GOP to filibuster Hagel


What troubles Republicans is the dude who nominated him. You might know this. If shit.

Keep telling yourself that and one day you might actually believe it.

Ha! Honey, everybody remembers what Mitch McConnell said about how their goal was to make Obama a one-term president. Did you forget that already? Just HOW did you think that was going to manifest itself? Tsk...tsk

After a new President is elected, be it Democrat or Republican, the opposition always has and always will be Hell bent on making that President a ONE TERM President.

Until McConnell said so, nobody ever had the integrity, honesty and courage to say so.
Wanna know what the worst part about this is? There's going to be a meeting of NATO next week to discuss withdrawl from Afghanistan, and because Hagel hasn't been confirmed, we're not going to have anyone in the discussion to represent the U.S.

Yep, yet another example of how the GOP is screwing up the country.
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A brief history of filibuster and related maneuvers: In 1964 the democrat party tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act. In 1975 the senate democrat majority revised the rules to closed debate (cloture) with a 3/5 vote instead a =of a 3/4 vote of the senate. A technique called "filling the amendment tree" with amendments to clog up votes on an issue was used about 12 times in forty years. Democrat senate majority leader Harry Reid used it 44 times between 2007 and 2011. Under the democrat majority the filibuster was changed to "virtual filibuster" where senators don't have to keep talking like they used to. The point is that whining about the rules they created just makes democrats look like fools.
A brief history of filibuster and related maneuvers: In 1964 the democrat party tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act. In 1975 the senate democrat majority revised the rules to closed debate (cloture) with a 3/5 vote instead a =of a 3/4 vote of the senate. A technique called "filling the amendment tree" with amendments to clog up votes on an issue was used about 12 times in forty years. Democrat senate majority leader Harry Reid used it 44 times between 2007 and 2011. Under the democrat majority the filibuster was changed to "virtual filibuster" where senators don't have to keep talking like they used to. The point is that whining about the rules they created just makes democrats look like fools.

they will want to ignore that,
You guys are late with this since I posted it yesterday, but the more the better...


Home - No To Chuck

That's important information. We are all happy to know that you posted earlier. You are special.

I started a thread ealier you idiot

Yes. And you are proud of yourself for doing so. I get it. We are all applauding you for your wonderful contribution. Thanks for reminding us all.
Senate to vote to break Hagel filibuster

The "soon to be extinct" GOP is now threatening to filibuster a Secretary of Defense for the first time in US History....:eek:

McCain has degernerated into a dodderin old man...He was once a proud veteran who I voted for. Bush lied on him and defamed him and he hasn't been the same since.

oh cry us a river...we know with you people it's only ok to filibuster when the Democrats do it..

there is questions on Hagel but you people could care less, if Hagel was a goat you'd root for him too

Hell, anyone, who doesn't support/vote-to-confirm Hagel, is an ignorant, White-Trash racist; straight-up!!!!
Hagel couldn't lead a blind man down a hallway. He would be a terrible Sec. of Defense and he should not be confirmed for the office. He's a complete idiot - just like the ass clown that nominated him for the position in the first place.
Hagel knows more about war than the entire body of Republican law makers in DC... or the partisan crowd on websites.
Most Vietnam Vets, knew that Iraq was going to turn into another Vietnam. Once the insanity was entrenched, friends, such as McCain and Hagel came to an end. This was true of family and friends, across the nation.

The Iraq war ushered in the split of the nation. Now, it's a battle between the neocons and those opposed to the endless wars, the neocons have in mind for the country. This split, between Hagel and the republicans is as deep as a betrayal for both sides, and not only for the republicans. Hopefully, you can see that it's the enlisted men and women who pay the price of war. Men, and women, who are just like Hagel.

For those who have faced the enemies of this country, in a real close up way, the Republicans have chosen party and ideology over the country. Hagel chose country over party, and this will not be forgotten.
He'll be confirmed. And the "capital" expended will be returned in spades.

The GOP-NRA is just digging themselves a deeper hole. The filibuster one of their own...amazing...:eek:

well yeah because you Democrats would just put any nut job in there without question..that's what you always do with your politicians
and you look stupid, the gop-nra...whatever the hell that is suppose to it the Democrats-OWS now?

Well, guess I can't argue with you about the nut job thing, After all, Hagel is a Republican, and they are mostly a bunch of nut jobs. Don't know why they want to throw one of their own under the bus, but logic and reason aren't strong points of nut job Republicans.
Republicans have already said they're going to confirm him, they just want to filibuster for one week first. Why republicans feel this will do anything, I don't know.

Loons do Loony things. You know, like wasting time and money for the benefit of the "Party."
Wanna know what the worst part about this is? There's going to be a meeting of NATO next week to discuss withdrawl from Afghanistan, and because Hagel hasn't been confirmed, we're not going to have anyone in the discussion to represent the U.S.

Yep, yet another example of how the GOP is screwing up the country.

The guy is a blithering idiot.
The GOP-NRA is just digging themselves a deeper hole. The filibuster one of their own...amazing...:eek:

well yeah because you Democrats would just put any nut job in there without question..that's what you always do with your politicians
and you look stupid, the gop-nra...whatever the hell that is suppose to it the Democrats-OWS now?

Well, guess I can't argue with you about the nut job thing, After all, Hagel is a Republican, and they are mostly a bunch of nut jobs. Don't know why they want to throw one of their own under the bus, but logic and reason aren't strong points of nut job Republicans.

We aren't like libs. If the guy isn't fit for the job we dont care what party he represents.
You clowns just follow obammy no matter what he does.....sheep.
McCain and his little buddy, Lindsey, made it known that they'll vote for Hagel, but they just didn't feel like it today.

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