
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you
Your answer is in the OP. Try reading. Thanks.
The rights of Americans are now expanded. Why are you threatened by this
Expanded? By taking away private property rights? Do you even know what rights are?
Holy shit
Giving gays and lesbians equal rights does not effect my property or yours


Yes it does affect our property. If I don't want someone on my property, then I don't want them there. The Right to own private property was one of the great hallmarks of our Constitution.
So you believe that you have the right to serve only white people or the people who wear their hair the way you prefer.

Wave your Confederate flag proudly moron

You're the moron. You wouldn't serve a guy wearing a Confederate flag hat, so that makes you a hypocrite.

To these freedom haters, they only want people to be allowed to discriminate on what THEY deem appropriate or to do so for "correct" reasons.

I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you
Your answer is in the OP. Try reading. Thanks.
The rights of Americans are now expanded. Why are you threatened by this
Expanded? By taking away private property rights? Do you even know what rights are?
Holy shit
Giving gays and lesbians equal rights does not effect my property or yours


Yes it does affect our property. If I don't want someone on my property, then I don't want them there. The Right to own private property was one of the great hallmarks of our Constitution.
So you believe that you have the right to serve only white people or the people who wear their hair the way you prefer.

Wave your Confederate flag proudly moron

what a childish statement.

Yes if a black man owns a bbq joint and he only wants to serve blacks, that should be his right, its HIS bbq joint.
Not under American law doofus. That is like saying that Prince could deny people to his concerts based on the color of their skin. Your brain needs cleaning

You are stupid. I'm saying that (if he were alive) Prince should be able to hold a black's only concert

Slavery was legal in this country at one time too, so the argument of "well that's the law so that makes it right" is stupid.
When you die after living an ignorant life you will be buried with that ignorance. Tell us about your pointy white hat collection

When you use the word ignorance, you are projecting. It's pretty obvious.
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.

He didn't legislate from the bench. The law was already there. What's it to you, anyway? Is it just that you like picking on other people?

No stupid, he altered the 1964 Civil Rights act which specified gender and perverted it to claim that BEHAVIOR is protected.

I'm guessing Gorsuch is secretly a cocksucker and will soon "come out."

Everyone exhibits "behavior" that is connected to their gender and sexual orientation, including you, probably. People kiss, hug, hold hands, make eyes at each other, dance together. Have you ever been to a wedding or an airport? Why are you flipping out over behavior? What kind of behavior?
Gorsuch framed the question before the court as a straightforward one: “Today,” he wrote, “we must decide whether an employer can fire someone simply for being homosexual or transgender.” The answer to that question, he continued, “is clear.” When an employer fires an employee “for being homosexual or transgender,” that employer “fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex. Sex plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids.”

Which goes right back to what I was saying, if you get sued for discrimination, you're stupid. There are a myriad of ways to get around hiring/serving/employees people you don't want to hire or serve.

Taking the most obvious example, queer cakes. Just make your cakes by appointment only when queers show up schedule their appointment 2 years out.

No one is going to wait that long for a queer cake.
The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
I don't believe people should discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation, but there is a huge difference between believing bigotry is wrong and making laws that take away the bigot's right to be wrong.

I hope everyone can see this distinction.

I hate bigot idiots, but I believe it is inappropriate to use government force to "remove" their bigotry. What is the purpose of government?

We tried it that way. It didn’t work out very well.
What do you mean it didn't "work out very well"?

Who said people have the right to be served by other people? How are "rights" being violated by government when one person chooses to not do business with another, for whatever the fucked up reason?

You just don't like the RESULTS.

It's the same complaint you have about capitalism. You Marxists do not want equal opportunity. You want equal RESULTS.

Like g5000 pointed out in a post above, APPLY THAT TO PROFESSIONAL SPORTS!!!

We tried letting businesses decide who they would and would not serve. It led to segregation. It nearly tore the country apart.
The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
I don't believe people should discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation, but there is a huge difference between believing bigotry is wrong and making laws that take away the bigot's right to be wrong.

I hope everyone can see this distinction.

I hate bigot idiots, but I believe it is inappropriate to use government force to "remove" their bigotry. What is the purpose of government?

We tried it that way. It didn’t work out very well.
What do you mean it didn't "work out very well"?

Who said people have the right to be served by other people? How are "rights" being violated by government when one person chooses to not do business with another, for whatever the fucked up reason?

You just don't like the RESULTS.

It's the same complaint you have about capitalism. You Marxists do not want equal opportunity. You want equal RESULTS.

Like g5000 pointed out in a post above, APPLY THAT TO PROFESSIONAL SPORTS!!!

We tried letting businesses decide who they would and would not serve. It led to segregation. It nearly tore the country apart.


and further, why is then that blacks are now demanding segregation?
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.

Legislate from the bench? What planet do you live on Harley. That's exactly what he DIDN'T do. Gorsuch is a textualist. His opinion was correct, and based on a conservative principles.

Gorsuch, Alito and Kavanaugh Tangle Over Textualism in Major Win for LGBT Workers | National Law Journal
The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
I don't believe people should discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation, but there is a huge difference between believing bigotry is wrong and making laws that take away the bigot's right to be wrong.

I hope everyone can see this distinction.

I hate bigot idiots, but I believe it is inappropriate to use government force to "remove" their bigotry. What is the purpose of government?

We tried it that way. It didn’t work out very well.
What do you mean it didn't "work out very well"?

Who said people have the right to be served by other people? How are "rights" being violated by government when one person chooses to not do business with another, for whatever the fucked up reason?

You just don't like the RESULTS.

It's the same complaint you have about capitalism. You Marxists do not want equal opportunity. You want equal RESULTS.

Like g5000 pointed out in a post above, APPLY THAT TO PROFESSIONAL SPORTS!!!

We tried letting businesses decide who they would and would not serve. It led to segregation. It nearly tore the country apart.


and further, why is then that blacks are now demanding segregation?
What version of history to do you ascribe to that says segregation was cool with everyone?

The civil rights era of the 60s was extremely tumultuous.
You are wrong. The United States Supreme Court legislated from the bench and, at some point, it will be up to the people to hold the high Court responsible for their perversion of the Constitution.
On this point, I respectfully disagree, based on precedent, not that the law itself was constitutional as written (before improper judicial conduct made the law "constitutional").

Unfortunately, as a justice of the Supreme Court SHOULD do, Gorsuch had no choice but to hold the way he did, based on bullshit decisions made by prior courts who refused to uphold the Constitution and themselves took a big fat shit on it. Because of those prior holdings, Gorsuch's holding was correct, based on the language of the law.

Now, what will result? A whole lot of bullshit.

My guess is that this very old law that should never have been enacted in the first place, or upheld in the past, will have significant portions repealed or revised. It is the poison pill.

I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.

Legislate from the bench? What planet do you live on Harley. That's exactly what he DIDN'T do. Gorsuch is a textualist. His opinion was correct, and based on a conservative principles.

Gorsuch, Alito and Kavanaugh Tangle Over Textualism in Major Win for LGBT Workers | National Law Journal
I agree that he did not legislate from the bench.

He ruled on the law, as written, much to the extreme dismay of any big employer trying to avoid endless litigation, who will be lobbying EXTREMELY hard to make this shit go away.

The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
Hilariously groups like BLM have been demanding segregation for years now. I'm sure you can link me to some posts of yours condemning them.
False premise. Try again.
Fase premise my ass, these groups ARE demanding segregation.

Are leftists just ever honest about the facts.

They are not.
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
You thought you got a right wing ally and yes man & instead you got a true juridst.

When your appointment is for life, do you want to go down in history as a biased political hack or be mentioned as a great Justice?
The SC doesnt have the power to legislate from the bench.
Your whole post is horseshit.

How long have you been out of touch with reality? Have you ever read COTUS, and the number of Landmark Cases that have been decided?

Charles Evan Hughes, the Chief Justice told Justice Douglas in his first weeks on the court:

"Justice Douglas, you must remember one thing. At the Constitutional level where we work, ninety percent of any decision is emotional. The rational part of us supplies the reasons for supporting our predilections".​
The Court Years 1939-1975: The Autobiography of William O. Douglas, pg. 8.

In fact the auto-bio by Justice Douglas is one of the most telling bios of any I've read on past members of the Supreme Court. Chapter 4, 5 and & 6 (Judicial Treatment of Nonconformists; Separate But Unequal; & Separation of Powers) are most enlightening especially in the context of this decade.
Can't get a law changed via the legislative branch where the people's representatives have a say, no problem ignore the Constitution and have the judicial branch rewrite the law holy shit government is corrupt.
Can't get a law changed via the legislative branch where the people's representatives have a say, no problem ignore the Constitution and have the judicial branch rewrite the law holy shit government is corrupt.

Almost every move to the left in the last 50 years has come via the courts
Not the people or their actual representatives.
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you

No, he corrupted and perverted the law to further the agenda of special interests.

Behavior is NOT an inherent part of people.
Gorsuch did not vote alone doofus

Try again
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Yes. All men are created equal. All men have the right to pursue happiness.

If happiness is to be a bigoted asshole, should they not have the right to do so? Or, is the pursuit of happiness only those acts that are correct pursuits of happiness? (correct pursuits being prescribed by government force)

I make no claim that bigoted assholes are quality people. They are NOT.

But, even bigoted assholes have the right to be bigoted assholes, and we have the right to not do business to such assholes.


I would make the argument that bigots and assholes are not happy people. But having the right to be a bigoted asshole is limited, that limit is when (metaphorically) the bigot's fist lands on the nose of another.
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you

No, he corrupted and perverted the law to further the agenda of special interests.

Behavior is NOT an inherent part of people.
Gorsuch did not vote alone doofus

Try again

I don't think that you are comprehending.

Everyone expects the Left Wing Loons to be activists.
So those people are a non-story.
The story is that someone who was not thought to be an activist - may have been.

Catch On?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Yes. All men are created equal. All men have the right to pursue happiness.

If happiness is to be a bigoted asshole, should they not have the right to do so? Or, is the pursuit of happiness only those acts that are correct pursuits of happiness? (correct pursuits being prescribed by government force)

I make no claim that bigoted assholes are quality people. They are NOT.

But, even bigoted assholes have the right to be bigoted assholes, and we have the right to not do business to such assholes.


I would make the argument that bigots and assholes are not happy people. By having the right to be bigoted asshole is limited, that limit is when (metaphorically) the bigots fist lands on the nose of another.

there is no requirement to be happy to exercise your rights. Further there is no requirement not be an asshole

And finally if you truly believed your rights ended where another person's started you would argue that you don't have the right to force ANYONE to serve you, or employ you.

Multiple pages and no one can satisfactory explain why a person has a right to work for someone rather than a person having the right to hire whom they want.

Intellectually speaking , if I have a right to enter your business without permission and demand to be served, I have the right to enter your home without permission. What is the difference? There is no difference of course.
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you
Your answer is in the OP. Try reading. Thanks.
The rights of Americans are now expanded. Why are you threatened by this
Expanded? By taking away private property rights? Do you even know what rights are?
Holy shit
Giving gays and lesbians equal rights does not effect my property or yours


Yes it does affect our property. If I don't want someone on my property, then I don't want them there. The Right to own private property was one of the great hallmarks of our Constitution.
So you believe that you have the right to serve only white people or the people who wear their hair the way you prefer.

Wave your Confederate flag proudly moron

what a childish statement.

Yes if a black man owns a bbq joint and he only wants to serve blacks, that should be his right, its HIS bbq joint.
Not under American law doofus. That is like saying that Prince could deny people to his concerts based on the color of their skin. Your brain needs cleaning

You are stupid. I'm saying that (if he were alive) Prince should be able to hold a black's only concert

Slavery was legal in this country at one time too, so the argument of "well that's the law so that makes it right" is stupid.
When you die after living an ignorant life you will be buried with that ignorance. Tell us about your pointy white hat collection

Sorry to learn that you are too ignorant to take part in an intellectual discussion about my rights as a business owner versus someone else's rights as an employee or customer.

Be careful licking windows.
Actually I own hundreds of businesses Apple being the largest

Sorry to know that you believe that neil Gorsuch is the supreme court

Do try again
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you

No, he corrupted and perverted the law to further the agenda of special interests.

Behavior is NOT an inherent part of people.
Gorsuch did not vote alone doofus

Try again

I don't think that you are comprehending.

Everyone expects the Left Wing Loons to be activists.
So those people are a non-story.
The story is that someone who was not thought to be an activist - may have been.

Catch On?
Neil defended the rights of gays to live the life they chose. This is the America I choose to live in.

Enjoy festering in your hate

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