Gov Abbot to pardon SGT Daniel Perry


He's all grown up and joined the Internet Grammar Police.

Yeah, fool. When idiots like you have been handed their ass spelling is their goto defense.


How many of your clients have been found guilty of committing "self-defense?"
Is getting your client convicted of committing a crime that doesn't exist some type of legal specialty.


Want to have a discussion, I'm there.
Wanna play fuck-fuck I will eat you alive, crap you out and use you for fertilizer you tiny minded poop thrower.
Hahahahahahaha another tough guy thinking he can do something. You're not scary little bitch. You'll be crying yourself to sleep like your shitlib friends
Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.

The stupid is strong with you...........

You have democrats persecuting a law abiding citizen attacked by a democrat party brownshirt, tried in a democrat party controlled court, by a democrat party judge and jury, and prosecutor and you say that taking a pardon against that is an admission of guilt....

This is why we have pardons in this country, to keep vile fascists like you from using the legal system as your is just one check on your power the founders understood we needed.........

You really are stupid.........
and? I wish I could legally kill people that have pointed guns at me.
You could have, just as long as you felt that your life was in imminent danger, and that the person with the gun was of course unlawfully pointing it at you.
Correct, it's a stop check on the judicial system when it's found to be unfair.

Notice how the leftist Gator claims that taking a Legal Protection is admitting guilt................the left will turn anything it can into a tool.........wait till they get around to taking away the Right against self incrimination.......they hate that, and will eventually get to the Chinese system...where you are guilty unless the government lets you go....

During the Maoist period (1949–1978), the government had a hostile attitude towards a formalized legal system, because Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) "saw the law as creating constraints upon their power." The legal system was attacked as a counter-revolutionary institution, and the concept of law itself was not accepted. Courts were closed, law schools were shut down and lawyers were forced to change professions or be sent to the countryside.[1]

One example of the structural barriers to the independence of courts is the Chinese Communist Party political-legal committee system, by which "the Party has the power to instruct, monitor or scrutinize courts regarding specific decisions of individual cases or categories of cases that attract attention from the Party."[14]

This is why they are now going after Justice Thomas again......and they will soon be going after all the conservative Justices...especially if they win control of the House and Senate again.........expect them to move forward with fake impeachments of Thomas, Kavanaugh even Roberts.....
Notice how the leftist Gator claims that taking a Legal Protection is admitting guilt................the left will turn anything it can into a tool.........wait till they get around to taking away the Right against self incrimination.......they hate that, and will eventually get to the Chinese system...where you are guilty unless the government lets you go....

During the Maoist period (1949–1978), the government had a hostile attitude towards a formalized legal system, because Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) "saw the law as creating constraints upon their power." The legal system was attacked as a counter-revolutionary institution, and the concept of law itself was not accepted. Courts were closed, law schools were shut down and lawyers were forced to change professions or be sent to the countryside.[1]

One example of the structural barriers to the independence of courts is the Chinese Communist Party political-legal committee system, by which "the Party has the power to instruct, monitor or scrutinize courts regarding specific decisions of individual cases or categories of cases that attract attention from the Party."[14]

This is why they are now going after Justice Thomas again......and they will soon be going after all the conservative Justices...especially if they win control of the House and Senate again.........expect them to move forward with fake impeachments of Thomas, Kavanaugh even Roberts.....
We definitely have been seeing the movement and it's intent. That's why they've done everything possible to destroy Trump, and worse the anti-trumpers or never-trumpers were stupid enough to fall into the trap with these knucklehead's. I bet they have some deep regrets now.

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