
The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
Hilariously groups like BLM have been demanding segregation for years now. I'm sure you can link me to some posts of yours condemning them.
False premise. Try again.
Fase premise my ass, these groups ARE demanding segregation.

Are leftists just ever honest about the facts.
So you believe that you have the right to serve only white people or the people who wear their hair the way you prefer.

Wave your Confederate flag proudly moron
See, this is the problem on the other side of the issue.

You believe you have the right to force him to serve people he does not want to serve.

People have the right (or should have the right) to be bigoted assholes in choosing to do business. By the same token, I have the right to NOT do business with such a person.

See how freedom works?

Fuck the Flag of the Northern Virginia Army (commonly, but mistakenly known as the "Confederate Flag").

Wave THIS flag proudly:


I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you
So it is your opinion that a pedophile has a right to be a pedophile?

Where did that come from? No one has a right to commit a crime against another person.
It is bizarre how upset some fucktards get when someone is given the same rights and privileges they enjoy.

No, what's bizarre is that some fucktards believe that ANYONE should have a right to force a business to employee them/serve them, rather than the business enjoying the right to pick and choose their own employees and customers. That's what is bizarre.

I no more believe a black transgender should have to serve a white Christian than I believe a white Christian should have to serve a black transgender.

See how that works?
The ruling was about not being able to fire someone for being gay or transgender. Just like you can't fire someone for being female or white or black.

See how that works?

Same rights.
Yes. That is the intent on its face. And, we should give everyone equal rights.

But, look what transgender has done to female sports.

This decision is a BIG TIME poison pill for the entire law.


Look what equality for blacks has done to ALL sports! :lol:

But fair!!!

Again, proving my point on this whole issue.

The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
I don't believe people should discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation, but there is a huge difference between believing bigotry is wrong and making laws that take away the bigot's right to be wrong.

I hope everyone can see this distinction.

I hate bigot idiots, but I believe it is inappropriate to use government force to "remove" their bigotry. What is the purpose of government?

The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
I don't believe people should discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation, but there is a huge difference between believing bigotry is wrong and making laws that take away the bigot's right to be wrong.

I hope everyone can see this distinction.

I hate bigot idiots, but I believe it is inappropriate to use government force to "remove" their bigotry. What is the purpose of government?

My qualm is how is a person's right to be served more important that the owner's right to serve whom he pleases?

They have a word for making someone provided services against their will.
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.

It seems to me that the United States was founded on the Principle that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness".

And that those who take the oath to support and defend our Constitution support the Mission Statement left to us in The Preamble:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
It seems to me the three Justice's ignored these principles based on a prejudice, and would have denied the right of people to keep their job.
The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
I don't believe people should discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation, but there is a huge difference between believing bigotry is wrong and making laws that take away the bigot's right to be wrong.

I hope everyone can see this distinction.

I hate bigot idiots, but I believe it is inappropriate to use government force to "remove" their bigotry. What is the purpose of government?

We tried it that way. It didn’t work out very well.
The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
I don't believe people should discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation, but there is a huge difference between believing bigotry is wrong and making laws that take away the bigot's right to be wrong.

I hope everyone can see this distinction.

I hate bigot idiots, but I believe it is inappropriate to use government force to "remove" their bigotry. What is the purpose of government?

My qualm is how is a person's right to be served more important that the owner's right to serve whom he pleases?

They have a word for making someone provided services against their will.

It's slavery.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Yes. All men are created equal. All men have the right to pursue happiness.

If happiness is to be a bigoted asshole, should they not have the right to do so? Or, is the pursuit of happiness only those acts that are correct pursuits of happiness? (correct pursuits being prescribed by government force)

I make no claim that bigoted assholes are quality people. They are NOT.

But, even bigoted assholes have the right to be bigoted assholes, and we have the right to not do business to such assholes.

The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
I don't believe people should discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation, but there is a huge difference between believing bigotry is wrong and making laws that take away the bigot's right to be wrong.

I hope everyone can see this distinction.

I hate bigot idiots, but I believe it is inappropriate to use government force to "remove" their bigotry. What is the purpose of government?

We tried it that way. It didn’t work out very well.
What do you mean it didn't "work out very well"?

Who said people have the right to be served by other people? How are "rights" being violated by government when one person chooses to not do business with another, for whatever the fucked up reason?

You just don't like the RESULTS.

It's the same complaint you have about capitalism. You Marxists do not want equal opportunity. You want equal RESULTS.

Like g5000 pointed out in a post above, APPLY THAT TO PROFESSIONAL SPORTS!!!

The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
Hilariously groups like BLM have been demanding segregation for years now. I'm sure you can link me to some posts of yours condemning them.

BLM has not been demanding segregation. Please provide evidence if you think differently. Have you noticed the thousands of white people both here and in Europe marching for the BLM cause?

I'm traveling right now and was hungry and looking for carryout. Found a soul food kitchen. They were very polite and friendly and appreciated my business. Good food, too. I might also recommend my favorites when I'm home, the Florida Avenue Grill in DC, the various ethiopian restaurants in my neighborhood in Virginia, my friendly and thoughtful neighbors who rush to help me if I fall on the ice, and the wonderful, mostly black, bus drivers who are helping all of us get around during covid, insisting on social=distancing seating, and assisting passengers (and the buses are not collecting fares right now; rides are free). The employees of WMATA and the Arlington and Alexandria bus services have been wonderful these past few months.

Think before you write.
The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
I don't believe people should discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation, but there is a huge difference between believing bigotry is wrong and making laws that take away the bigot's right to be wrong.

I hope everyone can see this distinction.

I hate bigot idiots, but I believe it is inappropriate to use government force to "remove" their bigotry. What is the purpose of government?

My qualm is how is a person's right to be served more important that the owner's right to serve whom he pleases?

They have a word for making someone provided services against their will.
And, for some silly reason, that VERY VALID argument has either been ignored wholly, or NOBODY is brave enough to make that argument!!!

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

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I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you
So it is your opinion that a pedophile has a right to be a pedophile?

Where did that come from? No one has a right to commit a crime against another person.
Many things use to be a crime homosexuality, going inside the wrong bathroom. It's just a matter of time until
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.

He didn't legislate from the bench. The law was already there. What's it to you, anyway? Is it just that you like picking on other people?

No stupid, he altered the 1964 Civil Rights act which specified gender and perverted it to claim that BEHAVIOR is protected.

I'm guessing Gorsuch is secretly a cocksucker and will soon "come out."
What if he is?
It doesn't matter, because discrimination is wrong no matter who it involves.
I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you
Your answer is in the OP. Try reading. Thanks.
The rights of Americans are now expanded. Why are you threatened by this
Expanded? By taking away private property rights? Do you even know what rights are?
Holy shit
Giving gays and lesbians equal rights does not effect my property or yours


Yes it does affect our property. If I don't want someone on my property, then I don't want them there. The Right to own private property was one of the great hallmarks of our Constitution.
So you believe that you have the right to serve only white people or the people who wear their hair the way you prefer.

Wave your Confederate flag proudly moron

You're the moron. You wouldn't serve a guy wearing a Confederate flag hat, so that makes you a hypocrite.
The arguments made by homophobes today are the exact same arguments made by racists to keep blacks down. They even use the Holy Bible to justify their hatred, just like the racist did and still do.

Same old bullshit, different decade.
Hilariously groups like BLM have been demanding segregation for years now. I'm sure you can link me to some posts of yours condemning them.

BLM has not been demanding segregation. Please provide evidence if you think differently. Have you noticed the thousands of white people both here and in Europe marching for the BLM cause?

I'm traveling right now and was hungry and looking for carryout. Found a soul food kitchen. They were very polite and friendly and appreciated my business. Good food, too. I might also recommend my favorites when I'm home, the Florida Avenue Grill in DC, the various ethiopian restaurants in my neighborhood in Virginia, my friendly and thoughtful neighbors who rush to help me if I fall on the ice, and the wonderful, mostly black, bus drivers who are helping all of us get around during covid, insisting on social=distancing seating, and assisting passengers (and the buses are not collecting fares right now; rides are free). The employees of WMATA and the Arlington and Alexandria bus services have been wonderful these past few months.

Think before you write.
I agree that they are not demanding segregation. It's much more sinister.

They are ultimately demanding that government confiscate the means of production and distribution. That is how they define the "equality" they are really seeking. The race issue is a mere pretext for their real objective.

I thought he was going to be the greatest SC pick in decades. Instead, he legislated from the bench.
What ever happened to constitutionalists?
Good gawd we are so fucked. Cant find the rule of law ANYWHERE.
He defended the rights of americans. Why is that bad for you
Your answer is in the OP. Try reading. Thanks.
The rights of Americans are now expanded. Why are you threatened by this
Expanded? By taking away private property rights? Do you even know what rights are?
Holy shit
Giving gays and lesbians equal rights does not effect my property or yours


Yes it does affect our property. If I don't want someone on my property, then I don't want them there. The Right to own private property was one of the great hallmarks of our Constitution.
So you believe that you have the right to serve only white people or the people who wear their hair the way you prefer.

Wave your Confederate flag proudly moron

what a childish statement.

Yes if a black man owns a bbq joint and he only wants to serve blacks, that should be his right, its HIS bbq joint.
Not under American law doofus. That is like saying that Prince could deny people to his concerts based on the color of their skin. Your brain needs cleaning

You are wrong. The United States Supreme Court legislated from the bench and, at some point, it will be up to the people to hold the high Court responsible for their perversion of the Constitution.

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