GOP Overplayed It's Hand /America and The Tea Party = Losers

LOL @ GOPers.

Notice how they never TRULY speak about how ABYSMAL the Bush Administration was..?

They always speak in past tense, matter-of-fact ways, never quite ADMITTING how terrible it was for the country...financially, mentally and morally.

"Oh yeah, we all know Bush was bad. He was acting like a Democrat. We never liked what he was doing."

Yet, they were in LOCK STEP with the Administration during the time.

Gotta luv 'em.

Have to speak in past tense as that is where the subject is. Not to hard to understand right? If you read my response, I stated that the war was a hugh mistake and the previous admin overspent. With broad generalizations come decreased credibility.
If I were to generalize your response it would be that the dems never answer, retort, respond to comments, they just change the subject.
Nice use of the standard lib fare in responding with Lock Step. You need to come up with something new as that has become nothing more than playground level name calling.
LOl, have the lefties been looking at how the entire Democrat Party in congress has been voting...

in LOCKSTEP with what THE OBAMA ask for.

sheesh, it must hurt.
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Because it is a fact. There are people who will survive this year to live another because this bill passed.

That's a lie. The benefits of this bill don't go into effect until 2014. Please, tell me exactly how this bill has saved ANY lives this year. I want proof. Thanks in advance.


Pre-existing conditions, not getting dropped when you get sick go into effect immediately.

Wanna bet?

Kids with Pre-Existing Conditions NOT Covered By Obamacare - Greg Pollowitz

Weasel Zippers: Whoops! ObamaCare Does Not Cover Pre-Existing Conditions For Children Until 2014...

Pre-existing conditions are not covered immediately by this health care bill.

The limpwristed fairies will get a nice kick in the balls come November..........

You know who you are...........the weenies of this country who hold poindexters like Olbermann in high esteem.

Uh weren't you one of the ones making predictions about how the healthcare bill wouldn't pass the house because the democrats didn't have the votes??
LOL So please excuses me if don't take your fantasy based predictions seriously.

The tea party folks are just warming up s0ns.............they are where the patriots were in the late 1760's in this country, the British being the moral equivelent of today's progressives...............fckukking limpwristers about to get their balls kicked in starting in a little more than 6 months.

The rest of your drivel is nothing more than insane rants with no basis in fact followed up by a repeat of your prediction. LOL

What will your next prediction be if this one fails to come true?? LOL
LOL @ GOPers.

Notice how they never TRULY speak about how ABYSMAL the Bush Administration was..?

They always speak in past tense, matter-of-fact ways, never quite ADMITTING how terrible it was for the country...financially, mentally and morally.

"Oh yeah, we all know Bush was bad. He was acting like a Democrat. We never liked what he was doing."

Yet, they were in LOCK STEP with the Administration during the time.

Gotta luv 'em.
Yep, every single one of them. Not a single person who ever has been, was or will be affiliated with a single republican idea for their entire life would've shot themselves in the head if the great George W Bush asked them to. That's how devoted they were to him; every single last one of them.

They should all be murdered, then this country would finally have a chance to become a decent place to live.
What has happened? I will use a holistic approach to frame the context.

If reason and rationality are valued, an honest accounting of what actually happened must include, an acknowledgment of the validity of the frustration and anger of the original Tea Party rally attendees. What also must be acknowledged is the fact that fringe groups and individuals aligned themselves with these everyday, average people who attended the rallies. And still more must be acknowledged: main stream groups like the one run by Tom Delay, were providing assistance and guidance early on. A movement was in the making, that is true, but there is more to this than a ground up movement---much as there was more to the Obama movement early on in the primary campaign. I believe both involved the heavy use of astroturfing. (more on this later)

What the Tea Party movement became, and the how it became what it has, is an interesting case study in political movements in this new age of constant noise and manipulation by the media. The media and others are using the latest technology available to meet our expectations of immediate gratification. Those who manipulate, know this and do/use it well.

Take what I have observed as the faux GOP outrage and hysteria at Democrats using parliamentary rules to achieve ends. The GOP drove some people crazy doing the very same during the years they ruled---years they would use rules in ways that strained boundaries.

The GOP has played a game with the Tea Party movement that is nothing more than a tool for regaining power. Don't take only my word for this:
“Politically, I get the ‘let’s trip up the other side, make them fail’ strategy,” he said. “But what’s more important, to win extra seats or to shape the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s? It was a go-for-all-the-marbles approach. Unless they produced an absolute failure for Mr. Obama, there wasn’t going to be any political benefit.”


House Republican leader, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, warned that the legislation would be “the last straw for the American people.” Representative Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, proclaimed several hours earlier, “Freedom dies a little bit today.”


“When our core group discover that this thing is not as catastrophic as advertised, they are going to be less energized than they are right now,”

Political Memo - Republicans Face Drawbacks of United Stand on Health Bill -
-David Frum News - The New York Times
David Frum/American Enterprise Institute

The GOP has been playing a game that looks to winning extra seats in Congress and elsewhere and not on of shaping "the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s" which is what they were elected to do.

For the past few decades the GOP has been all about power and the heck with their base constituencies and others. Party over Country.


Actually, you and your ilk are the loosers, you may have won a battle but you won't win the war. This is why, as they did in the 787 billion dollar no stimulus stimulus bill that passed before anyone had a chance to read it, where Chris Dodd snuck a deal for failed aig exects. Here is the first embarrassment to the health care plan. Remember, just yesterday he was touting his plan as immediate coverage for CHILDREN with pre-existing conditions. Well, that's not going to happen until 2014. :lol::lol: This is what happens when you rush a bill through on a partisan vote without one republican vote or any republican input, sign it before you know it, or have even read it. Guaranteed, more to follow on this 2,700 page monster. :lol:

The Associated Press: Gap in health care law's protection for children
The fun of this November will be watching conservatives trying to pretend they aren't disappointed with the election results.
The fun of this November will be watching conservatives trying to pretend they aren't disappointed with the election results.

I think you better wait until the people actually find out what's in this bill and have a chance to react before making ANY predictions about November.

Look at all the dirty slimy tricks the Democrats had to pull to pass their disaster. People wont forget that.

Could you possible tell us what "dirty slimy tricks the Democrats had to pull to pass their disaster." ?

Apparently this person has already forgotten what they were.

Be specific please, Libo.
What has happened? I will use a holistic approach to frame the context.

If reason and rationality are valued, an honest accounting of what actually happened must include, an acknowledgment of the validity of the frustration and anger of the original Tea Party rally attendees. What also must be acknowledged is the fact that fringe groups and individuals aligned themselves with these everyday, average people who attended the rallies. And still more must be acknowledged: main stream groups like the one run by Tom Delay, were providing assistance and guidance early on. A movement was in the making, that is true, but there is more to this than a ground up movement---much as there was more to the Obama movement early on in the primary campaign. I believe both involved the heavy use of astroturfing. (more on this later)

What the Tea Party movement became, and the how it became what it has, is an interesting case study in political movements in this new age of constant noise and manipulation by the media. The media and others are using the latest technology available to meet our expectations of immediate gratification. Those who manipulate, know this and do/use it well.

Take what I have observed as the faux GOP outrage and hysteria at Democrats using parliamentary rules to achieve ends. The GOP drove some people crazy doing the very same during the years they ruled---years they would use rules in ways that strained boundaries.

The GOP has played a game with the Tea Party movement that is nothing more than a tool for regaining power. Don't take only my word for this:
“Politically, I get the ‘let’s trip up the other side, make them fail’ strategy,” he said. “But what’s more important, to win extra seats or to shape the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s? It was a go-for-all-the-marbles approach. Unless they produced an absolute failure for Mr. Obama, there wasn’t going to be any political benefit.”


House Republican leader, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, warned that the legislation would be “the last straw for the American people.” Representative Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, proclaimed several hours earlier, “Freedom dies a little bit today.”


“When our core group discover that this thing is not as catastrophic as advertised, they are going to be less energized than they are right now,”

Political Memo - Republicans Face Drawbacks of United Stand on Health Bill -
-David Frum News - The New York Times
David Frum/American Enterprise Institute

The GOP has been playing a game that looks to winning extra seats in Congress and elsewhere and not on of shaping "the most important piece of social legislation since the 1960s" which is what they were elected to do.

For the past few decades the GOP has been all about power and the heck with their base constituencies and others. Party over Country.

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