Gotta "love" that Ben Carson.....

In the on-going quest by the GOP establishment to kind of erase that recalcitrant label that many within the party are closeted-racists, they first came up with Cain (9-9-9) and now, good ol' Ben Carson. So, what is this man's entire platform for the highest elected office on the planet?

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson suggested on Wednesday that a Nazi-like force could come to power in the United States. At a campaign event in New Hampshire, Carson noted that many people believe a situation like what took place in Germany in the 1930's and 1940's could never happen in America.

"I beg to differ," Carson said. "If you go back and look at the history of the world, tyranny and despotism and how it starts, it has a lot to do with control of thought and control of speech."

At a press conference after the speech, reporters asked Carson who he thinks is like Adolf Hitler in the U.S. "I'm not going to go into that. I think that example is pretty clear," he responded, without elaborating. When another reporter asked if he was comparing President Barack Obama to Hitler, Carson said, "No. I am saying in a situation where people do not express themselves, bad things can happen."

Meanwhile, as he was leaving the event, a reporter asked Carson how he would respond to Hurricane Joaquin if he were in the White House.

"I don't know," he replied.

You start out by calling Conservatives 'closet racists' then try to tie in Carson as some kind of example of

Then you bring up Carson's notice of the similarity between the rise of socialism / communism / power in Nazi Germany and what is going on in the US today. Surely you can not say that there is NOT a battle for CONTROL over thought and speech and the right to own weapons in this country! Christianity is being attacked, Liberals have become increasingly more intolerant of any views other than their own. Case in point: Nut job liberals recently declared anyone who denies 'Global Warming' should be JAILED - Helllooooooooo! And one of the 1st things Nazi Germany did was confiscate guns, which is increasingly becoming the apparent goal of Liberals. Hillary just said she was thinking of a GUN CONFISCATION plan modeled after Australia's 'buy back' program.

Then you finish up by having a problem with Carson not having an immediate on-the-spot answer for what to do about Hurricane Joaquin. Do you even KNOW about every issue, every detailed problem the hurricane caused? No, and it's not surprising. I am more comfortable with someone saying he would like to find out all the details and then make a plan than someone who wants to jump into action without knowing what he's facing.

Bottom line, in your 'shotgun' attack on Carson above, you continue to expose that it is the LEFT (creators of the KKK and OBJ's 'Economic Slavery', that continues to be the 'racists, not 'closet' racists (as there was nothing 'in-closet' about the KKK or LBJ declaring he would have every 'NI@@ER voting Democrat')!

Liberals were all excited about pushing an openly admitted communist-tutored, socialist-studying, racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor'-mentored, domestic terrorist-befriending, community organizing black man as the 1st black US President, but let a truly intelligent, Christian black man who actually likes this nation run for President and you can't wait to attack him and destroy him.

As I said earlier, Liberals continue to prove they are against Carson because he is 1) a black man (and they are racists), and 2) he is a Conservative. If he was a Liberal he would be their 1st choice, even over Hillary.
I don't trust Ben with the red phone, and guarding this country.

I don't give a shit what color he is.
In the on-going quest by the GOP establishment to kind of erase that recalcitrant label that many within the party are closeted-racists, they first came up with Cain (9-9-9) and now, good ol' Ben Carson. So, what is this man's entire platform for the highest elected office on the planet?

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson suggested on Wednesday that a Nazi-like force could come to power in the United States. At a campaign event in New Hampshire, Carson noted that many people believe a situation like what took place in Germany in the 1930's and 1940's could never happen in America.

"I beg to differ," Carson said. "If you go back and look at the history of the world, tyranny and despotism and how it starts, it has a lot to do with control of thought and control of speech."

At a press conference after the speech, reporters asked Carson who he thinks is like Adolf Hitler in the U.S. "I'm not going to go into that. I think that example is pretty clear," he responded, without elaborating. When another reporter asked if he was comparing President Barack Obama to Hitler, Carson said, "No. I am saying in a situation where people do not express themselves, bad things can happen."

Meanwhile, as he was leaving the event, a reporter asked Carson how he would respond to Hurricane Joaquin if he were in the White House.

"I don't know," he replied.

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^ Racist speaks out again
Promoting Stalinism in 2015 is literally insane.

As if you knew what "Stalinism" even was.....except what you may have learned from watching a movie.

Morons, throw out terms against progressives that they think (or were told) are "bad words."
I don't trust Ben with the red phone, and guarding this country.

I don't give a shit what color he is.

yeah but you have Crazy Uncle Joe Biden a heartbeat away

Biden will be the VP for Carson ..... apparently the fruit basket in WIDE open.

And if I need to spell it out why Carson can't be trusted with a red phone, not only in the fruit basket wide open, it's full of fruit.
I don't trust Ben with the red phone, and guarding this country.

I don't give a shit what color he is.

You're a mindless hack who supports people based on whether then have an "R" or a "D" behind their name. Because Carson has an "R," you will slander and libel him using anything you can. If race will damage the hated enemy of the party, you will use it. If his religion can be used to slander him, you'll use that. Actually, you'll recite whichever bits of libel are on the Soros hate sites on any given day.
As if you knew what "Stalinism" even was.....except what you may have learned from watching a movie.

Morons, throw out terms against progressives that they think (or were told) are "bad words."

If I shoved a history book up your ass, so that it would be at eye level for you, would you read it?
In the on-going quest by the GOP establishment to kind of erase that recalcitrant label that many within the party are closeted-racists, they first came up with Cain (9-9-9) and now, good ol' Ben Carson. So, what is this man's entire platform for the highest elected office on the planet?

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson suggested on Wednesday that a Nazi-like force could come to power in the United States. At a campaign event in New Hampshire, Carson noted that many people believe a situation like what took place in Germany in the 1930's and 1940's could never happen in America.

"I beg to differ," Carson said. "If you go back and look at the history of the world, tyranny and despotism and how it starts, it has a lot to do with control of thought and control of speech."

At a press conference after the speech, reporters asked Carson who he thinks is like Adolf Hitler in the U.S. "I'm not going to go into that. I think that example is pretty clear," he responded, without elaborating. When another reporter asked if he was comparing President Barack Obama to Hitler, Carson said, "No. I am saying in a situation where people do not express themselves, bad things can happen."

Meanwhile, as he was leaving the event, a reporter asked Carson how he would respond to Hurricane Joaquin if he were in the White House.

"I don't know," he replied.

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He's right of course. What he doesn't seem to get is he'd be one of the Nazis.
Too bad Carson isn't gay.

If we were, you Democrats could be both homophobic and racist at a single blow!
I don't trust Ben with the red phone, and guarding this country.

I don't give a shit what color he is.

You're a mindless hack who supports people based on whether then have an "R" or a "D" behind their name. Because Carson has an "R," you will slander and libel him using anything you can. If race will damage the hated enemy of the party, you will use it. If his religion can be used to slander him, you'll use that. Actually, you'll recite whichever bits of libel are on the Soros hate sites on any given day.

party has nothing to do with who I trust with a red phone. I trusted 43 and 41, the same as I did Bill Clinton and Obama ... but Carson and Trump, NO WAY

you partisan hack ..
I wouldn't care what color Carson was, his views are too extreme for me.

And by the way, since Carson is a 7th Day Adventist who says that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to run for President, do you think he's qualified for leading the whole nation if he's going to discriminate against religious beliefs? Remember, his church is one of those in the minority as far as numbers go. By the way, here's some of his religious beliefs................

Ben Carson endorses Seventh-day Adventist theology, which includes belief in a literal reading of the first chapters of Genesis.[139] In a 2013 interview with Adventist News Network, Carson said "You know, I’m proud of the fact that I believe what God has said, and I’ve said many times that I’ll defend it before anyone. If they want to criticize the fact that I believe in a literal, six-day creation, let’s have at it because I will poke all kinds of holes in what they believe."[140]

Carson's Adventism has been raised as an issue by his primary rival Donald Trump. [141]

Separation of church and state

In a 2014 op-ed article, Carson argued that separation of church and state in the First Amendment Establishment Clause has been "reinterpreted" by progressives away from its original intent, and that "our Judeo-Christian values have taken a big hit in recent years, we have not yet reached the point of a totally godless government".[142][143][144]

During a 2015 Meet the Press interview Chuck Todd asked Carson "Should a President's faith matter [to voters]?".[145] Carson stated, "I guess it depends on what that faith is. If it's inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the Constitution, no problem." When asked by Todd whether he believes Islam is consistent with the Constitution, Carson said: "No, I don't – I do not." He further stated, "I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that." He stated that a Muslim running for Congress would be "a different story," depending on on their policies.[145] In a later interview on This Week, Carson said that Sharia is "against the rights of women, against the rights of gays, subjugates other religions" and is inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution.[146]

A number of columnists have argued that Carson's criticism of a presidential candidate with conservative Islamic beliefs validates media criticism of his own faith.[139][147]

Regarding religious liberty, Carson has said: "Everybody’s free to do whatever they want. To try to impose one’s religious beliefs on someone else is absolutely what we should not be doing. That goes in both directions. Someone who is an atheist doesn’t have a right to tell someone who isn’t an atheist what they can or cannot do or what they can or cannot say. We have to be fair but it has to be fair in both directions."[148]

Evolution, creationism, and the Flood

Carson's views on evolution and creationism have been controversial.[149] In a 2006 debate with Richard Dawkins, Francis Collins, and Daniel Dennett, Carson stated: "I don't believe in evolution... I simply don't have enough faith to believe that something as complex as our ability to rationalize, think, and plan, and have a moral sense of what's right and wrong, just appeared."[150] In 2012, nearly 500 professors, students, and alumni of Emory University wrote a letter expressing concern about his views in advance of his commencement speech. They cited a quote in an interview with the Adventist Review: "By believing we are the product of random acts, we eliminate morality and the basis of ethical behavior."[151] Carson clarified:

"Those of us who believe in God and derive our sense of right and wrong and ethics from God's word really have no difficulty whatsoever defining where our ethics come from. People who believe in survival of the fittest might have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come from. A lot of evolutionists are very ethical people."[149]

In a 2012 address to a Seventh-day Adventist audience, Carson discussed creationism and the Big Bang theory. He applied a junkyard tornado argument to the theory, and said it contradicts the second law of thermodynamics.[152] He argued that retrograde orbits in the solar system are inconsistent with conservation of angular momentum, which he said invalidates the Big Bang theory.

Theoretical physicist and cosmologist Lawrence Krauss has criticized Carson's "scientific ignorance" and "wild delusions" for his statements about physics, evolution, and the great flood, statements which are consistent with Adventist beliefs. Krauss also argues that, as Carson says Muslim candidates should be subjected to scrutiny about their religious beliefs, he too deserves scrutiny for a worldview that is inconsistent with the consensus of scientific information. "What Carson doesn’t seem to recognize is that there is a fundamental difference between facts and faith."[139]

In an October 12, 2015 interview on The O'Reilly Factor, Carson's response deviated from Adventist young Earth creationism beliefs, which state that the earth is only 6,000 years old:

"I know that a lot of people say that I believe that the earth is 6,000 years old, and they have no basis for saying that. I don't know how old the earth is. It says "In the beginning God created the heaven and earth," and then there's a period there. You don't know how much time elapsed. The other thing is, people don't realize, he's God. If he wanted to create an earth that was billions of years old, he could do it."[153]

End time events

Carson has endorsed Ellen G. White's teaching on a core Adventist eschatological doctrine that, immediately before the Second coming of Christ, a national Sunday law will be used to persecute Adventists and other Sabbath keepers.[147] In a 2014 address to an Australian Seventh Day Adventist church,[154] he said that this persecution will be led by the right rather than the left.[154][147]

Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't trust Ben with the red phone, and guarding this country.

I don't give a shit what color he is.

You're a mindless hack who supports people based on whether then have an "R" or a "D" behind their name. Because Carson has an "R," you will slander and libel him using anything you can. If race will damage the hated enemy of the party, you will use it. If his religion can be used to slander him, you'll use that. Actually, you'll recite whichever bits of libel are on the Soros hate sites on any given day.

party has nothing to do with who I trust with a red phone. I trusted 43 and 41, the same as I did Bill Clinton and Obama ... but Carson and Trump, NO WAY

you partisan hack ..
How in the hell can you be mistrustful of Carson with a nuclear arsenal but trust Bush?

I found the fruit basket...
I don't trust either.

Jr. was a Christian nutbag who had Bible verses placed upon his war plans.

Carson is even more of a nutbag than what Jr. was, he is a 7th Day Adventist.
'In a 2014 op-ed article, Carson argued that separation of church and state in the First Amendment Establishment Clause has been "reinterpreted" by progressives away from its original intent, and that "our Judeo-Christian values have taken a big hit in recent years, we have not yet reached the point of a totally godless government".'

An 'argument' that succeeded in only exhibiting Carson's ignorance of the law and the original intent of the Founding Generation.

Indeed, it was the type of religious extremism Carson advocates that the Framers sought to guard against with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Whatever you say bubba. How about many of these things do YOU believe. It takes crackpots to support crackpots:

I think you are one of the nuttiest crackpots here.

Promoting Stalinism in 2015 is literally insane.
Oh , I see. In your warped mind, my being critical of Carson equals promoting Stalinism. But I'm the crackpot! OK Bubba.
I don't trust Ben with the red phone, and guarding this country.

I don't give a shit what color he is.

You're a mindless hack who supports people based on whether then have an "R" or a "D" behind their name. Because Carson has an "R," you will slander and libel him using anything you can. If race will damage the hated enemy of the party, you will use it. If his religion can be used to slander him, you'll use that. Actually, you'll recite whichever bits of libel are on the Soros hate sites on any given day.
Horseshit! There is plenty to slam Carson on besides party affiliation. Pull your head out and READ!

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