ten times that much. How much did the lawyer get?

Sure, that's fair. Me, a retired citizen living on a fixed income, suing Wells Fargo, which has a building full of attorneys, perfectly content on delaying the trial by legal strategies until I am dead..
Of course you could do like I did and pull all your money out of the bank, and find a more reputable banking system. But just like you guys voting Democrat all the time, you don't give a rats ass if a liberal politicians steals your money, but if a liberal bank does it, then get out the pitchforks.. liberalism is a mental disorder...

A liberal bank?

Anda...., you simply have to stop eating those mushrooms.....
A conservative bank wouldnt screw over their customers... Got it?

Really? A conservative bank wouldn't screw over it's customers? Wanna talk about Wells Fargo?

Wonder how much money they paid to get this law passed?
Wells fargo isn't a conservative bank, for it screwed over its customers, like a liberal would make a law that FORCED people to buy healthcare that they didn't want. It isn't rocket science why liberals love to fuck people while conservatives want to help people.

Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity — as liberals do. A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population — as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state — as liberals do.
Wells Fargo banking is just another way to make people more dependent on the government to have them NEED welfare...I know you hate me for pointing out the truth, but the truth is just that.


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