GOPers Are Bringing Back Post-Reconstruction-Era Voting In N.C.

Liberals want illegals and felons not allowed to vote using someone else's name.

They also want to vote numerous times with other people's names as a polling place worker, a college student voting at their college city and home city, etc.

Liberals are scum and don't want the rule of law to be enforced because they know their ideas can't win legit elections the majority of times.
In reality...if someone is too stupid and/or too lazy to get an ID card...should they be trusted to even vote?

I'd bet that kind of person is an idiot, probably believes Buuuuuuuuuuuuuush is behind obamacare.
Liberals want illegals and felons not allowed to vote using someone else's name.

They also want to vote numerous times with other people's names as a polling place worker, a college student voting at their college city and home city, etc.

Liberals are scum and don't want the rule of law to be enforced because they know their ideas can't win legit elections the majority of times.

The above is a crock of shit. While I think that some felons (non-violent/non-habitual offenders) should be allowed to pursue getting their votes back, I certainly don't think that illegals (while I do advocate a path to citizenship for them), should be allowed to vote. I don't think that anything illegal should be done as well. I'm sure that I am not the only Liberal that believes the way I just stated above. In short your blanket generalizations and assertions are pretty ignorant.
Uh....then you must be a dumb liberal along for the ride because the DNC leadership knows very well that preventing IDs at the voting booth ensures there are illegal votes during EVERY election and the majority of those scumbags are....your kind.

Felons and illegals....liberal demographics.

Airhead college students....liberal demographic.

You scumbags can't explain why someone is forced to show an ID to get a beer but not to vote.

Liberals want illegals and felons not allowed to vote using someone else's name.

They also want to vote numerous times with other people's names as a polling place worker, a college student voting at their college city and home city, etc.

Liberals are scum and don't want the rule of law to be enforced because they know their ideas can't win legit elections the majority of times.

The above is a crock of shit. While I think that some felons (non-violent/non-habitual offenders) should be allowed to pursue getting their votes back, I certainly don't think that illegals (while I do advocate a path to citizenship for them), should be allowed to vote. I don't think that anything illegal should be done as well. I'm sure that I am not the only Liberal that believes the way I just stated above. In short your blanket generalizations and assertions are pretty ignorant.
GOPers Are Bringing Back Post-Reconstruction-Era Voting In N.C.

Starting at the end of Reconstruction following the Civil War, North Carolina and other states used official and unofficial means to stop poor and black citizens from voting. North Carolina’s 1900 constitution required that voters pay a poll tax and be judged as literate by the local voter registrar, who could choose tough questions for some voters and easy questions – or none – for others. The constitution also included a grandfather clause that exempted from the poll tax those entitled to vote as of January 1, 1867. Between 1896 and 1904, nearly all black voters, including many thousands who had voted before, were removed from the voting rolls, and nearly all black officials were driven from office.

It took 70 years for the federal government to end these practices with the 24th Amendment to and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. But since the Supreme Court struck down in 2013 a crucial tenet of the Voting Rights Act, it has become all too easy for an extremely conservative legislature like North Carolina’s to roll out its voter suppression agenda.

History Repeating.

Come on America, get it together.

Ok, and what is this "voter suppression agenda?" It seems to be missing from the op. You provided the claim but no evidence to back it. Is this typical of your style? Slander and hope no one asks?

Uh....then you must be a dumb liberal along for the ride because the DNC leadership knows very well that preventing IDs at the voting booth ensures there are illegal votes during EVERY election and the majority of those scumbags are....your kind.

Felons and illegals....liberal demographics.

Airhead college students....liberal demographic.

You scumbags can't explain why someone is forced to show an ID to get a beer but not to vote.

:lol: You must either have mental problems or you are somebody who is trying to give a bad name to republicans and conservatives. It seems like (at least on this thread) you just want to insult people and make dumb assertions. I guess that you didn't read this post of mine:
Does anyone here know anyone that doesn't have an ID?

Not in my circles, but that doesn't mean that there aren't people out there who don't have identification. With the availability of the internet (public libraries, etc.), debit/credit cards(for ordering certified copies of a BC) people can put cash into, they can get the necessary documents to get an ID..................
People spend money on a whole bunch of shit they don't need (beer, cigarettes, etc.), they can put that money aside and get an ID, end of story...............

Thanks for the laugh dumbass!!!
I have no sympathy for anyone who cannot or will not obtain an ID to vote. You need an ID to sign up for Obamacare, to cash a check, to buy a drink, to get cable, to do anything!! It's not difficult or expensive. The only legitimate reason for opposing voter ID laws, is if you favor voter fraud.
Dam I lost the bet I was sure the OP source would be Daily Kos I owe my buddy a six pack.
I have no sympathy for anyone who cannot or will not obtain an ID to vote. You need an ID to sign up for Obamacare, to cash a check, to buy a drink, to get cable, to do anything!! It's not difficult or expensive. The only legitimate reason for opposing voter ID laws, is if you favor voter fraud.

In some jurisdictions, a cable bill serves as a "utility bill" and is a means of getting an ID or as "proof". Take my state for example:

"Acceptable forms of identification for in-person voting include the following: (Download Chart)

Virginia voter registration card

Valid Virginia driver's license

Military ID

Any Federal, Virginia state or local government-issued ID

Employer issued photo ID card

Concealed handgun permit

Valid student ID issued by any institution of higher education located in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Current utility bill, bank statement, government check or paycheck indicating the name and address of the voter

Social Security card
(*please note the social security card does not satisfy special federal ID requirements)

A voter who does not bring an acceptable ID to the polls will be offered a provisional ballot. "

That pretty much covers a LOT of bases. When I moved down here, I had to get a Social Security card as "proof" to get my DL, I can't even remember how much it cost to get it if it even cost me at all. I'm a cheap mofo and if it was over $20 to get it, I would have remembered.
I have no sympathy for anyone who cannot or will not obtain an ID to vote. You need an ID to sign up for Obamacare, to cash a check, to buy a drink, to get cable, to do anything!! It's not difficult or expensive. The only legitimate reason for opposing voter ID laws, is if you favor voter fraud.

In some jurisdictions, a cable bill serves as a "utility bill" and is a means of getting an ID or as "proof". Take my state for example:

"Acceptable forms of identification for in-person voting include the following: (Download Chart)

Virginia voter registration card

Valid Virginia driver's license

Military ID

Any Federal, Virginia state or local government-issued ID

Employer issued photo ID card

Concealed handgun permit

Valid student ID issued by any institution of higher education located in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Current utility bill, bank statement, government check or paycheck indicating the name and address of the voter

Social Security card
(*please note the social security card does not satisfy special federal ID requirements)

A voter who does not bring an acceptable ID to the polls will be offered a provisional ballot. "

That pretty much covers a LOT of bases. When I moved down here, I had to get a Social Security card as "proof" to get my DL, I can't even remember how much it cost to get it if it even cost me at all. I'm a cheap mofo and if it was over $20 to get it, I would have remembered.


Exactly. It is stunningly easy to get an ID. It's ridiculous to allow anyone to vote without proof of identity.
Why make voting harder than it has to be?
We need to make the process of voting easier for all Americans not an ordeal. The last election had voters standing on line for hours. There is no excuse for it

You want voter ID? Provide it for free to anyone who wants one. Have vans that will come to your house to provide ID. Help people find documentation if they are missing it

When 99% of Americans have ID, then you can require it to vote. Not when you have 300,000 voters lacking it

So to decode this ,all that is need it no personal responsibility.

Being able to jump through the hoops that Republicans put up is a personal responsibility?

The thing being,is there are no hoops
Finally, the new law prohibits paying canvassers to conduct voter registration drives, which have often been organized to register low-income and minority voters.

The GOP thrives on ignorance. The less voters know and the less they get a chance to vote, the better for the GOP. To the GOP, good is bad and bad is good....

Which is why Democrats are the low information voters.

Low Information Voter= I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh

personally, I consider anyone who listens to Rush Limbaugh to be a low information voter
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I don't have a problem with that. What I have a problem with is the possibility of making it increasingly difficult to get "acceptable" ID
Once ID laws are in place, it is easy for local authorities to make it harder and harder for some voters to get to ID locations. Make it harder and harder to produce acceptable proof. Even Obama had to produce his birth certificate three times and still had idiots refusing to accept it
If you can do that to the President of the US, you can do it to some poor dirt farmer in North Carolina

How can they make it harder?? Strap their feet together? Put the boot on their vehicles? Stop selling bicycles? Shoot pedestrians or those taking public transportation if it looks like they are going to get an ID? Close all DMV's before elections?

You're still going off into the realm of the ridiculous

How can you make it harder?

- Require a visit to DMVs to get a voter ID and locate DMVs where you have to drive to get there
- Reject birth certificates for trivial errors
- Reject married women who's name on their birth certificate is different than their drivers license
- Require two picture IDs
- Refuse to accept student IDs as valid identification
- Refuse to accept IDS commonly carried by poor people

This is in addition to the requirement in most states that you register to vote.

-You must first register.
-Then provide "acceptable" ID.

Neither of these requirements exist in the Constitution.
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Liberals want illegals and felons not allowed to vote using someone else's name.

They also want to vote numerous times with other people's names as a polling place worker, a college student voting at their college city and home city, etc.

Liberals are scum and don't want the rule of law to be enforced because they know their ideas can't win legit elections the majority of times.

Actually, I want elderly people who have been voting for 50 years to be allowed to vote
I want students who have few forms of ID to be able to vote
I want those who do not drive to be able to vote
I want those who are poor to be able to vote

There is minimal evidence of felons voting, people using others names, people voting numerous times but ample evidence of legitimate voters being turned away at the polls

Students should be allowed to declare their voting place
How can they make it harder?? Strap their feet together? Put the boot on their vehicles? Stop selling bicycles? Shoot pedestrians or those taking public transportation if it looks like they are going to get an ID? Close all DMV's before elections?

You're still going off into the realm of the ridiculous

How can you make it harder?

- Require a visit to DMVs to get a voter ID and locate DMVs where you have to drive to get there
- Reject birth certificates for trivial errors
- Reject married women who's name on their birth certificate is different than their drivers license
- Require two picture IDs
- Refuse to accept student IDs as valid identification
- Refuse to accept IDS commonly carried by poor people

This is in addition to the requirement in most states that you register to vote.

-You must first register.
-Then provide "acceptable" ID.

Neither of these requirements exist in the Constitution.

Because the power is with the states in this.. not specifically given to the federal government

Sorry Leftwingnuts - Voter ID is a non-issue unless you have fraudulent intentions.

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