GOPers Are Bringing Back Post-Reconstruction-Era Voting In N.C.

No.. actually they do not favor any group.. except those that are citizens over those who are not.. you can still get a non-driving ID from ANY DMV/MVA at a very cheap cost... The ONLY reason a welfare card favors anyone is the fact they they are getting welfare... if, to get such card, they had to prove citizenship, residence in a voting district, or whatever it would be valid.. SINCE people who are NOT citizens etc can receive these entitlements, it does noting to prove validation for the requirements for voting

Again.. there is nothing in the law that restricts on any race, creed, sex, height, weight, hair color, religion, heritage, etc etc etc...

The standards are EQUAL across the board

You done saluting the flag? Can I offer you some apple pie?

You want voter ID laws? Fine......get everyone an ID and you can use it

Until that time, it is just a tool to disenfranchise voters

Everyone CAN get an ID.. it does not have to be hand delivered to you at your residence.. PERIOD

Go get the free or super low cost ID card you would need to cash a check, buy a beer, or anything else.. just like everyone else can Maryland Identification Cards How to Apply for a Virginia Identification Card | DMV Applying for a New Missouri DOR Identification Card at The DMV Made Simple Alaska Identification Card Applying for a New New York DMV Identification Card at The DMV Made Simple

You lose.. there is no 'tool to disenfranchise' when it is fucking equal across the board with no distinction in law to race, creed, religion, sex, weight, culture, heritage, etc etc etc..

Asking for an id is disenfranchising the alcoholic.
Can you imagine the look on the face of the Dem when they go to DOJ to file a complain and they can't get in because....they don't have ID?
GOPers Are Bringing Back Post-Reconstruction-Era Voting In N.C.

History Repeating.

Come on America, get it together.

Because of course, asking for an ID (and making them cast a provisional ballot, not turning them away) is the same as charging someone to vote or someone giving you a test right before you vote.


The North Carolina State Board of Elections found that over 300,000 voters who are already registered — and are disproportionately black and low-income — lack the type of photo ID that the new law requires . Ending Sunday voting means the end of the popular Souls to the Polls, a growing tradition in which black churchgoers go to vote together. Finally, the new law prohibits paying canvassers to conduct voter registration drives, which have often been organized to register low-income and minority voters.

The type of photo ID required is the same required ID to enter a Government building. Where is the outrage? Everyone should be able to vote but they need to prove who they are. Think how many times you are required to present ID? Imagine how all of these poor people don't have the access you do. OR, think of it this way: Democrats can leverage jobs created in the fake ID industry. WIN WIN
Pat yourself on the back, Barry Horowitz.

Anyone who doesn't realize these laws are naked attempts to suppress poor and minority voters is a fucking clown.

Yes.. because there are laws against minorities getting their drivers licenses or state ID cards, etc


Never said that and you know it. You know the truth and continue to lie and obfuscate. This is why you, and people like you, are scum.

Sounds to me like you're the one obfuscating. The law applies to everyone equally. For some reason you just think brown people are stupid. Maybe you were raised that way.
A state can run their elections how they want

You don't like it, don't move there

Or just make up crap about it
GOPers Are Bringing Back Post-Reconstruction-Era Voting In N.C.

Starting at the end of Reconstruction following the Civil War, North Carolina and other states used official and unofficial means to stop poor and black citizens from voting. North Carolina’s 1900 constitution required that voters pay a poll tax and be judged as literate by the local voter registrar, who could choose tough questions for some voters and easy questions – or none – for others. The constitution also included a grandfather clause that exempted from the poll tax those entitled to vote as of January 1, 1867. Between 1896 and 1904, nearly all black voters, including many thousands who had voted before, were removed from the voting rolls, and nearly all black officials were driven from office.

It took 70 years for the federal government to end these practices with the 24th Amendment to and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. But since the Supreme Court struck down in 2013 a crucial tenet of the Voting Rights Act, it has become all too easy for an extremely conservative legislature like North Carolina’s to roll out its voter suppression agenda.

History Repeating.

Come on America, get it together.
Aren't opinions wonderful?
Here's the rub. Opinions are not news.
GOPers Are Bringing Back Post-Reconstruction-Era Voting In N.C.

Starting at the end of Reconstruction following the Civil War, North Carolina and other states used official and unofficial means to stop poor and black citizens from voting. North Carolina’s 1900 constitution required that voters pay a poll tax and be judged as literate by the local voter registrar, who could choose tough questions for some voters and easy questions – or none – for others. The constitution also included a grandfather clause that exempted from the poll tax those entitled to vote as of January 1, 1867. Between 1896 and 1904, nearly all black voters, including many thousands who had voted before, were removed from the voting rolls, and nearly all black officials were driven from office.

It took 70 years for the federal government to end these practices with the 24th Amendment to and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. But since the Supreme Court struck down in 2013 a crucial tenet of the Voting Rights Act, it has become all too easy for an extremely conservative legislature like North Carolina’s to roll out its voter suppression agenda.

History Repeating.

Come on America, get it together.

What are they specifically doing, are they instituting literacy tests or poll taxes solely aimed at Black people?
my gawd don't these people ever get tired of making up and misleading people with their fear mongering

Get that title

these leftwing site are nothing but made up lies to rile up their non thinking members

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GOPers Are Bringing Back Post-Reconstruction-Era Voting In N.C.

History Repeating.

Come on America, get it together.

Because of course, asking for an ID (and making them cast a provisional ballot, not turning them away) is the same as charging someone to vote or someone giving you a test right before you vote.


The North Carolina State Board of Elections found that over 300,000 voters who are already registered — and are disproportionately black and low-income — lack the type of photo ID that the new law requires. Ending Sunday voting means the end of the popular Souls to the Polls, a growing tradition in which black churchgoers go to vote together. Finally, the new law prohibits paying canvassers to conduct voter registration drives, which have often been organized to register low-income and minority voters.

That last provision really sucks,and I think it should be challenged all the way up to the SCOTUS. In my opinion that's a First Amendment issue.
No.. actually they do not favor any group.. except those that are citizens over those who are not.. you can still get a non-driving ID from ANY DMV/MVA at a very cheap cost... The ONLY reason a welfare card favors anyone is the fact they they are getting welfare... if, to get such card, they had to prove citizenship, residence in a voting district, or whatever it would be valid.. SINCE people who are NOT citizens etc can receive these entitlements, it does noting to prove validation for the requirements for voting

Again.. there is nothing in the law that restricts on any race, creed, sex, height, weight, hair color, religion, heritage, etc etc etc...

The standards are EQUAL across the board

You done saluting the flag? Can I offer you some apple pie?

You want voter ID laws? Fine......get everyone an ID and you can use it

Until that time, it is just a tool to disenfranchise voters

Everyone CAN get an ID.. it does not have to be hand delivered to you at your residence.. PERIOD

Go get the free or super low cost ID card you would need to cash a check, buy a beer, or anything else.. just like everyone else can Maryland Identification Cards How to Apply for a Virginia Identification Card | DMV Applying for a New Missouri DOR Identification Card at The DMV Made Simple Alaska Identification Card Applying for a New New York DMV Identification Card at The DMV Made Simple

You lose.. there is no 'tool to disenfranchise' when it is fucking equal across the board with no distinction in law to race, creed, religion, sex, weight, culture, heritage, etc etc etc..

Fuck it

You want people to have IDs in order to exercise the basic right to vote, you better make damn sure they can get them

Put voter ID locations in accessible locations
Assist people who can't get to those locations
For people who do not have proper documentation, assist them in obtaining it

You want to disenfranchise voters? Make the effort to ensure they do not get turned away at the polls
GOPers Are Bringing Back Post-Reconstruction-Era Voting In N.C.

Starting at the end of Reconstruction following the Civil War, North Carolina and other states used official and unofficial means to stop poor and black citizens from voting. North Carolina’s 1900 constitution required that voters pay a poll tax and be judged as literate by the local voter registrar, who could choose tough questions for some voters and easy questions – or none – for others. The constitution also included a grandfather clause that exempted from the poll tax those entitled to vote as of January 1, 1867. Between 1896 and 1904, nearly all black voters, including many thousands who had voted before, were removed from the voting rolls, and nearly all black officials were driven from office.

It took 70 years for the federal government to end these practices with the 24th Amendment to and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. But since the Supreme Court struck down in 2013 a crucial tenet of the Voting Rights Act, it has become all too easy for an extremely conservative legislature like North Carolina’s to roll out its voter suppression agenda.

History Repeating.

Come on America, get it together.

Biggest bunch of bullshit to hit these threads in a while.

I am tired of the liberal lies. Quit claiming it's about keeping minorities from voting. Guess what? Most of us know that they aren't the stupid, helpless idiots that you make them out to be and they are perfectly capable of registering and casting a vote. You keep insulting them by claiming that even the slightest effort requested to cast a legal vote would throw them for a loop. Not buying it, jackass!!

Right now, because of motor voter registration, there are millions of eligible registered voters who do not ever vote. And that means an opportunity to cheat by using those ballots that will go unclaimed because only a pitiful number of people, less than a third, even bother to show up at the polls.

What happens to those unused ballots? Dishonest poll workers could cast them and simply check off names of registered voters that don't show up. Any audit would show that the ballots were cast by legally registered voters. This may explain the trunk load of ballots cast for Al Franken after the count was complete. The only way to find out if the unused ballots are being used by the poll workers or those counting the votes would be to call each person whose name was checked off and ask if they did indeed vote.

The system currently allows easy cheating. The best way to minimize it would be to update all voter rolls and have people re-register if they intend to vote. Those that don't vote likely won't bother. Most are registered through motor-voter registration and might not take the time otherwise. We need to eliminate the millions of unused ballots that could too easily be used by cheaters. Voter ID be slightly helpful, though too many dishonest people involved in the voting process could still cheat. There is a lot we could do to ensure that our voting process remains honest. Anyone against updating the rolls to delete deceased people, those who have moved or illegal aliens will continue to make false claims of voter suppression. Only the legal voters are disenfranchised when cheating goes on.

We need to have people update their registrations or cancel them so we know that the voter rolls are accurate. Liberals don't want accuracy in registrations or rolls because it would stop cheating. It's bad enough that evil asshole Soros is involved in counting votes.
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You almost gotta laugh that democrats see the current republican redistricting as some crazy retro reconstruction scenario when it was the freaking democrat party that lynched Black people and tried to keep segregation legal in N.C. If you polled members of the KKK it's guaranteed that they would have shown their affiliation to the democrat party.
Finally, the new law prohibits paying canvassers to conduct voter registration drives, which have often been organized to register low-income and minority voters.

The GOP thrives on ignorance. The less voters know and the less they get a chance to vote, the better for the GOP. To the GOP, good is bad and bad is good....

Which is why Democrats are the low information voters.
Does anyone here know anyone that doesn't have an ID?

Not in my circles, but that doesn't mean that there aren't people out there who don't have identification. With the availability of the internet (public libraries, etc.), debit/credit cards(for ordering certified copies of a BC) people can put cash into, they can get the necessary documents to get an ID..................
People spend money on a whole bunch of shit they don't need (beer, cigarettes, etc.), they can pt that money aside and get an ID, end of story...............

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