
In an attempt to reach out to black people and draw them in to the Republican Party, I have written a master rap song that is both catchy and true.

the G to the O to the P
Don't you know that Bush and Cheney are a couple of Gs
the Republican Party is the place to be

Don't vote for Kerry
He be a fairy

The democrats are wacked
Jesse Jackson smokes crack
and Kerry needs prozack

Democrats be trippin
Cause' Bush and Cheney be pimpin

Bushes daughters give me an erection
Vote republican this election
So the question on my mind is, is it stereotyping to assume that all black americans like rap music, and that you can reach them better through this music rather than being yourself, unless of course you are a rapper?
That was very humorous, but you make two false assumptions: One: "all blacks listen to rap" and two: "There are no blacks in the Republican party right now." UNTRUE!!!

TheEnemyWithin said:
That was very humorous, but you make two false assumptions: One: "all blacks listen to rap" and two: "There are no blacks in the Republican party right now." UNTRUE!!!


:lame2: PC this.
nbdysfu said:
So the question on my mind is, is it stereotyping to assume that all black americans like rap music, and that you can reach them better through this music rather than being yourself, unless of course you are a rapper?

hypersensitive aren't we? Why, are you black? Just asking...

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