GOP Sen. Mike Braun Says Interracial Marriage Should Be Left To The States, backtracks

No, America as whole has not been narrow-minded....there were always a coalition that was on the "RIGHT SIDE" of history .......

The part of America that was narrow-minded don't deserve a fucking pass by lumping them in under the umbrella of "America as a whole"
Interesting opinion, I disagree with it I have seen racism in housing, employment, service and many other areas. There were those like myself that saw it as wrong and spoke up, but most didn't say a word and allowed it.
No, he lied and said he didn't understand the question. He said he never said what he obviously said. Pretty weaselly.

But anyway, what we really should be talking about is how his use of the same argument against Roe v Wade is HORSESHIT.
Boy these MAGA repubs. They say and do things that are outrageous and then deny they ever said or did them...and MAGA world looks the other way. This incident should have told everyone what a immoral pile of useless flesh he is...but he lied his way into the WH.

Boy these MAGA repubs. They say and do things that are outrageous and then deny they ever said or did them...and MAGA world looks the other way. This incident should have told everyone what a immoral pile of useless flesh he is...but he lied his way into the WH.

Did he ask a wheelchair bound person to stand up?

GOP Sen. Mike Braun Says Interracial Marriage Should Be Left To The States, backtracks​

No shit, why do you think the GOP is always about "States rights" - they just never told you the Rights they were talking about until Trumpism took hold. Now it's full mask-off.
Why did he walk it back?

I don't recall him saying that he was wrong to hold that position, he weaseled his way out of it because he got called out on his bullshit...

The fact he would do whatever it is in his power to reverse the gains of the past 50 or so years made my historically oppressed minority groups -- that goal is the life's blood of the Conservative movement....

And any minute we see it rear its ugly head; I will knock the shit out of it...
How long did it take him to walk it back? Come knock the shit out of me. See how that goes for you.
No, he lied and said he didn't understand the question. He said he never said what he obviously said. Pretty weaselly.

But anyway, what we really should be talking about is how his use of the same argument against Roe v Wade is HORSESHIT.
He lied? So you have a polygraph?

Why are you so concerned about this? I wonder if he could define what a woman is?
Did he mispeak or did he actually allow his true feeling slip through his lips? I suspect the latter.
Did Biden misspeak or did he allow his true feeling slip through his lips?

Biden infamously asserted to the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then “you ain’t black!

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Biden on forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

“I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of my own generation. And I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.”

He referred to President Obama as “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Total destruction of anyone who misspeaks or otherwise disagrees with them. With total control of media, they've gotten used to that level of power.
Misspoke! do you realize what going back would do? not just to the new nominee but a sitting supreme court justice COULD BE PUT IN JAIL for marrying his white wife?
Misspoke! do you realize what going back would do? not just to the new nominee but a sitting supreme court justice COULD BE PUT IN JAIL for marrying his white wife?
People do misspeak

a thought that may sound ok when its just a thought in your head may not look so good after you say it
Braun was right, but then he walked it back due to pressure from the woke left....why would he be weak like that? Why not stand on your Conservative beliefs and values??
Some aide probably told him to walk it back. It's bad enough we've got RINOs, now we've got Republicans without spines.
Everyone knows an unspoken rule in the repub party is "Darkies should never marry white women." Only they don't use the word "darkies"
Well, the focal points of our best and brightest -- the cities -- have abandoned the party of racism and hate.

So now they have to pander to the racist south and rural areas.

It will only get worse.

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