GOP Sen. Mike Braun Says Interracial Marriage Should Be Left To The States, backtracks

Well, the focal points of our best and brightest -- the cities -- have abandoned the party of racism and hate.

So now they have to pander to the racist south and rural areas.

It will only get worse.
The dumber....the better for the repub party.
Again, there are limits to everything

including the issues you listed

interracial marriage has been settled

but what about libs who want to marry their horse?

or their sister?
Marriage is a contract.

I don't know any animals who can consent to a contract. Or minors. Or trees.

When the world started looking at marriage as something other than a contract, it went awry.
Marriage is a contract.

I don't know any animals who can consent to a contract. Or minors. Or trees.

When the world started looking at marriage as something other than a contract, it went awry.
Tell that to the black female judge when libs demand the right to marry farm animals and she cant say no because shes doesnt know how to say no to any perversion libs can think of
Tell that to the black female judge when libs demand the right to marry farm animals and she cant say no because shes doesnt know how to say no to any perversion lobs can think of
Or when conservatives demand to keep child marriage legal.

Oh wait, that's real. I forgot we were talking about retarded fantasies.
So, most people. And the vast majority of educated people.

Was that supposed to be an insult? Better get some new material.
It was not an insult but merely an observation that there is no republican effort to legalize child marriage

but there is great interest among libs about the topic
I couldn’t believe my ears but Sen Mike Braun just said that the Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage

Are you f’ing kidding me?

This cuts to the heart of every American who’s ever been told that they’re not American enough, not loyal enough, not white enough

Ah, USMB. It's only here I get to read statements like this. :lmao:

Yes, those old leather heads have yet to die off as of yet.
Sane people refuse to crossbreed their french bulldogs….why would those same people embrace the idea of crossbreeding their sons and daughters….HUMANS?
It was not an insult but merely an observation that there is no republican effort to legalize child marriage
I said conservatives. Nice try. You always try that amateur parlor trick. Doesn't work on smart people. You must spend too much time around dumb people.
I said conservatives
I suppose there could be some somewhere that I am not aware of

but how many out of 350 million people?

And would it matter to you that libs do not even bother to marry the little boys they rape?

but maybe some will after jackson adds her vote to legalize pedophilia
Interracial marriage, same sex marriage, marriage has been so adulterated it's meaningless.
Worse than meaningless. It’s a flat out bad contract for any man that enters into it. All risk. And absolutely zero reward. Any man who would willingly get married under todays sets of laws, either has no clue what risks they are subject to. Or they are a complete idiot.
You’re trying hard but listen…nobody sane crossbreeds a French Bulldog (a dog) and nobody sane crossbreeds Caucasians (a human)
Get it now?
Oh come on. You can't really believe that. How many years of cross breeding did it take to get a French bulldog? They certainly did not spring fully formed from the head of a canine Zeus. They are from a cross breeding of bulldogs and terriers. They are all canines and all humans of whatever color and breed are humans.
Oh come on. You can't really believe that. How many years of cross breeding did it take to get a French bulldog? They certainly did not spring fully formed from the head of a canine Zeus. They are from a cross breeding of bulldogs and terriers. They are all canines and all humans of whatever color and breed are humans.
It took many years of cross breeding to yield a caucasian as well…once a desired result is obtained it’s worth preserving the bloodline…right?
Worse than meaningless. It’s a flat out bad contract for any man that enters into it. All risk. And absolutely zero reward. Any man who would willingly get married under todays sets of laws, either has no clue what risks they are subject to. Or they are a complete idiot.
had a bad marriage eh?
It took many years of cross breeding to yield a caucasian as well…once a desired result is obtained it’s worth preserving the bloodline…right?
The possibility exists. Since there are a significant number of French Bulldogs crossed with other kinds of dogs.

We no longer have breeding programs like the old slave holders had so we have no idea what deliberate actions there are to cross breed humans to create another specific breed. I, myself, am a cross breed.

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