Got a real serious question for white folk....honestly

What's funny HereWeGoAgain ?

Crime is decreasing. Why don't you know that?

Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics

And why do you suppose thats happening? laughed at the suggestion. You now want to go into causes as though you knew crime is decreasing.

You seem confused. If you have an answer to that question...I suggest that you write it up and submit it to a university. We are all looking for it.

I know why. People arent reporting it anymore. Teens are indoors more with video games. And we are keeping people in jail longer.

Thats why.
Time and time again, its being said that Obama is responsible for the racist tension we have in this country, that he and he alone has somehow created the environment for all this racial discard.
Who says that? Time and time again I see false accusations being made to cover for obama. Have relations gotten better or worse since he's been in office? I seems it's gotten worse. That's odd since a black man rose to the top of the heap in world power don't you think? Could it be his constant conquer and divide strategy that Dims are known for? He should be running around giving uplifting messages to blacks instead of more of the blame whitey shit that keeps them victims of the environment they live in and slaves to the Democrat power machine.
What's funny HereWeGoAgain ?

Crime is decreasing. Why don't you know that?

Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics

And why do you suppose thats happening? laughed at the suggestion. You now want to go into causes as though you knew crime is decreasing.

You seem confused. If you have an answer to that question...I suggest that you write it up and submit it to a university. We are all looking for it.

I know why. People arent reporting it anymore. Teens are indoors more with video games. And we are keeping people in jail longer.

Thats why.

That and the crack craze of the 80's and 90's has been quelled and more Americans are armed.
As a transracial man who was born white but identifies as black...I dont know. My fellow black brothers have never had it good. We keep up the struggle though.

it's so cute watching bigoted imbeciles post garbage like that.

carry on.

DAng sweets..........55,000 posts.:ack-1: WTF?:eek-52::eek-52::eek-52: What would you know about anything in life sitting your fat ass on a chair in front of the PC every day for 16 hours.:fu:

The rest of us are out in the real world actually seeing the fuckedupedness of it all.:up:

I answered the guy because I thought he was posting to me, but you hit the nail on the head.....55, 000 posts, clearly its a guy on disability.

Holy fuck you truly are stupid.
He was referring to Jillian ya bonehead.
Lots of pawn shops take in guns, and they sell them, and those pawn shops are quite often located in poor communities. a very real sense, the pawn shop that sells guns is partially a gun shop.

So you think these pawn shops are selling guns without background checks?:cuckoo:
Fucken liberals,showing the stupid daily.
The hype that that left created about Obama's election and it's disappointment is not what Obama's critics are unhappy about.

The ones that really believed that are still on his side.

Way to sidestep my post bro

No sidestepping involved.

Sure, some lefties and blacks bought the hype.

But Obama isn't being judged on that.

The vast majority of those that voted based on that, are still with him and not "judging" him.

His critics are the ones that have ideological and partisan issues with him, and didn't buy that hype and didn't vote for him.

They are judging him by the same standards they judged BIll Clinton, not some "higher standard".

Its like you cant defend wanting Obama to bring racial harmony so you act like I never said it and opt to talk about something completely different.

Peace...I got shit to do

I clearly referred to the "hype", as in all that crazy stuff. NOt sure what you thought I was referring to if not what we were talking about.

You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.
"Hoping for a race war"? The problem is that (mostly democrat) radical lefties are classic racists. They see the world only based on the color of a person's skin. Unfortunately, the liberal media makes a lot of money from racial exploitation. Idiot pop-culture lefties are desperate for a victim of racism so they eulogize a freaking strong arm robbery suspect and a felon who died in Police custody before the facts are in and promote hatred for the people who risk their lives defending them every day. Radical (mostly democrat) lefties are so desperate to play the race card that they eat their own and charge a Black Police Officer for a class A felony allegedly for not putting a seat belt on a maniac.
...We thought that the election of a black president would ease race relations but exactly the opposite has happened. As it is always with liberals.
Let me get this straight, 200 plus years of racism in this year and counting, you thought that the first black president would somehow fix it? And you can say that with a straight face? Gotcha!!

Evidently to fully express your bitterness you must LIE. Nowhere did Freewilly state that Obama was going to "fix" racism but rather that he had high hopes that Obama could make things better. Many Americans - of all races - harbored that hope and most have been disappointed.
The reason that Barack Obama is being held to a higher standard than other Presidents before him is that one of the things he ran on was his ability to be the first "post racial" President...the one who was going to be able to move beyond partisan racial politics and bring the country together. On that note, Tiger...he's failed in rather epic fashion. Barry has a knack for saying things that inflame racial tension. It seems like he can't help himself.

the president has zero ability to do anything with bigots. the "racial tension" is caused by their hatred. not by anything he did.

There was high hope that Obama could soothe (not cure) some divisiveness. Instead he seems to pour gas on the flames. I suspect he is frustrated and just doesn't give a fuck.
Way to sidestep my post bro

No sidestepping involved.

Sure, some lefties and blacks bought the hype.

But Obama isn't being judged on that.

The vast majority of those that voted based on that, are still with him and not "judging" him.

His critics are the ones that have ideological and partisan issues with him, and didn't buy that hype and didn't vote for him.

They are judging him by the same standards they judged BIll Clinton, not some "higher standard".

Its like you cant defend wanting Obama to bring racial harmony so you act like I never said it and opt to talk about something completely different.

Peace...I got shit to do

I clearly referred to the "hype", as in all that crazy stuff. NOt sure what you thought I was referring to if not what we were talking about.

You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard
What's funny HereWeGoAgain ?

Crime is decreasing. Why don't you know that?

Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics

And why do you suppose thats happening? laughed at the suggestion. You now want to go into causes as though you knew crime is decreasing.

You seem confused. If you have an answer to that question...I suggest that you write it up and submit it to a university. We are all looking for it.

Come on,tell me your thoughts on why crime is down.

The are lots of reasons. You seem to have the answer. Spit it out.

You're the one who brought it up. I'm just waiting for you to credit obama. You know you want to.

No asshole. I don't credit any one person or one thing. What is your take? Let's go. Say something brilliant.
What's funny HereWeGoAgain ?

Crime is decreasing. Why don't you know that?

Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics

And why do you suppose thats happening? laughed at the suggestion. You now want to go into causes as though you knew crime is decreasing.

You seem confused. If you have an answer to that question...I suggest that you write it up and submit it to a university. We are all looking for it.

I know why. People arent reporting it anymore. Teens are indoors more with video games. And we are keeping people in jail longer.

Thats why.

You never heard of riots in the streets before when blacks were shot under Bush or under Clinton. You never had a president say "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." The president takes racist sides in racist actions.

He is racist and his actions of spurred the racial violence of our nation.
I guess Reagan must have been a racist too since there were riots while he was president.
Race relations were not good because of the race baiters such as Jackson and Sharpton. The problem with Obama is that he is the first clean, articulate black man to come around. WE thought he would make things better. WE thought he had the best chance of anyone considering he grew up "white." We thought that the election of a black president would ease race relations but exactly the opposite has happened. As it is always with liberals.

He let a perfect teachable moment slip right through his fingers.

Intentional? Looks like it from where I sit.

Who were his supposed students?

Anyone who was paying attention.

Cop out.

Who do you think needed to be taught something by the POTUS? Come on, dummy....spit it out.

obama is the one who claimed he was going to be post-racial. He had opportunities and instead of trying to bring folks together he poked and prattled, causing further division. So sad for you that all you can do is sit there drooling and stammering 'uh, duh, who needed to be taught something'. Moron.
And why do you suppose thats happening? laughed at the suggestion. You now want to go into causes as though you knew crime is decreasing.

You seem confused. If you have an answer to that question...I suggest that you write it up and submit it to a university. We are all looking for it.

Come on,tell me your thoughts on why crime is down.

The are lots of reasons. You seem to have the answer. Spit it out.

You're the one who brought it up. I'm just waiting for you to credit obama. You know you want to.

No asshole. I don't credit any one person or one thing. What is your take? Let's go. Say something brilliant.

Well than shut your pie hole.
And why do you suppose thats happening? laughed at the suggestion. You now want to go into causes as though you knew crime is decreasing...

I suspect he thought you were being facetious but evidently you really are just ignorant so I'll answer your question. The baby boomers - who caused so many statistical anomalies - are beyond their violent crime-committing years (as are many of their kids).
See if you can figure out how that would relate to violent crime statistics.
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The reason that Barack Obama is being held to a higher standard than other Presidents before him is that one of the things he ran on was his ability to be the first "post racial" President...the one who was going to be able to move beyond partisan racial politics and bring the country together. On that note, Tiger...he's failed in rather epic fashion. Barry has a knack for saying things that inflame racial tension. It seems like he can't help himself.

nah----it's just the fact that he is black------that he is black IS A FACTOR-----in the tension between the
races-----not his fault------it is just an existing fact

Let's be honest here...Barack Obama is half black and half white. He was raised in large part by two elderly white people from Kansas! He "should" be able to see both sides of issues but unfortunately for him he's not come across that way at all. Every time there is a black/white issue...he makes statements that he really shouldn't. As I said's like he can't help himself.

Obama as a black man living in America, could not as so many white presidents have before him, stick his effin head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening around him concerning unarmed black men being murdered at high rates in this country. He had no choice and for that, I am proud to call him my president and so should you.
Obama will never be MY President. He is President of the black man.
The reason that Barack Obama is being held to a higher standard than other Presidents before him is that one of the things he ran on was his ability to be the first "post racial" President...the one who was going to be able to move beyond partisan racial politics and bring the country together. On that note, Tiger...he's failed in rather epic fashion. Barry has a knack for saying things that inflame racial tension. It seems like he can't help himself.

nah----it's just the fact that he is black------that he is black IS A FACTOR-----in the tension between the
races-----not his fault------it is just an existing fact

Let's be honest here...Barack Obama is half black and half white. He was raised in large part by two elderly white people from Kansas! He "should" be able to see both sides of issues but unfortunately for him he's not come across that way at all. Every time there is a black/white issue...he makes statements that he really shouldn't. As I said's like he can't help himself.

Obama as a black man living in America, could not as so many white presidents have before him, stick his effin head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening around him concerning unarmed black men being murdered at high rates in this country. He had no choice and for that, I am proud to call him my president and so should you.
Obama will never be MY President. He is President of the black man.
He's not my president. He's the president only to those who worship him.
Time and time again, its being said that Obama is responsible for the racist tension we have in this country, that he and he alone has somehow created the environment for all this racial discard. It is fact, since Obama took office, gun sales in this nation soured to unprecedented levels, mostly in white communities, waiting and hoping for a race war. I've always contended however, with who? Since 80% of black men in this country is sleeping with them, but that's another here's my question:

Please remind us all, exactly when was race relations in the this country ever good? Yaw acting like prior to Obama, we was all holding hands and singing happy christian songs while embracing the american do remind those of us who blinked and missed those moments, when was race relations ever ever ever good in this country?????




race relations were never actually "GOOD"-----I think that
there are all kinds of manifestations of bad race relations ---
affected by all kinds of factors. Obama as president is
just another "factor"----------I have no idea why you imagine
that people are "waiting for a race war" I do have a sense
that crime, in general, is increasing----especially property crime including violent property crime because of a somewhat lousy

Obama was elected President November 2008, the following month, Xmas....gun sale went through the roof and was most bought by whites. All expecting all hell to break lose because a black man was in the white house, I suspect. But I agree with all you say.

Get it right. It was due to the very real possibility that obama would start after the 2nd and or the sales of so called assault rifles.
Had nothing to do with his color.
Absolutely! Taking away everyone's guns is a democrat party goal. Nothing to do with Obama being black. He's a liberal. Need I say more?

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