GOP Sen. Mike Braun Says Interracial Marriage Should Be Left To The States, backtracks

Also, the insufferable puke Braun fell victim to his own stupidity.

As we often see from libertarians and pseudo conservative, anti intellectual nutsacks, all he had in his toolbox were overly general arguments about "federal courts staying out of it" and "States rights", when addressing abortion.

Then when confronted with his own retarded argument, instead in the context of interracial marriage, he did what simple morons do: he stayed married to his idiotic point. Admitting it was stupid and overly general would show weakness and an accidental moment of honesty (those idiot arguments are not actually why he wants Roe v Wade overturned, as we all know).
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Braun is trying to say he didn't say what it looks like he said, because he misunderstood the question.

Which is also a shameless lie.
It's the trump..."I didn't say what you heard me say" defense. Sort of on the lines as "what you see and read is not what's happening. And MAGA eats those lies like candy.
Which was an obvious and shameless lie.

"The reporter asked again, reiterating the question and asking if Braun would be okay with Supreme Court leaving interracial marriage to the states.

Braun doubled down, saying “Yes, I think that is something that if you’re not wanting the Supreme Court to weigh in on issues like that, you’re not going to be able to have your cake and eat it too, it’s hypocritical.” - WANE TV
He walked it back. Since when is that not allowed?

Braun is trying to say he didn't say what it looks like he said, because he misunderstood the question.

Which is also a shameless lie.
Yeah, braun thrashing about and cant find the exit

but clearly he misspoke and knows it
America as a whole have been narrowminded on racial equality for centuries. We have a terrible history of racism in this country. My daughter and her husband, both conservatives, have endured much racism for just being married. My granddaughter from a different father, was taking out the garbage one evening and was jumped and beaten up because her mother was a ****** love. These kids that beat her up were 14, she is 12.

So we are still narrowminded, and it isn't just conservatives, it is left and right, the left is just better at hiding it.
No, America as whole has not been narrow-minded....there were always a coalition that was on the "RIGHT SIDE" of history .......

The part of America that was narrow-minded don't deserve a fucking pass by lumping them in under the umbrella of "America as a whole"
And Biffy could do the same.
Hey I've got a question for you. Since everything is offensive to you guys, why haven't you been out demanding the Dimocrat party change their name?
I mean with their history and everything, seems you guys would be losing your minds about it these days.
You mean the United States Of America should change their name right?? Since all this was done under THAT FLAG...

Or maybe a less juvenille and intellectually stupid way to look at this is.....Maybe Conservatives should own up to the fact they have been on the wrong side of history OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.....

Maybe if they can own up to that, they won't be so triggered whenever we talk about the history of America...ACCURATELY
He walked it back. Since when is that not allowed?
Why did he walk it back?

I don't recall him saying that he was wrong to hold that position, he weaseled his way out of it because he got called out on his bullshit...

The fact he would do whatever it is in his power to reverse the gains of the past 50 or so years made my historically oppressed minority groups -- that goal is the life's blood of the Conservative movement....

And any minute we see it rear its ugly head; I will knock the shit out of it...
You mean the United States Of America should change their name right?? Since all this was done under THAT FLAG...

Or maybe a less juvenille and intellectually stupid way to look at this is.....Maybe Conservatives should own up to the fact they have been on the wrong side of history OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.....

Maybe if they can own up to that, they won't be so triggered whenever we talk about the history of America...ACCURATELY
Perhaps you should pay attention to recent history also. Somehow a lot of people have been blamed for every wrong the world has had. There are still many arrogant people. Go to a store and there are employees who have still not wised up and make their remarks and facial expressions on others. That in itself in this day and age causes violence. We know customers can be asses also.
Perhaps you should pay attention to recent history also. Somehow a lot of people have been blamed for every wrong the world has had. There are still many arrogant people. Go to a store and there are employees who have still not wised up and make their remarks and facial expressions on others. That in itself in this day and age causes violence. We know customers can be asses also.
None of that babble you just typed HAD A SINGLE THING TO DO with what I said...

Why do you folks have a hard time addressing what is actually being said?
None of that babble you just typed HAD A SINGLE THING TO DO with what I said...

Why do you folks have a hard time addressing what is actually being said?
This is what exists in a high tax nation. Our economy deflates will all of this still stand with less resources being handed out. Humans can be tribal and primal. We see it now.
Yeah, braun thrashing about and cant find the exit

but clearly he misspoke and knows it
Did he mispeak or did he actually allow his true feeling slip through his lips? I suspect the latter.

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