GOP Voter Suppression Plan: Seven Tactics To Block Your Vote in 2012


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Steven Rosenfeld / Alternet

If you live in a state where voting is becoming tougher, plan ahead to register, to get the right ID and to know where you can vote.

If you are a member of a racial minority, student or young voter, working poor, elderly or disabled, your ability to vote may be a lot harder in 2012—especially if you live in states that have a history of racial repression during the Civil Rights Movement. Simply put, the Republican Party knows which segments of society helped to elect President Obama and other Democrats in 2008, knows tens of millions of these people did not vote in the 2010 midterms, and has worked very hard to stop these people from voting again next year.

Their strategy has been simple: raise the barriers by complicating the rules to register to vote, to get a ballot, to vote early, or speedily. What follows are seven major trends that will affect you if you live in a state with new rules. Republicans know that most people do not pay attention to the fine print of election law. They get excited in the final days before presidential votes. But that may not be good enough in 2012.

Whether you are encouraged, discouraged or something in between about the coming presidential season, if you want to vote, look at these trends described below, see if you live in one of these states, and plan ahead: to register, to get the right ID, and to know where you can vote. If you don’t, the Republicans may silence your vote and voice.

Tactic One: Toughen Voter ID Requirements

Tactic Two: Create Hurdles To Get Required ID

Tactic Three: Intimidate Voter Registration Groups

Tactic Four: Try To Eliminate Same-Day Registration

Tactic Five: Curtail Early Voting

Tactic Six: Ban Felons From Voting

Tactic Seven: Bleed Election Administration Budgets

Much More: GOP Voter Suppression Plan: Seven Tactics To Block Your Vote in 2012 | News & Politics | AlterNet
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Florida, under Gov. Rick Scott, who has been a leader in the voter-suppression effort, reduced early voting from 14 days to eight. In Ohio, it went from 35 days to 16.

GOP's voter suppression

America isn't going to forget the rotten things Republicans are doing. If their policies were any good, they wouldn't need to do this.
Florida, under Gov. Rick Scott, who has been a leader in the voter-suppression effort, reduced early voting from 14 days to eight. In Ohio, it went from 35 days to 16.

GOP's voter suppression

America isn't going to forget the rotten things Republicans are doing. If their policies were any good, they wouldn't need to do this.

When I lived in Florida, I usually took advantage of early voting. There would be 12 or 14 poll workers present inside, a few outside, 10 or 12 people outside passing out campaign literature, and usually, I would be the only voter in the place. Cutting the available time would make far better use of funds; funds that could be used to, for instance remove the names of dead people from the rolls, or are you against disenfranchising dead people?
Florida, under Gov. Rick Scott, who has been a leader in the voter-suppression effort, reduced early voting from 14 days to eight. In Ohio, it went from 35 days to 16.

GOP's voter suppression

America isn't going to forget the rotten things Republicans are doing. If their policies were any good, they wouldn't need to do this.

Your Politico article is good. Thanks.
By Steven Rosenfeld / Alternet

If you live in a state where voting is becoming tougher, plan ahead to register, to get the right ID and to know where you can vote.

If you are a member of a racial minority, student or young voter, working poor, elderly or disabled, your ability to vote may be a lot harder in 2012—especially if you live in states that have a history of racial repression during the Civil Rights Movement. Simply put, the Republican Party knows which segments of society helped to elect President Obama and other Democrats in 2008, knows tens of millions of these people did not vote in the 2010 midterms, and has worked very hard to stop these people from voting again next year.

Their strategy has been simple: raise the barriers by complicating the rules to register to vote, to get a ballot, to vote early, or speedily. What follows are seven major trends that will affect you if you live in a state with new rules. Republicans know that most people do not pay attention to the fine print of election law. They get excited in the final days before presidential votes. But that may not be good enough in 2012.

Whether you are encouraged, discouraged or something in between about the coming presidential season, if you want to vote, look at these trends described below, see if you live in one of these states, and plan ahead: to register, to get the right ID, and to know where you can vote. If you don’t, the Republicans may silence your vote and voice.

Tactic One: Toughen Voter ID Requirements

Tactic Two: Create Hurdles To Get Required ID

Tactic Three: Intimidate Voter Registration Groups

Tactic Four: Try To Eliminate Same-Day Registration

Tactic Five: Curtail Early Voting

Tactic Six: Ban Felons From Voting

Tactic Seven: Bleed Election Administration Budgets

Much More: GOP Voter Suppression Plan: Seven Tactics To Block Your Vote in 2012 | News & Politics | AlterNet

Gee, get a license...register to vote...then vote. Not exactly rocket science.

What I find most amusing, that progressives like you like to point to GOP "voter suppression tactics" as the reason the Democrats got their tushies handed to them in 2010. Funny how that didn't seem to work in 2008. Could it be that after two years of "Hopey Changey" the electorate that BOUGHT the whole Obama thing in 2008 wasn't buying it in 2010?
By Steven Rosenfeld / Alternet

If you live in a state where voting is becoming tougher, plan ahead to register, to get the right ID and to know where you can vote.

If you are a member of a racial minority, student or young voter, working poor, elderly or disabled, your ability to vote may be a lot harder in 2012—especially if you live in states that have a history of racial repression during the Civil Rights Movement. Simply put, the Republican Party knows which segments of society helped to elect President Obama and other Democrats in 2008, knows tens of millions of these people did not vote in the 2010 midterms, and has worked very hard to stop these people from voting again next year.

Their strategy has been simple: raise the barriers by complicating the rules to register to vote, to get a ballot, to vote early, or speedily. What follows are seven major trends that will affect you if you live in a state with new rules. Republicans know that most people do not pay attention to the fine print of election law. They get excited in the final days before presidential votes. But that may not be good enough in 2012.

Whether you are encouraged, discouraged or something in between about the coming presidential season, if you want to vote, look at these trends described below, see if you live in one of these states, and plan ahead: to register, to get the right ID, and to know where you can vote. If you don’t, the Republicans may silence your vote and voice.

Tactic One: Toughen Voter ID Requirements

Tactic Two: Create Hurdles To Get Required ID

Tactic Three: Intimidate Voter Registration Groups

Tactic Four: Try To Eliminate Same-Day Registration

Tactic Five: Curtail Early Voting

Tactic Six: Ban Felons From Voting

Tactic Seven: Bleed Election Administration Budgets

Much More: GOP Voter Suppression Plan: Seven Tactics To Block Your Vote in 2012 | News & Politics | AlterNet

Gee, get a license...register to vote...then vote. Not exactly rocket science.

What I find most amusing, that progressives like you like to point to GOP "voter suppression tactics" as the reason the Democrats got their tushies handed to them in 2010. Funny how that didn't seem to work in 2008. Could it be that after two years of "Hopey Changey" the electorate that BOUGHT the whole Obama thing in 2008 wasn't buying it in 2010?

Yeah, just keep thinking that...
dead people voting- another pub myth, at least recently....Spending cuts go to enforcement- the Pub way...
I still find it highly amusing that the left thinks that the only people who would be negatively affected by voter ID laws... are the left.

I guess they think their own kind are too lazy or stupid to get the proper ID ahead of time, properly register, and actually go to the polling place.

Gee, get a license...register to vote...then vote. Not exactly rocket science.

What I find most amusing, that progressives like you like to point to GOP "voter suppression tactics" as the reason the Democrats got their tushies handed to them in 2010. Funny how that didn't seem to work in 2008. Could it be that after two years of "Hopey Changey" the electorate that BOUGHT the whole Obama thing in 2008 wasn't buying it in 2010?

Yeah, just keep thinking that...

You honestly think you're going to get the youth vote to turn out again like the did for Obama in 2008? You think the independents are going to go heavy for Obama like they did in 2008? Sorry, buddy...but Barack ran out of new ideas to fix things about a year and a half ago. He's pushing the class warfare thing hard because he's well and truely screwed if he has to defend his economic record or explain his "plan" to fix the economy going forward.
By Steven Rosenfeld / Alternet

If you live in a state where voting is becoming tougher, plan ahead to register, to get the right ID and to know where you can vote.

If you are a member of a racial minority, student or young voter, working poor, elderly or disabled, your ability to vote may be a lot harder in 2012—especially if you live in states that have a history of racial repression during the Civil Rights Movement. Simply put, the Republican Party knows which segments of society helped to elect President Obama and other Democrats in 2008, knows tens of millions of these people did not vote in the 2010 midterms, and has worked very hard to stop these people from voting again next year.

Their strategy has been simple: raise the barriers by complicating the rules to register to vote, to get a ballot, to vote early, or speedily. What follows are seven major trends that will affect you if you live in a state with new rules. Republicans know that most people do not pay attention to the fine print of election law. They get excited in the final days before presidential votes. But that may not be good enough in 2012.

Whether you are encouraged, discouraged or something in between about the coming presidential season, if you want to vote, look at these trends described below, see if you live in one of these states, and plan ahead: to register, to get the right ID, and to know where you can vote. If you don’t, the Republicans may silence your vote and voice.

Tactic One: Toughen Voter ID Requirements

Tactic Two: Create Hurdles To Get Required ID

Tactic Three: Intimidate Voter Registration Groups

Tactic Four: Try To Eliminate Same-Day Registration

Tactic Five: Curtail Early Voting

Tactic Six: Ban Felons From Voting

Tactic Seven: Bleed Election Administration Budgets

Much More: GOP Voter Suppression Plan: Seven Tactics To Block Your Vote in 2012 | News & Politics | AlterNet

Gee, get a license...register to vote...then vote. Not exactly rocket science.
Of course it's not rocket science.

But the fact is, we live in a country where most people don't really care about politics, and won't go out of their way to get things in order to vote.

Also a fact: Lower voter turnout ALWAYS helps Republicans, and higher voter turn out ALWAYS helps Democrats.

And it's really as simple as that.

What I find most amusing, that progressives like you like to point to GOP "voter suppression tactics" as the reason the Democrats got their tushies handed to them in 2010. Funny how that didn't seem to work in 2008. Could it be that after two years of "Hopey Changey" the electorate that BOUGHT the whole Obama thing in 2008 wasn't buying it in 2010?
"Voter suppression tactics" didn't cause the Democrats to lose in 2010 any more than "voter fraud" caused them to win in 2008.
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Florida, under Gov. Rick Scott, who has been a leader in the voter-suppression effort, reduced early voting from 14 days to eight. In Ohio, it went from 35 days to 16.

GOP's voter suppression

America isn't going to forget the rotten things Republicans are doing. If their policies were any good, they wouldn't need to do this.

I think this is going to backfire, just like everything else they are doing.

Americans can see thru this BS.
I still find it highly amusing that the left thinks that the only people who would be negatively affected by voter ID laws... are the left.

I guess they think their own kind are too lazy or stupid to get the proper ID ahead of time, properly register, and actually go to the polling place.

To some extent, you're right. It's a numbers thing. High voter turnout helps Democrats. Low voter turnout helps Republicans.

Don't for a second think that the overwhelming support of voter ID laws from the right is coming from anything other than that too, though.

They know a lot of legal, likely Dem voters won't have the proper ID.
I still find it highly amusing that the left thinks that the only people who would be negatively affected by voter ID laws... are the left.

I guess they think their own kind are too lazy or stupid to get the proper ID ahead of time, properly register, and actually go to the polling place.

It is rather strange that the average progressive on this board thinks conservatives have the IQ's of a summer squash and liberals are freakin' MENSA candidates...but when it comes to something as simple as voting...suddenly conservatives seem to be able to do it and liberals can't figure out the whole process without someone holding their hands and guiding them through. Gotta love it!
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Of course it's not rocket science.

But the fact is, we live in a country where most people don't really care about politics, and won't go out of their way to get things in order to vote.

Also a fact: Lower voter turnout ALWAYS helps Republicans, and higher voter turn out ALWAYS helps Democrats.

And it's really as simple as that.

What I find most amusing, that progressives like you like to point to GOP "voter suppression tactics" as the reason the Democrats got their tushies handed to them in 2010. Funny how that didn't seem to work in 2008. Could it be that after two years of "Hopey Changey" the electorate that BOUGHT the whole Obama thing in 2008 wasn't buying it in 2010?
"Voter suppression tactics" didn't cause the Democrats to lose in 2010 any more than "voter fraud" caused them to win in 2008.

if they can't be bothered to do what's needed to vote, i fail to see how they're being *suppressed*.
Gee, get a license...register to vote...then vote. Not exactly rocket science.

What I find most amusing, that progressives like you like to point to GOP "voter suppression tactics" as the reason the Democrats got their tushies handed to them in 2010. Funny how that didn't seem to work in 2008. Could it be that after two years of "Hopey Changey" the electorate that BOUGHT the whole Obama thing in 2008 wasn't buying it in 2010?

Yeah, just keep thinking that...

You honestly think you're going to get the youth vote to turn out again like the did for Obama in 2008? You think the independents are going to go heavy for Obama like they did in 2008? Sorry, buddy...but Barack ran out of new ideas to fix things about a year and a half ago. He's pushing the class warfare thing hard because he's well and truely screwed if he has to defend his economic record or explain his "plan" to fix the economy going forward.

Please re-read the thread title. I don't care who votes - as long as everyone eligible and wanting to vote is allowed to vote - without having to suffer voter suppression from wingnuts.
Gee, get a license...register to vote...then vote. Not exactly rocket science.
Of course it's not rocket science.

But the fact is, we live in a country where most people don't really care about politics, and won't go out of their way to get things in order to vote.

Also a fact: Lower voter turnout ALWAYS helps Republicans, and higher voter turn out ALWAYS helps Democrats.

And it's really as simple as that.

What I find most amusing, that progressives like you like to point to GOP "voter suppression tactics" as the reason the Democrats got their tushies handed to them in 2010. Funny how that didn't seem to work in 2008. Could it be that after two years of "Hopey Changey" the electorate that BOUGHT the whole Obama thing in 2008 wasn't buying it in 2010?
"Voter suppression tactics" didn't cause the Democrats to lose in 2010 any more than "voter fraud" caused them to win in 2008.

if they can't be bothered to do what's needed to vote, i fail to see how they're being *suppressed*.

I didn't say they were being "suppressed".

Nor was I attempting to excuse lazy people for not getting their shit together to vote.

But, just like the claims of "suppression" coming from the left, claims of "voter fraud" are equally bullshit.

The rhetoric from both sides about this issue are complete bullshit. The truth of the matter is very simple - the left wants high voter turnout, the right wants low voter turnout.
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