Gov Abbot to pardon SGT Daniel Perry

Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.

In this case, the offer of a pardon, and its acceptance, would simply be a statement to the effect that the original prosecution was full of shit in the first place.

Mr. Perry should never have been prosecuted in the first place, for taking down a violent subhuman criminal piece of shit that was directly threatening his life.
Hahahahahahaha another tough guy thinking he can do something. You're not scary little bitch. You'll be crying yourself to sleep like your shitlib friends
Who said I was 'scary' my tiny minded poop thrower.
I just like slapping fools like you around when you behave like the ass-sniffer you truly are.

The phrase you're looking for honey is "keyboard commando" and your poop throwing is a prime example.

Stay tuned folks at home. This monkey is about to get slapped.
Had an AK pointed at his face? Which news story link is that in, I've not read that anywhere?

Then you haven't looked, all of the original news reporting stated the antifard pointed the AK at the car.

There was also video of him stating how he wanted to shoot a rightwinger.

One more for the good guys! Can't wait to have a Governor like this. The DA hid evidence and should be disbarred. Soros DAs you're on notice

Reasons = the DA violated procedure and due process by withholding evidence from the jury

Ftfy you faggot

You communists sure project alot. You're the ones being militant about blacks, trannies and locking up political opponents so GFY
Maybe you can successfully opine on Gov Greg Abbott's actions under the law.

Under the law. Abbot is pandering to a tv host like the sniveling coward that he is. Has nothing to do with the law.

This is rank jury nullification, plain and simple. What this does is now tells anti magatrash protesters, that the next murderer that drives into them is fair game. Approach the vehicle from different sides, and empty both magazines into it.

See you at the next protest hero.
Under the law. Abbot is pandering to a tv host like the sniveling coward that he is. Has nothing to do with the law.

This is rank jury nullification, plain and simple. What this does is now tells anti magatrash protesters, that the next murderer that drives into them is fair game. Approach the vehicle from different sides, and empty both magazines into it.

See you at the next protest hero.

Making threats now skewy?
Making threats now skewy?

Touch a nerve skippy?

You started it. Or the chickenshit governor of Texas did.

And no threats necessary. That’s a real nice stand your ground law you got there son.

Be a real shame if somebody used it against you.

But anyway, thanks for the education on how to handle Trump humpers at protests now. Very instructive.
Who said I was 'scary' my tiny minded poop thrower.
I just like slapping fools like you around when you behave like the ass-sniffer you truly are.

The phrase you're looking for honey is "keyboard commando" and your poop throwing is a prime example.

Stay tuned folks at home. This monkey is about to get slapped.
Do it pussy you'll get your shit pushed in like you order a Bud Light at a SF bar
Under the law. Abbot is pandering to a tv host like the sniveling coward that he is. Has nothing to do with the law.
Why is he doing what is required under the law to correct a bad verdict? What has been done by the perp was well within the Texas SYG laws......maybe you need a tutorial.
Touch a nerve skippy?

You started it. Or the chickenshit governor of Texas did.

And no threats necessary. That’s a real nice stand your ground law you got there son.

Be a real shame if somebody used it against you.

But anyway, thanks for the education on how to handle Trump humpers at protests now. Very instructive.

Not at all. You love to make threats, what are you going to do if you find someone who shoots back?

Make sure you are wearing your BROWN pants.
The law is clear on this type shooting.
If someone points a gun at your face it's legal to shoot em.
I've had that happen a couple times. Skedaddled both times.

The first time the dude was just protecting his property, and I wasn't who he was looking to point it at, really. There were other things going on.

Like a knock-down drag out fight in his living room. He needed to clear the house. I was over there the next day. I knew those people

well and visited them 203x a week or so. Hell, I poked smot with his wife. He knew I wasn't the one to be pointing the gun at,

and I knew he needed to clear his house. I just happened to be there when others that should not have been were.

The 2nd time I rolled up to a gun fight with a bat, and that dude is a piece of shit. I still remember his and his partner's name

and know they are pieces of shit. They beat up on some wimpy kids like the pos assholes that they are.

Then pulled guns on us for coming to kick their asses for doing so.
Under the law. Abbot is pandering to a tv host like the sniveling coward that he is. Has nothing to do with the law.

This is rank jury nullification, plain and simple. What this does is now tells anti magatrash protesters, that the next murderer that drives into them is fair game. Approach the vehicle from different sides, and empty both magazines into it.

See you at the next protest hero.


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