GOP releases midterm election strategy and it's a "hoot".

Republican mid term strategy

1. Cut taxes put more money in American's pockets, stimulate the economy
2. Fight gay marriage could care less
3 Ban abortion stop the murder of innocent children
4. Loosen restrictions on guns ensure constitutional rights
5. Cut taxes see 1
6. Kill Obamacare See 1 and 5
7. Kill Foodstamps See 1 and 5 and 6
8 Block immigration reform don't reward criminality
9. Cut taxes See 1 and 5 and 6 and 7
10. Kill Planned Parenthood see 3

Did I miss anything?
the obvious
Republican mid term strategy

1. Cut taxes put more money in American's pockets, stimulate the economy
2. Fight gay marriage could care less
3 Ban abortion stop the murder of innocent children
4. Loosen restrictions on guns ensure constitutional rights
5. Cut taxes see 1
6. Kill Obamacare See 1 and 5
7. Kill Foodstamps See 1 and 5 and 6
8 Block immigration reform don't reward criminality
9. Cut taxes See 1 and 5 and 6 and 7
10. Kill Planned Parenthood see 3

Did I miss anything?
the obvious

yeah - cut taxes
Tapping into the growing anti government feeling might work out well. It depends on how bad Papa Doc obama gets.

heard that same one in 2012.
How well did that work?

The right has been waiting for that "inevitable" backlash that just doesn't seem to have materialized.

Who knows, maybe it will happen. We will see.

How did it work out in 2010?
2010? You're like a fat lady in a malt shop katzy, "grasping at straws" :rofl: What happened to all the Repub stoked *cough* "scandals" You people were braying about? :lol: That was less than 3 months ago sugar tits. :thup: Ancient history now & you're talking about 3-4+ yrs ago.

Didn't you say that you're the only merkin that is employed at your workplace? They must ltfao at you on the regular.
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Tapping into the growing anti government feeling might work out well. It depends on how bad Papa Doc obama gets.

heard that same one in 2012.
How well did that work?

The right has been waiting for that "inevitable" backlash that just doesn't seem to have materialized.

Who knows, maybe it will happen. We will see.

How did it work out in 2010?

You mean when Obama wasn't running?

in 2008 and 2012 when Obama was running, he brought folks to the polls that provided more seats in the House and Senate for Democrats.

In 2010 when he wasn't bringing his voters to the poll, Republicans gained seats.

That doesn't really look like a big "anti-Obama" vote to me - but you read in whatever you want. That's your right.
Republican mid term strategy

1. Cut taxes
2. Fight gay marriage
3 Ban abortion
4. Loosen restrictions on guns
5. Cut taxes
6. Kill Obamacare
7. Kill Foodstamps
8 Block immigration reform
9. Cut taxes
10. Kill Planned Parenthood

Did I miss anything?

I think that Obama should adopt all of these positions as his own. It would be hilarious watching the republicans backpedal and adopt the reverse of each of them!
Republican mid term strategy

1. Cut taxes
2. Fight gay marriage
3 Ban abortion
4. Loosen restrictions on guns
5. Cut taxes
6. Kill Obamacare
7. Kill Foodstamps
8 Block immigration reform
9. Cut taxes
10. Kill Planned Parenthood

Did I miss anything?

1. Some cuts would be good when it has to do with business. Increase it slightly on the ceo's making more then a million a year with the income tax.
2. Let the states have this
3. Some forms should be legal. Mostly a state issue.
4. 2nd amendment
5. 1.
6. Is it working? Should we fix it?
7. Maybe cut it.
8. Build a wall
9. 1.
10. I am not looking to kill that. ;) Just that I feel that they have some bad people.
2010? You're like a fat lady in a malt shop katzy, "grasping at straws" :rofl: What happened to all the Repub stoked *cough* "scandals" You people were braying about? :lol: That was less than 3 months ago sugar tits. :thup: Ancient history now & you're talking about 3-4+ yrs ago.

Didn't you say that you're the only merkin that is employed at your workplace? They must ltfao at you on the regular.

Scandals are rolling forward. Wait until the IRS counsel gets frog marched out of his office.
Is there any truth to these scandals? I think giving guns to Mexican cartels that end up killing hundred of Mexicans = bad.

The problem we got here is we have become a nation that is so divided against its self that the other side won't govern its self.
Where does the radical left get this stuff? From the tax exempt propaganda source that never sleeps, Media Matters? The freaking administration is falling apart under scandal after scandal and the radical left gets a "hoot" about some GOP strategy session. No surprises here.

One made up scandal after another. All leading to that famous bridge of Sarah Palin's. No where.

If the scandals were "real", Republicans wouldn't have to alter Benghazi emails and cherry pick IRS information.

"Made up" scandals. :)

Translation: " I buy EVERYTHING my leftwing sources say without any critical thinking applied to them at all."

Your "made up" IRS scandal just got pinned to the door next to the Presidents ;)
Where does the radical left get this stuff? From the tax exempt propaganda source that never sleeps, Media Matters? The freaking administration is falling apart under scandal after scandal and the radical left gets a "hoot" about some GOP strategy session. No surprises here.

One made up scandal after another. All leading to that famous bridge of Sarah Palin's. No where.

If the scandals were "real", Republicans wouldn't have to alter Benghazi emails and cherry pick IRS information.

"Made up" scandals. :)

Translation: " I buy EVERYTHING my leftwing sources say without any critical thinking applied to them at all."

Your "made up" IRS scandal just got pinned to the door next to the Presidents ;)

We have become a country of political teams that don't give a damn about their own wrongs. This country is becoming a land of corruption.
One made up scandal after another. All leading to that famous bridge of Sarah Palin's. No where.

If the scandals were "real", Republicans wouldn't have to alter Benghazi emails and cherry pick IRS information.

"Made up" scandals. :)

Translation: " I buy EVERYTHING my leftwing sources say without any critical thinking applied to them at all."

Your "made up" IRS scandal just got pinned to the door next to the Presidents ;)

We have become a country of political teams that don't give a damn about their own wrongs. This country is becoming a land of corruption.

It sickens me that this man in the Office of the President acts with complete impugnity no matter what he does.
Republican mid term strategy

1. Cut taxes
2. Fight gay marriage
3 Ban abortion
4. Loosen restrictions on guns
5. Cut taxes
6. Kill Obamacare
7. Kill Foodstamps
8 Block immigration reform
9. Cut taxes
10. Kill Planned Parenthood

Did I miss anything?

I think that Obama should adopt all of these positions as his own. It would be hilarious watching the republicans backpedal and adopt the reverse of each of them!

Ahhhhh...reverse psychology

How diabolical
House GOP August Plan: Hate on Washington

Riva Litman, the spokeswoman for Republican Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington, said it is the job of the House Republican Conference to equip members with “the tools and resources they need to take our message to all corners of this country.”

“That’s why, in anticipation of the upcoming August recess, we’ve provided offices with a thorough and comprehensive planning kit — complete with suggested events, best practices and talking points,” Litman said. She noted that a second packet, complete with updated talking points, would be on its way to members soon.

To get the conversation rolling in the right direction, the playbook suggests planting questions: “Prepare a few questions in advance in case the conversation slowly starts.”

“Invite at least 3-4 people with whom the member already has an established relationship,” the memo instructs. “This will strengthen the conversation and take it in a direction that is most beneficial to the member’s goal.”

And there’s also the “Emergency Town Hall: Stopping Government Abuse.”

But whatever you do, just don’t remind voters you are part of that government.


When I first started reading this, I thought it was a satire from the Onion. But after doing a few Google searches, I discovered that it's "real".

Obstructionist Republicans message is, "Elect me and I will obstruct".

That's it. Nothing else.

could we expect anything less from the party of Koch suckers :dunno:

Koch puts hundreds of millions into Medical and Scientific research.....according to your BFF Dean....Republicans/Conservatives just dont do that kinda sure he belongs to the party you say he does?....
That's right sheeple (libs), nothing to see here, move along. :cuckoo:

At least you admit they are made up scandals.

And how self-defeating has that strategy been? At this point, I think Obama can get away with virtually anything. Everyone will just assume the far right is just screaming "wolf" again and ignore them.

Yea, except he hasn't tried to "get away" with anything so far. But certainly the right has. Congress will refuse to investigate who altered Benghazi emails to frame this administration. That's a crime.

Obama isn't a Republican. He didn't let Bin Laden go. He's not trying to rip off the middle class. He didn't apologize to BP. He has never said, "Let him die". He wants Americans to be able to get an education. He believes in feeding children. And Republicans, because of these positions, see him as a far left "radical".
At least you admit they are made up scandals.

And how self-defeating has that strategy been? At this point, I think Obama can get away with virtually anything. Everyone will just assume the far right is just screaming "wolf" again and ignore them.

Yea, except he hasn't tried to "get away" with anything so far. But certainly the right has. Congress will refuse to investigate who altered Benghazi emails to frame this administration. That's a crime.

Obama isn't a Republican. He didn't let Bin Laden go. He's not trying to rip off the middle class. He didn't apologize to BP. He has never said, "Let him die". He wants Americans to be able to get an education. He believes in feeding children. And Republicans, because of these positions, see him as a far left "radical".

BINGO!!! We have a winner.
House GOP August Plan: Hate on Washington

Riva Litman, the spokeswoman for Republican Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington, said it is the job of the House Republican Conference to equip members with “the tools and resources they need to take our message to all corners of this country.”

“That’s why, in anticipation of the upcoming August recess, we’ve provided offices with a thorough and comprehensive planning kit — complete with suggested events, best practices and talking points,” Litman said. She noted that a second packet, complete with updated talking points, would be on its way to members soon.

To get the conversation rolling in the right direction, the playbook suggests planting questions: “Prepare a few questions in advance in case the conversation slowly starts.”

“Invite at least 3-4 people with whom the member already has an established relationship,” the memo instructs. “This will strengthen the conversation and take it in a direction that is most beneficial to the member’s goal.”

And there’s also the “Emergency Town Hall: Stopping Government Abuse.”

But whatever you do, just don’t remind voters you are part of that government.


When I first started reading this, I thought it was a satire from the Onion. But after doing a few Google searches, I discovered that it's "real".

Obstructionist Republicans message is, "Elect me and I will obstruct".

That's it. Nothing else.

could we expect anything less from the party of Koch suckers :dunno:

Koch puts hundreds of millions into Medical and Scientific research.....according to your BFF Dean....Republicans/Conservatives just dont do that kinda sure he belongs to the party you say he does?....

Yea, let's take a good look at that:

On Friday, conservative billionaire David Koch lamented the deep federal cuts that are expected to impact both the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute—and, by extension, MIT's new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. "If the cutbacks happen, it will significantly diminish the level of research that can be carried on at the Koch Institute," he said, speaking at the opening of the research center. Koch, the executive vice president of Koch Industries, implored the deep-pocketed attendees of the ceremony to fill the gap with personal donations: "I earnestly ask you to do all you can to help maintain the superb research at the Koch Institute at its maximum level."

But who's responsible for making these crippling cutbacks? Some of the very Republicans that David Koch and his brother, Charles, have bankrolled in their deep-pocketed—and successful—effort to help the GOP win back the House.

Hmmmm, now why would Koch fund cancer research?

Koch, a prostate-cancer survivor, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to fund cancer research. But this isn't the first time that his devotion to the cause has clashed with his politics. In 2004, he received a presidential appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute itself. But in 2010, Koch resigned from the board under public pressure, after a New Yorker article revealed that one of his companies, Georgia-Pacific, produces formaldehyde and lobbied against a federal effort to designate the substance as a known human carcinogen.

David Koch: Lamenting Cancer Research Cuts and Bankrolling the GOPers Behind Them


Kind of a "mixed message".

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