Got a real serious question for white folk....honestly

No sidestepping involved.

Sure, some lefties and blacks bought the hype.

But Obama isn't being judged on that.

The vast majority of those that voted based on that, are still with him and not "judging" him.

His critics are the ones that have ideological and partisan issues with him, and didn't buy that hype and didn't vote for him.

They are judging him by the same standards they judged BIll Clinton, not some "higher standard".

Its like you cant defend wanting Obama to bring racial harmony so you act like I never said it and opt to talk about something completely different.

Peace...I got shit to do

I clearly referred to the "hype", as in all that crazy stuff. NOt sure what you thought I was referring to if not what we were talking about.

You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard

I didn't make it up, and I am not blaming him for not doing it.

I am unhappy that he has played the Race Card just like every other Dem.

I am more unhappy with his partisans who have interpreted every criticism of him as being racism.

THAT is what is really pouring gasoline on the fire, IMO.
The reason that Barack Obama is being held to a higher standard than other Presidents before him is that one of the things he ran on was his ability to be the first "post racial" President...the one who was going to be able to move beyond partisan racial politics and bring the country together. On that note, Tiger...he's failed in rather epic fashion. Barry has a knack for saying things that inflame racial tension. It seems like he can't help himself.
So, as long as he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't get all uppity, things are great, right? It's when he tells us that even a future president has to run a racial gauntlet that things fall apart? Is it just that you can't handle a viewpoint that doesn't match what you see through your rose colored glasses?

Weighing in on sensitive racial issues prematurely isn't getting "uppity",'s simply a case of not understanding what a President should or shouldn't be doing. Barack Obama ran for office promising to be the first post racial President but then failed to live up to that promise. That isn't my seeing things through "rose colored glasses"...that's me seeing things for what they were INSTEAD of seeing them through rose colored glasses!
I clearly referred to the "hype", as in all that crazy stuff. NOt sure what you thought I was referring to if not what we were talking about.

You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard
I don't know that it was a promise, but he certainly made note of it when he pointed
nah----it's just the fact that he is black------that he is black IS A FACTOR-----in the tension between the
races-----not his fault------it is just an existing fact

Let's be honest here...Barack Obama is half black and half white. He was raised in large part by two elderly white people from Kansas! He "should" be able to see both sides of issues but unfortunately for him he's not come across that way at all. Every time there is a black/white issue...he makes statements that he really shouldn't. As I said's like he can't help himself.

Obama as a black man living in America, could not as so many white presidents have before him, stick his effin head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening around him concerning unarmed black men being murdered at high rates in this country. He had no choice and for that, I am proud to call him my president and so should you.
Obama will never be MY President. He is President of the black man.
That only means you're not American. :doubt:
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

Seriously fuck that nigga.
Denying the president is one's president is denial, not dissent. Like him or not, he is the president of every U.S. citizen.
The reason that Barack Obama is being held to a higher standard than other Presidents before him is that one of the things he ran on was his ability to be the first "post racial" President...the one who was going to be able to move beyond partisan racial politics and bring the country together. On that note, Tiger...he's failed in rather epic fashion. Barry has a knack for saying things that inflame racial tension. It seems like he can't help himself.
So, as long as he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't get all uppity, things are great, right? It's when he tells us that even a future president has to run a racial gauntlet that things fall apart? Is it just that you can't handle a viewpoint that doesn't match what you see through your rose colored glasses?

Weighing in on sensitive racial issues prematurely isn't getting "uppity",'s simply a case of not understanding what a President should or shouldn't be doing. Barack Obama ran for office promising to be the first post racial President but then failed to live up to that promise. That isn't my seeing things through "rose colored glasses"...that's me seeing things for what they were INSTEAD of seeing them through rose colored glasses!
Can you quote that "promise?"
Its like you cant defend wanting Obama to bring racial harmony so you act like I never said it and opt to talk about something completely different.

Peace...I got shit to do

I clearly referred to the "hype", as in all that crazy stuff. NOt sure what you thought I was referring to if not what we were talking about.

You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard
I don't know that it was a promise, but he certainly made note of it when he pointed
The reason that Barack Obama is being held to a higher standard than other Presidents before him is that one of the things he ran on was his ability to be the first "post racial" President...the one who was going to be able to move beyond partisan racial politics and bring the country together. On that note, Tiger...he's failed in rather epic fashion. Barry has a knack for saying things that inflame racial tension. It seems like he can't help himself.

nah----it's just the fact that he is black------that he is black IS A FACTOR-----in the tension between the
races-----not his fault------it is just an existing fact

Let's be honest here...Barack Obama is half black and half white. He was raised in large part by two elderly white people from Kansas! He "should" be able to see both sides of issues but unfortunately for him he's not come across that way at all. Every time there is a black/white issue...he makes statements that he really shouldn't. As I said's like he can't help himself.

Obama as a black man living in America, could not as so many white presidents have before him, stick his effin head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening around him concerning unarmed black men being murdered at high rates in this country. He had no choice and for that, I am proud to call him my president and so should you.
Obama will never be MY President. He is President of the black man.
That only means you're not American. :doubt:

Please explain that logic. There were those that claimed that Bush was not their President, were they unAmerican? Those that protested the war in Vietnam, were they not Americans? Those that claimed Clinton was not their President, were they not Americans? Those that burn the American flag, are they Americans?

The exercising of their right of freedom of speech, put them as American as you or I. We may not like their message or ideas but as an American, I will defend their right to say it.
I clearly referred to the "hype", as in all that crazy stuff. NOt sure what you thought I was referring to if not what we were talking about.

You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard
I don't know that it was a promise, but he certainly made note of it when he pointed
nah----it's just the fact that he is black------that he is black IS A FACTOR-----in the tension between the
races-----not his fault------it is just an existing fact

Let's be honest here...Barack Obama is half black and half white. He was raised in large part by two elderly white people from Kansas! He "should" be able to see both sides of issues but unfortunately for him he's not come across that way at all. Every time there is a black/white issue...he makes statements that he really shouldn't. As I said's like he can't help himself.

Obama as a black man living in America, could not as so many white presidents have before him, stick his effin head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening around him concerning unarmed black men being murdered at high rates in this country. He had no choice and for that, I am proud to call him my president and so should you.
Obama will never be MY President. He is President of the black man.
That only means you're not American. :doubt:

Please explain that logic. There were those that claimed that Bush was not their President, were they unAmerican? Those that protested the war in Vietnam, were they not Americans? Those that claimed Clinton was not their President, were they not Americans? Those that burn the American flag, are they Americans?

The exercising of their right of freedom of speech, put them as American as you or I. We may not like their message or ideas but as an American, I will defend their right to say it.
I didn't say, "un-American." I said not American. And I've already explained it. Like him or not, the president is the president of all Americans. If he not your president then you must not be American. As far as the examples you cite .... again, denial is not dissent. It's denial. If someone was against the Vietnam war, they were protesting it. If they denied it existed, they were in denial.
You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard
I don't know that it was a promise, but he certainly made note of it when he pointed
Let's be honest here...Barack Obama is half black and half white. He was raised in large part by two elderly white people from Kansas! He "should" be able to see both sides of issues but unfortunately for him he's not come across that way at all. Every time there is a black/white issue...he makes statements that he really shouldn't. As I said's like he can't help himself.

Obama as a black man living in America, could not as so many white presidents have before him, stick his effin head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening around him concerning unarmed black men being murdered at high rates in this country. He had no choice and for that, I am proud to call him my president and so should you.
Obama will never be MY President. He is President of the black man.
That only means you're not American. :doubt:

Please explain that logic. There were those that claimed that Bush was not their President, were they unAmerican? Those that protested the war in Vietnam, were they not Americans? Those that claimed Clinton was not their President, were they not Americans? Those that burn the American flag, are they Americans?

The exercising of their right of freedom of speech, put them as American as you or I. We may not like their message or ideas but as an American, I will defend their right to say it.
I didn't say, "un-American." I said not American. And I've already explained it. Like him or not, the president is the president of all Americans. If he not your president then you must not be American. As far as the examples you cite .... again, denial is not dissent. It's denial. If someone was against the Vietnam war, they were protesting it. If they denied it existed, they were in denial.
The President is the head of state and the head of government - he is the President of the United States, not the President of the People of the United States.
After all, he works for us, not we for him.
Last edited:
Its like you cant defend wanting Obama to bring racial harmony so you act like I never said it and opt to talk about something completely different.

Peace...I got shit to do

I clearly referred to the "hype", as in all that crazy stuff. NOt sure what you thought I was referring to if not what we were talking about.

You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard

I didn't make it up, and I am not blaming him for not doing it.

I am unhappy that he has played the Race Card just like every other Dem.

I am more unhappy with his partisans who have interpreted every criticism of him as being racism.

THAT is what is really pouring gasoline on the fire, IMO.

Well yeah it is pouring gas on the fire when you imagine that someone anywhere said that EVERY disagreement you have is because of racism.

So what you BELIEVE is whats pouring the gas. The reality is different tho.

Seems like every disagreement and problem you have stems from your overactive imagination. Thats not anyones fault but your own
I clearly referred to the "hype", as in all that crazy stuff. NOt sure what you thought I was referring to if not what we were talking about.

You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard

I didn't make it up, and I am not blaming him for not doing it.

I am unhappy that he has played the Race Card just like every other Dem.

I am more unhappy with his partisans who have interpreted every criticism of him as being racism.

THAT is what is really pouring gasoline on the fire, IMO.

Well yeah it is pouring gas on the fire when you imagine that someone anywhere said that EVERY disagreement you have is because of racism.

So what you BELIEVE is whats pouring the gas. The reality is different tho.

Seems like every disagreement and problem you have stems from your overactive imagination. Thats not anyones fault but your own

Nope. The refrain from the left has been that no president before this has been subject to such criticism, it must be because he is black.

SOmetimes you can get some libs to admit that Bill Clinton was just as criticized, but somehow that doesn't disprove their belief that the Obama criticism is special and race based.

Go to the OP, serious question for white folks. The OP states that guns sales spiked because Obama is black. Other lib posted supporting claims.

I pointed out that gun sales spiked when Clinton was elected.

NOthing. Fact proof belief system.
You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard

I didn't make it up, and I am not blaming him for not doing it.

I am unhappy that he has played the Race Card just like every other Dem.

I am more unhappy with his partisans who have interpreted every criticism of him as being racism.

THAT is what is really pouring gasoline on the fire, IMO.

Well yeah it is pouring gas on the fire when you imagine that someone anywhere said that EVERY disagreement you have is because of racism.

So what you BELIEVE is whats pouring the gas. The reality is different tho.

Seems like every disagreement and problem you have stems from your overactive imagination. Thats not anyones fault but your own

Nope. The refrain from the left has been that no president before this has been subject to such criticism, it must be because he is black.

See, now where did anyone say EVERYONE who disagrees with ANYTHING are RACIST?

Like I said, what happens and what you believe happened are 2 diff things.

SOmetimes you can get some libs to admit that Bill Clinton was just as criticized, but somehow that doesn't disprove their belief that the Obama criticism is special and race based.

Thats because some of it is. Unless you are saying that repeating "Obama hates white people" as something thats been said about all POTUS

Go to the thread, serious question for white folks. The OP states that guns sales spiked because Obama is black. Other lib posted supporting claims.

I pointed out that gun sales spiked when Clinton was elected.

NOthing. Fact proof belief system.

Just because you pointed out that sales went up during Clinton doesnt prove that some of the gun sales werent because he's black.

If you object to then saying it, you can prove them wrong. But since racism is a feeling and not a provable're whining about your feelings and crying because they dont share your feelings.

You say "the hype" and I'm talking about being in about racial harmony. But you know that racial harmony was never included in "the hype"

I know no such thing. There was a lot of hype, and most of it was oddly vague.

The idea that he would be "post racial" did seem crazy hype to me, especially after he started playing race just like every other dem candidate.

And those that bought that, are not the ones being so harshly critical of him today. They may still be upset, but they are standing by their man.

Did he promise to be post racial? What hype did you see you can link to that shoes this post racial promise by him?

Answer: none, you made it up to hold him to an unachievable standard. And blames him for not bringing about this unachievable standard
I don't know that it was a promise, but he certainly made note of it when he pointed
Let's be honest here...Barack Obama is half black and half white. He was raised in large part by two elderly white people from Kansas! He "should" be able to see both sides of issues but unfortunately for him he's not come across that way at all. Every time there is a black/white issue...he makes statements that he really shouldn't. As I said's like he can't help himself.

Obama as a black man living in America, could not as so many white presidents have before him, stick his effin head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening around him concerning unarmed black men being murdered at high rates in this country. He had no choice and for that, I am proud to call him my president and so should you.
Obama will never be MY President. He is President of the black man.
That only means you're not American. :doubt:

Please explain that logic. There were those that claimed that Bush was not their President, were they unAmerican? Those that protested the war in Vietnam, were they not Americans? Those that claimed Clinton was not their President, were they not Americans? Those that burn the American flag, are they Americans?

The exercising of their right of freedom of speech, put them as American as you or I. We may not like their message or ideas but as an American, I will defend their right to say it.
I didn't say, "un-American." I said not American. And I've already explained it. Like him or not, the president is the president of all Americans. If he not your president then you must not be American. As far as the examples you cite .... again, denial is not dissent. It's denial. If someone was against the Vietnam war, they were protesting it. If they denied it existed, they were in denial.

So those that claimed Bush was not their President are not American?
There was high hope that Obama could soothe (not cure) some divisiveness. Instead he seems to pour gas on the flames. I suspect he is frustrated and just doesn't give a fuck.
Give an example or two of how you expected Obama to "soothe" racial tension?
If I had the solutions to our differences I would run for Prez. Perhaps I (and many others) was wrong to hope but many elected officials have had a positive impact on America's racial divide.
Regrettably I (and many others) have been sorely disappointed.
BTW, I think he's been a pretty good Prez.
The reason that Barack Obama is being held to a higher standard than other Presidents before him is that one of the things he ran on was his ability to be the first "post racial" President...the one who was going to be able to move beyond partisan racial politics and bring the country together. On that note, Tiger...he's failed in rather epic fashion. Barry has a knack for saying things that inflame racial tension. It seems like he can't help himself.
So, as long as he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't get all uppity, things are great, right? It's when he tells us that even a future president has to run a racial gauntlet that things fall apart? Is it just that you can't handle a viewpoint that doesn't match what you see through your rose colored glasses?

Weighing in on sensitive racial issues prematurely isn't getting "uppity",'s simply a case of not understanding what a President should or shouldn't be doing. Barack Obama ran for office promising to be the first post racial President but then failed to live up to that promise. That isn't my seeing things through "rose colored glasses"...that's me seeing things for what they were INSTEAD of seeing them through rose colored glasses!
Can you quote that "promise?"

barack obama speech on post racial america - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results
There was high hope that Obama could soothe (not cure) some divisiveness. Instead he seems to pour gas on the flames. I suspect he is frustrated and just doesn't give a fuck.
Give an example or two of how you expected Obama to "soothe" racial tension?
If I had the solutions to our differences I would run for Prez. Perhaps I (and many others) was wrong to hope but many elected officials have had a positive impact on America's racial divide.
Regrettably I (and many others) have been sorely disappointed.
BTW, I think he's been a pretty good Prez.

Exactly the point. You expect Obama to do the impossible (and something you cant even begin to fathom how to do) and when Obama cant do the impossible you moan and groan like you were being reasonable in the first place
...Barack Obama ran for office promising to be the first post racial President but then failed to live up to that promise...
Can you quote that "promise?"

C'mon, Faun. Obama - my Prez - wasn't elected on the strength of his economic or military or foreign policy experience. He was elected - in large part by white voters - because he had spent his life and career on the front lines of our racial divide. Whether or not he specifically promised to improve America's racial chasm, that most certainly was believed to be his strong suit. Isn't that why you voted for him? I know you are smart enough to realize this. Are you honest enough to admit it?
The reason that Barack Obama is being held to a higher standard than other Presidents before him is that one of the things he ran on was his ability to be the first "post racial" President...the one who was going to be able to move beyond partisan racial politics and bring the country together. On that note, Tiger...he's failed in rather epic fashion. Barry has a knack for saying things that inflame racial tension. It seems like he can't help himself.
So, as long as he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't get all uppity, things are great, right? It's when he tells us that even a future president has to run a racial gauntlet that things fall apart? Is it just that you can't handle a viewpoint that doesn't match what you see through your rose colored glasses?

Weighing in on sensitive racial issues prematurely isn't getting "uppity",'s simply a case of not understanding what a President should or shouldn't be doing. Barack Obama ran for office promising to be the first post racial President but then failed to live up to that promise. That isn't my seeing things through "rose colored glasses"...that's me seeing things for what they were INSTEAD of seeing them through rose colored glasses!
Can you quote that "promise?"

barack obama speech on post racial america - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

:rofl: Yahoo search results? LMAO!

You arent even trying huh?
...Barack Obama ran for office promising to be the first post racial President but then failed to live up to that promise...
Can you quote that "promise?"

C'mon, Faun. Obama - my Prez - wasn't elected on the strength of his economic or military or foreign policy experience. He was elected - in large part by white voters - because he had spent his life and career on the front lines of our racial divide. Whether or not he specifically promised to improve America's racial chasm, that most certainly was believed to be his strong suit. Isn't that why you voted for him? I know you are smart enough to realize this. Are you honest enough to admit it?

Whatever you or others "believed" he would do is not his responsibility. You know that right?
Well yeah it is pouring gas on the fire when you imagine that someone anywhere said that EVERY disagreement you have is because of racism...

That is true and it seems everything that happens in America is said by someone to have been caused by racism and that, I believe, will be this president's legacy.
Time and time again, its being said that Obama is responsible for the racist tension we have in this country, that he and he alone has somehow created the environment for all this racial discard. It is fact, since Obama took office, gun sales in this nation soured to unprecedented levels, mostly in white communities, waiting and hoping for a race war. I've always contended however, with who? Since 80% of black men in this country is sleeping with them, but that's another here's my question:

Please remind us all, exactly when was race relations in the this country ever good? Yaw acting like prior to Obama, we was all holding hands and singing happy christian songs while embracing the american do remind those of us who blinked and missed those moments, when was race relations ever ever ever good in this country?????




Things are worse now than when Clinton or either Bush was President in regards to race relations. PERIOD

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