GOP to filibuster Hagel

America first! Ya treasonous faggot!

Get lost nutjob appeasing terrorist, and gutting the defense dept. Does not put America first

Nor does appeasing the Orthodox right wing nut jobs that control the state of Israel today. Religious zealots exist on both sides and we shouldn't kowtow to either. But that national Republican Party is too busy playing politics to care about the country.

Please...The Jews fight for survival, all they want to do is be left alone to live their lives. People like Chuck Hagel are responsible for starting wars with their appeasement and military downsizing "peace through strength" is the proper policy, plus Hagel is not competent period.
You republicans made up that that whole 'friends of Hamas' thing, it started from brietbart. The least reliable source I can think about. And it just brings in more conspiracy theories by republicans. Would it really be that clever to name an organization 'friends of Hamas'? Yeah that's a perfect way to keep what you do secret, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! You republicans are so unbelievably stupid. And it was written by a man with the last name 'Shapiro'. Yeah what a joke. The real reason is Israel. Israel was mentioned 144 times in the questioning. You peope can go screw yourselves and the country you worship which does nothing beneficial for us. You're a Jew worshipping cattle get the hell out of our country. Israeli Firster scum should leave.
We did not make up the terrorism that Hamas and its brother organizations act out, BIK. Those who sponsor them are often from other countries who simply are hating Israel to the point of sponsorship of anyone with the name "Palestinian" attached to it. And since the Achille Lauro was hijacked by terrorists claiming Palestinian affiliation, and the Palestinians wrongfully accused Leon Klingenhoffer's family of doing the deed terrorists were pictured doing, for insurance money, terrorism has been a lies-and-scandal-tied organized effort of Middle Easterners performming out their hatred for Jewish people as they did in Germany in WWII at the oven factories in Auschwitz and other places around Europe for the purpose of killing Jewish people to prosper the Aryan race from the theft of their properties through a corrupt political system the Nazis created to enrich themselves so cheaply and with such brutality the world is sickened.

Republicans account to their constituents. It prevents holocaust situations and being party to a Hitler's madness of doing anything for power.

We represent the interests of the American people whose founders conceived and brought forth on this continent more freedoms than mankind has ever enjoyed under tyrannical rule.
This is simply because Hagel isn't kissing Israel's butt.
Israel is the only firm ally of the United States in the Middle East. We have a responsibility to them on account of our role in resolving Europe's being misled by oil wealth.

The liberals want a divorce from responsibility, and it prospers them to offer voters something for nothing, then turn right around and blame Republicans for whatever money they allocated to themselves and their causes. In turn, we have been taught a hard lesson: follow the money to find out where the liberal heart is. The liberals thinks our money should always and ever wind up in their pockets. It's such a fetish that we have learned to follow that money to see if votes are being purchased and who the highest bidder is. Liberals won't let the information out if it's negative. Chuck Hagel is hiding something. We need to know how that obfuscation is going to affect his politics, and who overseas will be dying for his favor to a bad guy such as the late Saddam Hussein.
Senate to vote to break Hagel filibuster

The "soon to be extinct" GOP is now threatening to filibuster a Secretary of Defense for the first time in US History....:eek:

McCain has degernerated into a dodderin old man...He was once a proud veteran who I voted for. Bush lied on him and defamed him and he hasn't been the same since.

oh cry us a river...we know with you people it's only ok to filibuster when the Democrats do it..

there is questions on Hagel but you people could care less, if Hagel was a goat you'd root for him too

The use of a filibuster on a Cabinet appointee, much less one from your own party, is unprecedented.

The "question" on Hagel is that he's said the truth that dare not be said - That the Zionists have WAAAAAY too much influence on our foreign policy for a foreign country.

Tel Aviv says "Jump" and Washington asks "How High?"

That's ten kinds of fucked up. But let's jump on Hagel for pointing it out.
This is simply because Hagel isn't kissing Israel's butt.
Israel is the only firm ally of the United States in the Middle East. We have a responsibility to them on account of our role in resolving Europe's being misled by oil wealth.

Why do we need a "firm ally" in the middle east? Other than our thirst for oil because 40 years after the first oil shock, we still haven't broken our addiction to petroleum, we have no good reason to be involved in that region. And even in that case, we are working against our own interests.

We have no "responsibility" to Israel. The rest of the world has lost its goodwill towards Israel because the Zionist Entity is an apartheid state that abuses the indigenous people of their country. It's only because the Zionists have our politicians testicles in a lock-box that we still let ourselves get dragged into whatever fights they start. I for one and sick of it.

The liberals want a divorce from responsibility, and it prospers them to offer voters something for nothing, then turn right around and blame Republicans for whatever money they allocated to themselves and their causes. In turn, we have been taught a hard lesson: follow the money to find out where the liberal heart is. The liberals thinks our money should always and ever wind up in their pockets.

Oh, this is such crap and you know it. Tax and Spend Liberals vs. Borrow and Spend Republicans is hardly much of a choice. Sooner or later, we are going to pay. When the REpublicans say "Hey, here is something we need to cut that is substantial", then I will take them seriously.

They never do. The go into fantasies about how tax cuts raise revenues and we can privatize entitlements and things will be fine. (Imagine if we had turned Social Security over to Wall Street in 2005 like Bush wanted to?) They never say, "Okay, here's the list of entitlements we are going to cut so rich people can have tax cuts!"

[ It's such a fetish that we have learned to follow that money to see if votes are being purchased and who the highest bidder is. Liberals won't let the information out if it's negative. Chuck Hagel is hiding something. We need to know how that obfuscation is going to affect his politics, and who overseas will be dying for his favor to a bad guy such as the late Saddam Hussein.

Funny, it seems to me the only ones who did favors for Bad Guys were REpublicans.

Remember when Reagan called Osama Bin Laden and his gang "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians?

Or when we thought Saddam was the Bee's Knees when he was killing Iranians.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's just stop getting involved in that region. Let them know there will be retaliation if Americans are killed, but otherwise, we ain't getting involved in their fights over who the Sky Pixie loves the bestest.
You republicans made up that that whole 'friends of Hamas' thing, it started from brietbart. The least reliable source I can think about. And it just brings in more conspiracy theories by republicans. Would it really be that clever to name an organization 'friends of Hamas'? Yeah that's a perfect way to keep what you do secret, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! You republicans are so unbelievably stupid. And it was written by a man with the last name 'Shapiro'. Yeah what a joke. The real reason is Israel. Israel was mentioned 144 times in the questioning. You peope can go screw yourselves and the country you worship which does nothing beneficial for us. You're a Jew worshipping cattle get the hell out of our country. Israeli Firster scum should leave.
We did not make up the terrorism that Hamas and its brother organizations act out, BIK. Those who sponsor them are often from other countries who simply are hating Israel to the point of sponsorship of anyone with the name "Palestinian" attached to it. And since the Achille Lauro was hijacked by terrorists claiming Palestinian affiliation, and the Palestinians wrongfully accused Leon Klingenhoffer's family of doing the deed terrorists were pictured doing, for insurance money, terrorism has been a lies-and-scandal-tied organized effort of Middle Easterners performming out their hatred for Jewish people as they did in Germany in WWII at the oven factories in Auschwitz and other places around Europe for the purpose of killing Jewish people to prosper the Aryan race from the theft of their properties through a corrupt political system the Nazis created to enrich themselves so cheaply and with such brutality the world is sickened.

Republicans account to their constituents. It prevents holocaust situations and being party to a Hitler's madness of doing anything for power.

We represent the interests of the American people whose founders conceived and brought forth on this continent more freedoms than mankind has ever enjoyed under tyrannical rule.

What a lame deflection. That's a whole other debate. But the point was your so called group doesn't exist. You're a people who believe in fiction and are heavily brainwashed by media to believe what you said about Jewish people...those poor little bunnies....:cuckoo::lmao:
This is simply because Hagel isn't kissing Israel's butt.
Israel is the only firm ally of the United States in the Middle East. We have a responsibility to them on account of our role in resolving Europe's being misled by oil wealth.

Why do we need a "firm ally" in the middle east? Other than our thirst for oil because 40 years after the first oil shock, we still haven't broken our addiction to petroleum, we have no good reason to be involved in that region. And even in that case, we are working against our own interests.

We have no "responsibility" to Israel. The rest of the world has lost its goodwill towards Israel because the Zionist Entity is an apartheid state that abuses the indigenous people of their country. It's only because the Zionists have our politicians testicles in a lock-box that we still let ourselves get dragged into whatever fights they start. I for one and sick of it.

The liberals want a divorce from responsibility, and it prospers them to offer voters something for nothing, then turn right around and blame Republicans for whatever money they allocated to themselves and their causes. In turn, we have been taught a hard lesson: follow the money to find out where the liberal heart is. The liberals thinks our money should always and ever wind up in their pockets.

Oh, this is such crap and you know it. Tax and Spend Liberals vs. Borrow and Spend Republicans is hardly much of a choice. Sooner or later, we are going to pay. When the REpublicans say "Hey, here is something we need to cut that is substantial", then I will take them seriously.

They never do. The go into fantasies about how tax cuts raise revenues and we can privatize entitlements and things will be fine. (Imagine if we had turned Social Security over to Wall Street in 2005 like Bush wanted to?) They never say, "Okay, here's the list of entitlements we are going to cut so rich people can have tax cuts!"

[ It's such a fetish that we have learned to follow that money to see if votes are being purchased and who the highest bidder is. Liberals won't let the information out if it's negative. Chuck Hagel is hiding something. We need to know how that obfuscation is going to affect his politics, and who overseas will be dying for his favor to a bad guy such as the late Saddam Hussein.

Funny, it seems to me the only ones who did favors for Bad Guys were REpublicans.

Remember when Reagan called Osama Bin Laden and his gang "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians?

Or when we thought Saddam was the Bee's Knees when he was killing Iranians.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's just stop getting involved in that region. Let them know there will be retaliation if Americans are killed, but otherwise, we ain't getting involved in their fights over who the Sky Pixie loves the bestest.
"We?" Sorry, Republicans did some investigative work over there and determined Saddam was killing his own people. We decided against helping him while...Reagan was President, and Bush, his Vice President, for which we were roundly criticized by... Democrats. Now it's "we?" :rolleyes:

Don't you remember anything about back then? And now you're lumping Republicans into the "we" schtick without realizing some of us actually remember the refusal to assist the murderous dictator who had used WOMDs on his own people and paid off the press to say nothing except nice things about himself, Saddam Hussein. Saddam, who masterminded the failed assassination of George HW Bush after he was out of office. :rolleyes:

Shame on you for not knowing that.
You republicans made up that that whole 'friends of Hamas' thing, it started from brietbart. The least reliable source I can think about. And it just brings in more conspiracy theories by republicans. Would it really be that clever to name an organization 'friends of Hamas'? Yeah that's a perfect way to keep what you do secret, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! You republicans are so unbelievably stupid. And it was written by a man with the last name 'Shapiro'. Yeah what a joke. The real reason is Israel. Israel was mentioned 144 times in the questioning. You peope can go screw yourselves and the country you worship which does nothing beneficial for us. You're a Jew worshipping cattle get the hell out of our country. Israeli Firster scum should leave.
We did not make up the terrorism that Hamas and its brother organizations act out, BIK. Those who sponsor them are often from other countries who simply are hating Israel to the point of sponsorship of anyone with the name "Palestinian" attached to it. And since the Achille Lauro was hijacked by terrorists claiming Palestinian affiliation, and the Palestinians wrongfully accused Leon Klingenhoffer's family of doing the deed terrorists were pictured doing, for insurance money, terrorism has been a lies-and-scandal-tied organized effort of Middle Easterners performming out their hatred for Jewish people as they did in Germany in WWII at the oven factories in Auschwitz and other places around Europe for the purpose of killing Jewish people to prosper the Aryan race from the theft of their properties through a corrupt political system the Nazis created to enrich themselves so cheaply and with such brutality the world is sickened.

Republicans account to their constituents. It prevents holocaust situations and being party to a Hitler's madness of doing anything for power.

We represent the interests of the American people whose founders conceived and brought forth on this continent more freedoms than mankind has ever enjoyed under tyrannical rule.

What a lame deflection. That's a whole other debate. But the point was your so called group doesn't exist. You're a people who believe in fiction and are heavily brainwashed by media to believe what you said about Jewish people...those poor little bunnies....:cuckoo::lmao:
You call a strong defense a "lame deflection" only to cover your nonsense. You better call your supervisor, BIK, as that was truly below par.
We did not make up the terrorism that Hamas and its brother organizations act out, BIK. Those who sponsor them are often from other countries who simply are hating Israel to the point of sponsorship of anyone with the name "Palestinian" attached to it. And since the Achille Lauro was hijacked by terrorists claiming Palestinian affiliation, and the Palestinians wrongfully accused Leon Klingenhoffer's family of doing the deed terrorists were pictured doing, for insurance money, terrorism has been a lies-and-scandal-tied organized effort of Middle Easterners performming out their hatred for Jewish people as they did in Germany in WWII at the oven factories in Auschwitz and other places around Europe for the purpose of killing Jewish people to prosper the Aryan race from the theft of their properties through a corrupt political system the Nazis created to enrich themselves so cheaply and with such brutality the world is sickened.

Republicans account to their constituents. It prevents holocaust situations and being party to a Hitler's madness of doing anything for power.

We represent the interests of the American people whose founders conceived and brought forth on this continent more freedoms than mankind has ever enjoyed under tyrannical rule.

What a lame deflection. That's a whole other debate. But the point was your so called group doesn't exist. You're a people who believe in fiction and are heavily brainwashed by media to believe what you said about Jewish people...those poor little bunnies....:cuckoo::lmao:
You call a strong defense a "lame deflection" only to cover your nonsense. You better call your supervisor, BIK, as that was truly below par.

I can debate on Hamas whenever I want to and anytime I want to. That's not a problem for me, I have first hand experience and I've been to post Israel Gaza, with Hamas in power. I know more about Hamas than you everything you learned in your life. That wasn't the topic, the 'friends of Hamas' organization does not exist at all. What you have to say about that lie you just made up in your previous post? And the republican lie they just made up also? All the other lingo was pointless.
Funny, it seems to me the only ones who did favors for Bad Guys were REpublicans.

Remember when Reagan called Osama Bin Laden and his gang "Freedom Fighters" when they were killing Russians?

Or when we thought Saddam was the Bee's Knees when he was killing Iranians.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's just stop getting involved in that region. Let them know there will be retaliation if Americans are killed, but otherwise, we ain't getting involved in their fights over who the Sky Pixie loves the bestest.
"We?" Sorry, Republicans did some investigative work over there and determined Saddam was killing his own people. We decided against helping him while...Reagan was President, and Bush, his Vice President, for which we were roundly criticized by... Democrats. Now it's "we?" :rolleyes:

Don't you remember anything about back then? And now you're lumping Republicans into the "we" schtick without realizing some of us actually remember the refusal to assist the murderous dictator who had used WOMDs on his own people and paid off the press to say nothing except nice things about himself, Saddam Hussein. Saddam, who masterminded the failed assassination of George HW Bush after he was out of office. :rolleyes:

Shame on you for not knowing that.

Correcting your profound ignorance would be a full time job, but I doubt it would pay enough.

Let's go back. 1980- Saddam invades Iran. Even though we had good reasons to not like Iran, Jimmy Carter had the good sense to stay out of that mess. Not Reagan. He quietly armed Saddam. Gave Saddam a complete pass when one of his warplanes almost sank the USS Stark. And when the Iranians decided to try to strangle Saddam's source of income by blockading the straights of Hormuz, we reflagged Kuwaiti Oil Tankers and sent the navy to keep it open.

Oh, the Kurds. When they were gassed, Reagan completely denied that was even going on.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

In short, everyone was really scared of Iran, and we, the Kuwaitis, the Saudis were all willing to turn a blind eye to what Saddam was.

Until he invaded Kuwait in 1990. Then he became the "New Hitler". Before that, no one gave a flip about the poor Kurds.

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