GOP Sen. Mike Braun Says Interracial Marriage Should Be Left To The States, backtracks

To hold these narrow minded views is mind boggling in this day.

One day, probably not in my lifetime, MLK's dream will come true for all of us.
Serious question......what narrow minded views are you referring to??

Because the whole anti-miscegenation thing has been a thing a long, long, long time in this country.....keep in mind that this interracial marriage thing only became legal back in 1967...that ain't 100 years ago....not even close....

Were Conservatives back then narrow minded?
Serious question......what narrow minded views are you referring to??

Because the whole anti-miscegenation thing has been a thing a long, long, long time in this country.....keep in mind that this interracial marriage thing only became legal back in 1967...that ain't 100 years ago....not even close....

Were Conservatives back then narrow minded?
America as a whole have been narrowminded on racial equality for centuries. We have a terrible history of racism in this country. My daughter and her husband, both conservatives, have endured much racism for just being married. My granddaughter from a different father, was taking out the garbage one evening and was jumped and beaten up because her mother was a ****** love. These kids that beat her up were 14, she is 12.

So we are still narrowminded, and it isn't just conservatives, it is left and right, the left is just better at hiding it.
Those are different issues. I could probably be convinced that the states should have the right to ban interracial marriages if they want to. I'm pretty libertarian like that. I actually don't think any state would do that though. Even Alabama is better than that. This issue was resolved before my father was born. This politician revisiting it is just awkward.
Wouldn't a libertarian be against the government, even a state government being the middle man between two people and what is essentially a contract? Doesn't the Libertarian in that situation see the government merely as an arbiter between any potential contractual disputes rather than an entity that should have a say in whether two consenting adults can even enter in a contract in the first place? Are you a Libertarian with respect to the rights of the State or to people?
No, they really aren't.

It's not the state's business if two gay people want to get married.
It's not the state's business if a woman wants to have an abortion.

The purpose of miscegenation laws was to keep blacks as a permanent underclass. To keep whites and blacks as distinct racial classes.

Michael Kinsley once described a gaff as a politician telling you what he really thinks. That this guy admits he thought Loving was wrongly decided is telling.
All I keep saying is that more and more people are not wanting to get married and have and raise children. And you seem to not be paying attention to that.

"In a media call on Tuesday, U.S Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind) said that the U.S. Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage in a ruling that stretches back to Loving v. Virginia in 1967. According to Braun, the decision should not have been made by the country’s highest court and instead been left to individual states. Even though some states had made interracial marriage illegal prior to the Supreme Court ruling.

On Tuesday evening, Braun sent out a statement saying he had “misunderstood a line of questioning that ended up being about interracial marriage” and condemned “racism in any form” saying there was “no question the Constitution prohibits discrimination of any kind based on race.”

Braun was right, but then he walked it back due to pressure from the woke left....why would he be weak like that? Why not stand on your Conservative beliefs and values?? No, the Constitution doesn't prohibit discrimination on the basis of race; it was perfectly legal for these 2 people to be arrested for the crime of marrying each other....and one must admit, the country was a much better place because of it...
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Why did Braun bow down to political pressure?? Is it because of that black whore of a judge Ketanji Jackson?? Just because she married a white guy, we are supposed to pretend that the Conservative position against the legalization of miscegeny wasn't the right move?? What good is it to hold Conservative values and beliefs when you are going to just abandon them whenever it no longer looks good to believe them??

Yea, I know the convenient way to get around not looking racist when you rail against the legalization of interracial marriage is to claim "oh, I am just against the federal government telling states not to discriminate against people" -- but then that would mean Braun's statement of “no question the Constitution prohibits discrimination of any kind based on race” was complete bullshit, wouldn't it?
I didn't see your thread, but I have to agree than Sen Braun bravely said what we all no is right and true. He did not say a black and white should NOT marry, but he did say STATES should have the power to decide what amount of sexual integration is right for their citizens. Why black and white marriage can be very devisive in some communites. We need to live in harmonious relations with our neighbors.
I didn't see your thread, but I have to agree than Sen Braun bravely said what we all no is right and true. He did not say a black and white should NOT marry, but he did say STATES should have the power to decide what amount of sexual integration is right for their citizens. Why black and white marriage can be very devisive in some communites. We need to live in harmonious relations with our neighbors.
The States don’t get to decide whether they will follow the Constitution
and they shouldn’t care about who you choose to marry
We are in decline with a high tax government that is getting higher. I am certain that lowering taxes dramatically you will keep the same opinion when violence is the norm in a greater percentage of this nation.
I would say that the libertarian view is that the government, on any level, should not be in the marriage business at all.

There is no need for government sanctioned marriage.
Maybe. It's an awkward situation because I support states being able to undermine the fed. Either way I don't think any state in 2022 would ban interracial marriage.
Maybe. It's an awkward situation because I support states being able to undermine the fed. Either way I don't think any state in 2022 would ban interracial marriage.

I also support states being able to undermine the fed, but only to a point. If states are going to be involved in marriage there has to be come standardization. Imagine if each state had it own rules and refused to recognize those of other states. A married couple is driving through one state and get into an accident and one is hurt. But the state does not recognize their marriage so the spouse is not allowed to visit the hurt one since they are not viewed as a relative.
Serious question......what narrow minded views are you referring to??

Because the whole anti-miscegenation thing has been a thing a long, long, long time in this country.....keep in mind that this interracial marriage thing only became legal back in 1967...that ain't 100 years ago....not even close....

Were Conservatives back then narrow minded?

You'll have to ask your Dimocrat party about those folks.
What is truly sad here is that the only reason states issue marriage licenses is because some states did not want interracial marriage.

Authoritarianism is also racism.

They are the same.
Just ask your parents and grand parents if that is the case.

And Biffy could do the same.
Hey I've got a question for you. Since everything is offensive to you guys, why haven't you been out demanding the Dimocrat party change their name?
I mean with their history and everything, seems you guys would be losing your minds about it these days.
And Biffy could do the same.
Hey I've got a question for you. Since everything is offensive to you guys, why haven't you been out demanding the Dimocrat party change their name?
I mean with their history and everything, seems you guys would be losing your minds about it these days.
He has a point, Super.

The Dem party should be disbanded.

But, anybody here who thinks government telling people who they can and can't marry is a good thing is fuck insane.
And Biffy could do the same.
Hey I've got a question for you. Since everything is offensive to you guys, why haven't you been out demanding the Dimocrat party change their name?
I mean with their history and everything, seems you guys would be losing your minds about it these days.
If that was the case why wouldn't we want both parties to change their names, since crimes against humanity occured while both were in power.

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