GOP to introduce “We Built This!” slogan in taxpayer-built arena

Hey, don't take MY word for it, Stool:

Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. investors overwhelmingly see President Barack Obama as anti-business and question his ability to manage a financial crisis, according to a Bloomberg survey.

The global quarterly poll of investors and analysts who are Bloomberg subscribers finds that 77 percent of U.S. respondents believe Obama is too anti-business and four-out-of-five are only somewhat confident or not confident of his ability to handle a financial emergency.

The poll also finds a decline in Obama’s overall favorability rating one year after taking office. He is viewed favorably by 27 percent of U.S. investors. In an October poll, 32 percent in the U.S. held a positive impression.

“Investors no longer feel they can trust their instincts to take risks,” said poll respondent David Young, a managing director for a broker dealer in New York.'

Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors (Update1) - Bloomberg

yeah....can't be that big business is too fucking greedy, traitorous and economically destroying this country to become record breakingly wealthy and powerful.

America's economic recovery is contingent not only on business....but also labor. The vast majority of our country is labor. If labor is broke....they don't buy shit...if they don't buy shit....businesses fail. Labor has been getting screwed since the Reagan era and it's finally caught up to us.

Without the investor, be it big business or small business, there will be no demand for labor.

without a market for goods and services, there would be no demand for investment. The vast majority of our country IS LABOR. They are the ones that buy the shit that business makes and services. NOT the wealthy....sure, they buy shit....but they are so few in number that they don't make a bit of difference in our economy as consumers. Disposable income for the working class is the only way to get the economy to get back to a "main street" economy instead of a "Wall Street" economy. Because the DJIA can be as high as a kite, but it doesn't amount to a hill of beans if the majority of our people can't afford to buy shit.
I think the GOP should ram it down the Democrat's throats whenever they can....

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

This should be brought up constantly...
Letting the American people know the contempt that this President holds its citizens.

:lol:If that were to happen Ubama would probably make a statement such as "I didn't deserve that...someone else did".

The article doesn't say whether the arena was financed via revenue bonds, general obligation bonds, state tax funds or local tax revenues. That would make a significant difference. I've looked through several articles on this, and they all just say "public funds", which tells me virtually nothing.

Does anyone know? Does anyone care?


Found it.

The Tampa Bay Ice Palace was financed with revenue bonds:

S&P Rates Tampa Sports Authority, Florida Refunding Revenue Bonds 'A-' -- re> NEW YORK, May 15 /PRNewswire/ --

This means that individual and corporate investors purchased municipal bonds as an investment to finance the construction (and probably short term operation) of the Tampa Bay Ice Palace. The investment risk for these investors was whether the arena would be able to function profitably and pay the bond notes. The income from these bonds was probably federal, state and local income tax-free for local investors and federal tax free for outside investors. These were not public (tax-derived) funds for the most part.

Looks like the county invested too, but I don't know where those funds came from outside of part of tourist/valorem tax, the Democrats can jump on that. Since the bonds are rated "A" (many in Florida are not), those funds may not have been needed.

This wasn't that tough to find out.

Folks need to calm down and open their minds a bit. Maybe ask a question or two before screaming.


Yep, exactly so Mac. Sorry I didn't get a chance to get back on and point ya in the right direction. I THOUGHT I'd made it clear in my post that it was funded by the sale of Municipal Bond. But hey, it was late when I posted that and I was pretty PISSED at these morons. ;~)

Oh, and the 40 MILLION that was spent to revamp the place last year, 2011, came from a fella named Jeff Vinik. He's one of those evil Wall Street types who got rich by starting a company called Vinik Asset Management. His group, Tampa Bay Sports and Entertainment LLC, now owns the Lightning and it's assets AS WELL as he is a minority owner of the Red Sox.

But you had it right in your first post. They DON'T care. Just read the exchange of stupidity that's occurred since you posted for that link. Just more deflection, denial and distractions. They'll never let the truth get in the way of a good LIE!

If rdean had anything RESEMBLING a spine, he print a retraction of these assinine assertions, he won't. He's a TROLL and he got what he wanted. The useful idiots jump all over it in their typical knee jerk reactionary manner.

The liberal HACKS he linked to at the Atlantic Wire who couldn't be bothered to do even the most BASIC of research OR are INTENTIONALLY LYING and should also print a retraction. But they are trolls too and are doing it for the same reason!

But hey, there are a dozen more groups who claim to be news groups who are actually mouth pieces for democrats spewing the exact same lies. And they won't retract it either!

The article doesn't say whether the arena was financed via revenue bonds, general obligation bonds, state tax funds or local tax revenues. That would make a significant difference. I've looked through several articles on this, and they all just say "public funds", which tells me virtually nothing.

Does anyone know? Does anyone care?


Found it.

The Tampa Bay Ice Palace was financed with revenue bonds:

S&P Rates Tampa Sports Authority, Florida Refunding Revenue Bonds 'A-' -- re> NEW YORK, May 15 /PRNewswire/ --

This means that individual and corporate investors purchased municipal bonds as an investment to finance the construction (and probably short term operation) of the Tampa Bay Ice Palace. The investment risk for these investors was whether the arena would be able to function profitably and pay the bond notes. The income from these bonds was probably federal, state and local income tax-free for local investors and federal tax free for outside investors. These were not public (tax-derived) funds for the most part.

Looks like the county invested too, but I don't know where those funds came from outside of part of tourist/valorem tax, the Democrats can jump on that. Since the bonds are rated "A" (many in Florida are not), those funds may not have been needed.

This wasn't that tough to find out.

Folks need to calm down and open their minds a bit. Maybe ask a question or two before screaming.


Yep, exactly so Mac. Sorry I didn't get a chance to get back on and point ya in the right direction. I THOUGHT I'd made it clear in my post that it was funded by the sale of Municipal Bond. But hey, it was late when I posted that and I was pretty PISSED at these morons. ;~)

Oh, and the 40 MILLION that was spent to revamp the place last year, 2011, came from a fella named Jeff Vinik. He's one of those evil Wall Street types who got rich by starting a company called Vinik Asset Management. His group, Tampa Bay Sports and Entertainment LLC, now owns the Lightning and it's assets AS WELL as he is a minority owner of the Red Sox.

But you had it right in your first post. They DON'T care. Just read the exchange of stupidity that's occurred since you posted for that link. Just more deflection, denial and distractions. They'll never let the truth get in the way of a good LIE!

If rdean had anything RESEMBLING a spine, he print a retraction of these assinine assertions, he won't. He's a TROLL and he got what he wanted. The useful idiots jump all over it in their typical knee jerk reactionary manner.

The liberal HACKS he linked to at the Atlantic Wire who couldn't be bothered to do even the most BASIC of research OR are INTENTIONALLY LYING and should also print a retraction. But they are trolls too and are doing it for the same reason!

But hey, there are a dozen more groups who claim to be news groups who are actually mouth pieces for democrats spewing the exact same lies. And they won't retract it either!

JD, I have to admit that I hadn't read the thread, I just looked at a couple of the simplistic articles about it and started spewing.


yeah....can't be that big business is too fucking greedy, traitorous and economically destroying this country to become record breakingly wealthy and powerful.

America's economic recovery is contingent not only on business....but also labor. The vast majority of our country is labor. If labor is broke....they don't buy shit...if they don't buy shit....businesses fail. Labor has been getting screwed since the Reagan era and it's finally caught up to us.

Without the investor, be it big business or small business, there will be no demand for labor.

without a market for goods and services, there would be no demand for investment. The vast majority of our country IS LABOR. They are the ones that buy the shit that business makes and services. NOT the wealthy....sure, they buy shit....but they are so few in number that they don't make a bit of difference in our economy as consumers. Disposable income for the working class is the only way to get the economy to get back to a "main street" economy instead of a "Wall Street" economy. Because the DJIA can be as high as a kite, but it doesn't amount to a hill of beans if the majority of our people can't afford to buy shit.

Here is where you fail. Well, you fail all the time, but I digress.

Our economy is not a zero sum fishbowl.

We are only 5% of the world population, and the market is literally 100% of world population.

2 billion or so people in the world make products they could never hope to afford. They prove that capital and investment does not have to overpay grunt labor to be successful.

See, since about the dawn of the industrial age, labor has been capital's lil' bitch.
Obviously, the government hired companies built by individuals to complete a project that was paid for when services were rendered. The revenue came from the sale of bonds to individual and corporate investors.

Come right down to it, corporations built the Tampa Bay Ice Palace.
JD, I have to admit that I hadn't read the thread, I just looked at a couple of the simplistic articles about it and started spewing.



LOL...I heard that. I only made it through the first 3 or so pages before I had to go off. ;~)
So next time my kid gets the honor roll I need to thank the bus driver, the janitor..and maybe the kitchen lady too?

No... she worked for that, and deserves ALL the credit for doing so.

Funny how the right seems to think teachers have nothing to do with a child's success but everything to do with their failures.

This entire debate is rediculous if ya ask me....

Sure we all share in the success of America (at least the contributors can) but lets get a grip folks, thats NOT the context Obama was using.

If you think it was, you do not know Obama.

You're right, you know him better than us. His actual words are irrelevant - you just know what he means, because you've got a feeling in your gut that just tells you. In fact - Obama doesn't even have to speak for you to know what he means. Its like you've got a psychic connection to him that the rest of us can't understand. I mean -who the fuck cares what he says? we all know he's a commie. So many people wouldn't be saying he was one if he wasn't.

Then, give us a :link: and pronounce , or aver all you like, but really you are full of :poop:

Again you throw extremities out and hope they wil stick. :splat: Please save us from the :9
settle down, take a chill pill, :wine: and stop being such an :asshole:

:confused:Sorry can't do that. Why? Because the right haven't been BRAINWASHED in the past 3 3/4 years. So you keep believe what your heart desires. Just watch your step.
I wonder if the Tea Party idiots holding those "WE BUILT THIS" signs, in a building that as the OP said was paid for by the government (taxpayers) realize one other thing: All those government employees they love to hate? Yeah, those folks paid fucking taxes just they everyone else out of their checks. The Tampa cops paid taxes towards all that shit. So did Tampa teachers. And Tampa public sanitation workers.

Sometimes right wingers forget that. That even govt employees pay taxes. Hell, they probably pay a higher rate than most rich people.

You can try saying we dont like gov't employees all ya want... its BS and sane folks know it.

Nice try though :eusa_clap:

We dont have to say it. Neither do you, or anyone else. Actions speak. And the actions of 99% of Tea Party politicians have made a clear statement: Screw all govt workers and govt services (the sacred military excluded, of course, because they know their voters "support the troops" bumper stickers are fresh).


The article doesn't say whether the arena was financed via revenue bonds, general obligation bonds, state tax funds or local tax revenues. That would make a significant difference. I've looked through several articles on this, and they all just say "public funds", which tells me virtually nothing.

Does anyone know? Does anyone care?


Public Funds are Public Funds
He really meant to say that businesses did not build the infrastructure as individuals, but rather, it was something we did collectively as a group. And that is what he said. For anyone who didn't get it, he summarizes with "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together" I don't really see how he could be any clearer.

You think any of these right wing wacks were watching the president when he made that comment, and said "OMG! I can't believe it!" They got their marching orders from the right wing media and Romney, who shaved the comments down to a single sentence with a dangling antecedent, and told people the way they should feel about it. By the time righties actually saw the context it didn't matter - their feelings were already set.

You'll see many of them say it doesn't matter what Obama says, it only matters what they feel about him. The right of today is the most emotionally driven element of American politics since the civil war

I was watching it, and all the damage control in the world you partisan hacks attempt will not change what Obama said, and what Obama meant... On videotape. You have to be a short bus regular to think it had anything to do with infrastructure... But we all know... If you disagree with Obama, you're a racist. It's laughably Preposterous.

Most of the right wIng nuts are well aware of what obama said and are merely being intellectually dishonest with this "issue". It takes a special kind of retard to stand up and say you actually believe that shit.

:clap2:Yeh. And it takes a bigger kind of retard to stand up and make a statement like Ubama did.
yeah....can't be that big business is too fucking greedy, traitorous and economically destroying this country to become record breakingly wealthy and powerful.

America's economic recovery is contingent not only on business....but also labor. The vast majority of our country is labor. If labor is broke....they don't buy shit...if they don't buy shit....businesses fail. Labor has been getting screwed since the Reagan era and it's finally caught up to us.

Without the investor, be it big business or small business, there will be no demand for labor.

without a market for goods and services, there would be no demand for investment. The vast majority of our country IS LABOR. They are the ones that buy the shit that business makes and services. NOT the wealthy....sure, they buy shit....but they are so few in number that they don't make a bit of difference in our economy as consumers. Disposable income for the working class is the only way to get the economy to get back to a "main street" economy instead of a "Wall Street" economy. Because the DJIA can be as high as a kite, but it doesn't amount to a hill of beans if the majority of our people can't afford to buy shit.

You may think this is a what came first, the chicken or the egg scenario, but you would be wrong. Until a business is started with private investment money, there is not a job for labor. Once a business produces a product or offers a service, if there is a demand for that product or service, labor benefits. And the wages they earn from that business create a demand for other products and services.

I am glad you mentioned disposable income. A good part of the tax burden on middle income tax earners goes to pay for the health care insurance and retirement of public workers. That comes in addition to those same people trying to pay for their own health care and saving for retirement. That really sucks!

I don't blame the gubmint workers for grabbing all the free stuff they can get since the bloated pensions with paid for health care insurance were mostly given to them by politicians in exchange for their vote. All I call for is that public workers pay for their health insurance and their retirement as the rest of us in the private sector do.
I call for is that public workers pay for their health insurance and their retirement as the rest of us in the private sector do.

the dumb down argument. :lol:

For decades, the main argument from public sector workers for such great benefits was: they argued to make what private sector workers were getting, before Reaganomics started a decades long battle of making rules and dismantling regulations that allowed private industry to take away from private sector workers what public sector workers now get.

Reaganomics and conservative arguments have become "We want you to make what little we do!"
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The article doesn't say whether the arena was financed via revenue bonds, general obligation bonds, state tax funds or local tax revenues. That would make a significant difference. I've looked through several articles on this, and they all just say "public funds", which tells me virtually nothing.

Does anyone know? Does anyone care?


Public Funds are Public Funds

These were revenue bonds, purchased by investors.

Are you really going to stay with this line?

Do you know the difference between public and private funds?

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I call for is that public workers pay for their health insurance and their retirement as the rest of us in the private sector do.

the dumb down argument. :lol:

For decades, the main argument from public sector workers for such great benefits was: they argued to make what private sector workers were getting, before Reaganomics started a decades long battle of making rules and dismantling regulations that allowed private industry to take away from private sector workers what public sector workers now get.

Reaganomics and conservative arguments have become "We want you to make what little we do!"

Making rules and dismantling regulations seems to be a contradiction in terms to me. Any private sector business that had to pay the cost of employing a government worker would not be able to compete in the world market. Just as our government is rapidly proceeding down the same path as a number of European countries. Greece and Spain come to mind.

The Post Office is an example of what government employee unions can do to a business. UPS and FEDEX employees make as much as postal service employees and they aren't losing billions of dollars a year. And, they are not allowed by law to process first class mail, even though they do transport a helluva lot of mail and packages on contract for the USPS.
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The Post Office is an example of what government employee unions can do to a business. UPS and FEDEX employees make as much as postal service employees and they aren't losing billions of dollars a year. And, they are not allowed by law to process first class mail, even though they do transport a helluva lot of mail and packages on contract for the USPS.

You left something out. What other business is forced to prepay 5.5 billion dollars EVERY year to pre-pay well in advance for retirement benefits? How much do you think lobbyists for UPS and FED EX paid for that little gem of legislation? And you KNOW that those two companies would not deliver mail anywhere they deemed "unprofitable". You want to know what I don't understand, when did you morons on the right decide that EVERYTHING must have a profit motive behind it? Some things work better in a non-profit scenario, and they are ALWAYS cheaper and more efficient.

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