Governing by ransom.

Bullshit. There's a huge return on investment. Keeping a million illegals out each year would save us $billions.
How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?

When you pay shit & run to foreign labor, that is looking out from Trump, not America First.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

This issue is it is a Congressional matter, not a matter for the Executive office.

Trump simply rescinded an executive order that should never have been made. Congress is responsible for writing the laws the DOJ is responsible for making sure the laws are followed. If you don’t like the current law push for change.

As far as your argument, the parents are responsible for their actions and their children’s actions until the children reach a legal age. It may not be fair to you but write you Congressman and get the law changed.

As far as Trump playing politics to get what he wants, I ask one question, were you this upset when Obama played politics to get what he wanted?

All this is, is you pissed because you don’t get your way.

Your post would be correct if your orange buddy did not say he would veto any action unless he got his wall.

Again, it is the same as any President saying he won’t sign a bill unless it includes what he wants. Your orange buddy is playing politics, your issue is, is it is who is playing.
BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?

When you pay shit & run to foreign labor, that is looking out from Trump, not America First.

CDL drivers can make six figure incomes, how is that paying shit?
Fair call. But still, the ROI would be zero. You just need to enforce the laws you have already.
Bullshit. There's a huge return on investment. Keeping a million illegals out each year would save us $billions.
How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

The only reason why you don't want Trump's wall is because you see it as a monument to Trump , just admit it .


The real reason is that he knows it will work, and that means fewer Democrats.

So, now you are such a fucking moron that you think illegals vote.
They can if the Dim traitors legalize them.
Last edited:
Bullshit. There's a huge return on investment. Keeping a million illegals out each year would save us $billions.
How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

They both do, which is why all immigration should be ended.
How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?

If they can't get the workers they need at a given wage, they can pay more. That's how the market works.
So? You liberal traitors lost so suck it.
Why should we be silent ass you & your orange hero destroys this country?

Its your own damn fault you lost the House, Senate, and White House. The people obviously think you people suck at governing so sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up your damn mess. :laugh:

Last Republican administration left with the worst recession in 80 years, a financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% , two quagmire wars, and losig 800,000 jobs a month.

Only a fucking moron would call that better than when Obama left office.
Last Republican administration (in the singular you write), was responsible for all that eh ? The Demon-crats and their policies had nothing to do with anything right ? How much partisan hackery is that ?? Pathetic.

The recession started in 4th quarter of 2007 after nearly 14 consecutive years of a Republican Congress & nearly 7 years of a Republican President.

Decades of Republican deregulation in the financial ma


Republican unfunded tax cuts

Republican unfunded expansion to Medicare

A Republican unjust war in Iraq.

But hey, blame Democrats? Man up there big boy & accept your responsibility for electing those responsible.
. You write this as if Demon-crats were powerless, and unable to leverage bills etc into their favor regardless of who is holding offices or power in these offices. Good grief you think people are idiots don't you ?
BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?

When you pay shit & run to foreign labor, that is looking out from Trump, not America First.

Thats the point. If not for foreign labor, industry would be forced to pay more.

Let's say we had a terrible economy and Trump decided to give half of the adults in this country one million dollars each. It would be done through a lottery of some sort.

That would be great for people who got the money and people who didn't because it would create a huge vacuum for labor. You might have been able to call out a plumber and repair your toilet for $30.00, but because there would be such a shortage of plumbers, it would cost you more than $130.00. Your landscaper would be retired too and a huge shortage of landscapers would force you to pay $90.00 per cut instead of the $35.00 you used to pay.

This would work provided we had closed off borders and few social programs and industry couldn't find workers. They would have no choice but to pay more. It's yet another reason why sealing off the borders makes good sense for the little guy.
BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?

If they can't get the workers they need at a given wage, they can pay more. That's how the market works.

That's the way it should work, but it doesn't because of immigration.
How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.
Last edited:
Bullshit. There's a huge return on investment. Keeping a million illegals out each year would save us $billions.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a report in February 2016, stating that 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States are paying annually an estimated amount of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes, "on average an estimated 8 percent of their incomes."

11 million illegal immigrants in the United States are paying annually an estimated amount of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes, "on average an estimated 8 percent of their incomes."

$1060 a year. Woopdedoo!
Meanwhile, here in Chicago, we spend over $15,000 a year on each of their kids in our schools.
Doubtless billions more for the criminal justice expenses and healthcare expenses they accrue.

Send the illegal aliens home. Now.

Aren't a lot of those US citizens you stupid shit.

We would spend that amount on your snot nosed brats. What is the difference?

Aren't a lot of those US citizens you stupid shit.

Some of them are, idiot.

What is the difference?

Expenses generated by illegal aliens that aren't covered by the small amount of tax they pay.

I didn't say all, asswipe. I said many.

You don;t pay enough tax to cover your costs to this country.

And I didn't say all I said some, idiot.

You don;t pay enough tax to cover your costs to this country.


Send the illegal aliens home, we'll save billions.
Fair call. But still, the ROI would be zero. You just need to enforce the laws you have already.
Bullshit. There's a huge return on investment. Keeping a million illegals out each year would save us $billions.
How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

The only reason why you don't want Trump's wall is because you see it as a monument to Trump , just admit it .


The real reason is that he knows it will work, and that means fewer Democrats.

So, now you are such a fucking moron that you think illegals vote.

you think illegals vote.

What stops them, voter ID?
People don't want to give up their lives for $800.00 dollars a week, with bad healthcare policies offered, and with little to no perks involved anymore. Treating Americans like trash should be illegal in this country. Now safety is another story. The industry should remain safe.
Bullshit. There's a huge return on investment. Keeping a million illegals out each year would save us $billions.
How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

The only reason why you don't want Trump's wall is because you see it as a monument to Trump , just admit it .


The real reason is that he knows it will work, and that means fewer Democrats.

So, now you are such a fucking moron that you think illegals vote.

you think illegals vote.

What stops them, voter ID?

You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

Two top places of voter fraud are absentee ballots and legal non-citizen residents.

None would be stopped by the Great Wall of Trumpdom.

How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

The only reason why you don't want Trump's wall is because you see it as a monument to Trump , just admit it .


The real reason is that he knows it will work, and that means fewer Democrats.

So, now you are such a fucking moron that you think illegals vote.

you think illegals vote.

What stops them, voter ID?

You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

Two top places of voter fraud are absentee ballots and legal non-citizen residents.

None would be stopped by the Great Wall of Trumpdom.


You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

How good a job do they do in California?

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

No illegal aliens walk into a DMV to get a drivers license?
No illegal alien takes advantage of motor voter while getting their drivers license?
Would you care to place a bet?
The only reason why you don't want Trump's wall is because you see it as a monument to Trump , just admit it .


The real reason is that he knows it will work, and that means fewer Democrats.

So, now you are such a fucking moron that you think illegals vote.

you think illegals vote.

What stops them, voter ID?

You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

Two top places of voter fraud are absentee ballots and legal non-citizen residents.

None would be stopped by the Great Wall of Trumpdom.


You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

How good a job do they do in California?

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

No illegal aliens walk into a DMV to get a drivers license?
No illegal alien takes advantage of motor voter while getting their drivers license?
Would you care to place a bet?

Who knows. Certainly not you. How good of a job would those at the polling places do. Could they distinguish a fake photo ID? You know, like the ones you can buy online.

They get a drivers license when the State allows it & does not check for citizenship.

Would you care to list all the example of voting by impersonation? I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting without jumping through a new hope because of this illegal voting that a photo ID would stop. So list the stats fuckhead.
The real reason is that he knows it will work, and that means fewer Democrats.

So, now you are such a fucking moron that you think illegals vote.

you think illegals vote.

What stops them, voter ID?

You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

Two top places of voter fraud are absentee ballots and legal non-citizen residents.

None would be stopped by the Great Wall of Trumpdom.


You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

How good a job do they do in California?

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

No illegal aliens walk into a DMV to get a drivers license?
No illegal alien takes advantage of motor voter while getting their drivers license?
Would you care to place a bet?

Who knows. Certainly not you. How good of a job would those at the polling places do. Could they distinguish a fake photo ID? You know, like the ones you can buy online.

They get a drivers license when the State allows it & does not check for citizenship.

Would you care to list all the example of voting by impersonation? I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting without jumping through a new hope because of this illegal voting that a photo ID would stop. So list the stats fuckhead.

Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?
BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.

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