GOP Staffer Elizabeth Lauten To Resign

Uh huh, and viciously attacking Palin's handicapped child is somehow 'different.' We got ya. You guys aren't just deranged, you're also dishonest. But i can deal with derangement, it's the dishonesty i can't stand for.
What was the viscious attack against her child with Downs syndrome? Who said it?

Back up your nonsense for once

You must have been stuck under your rock in 2008. The Libs had a field day insinuating that Trig was really Bristol's baby. Daily Kos has deleted the blog posts, but references can be found elsewhere.

iReport Sarah Palin s child may be her daughter s

Doesn't appear to be an attack on the child with Downs syndrome.....just conspiracy bullshit

Ha, you Communist fuckwits are so lame. Your boy Bill Maher loved attacking Palin's handicapped child. He repeatedly referred to her child as a 'Retard.' You people have no shame. So piss off with your faux outrage.

Bill Maher is a comedian who makes a living insulting politicians. When he becomes a paid member of the Democratic Party we should do something about him.

Ha, more shameful Communist fuckwit spin. He's your boy. He's given your Dear Leader asshole a whole lotta cash over the years. He's a Democrat, and a Communist fuckwit. It is what it is.
Anyway, i'm out of this thread. It's been fun though. But i can only kick Communist fuckwit ass so much. They are pitiful dishonest hypocrites.

Ok, now cue the PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) rants. With every PDS rant, they'll prove the point for me. So stay tuned, or don't. The point's been proven already.
You try so hard but fail so miserably

You really think nobody will check your links do you? Nowhere in the link does it affirm the crap you made up in post 131.

So comrade, did paid DNC stalker, creepy Joe McGinniss write that Palin's boy is; " a retarded political prop, who will have get drunk to deal with a family that's even stupider than he is?"

Why don't you fabricate another bogus link for us?

Did he write that, Comrade? I can't confirm that he did or didn't, so the question is to you. A blog claims he did, but unless I have a source, I'll merely pose it as a question.

You communists DO grasp what questions are, da?

What you claimed.....
Joe McGinniss write that Palin's boy is; " a retarded political prop, who will have get drunk to deal with a family that's even stupider than he is?"

So now you admit that you lied. Why should we believe anything you post?
Gee, another blatant lie you will not be able to back up.

What the fuck are you babbling about, Comrade?

What is that, three of them now? Seems the only way you can push your crap is if you spice up your comments with lies. And it's an unfair world because people ask you to back up your garbage when they know you can't.

Ah, the vaporous smear, a constant with you demagogues.

Uh stupid, no one doubts that Plame was forced out.

Try some different libel, this fell flat.. :dunno:
Why did you edit out the lie in the quote? You claimed Plame was forced out for criticizing and libeling President Bush. This is your lame attempt to compare a highly valued CIA field operative (spy) who was exposed by the Vice Presidents office (Libby convicted of five felony crimes) to an immature staffer working for a Congressman. The only vaporous smear's going on are the ones instigated by you with the use of lies. You are attacking a deceased author who published books, including best sellers for over 40 years, and portraying him as some kind of political hack.
Listen, wuckfits, on both sides.

You both do this, and blame the other.
Whoa is that genuine? lol

Allah knows you Communists have never had a beer....

It's not like you're a bunch of slimy fucking hypocrites or anything....

You'll drop down to Aceshitstain level soon enough.
You or your computer must be drunk.
same w/ that moron paulitician . He ranks down there w/ ShootSpeeders in cranial wattage

as to the OP, that hateful rw female should have been fired PUBLICLY on the spot but she wasn't because Repubs & their voters thrive on hate.
Obama's IRS director is alleged to have committed felonies related to spying on US citizens, the A.G. is implicated in a gun running scam that resulted in the deaths of US citizens and hundreds of Mexicans and an unknown state republican is forced to resign because of an unkind tweet. Talk about double standards.

Not really. Give us a list of the few TeaPs left in Congress. That is a Christmas gift for all of America.
Whoa is that genuine? lol

Allah knows you Communists have never had a beer....

It's not like you're a bunch of slimy fucking hypocrites or anything....

You'll drop down to Aceshitstain level soon enough.
You or your computer must be drunk.
same w/ that moron paulitician . He ranks down there w/ ShootSpeeders in cranial wattage

as to the OP, that hateful rw female should have been fired PUBLICLY on the spot but she wasn't because Repubs & their voters thrive on hate.

Yes, she apologized and resigned. Good on her. Now let's hope all your fellow Democrat assholes who routinely called the Bush, Palin, and Romney children 'Whores', 'Sluts', and 'Retards', drop dead and rot in hell.
So who is going to force him to resign or at the very least call for the NFL to suspend him?

Darnell Dockett Posts Questionable Photo of Malia Obama on Instagram
Cardinals defensive end Darnell Dockett is a guy who's not afraid to post anything—and we do mean anything—on social media. Remember the time he made an Asian joke on Twitter and then refused to apologize for it? People were very upset about it, but he didn't seem to care. And if you Google "Darnell Dockett" and "Twitter," you'll find countless other examples of him saying and doing crazy things on social media without a care in the world.

Darnell Dockett Posts Questionable Photo of Malia Obama on Instagram Complex
Whoa is that genuine? lol

Allah knows you Communists have never had a beer....

It's not like you're a bunch of slimy fucking hypocrites or anything....

You'll drop down to Aceshitstain level soon enough.
You or your computer must be drunk.
same w/ that moron paulitician . He ranks down there w/ ShootSpeeders in cranial wattage

as to the OP, that hateful rw female should have been fired PUBLICLY on the spot but she wasn't because Repubs & their voters thrive on hate.

Yes, she apologized and resigned. Good on her. Now let's hope all your fellow Democrat assholes who routinely called the Bush, Palin, and Romney children 'Whores', 'Sluts', and 'Retards', drop dead and rot in hell.

Or apologize at least.
Whoa is that genuine? lol

Allah knows you Communists have never had a beer....

It's not like you're a bunch of slimy fucking hypocrites or anything....

You'll drop down to Aceshitstain level soon enough.
You or your computer must be drunk.
same w/ that moron paulitician . He ranks down there w/ ShootSpeeders in cranial wattage

as to the OP, that hateful rw female should have been fired PUBLICLY on the spot but she wasn't because Repubs & their voters thrive on hate.

Yes, she apologized and resigned. Good on her. Now let's hope all your fellow Democrat assholes who routinely called the Bush, Palin, and Romney children 'Whores', 'Sluts', and 'Retards', drop dead and rot in hell.
Romney's kids? When did those in Magic Underpants get called anything at all, besides cult members?

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