GOP Sen. Mike Braun Says Interracial Marriage Should Be Left To The States, backtracks

I can't believe what I am reading in here...In my immediate family there are two inter racial marriages, one is my brother, and sister in law, in which either one would give you the shirt off their backs..very nice people...the other is my daughter of which my new grand daughter was born just three months ago....

Both are just people....The way some in here are talking about it makes me sick...
Yes! I can relate to that! My sister and brother-in-law are in a interracial as well as culturally diverse marriage. He is the greatest guy you would ever want to know ! The bigots here need to shut the fuck up now!
No, I don't suppose that you did . So then what are you doing here? What is your position on what this jerk Braun said?
I already said. If interracial marriage were left to the states it would become the national law through the full faith and credit clause of the constitution. It wouldn't matter if a state had a law against it. Marriages entered into in other states would have to be recognized as valid.
Name the "liberals" that support child sexual abuse or zoophilia . Can't? Then get the fuck out of here and let the sane people discuss the topic
Jackson is getting pretty close with her sympathetic attitude and kid glove treatment of pedophiles
I already said. If interracial marriage were left to the states it would become the national law through the full faith and credit clause of the constitution. It wouldn't matter if a state had a law against it. Marriages entered into in other states would have to be recognized as valid.
That is ridiculous! Fist of all, it would mean that some people would have to travel out of state to get married. That in itself would violate the equal protection clause of the constitution

Secondly Full Faith and Credit does not apply in all circumstances. For instance, gun laws are not transferrable across state lines. Before the Obergefell ruling, same sex marriages were not recognized by states where it was not yet legal

In Loving V Virginia, that interracial couple got married in a state where it was legal, moved to Virginia and were thrown in jail

Face up to it. The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the Constitution and the Civil War, the states are bound by the Bill of Rights
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When I meet people their skin color is the last thing that enters into my assessment of that person...

Do you believe it is a good thing to judge people on the color of their skin?
To recognize and acknowledge race-to understand that someone, as a result of their race- may have a different perspective on the world is not judging them
To recognize and acknowledge race-to understand that someone, as a result of their race- may have a different perspective on the world is not judging them
Oh, sure....However, what I was talking about is those who see race as a negative...Those who promote the stereotypes that lead to misunderstanding....

I have found that simply having a conversation with most people is that we all have similar goals for our lives...
That is ridiculous! Fist of all, it would mean that some people would have to travel out of state to get married. That in itself would violate the equal protection clause of the constitution

Secondly Full Faith and Credit does not apply in all circumstances. For instance, gun laws are not transferrable across state lines. Before the Obergefell ruling, same sex marriages were not recognized by states where it was not yet legal

In Loving V Virginia, that interracial couple got married in a state where it was legal, moved to Virginia and were thrown in jail

Face up to it. The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the Constitution and the Civil War, the states are bound by the Bill of Rights
In the Loving case and in the gay marriage case, the couples constitutional rights were violated. Under which clause of the constitution did this happen?
In the Loving case and in the gay marriage case, the couples constitutional rights were violated. Under which clause of the constitution did this happen?
You don't know??? ! Both cases were decided based on the due process and equal protection under the law of the 14th Amendment

So what is your point or is this just another game... a red herring to distract from the fact that your Full Faith and Credit theory is bullshit? Here is proof of that:

Traditionally, Jay Michaelson writes, the Full Faith and Credit Clause:

has never been applied to marriages. You can marry your cousin in some states, but other states don’t have to recognize the marriage. You can marry a 17-year-old in some states, but other states don’t have to recognize that marriage either.
No she didn't.
The issue was what the prosecutors were asking for as opposed to what she did. Prosecutors aim high, the defense goes for the minimum. The judge has to strike a ballance

Ted Cruz was being an asshole. There is much more, you should read he whole thing before passing judgement

The judge stood by her sentences, noting that statutes passed by Congress to guide those decisions are “sufficient but not greater than necessary.”

“Congress has to determine how it wishes for judges to handle these cases,” she later added. “But as it currently stands, the way that the law is written, the way that Congress has directed the Sentencing Commission, appears to be not consistent with how these crimes are committed and therefore there’s extreme disparity.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) produced a chart that noted in several cases, Jackson had pronounced sentences that were a 14 percent to 64 percent reduction from what the prosecutor had requested.

“Do you believe the voice of the children is heard when 100 percent of the time you’re sentencing those in possession of child pornography to far below what the prosecutors asking for?” Cruz asked.

Yes Senator, I do,” Jackson said, explaining that the chart did not include all the factors judges were tasked by Congress to consider, including the recommendation of probation officers.

“We don’t have those provisions,” Cruz interjected. “The committee has not been given the probation officers’ recommendation. We would welcome them.”

The second thing I would say is that I take these cases very seriously as a mother, as someone who – as a judge – has to review actual evidence in these cases and based on Congress’s requirements take into account not only the sentencing guidelines, not only the recommendations of the parties, but also things like the stories of the victims,” Jackson continued. “Also things like the nature and circumstances of the offense, the history and characteristics of the defendant.”
The issue was what the prosecutors were asking for as opposed to what she did. Prosecutors aim high, the defense goes for the minimum. The judge has to strike a ballance

Ted Cruz was being an asshole. There is much more, you should read he whole thing before passing judgement

Judges administer justice. They do not strike a balance.

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