Governing by ransom.

You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
. The industry can be fixed, but it's got to be looked at by the right regulators who are in favor of the workers, and their overall lives in the industry, and not government employees loyal to the highest bidders hurting the drivers in the industry by allowing corporations to screw them over while they do have them working for them. It could be that the trucking industry might be one of the most corrupt industry in this nation.
So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
. The industry can be fixed, but it's got to be looked at by the right regulators who are in favor of the workers, and their overall lives in the industry, and not government employees loyal to the highest bidders hurting the drivers in the industry by allowing corporations to screw them over while they do have them working for them. It could be that the trucking industry might be one of the most corrupt industry in this nation.

That doesn't go on too often because drivers are too much in demand. If anything, companies kiss truck drivers asses---especially OTR drivers.

The one good thing about this industry is that if you are good at what you do, you can walk into your bosses office, piss on his desk, and have another job the next day.

Government is the problem here. More new regulations every year, more restrictions every year, and as of last month, all new trucks have to be equipped with electronic logs which of course means you have to be signed up with a service which is yet another cost to transpiration companies.
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
. The industry can be fixed, but it's got to be looked at by the right regulators who are in favor of the workers, and their overall lives in the industry, and not government employees loyal to the highest bidders hurting the drivers in the industry by allowing corporations to screw them over while they do have them working for them. It could be that the trucking industry might be one of the most corrupt industry in this nation.

That doesn't go on too often because drivers are too much in demand. If anything, companies kiss truck drivers asses---especially OTR drivers.

The one good thing about this industry is that if you are good at what you do, you can walk into your bosses office, piss on his desk, and have another job the next day.

Government is the problem here. More new regulations every year, more restrictions every year, and as of last month, all new trucks have to be equipped with electronic logs which of course means you have to be signed up with a service which is yet another cost to transpiration companies.
. What the heck is an electronic log ? I know about the DEF system through a friend who drives, and complains about that system. My friend said he has a camera looking at him now. Good grief. Pathetic.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
So, there was never a problem with fake log books & truck drivers killing people on our highways.

That was the problem.

So it needed fixed & ELD is a fix.

If trucking companies would have solved the problem, there would be no need to ELD.
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
. The industry can be fixed, but it's got to be looked at by the right regulators who are in favor of the workers, and their overall lives in the industry, and not government employees loyal to the highest bidders hurting the drivers in the industry by allowing corporations to screw them over while they do have them working for them. It could be that the trucking industry might be one of the most corrupt industry in this nation.

That doesn't go on too often because drivers are too much in demand. If anything, companies kiss truck drivers asses---especially OTR drivers.

The one good thing about this industry is that if you are good at what you do, you can walk into your bosses office, piss on his desk, and have another job the next day.

Government is the problem here. More new regulations every year, more restrictions every year, and as of last month, all new trucks have to be equipped with electronic logs which of course means you have to be signed up with a service which is yet another cost to transpiration companies.
. The best answer is to have shuttle companies by new federal law, that can only shuttle freight from one state line to another, and every driver goes home at night. This would straighten the industry out, save lives, save families, shut down all the ridiculous regulations, make the business far more appealing to Americans, create jobs, and so much more. The screwed up situation that exist now isn't working, hasn't been working, and never has truly worked. The fact that you claim the things you do about it all just goes to show the proof that it has been totally screwed up forever. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
So, now you are such a fucking moron that you think illegals vote.

you think illegals vote.

What stops them, voter ID?

You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

Two top places of voter fraud are absentee ballots and legal non-citizen residents.

None would be stopped by the Great Wall of Trumpdom.


You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

How good a job do they do in California?

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

No illegal aliens walk into a DMV to get a drivers license?
No illegal alien takes advantage of motor voter while getting their drivers license?
Would you care to place a bet?

Who knows. Certainly not you. How good of a job would those at the polling places do. Could they distinguish a fake photo ID? You know, like the ones you can buy online.

They get a drivers license when the State allows it & does not check for citizenship.

Would you care to list all the example of voting by impersonation? I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting without jumping through a new hope because of this illegal voting that a photo ID would stop. So list the stats fuckhead.

Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.
you think illegals vote.

What stops them, voter ID?

You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

Two top places of voter fraud are absentee ballots and legal non-citizen residents.

None would be stopped by the Great Wall of Trumpdom.


You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

How good a job do they do in California?

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

No illegal aliens walk into a DMV to get a drivers license?
No illegal alien takes advantage of motor voter while getting their drivers license?
Would you care to place a bet?

Who knows. Certainly not you. How good of a job would those at the polling places do. Could they distinguish a fake photo ID? You know, like the ones you can buy online.

They get a drivers license when the State allows it & does not check for citizenship.

Would you care to list all the example of voting by impersonation? I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting without jumping through a new hope because of this illegal voting that a photo ID would stop. So list the stats fuckhead.

Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?
Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

I don't think they care. They send their illegal kids to government funded school without worry.
They get that without risking deportation for their families.
You people have no logic & spew only

They get that without risking deportation for their families.

It's nice that we make it so easy for them to spend our money.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.
DACA was an ADMITTED un-Constitutional act intended to institute liberal ideology / agenda as law of the land by a rogue, criminal President who knew he was backed by a Democrat controlled Congress.

The wall has been promised by Congress - Liberals and Republicans alike - for huge lie, a carrot on a stick to get Americans to keep going along with their BS and give them what they want.

Now the OP wants to bitch and whine like a little girl when the roles are suddenly reversed, when THEY are being 'ransomed'.


Trump eliminated Obama's illegal 'Obama-niation' and has forced politicians to adhere to the Constitution and do its job by writing legislation / law for the President to then sign.
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So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
So, there was never a problem with fake log books & truck drivers killing people on our highways.

That was the problem.

So it needed fixed & ELD is a fix.

If trucking companies would have solved the problem, there would be no need to ELD.
A new federal law about how the country transports freight should be the next move. End driver fatigue and huge problems that go along with it all now. It can be done. No more sleeper trucks built, just day cabs, and if someone has to go over state lines, then they can't violate staying within a 14 hour rule (12 hour drive with 2 hours on duty not driving to make a 14 hour total), in order to get back to their base or point of origin. No more than 60 hours a week. Preferably each day would be no more than a 10 or 12 hour day in total. What say you all ? Oops back on topic.. Go Trump... LOL
So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
So, there was never a problem with fake log books & truck drivers killing people on our highways.

That was the problem.

So it needed fixed & ELD is a fix.

If trucking companies would have solved the problem, there would be no need to ELD.

Why did they have fake log books?

Answer. Because of Obama a Bullshit job killing rules and regulations.
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
So, there was never a problem with fake log books & truck drivers killing people on our highways.

That was the problem.

So it needed fixed & ELD is a fix.

If trucking companies would have solved the problem, there would be no need to ELD.
A new federal law about how the country transports freight should be the next move. End driver fatigue and huge problems that go along with it all now. It can be done. No more sleeper trucks built, just day cabs, and if someone has to go over state lines, then they can't violate staying within a 14 hour rule (12 hour drive with 2 hours on duty not driving to make a 14 hour total), in order to get back to their base or point of origin. No more than 60 hours a week. Preferably each day would be no more than a 10 or 12 hour day in total. What say you all ? Oops back on topic.. Go Trump... LOL

Never happen. The only way they could make it safer is no more load or milage pay; hourly pay only.
I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
So, there was never a problem with fake log books & truck drivers killing people on our highways.

That was the problem.

So it needed fixed & ELD is a fix.

If trucking companies would have solved the problem, there would be no need to ELD.
A new federal law about how the country transports freight should be the next move. End driver fatigue and huge problems that go along with it all now. It can be done. No more sleeper trucks built, just day cabs, and if someone has to go over state lines, then they can't violate staying within a 14 hour rule (12 hour drive with 2 hours on duty not driving to make a 14 hour total), in order to get back to their base or point of origin. No more than 60 hours a week. Preferably each day would be no more than a 10 or 12 hour day in total. What say you all ? Oops back on topic.. Go Trump... LOL

Never happen. The only way they could make it safer is no more load or milage pay; hourly pay only.
. Never happen, so shuttle freight should be the new trucking industry rules and future. Then hourly would make all the sense in the world.
Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

I don't think they care. They send their illegal kids to government funded school without worry.
They get that without risking deportation for their families.
You people have no logic & spew only

If the school reports to the feds that a kid is in their school illegally, yes.....I would say that could be a problem.

But the reality is that (for some reason) we give illegals things they shouldn't have yet alone give them the fear of being thrown out of the country. They can get credit cards, cars, banking accounts, schooling, all of it, and not have too many worries about it. This is especially true in liberal cities and states.
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
So, there was never a problem with fake log books & truck drivers killing people on our highways.

That was the problem.

So it needed fixed & ELD is a fix.

If trucking companies would have solved the problem, there would be no need to ELD.
A new federal law about how the country transports freight should be the next move. End driver fatigue and huge problems that go along with it all now. It can be done. No more sleeper trucks built, just day cabs, and if someone has to go over state lines, then they can't violate staying within a 14 hour rule (12 hour drive with 2 hours on duty not driving to make a 14 hour total), in order to get back to their base or point of origin. No more than 60 hours a week. Preferably each day would be no more than a 10 or 12 hour day in total. What say you all ? Oops back on topic.. Go Trump... LOL

Never happen. The only way they could make it safer is no more load or milage pay; hourly pay only.
. Never happen, so shuttle freight should be the new trucking industry rules and future. Then hourly would make all the sense in the world.

I'm all for it but it would be too costly for companies to do it that way.
So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
So, there was never a problem with fake log books & truck drivers killing people on our highways.

That was the problem.

So it needed fixed & ELD is a fix.

If trucking companies would have solved the problem, there would be no need to ELD.

Companies were never the problem with that--independent drivers were. A friend of mine works for a major carrier. He told me that if you come back out of hours even by five minutes, they fire you on the spot. He said if you have to stop at the rest stop ten miles up the road for eight hours, thats what you do.

Years ago one of their OTR drivers did get into a serious accident involving the death of some people. The company didn't frown on drivers working past hours back then. The lawyer for the family had their log books subpoenaed, and the company took a major hit in the settlement almost shutting it down.
I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
. The industry can be fixed, but it's got to be looked at by the right regulators who are in favor of the workers, and their overall lives in the industry, and not government employees loyal to the highest bidders hurting the drivers in the industry by allowing corporations to screw them over while they do have them working for them. It could be that the trucking industry might be one of the most corrupt industry in this nation.

That doesn't go on too often because drivers are too much in demand. If anything, companies kiss truck drivers asses---especially OTR drivers.

The one good thing about this industry is that if you are good at what you do, you can walk into your bosses office, piss on his desk, and have another job the next day.

Government is the problem here. More new regulations every year, more restrictions every year, and as of last month, all new trucks have to be equipped with electronic logs which of course means you have to be signed up with a service which is yet another cost to transpiration companies.
. What the heck is an electronic log ? I know about the DEF system through a friend who drives, and complains about that system. My friend said he has a camera looking at him now. Good grief. Pathetic.

Lol. I bought a dash cam last summer. Of course it only records my driving and nobody is watching me. But I mounted it to my back window so you can not only see the road, but what I'm doing as well. If you open up the recording using Quick Time® it's like actually being in the truck the video is so crisp.

People will lie like hell to get out of being blamed for an accident, so now I don't have to worry about that any longer. The camera doesn't lie. In fact I'm going to put one in my car when I get some time.

On the recording you can see the date, time, and even how fast your vehicle is going because it uses GPS to calculate your speed. And I'll be damned if it isn't dead nuts accurate. It's the best insurance policy I ever bought.
So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
. The industry needs to be deregulated, and more training for Americans, and more ideas put into shuttling freight instead of the old ways of using singular drivers to move freight distances that create the whole dam mess of problems to begin with. With trains involved, there is no reason why any driver should be on the road for distances longer than 450 miles a day. No more than one day out from home base before the freight is shuttled to the next driver, and if going extreme distances, then the freight is to be placed on the train.

The de-incentives created in the industry has made the industry highly unattractive to any worker in this country to want to go anywhere near to the industry. Now was this by design in hopes to pad the bottom lines of corporations by driving (on purpose), out the Americans of the industry in favor of cheap labor ?? If so it needs to be realized.

While it's true government ruined the profession, it doesn't discount the fact that there is work out there that Americans refuse to do. There are only two reasons for this: one of course is they have alternative ways of living like welfare, food stamps or otherwise living under somebody else's roof such as parents or siblings. The other is they have better opportunities. I think the latter is less likely.

As for trains, they use them all the time. It's very common when waiting for a train to go by to see hundreds of flatbed cars with trailers on them. But it boils down to cost. Somebody still has to drive those trailers to the train station. They have to be loaded and fastened to the car, they have to be unfastened and unloaded when they reach their destination, and you still need a driver to pickup the trailer to take it to it's ultimate destination which could still be hundreds of miles from the train station.
So, there was never a problem with fake log books & truck drivers killing people on our highways.

That was the problem.

So it needed fixed & ELD is a fix.

If trucking companies would have solved the problem, there would be no need to ELD.

There wasn’t a problem, very few drivers were maintaining fake logs and with the paper trail that is required, it is very difficult to fake logs. It is a bogus excuse for government to interfere with commerce.

The other reality is that the ELD mandate is proving that drivers sided on the side of caution to begin with. I compared the paper with the electronic logs and the average driver shorted themselves 15-30 minutes a Day, so now we have drivers out driving longer. Also, the owners now can tell where their drivers are at anytime, know how fast they are driving, if they are idling, if they are braking hard, turning hard and is giving big business more of an upper hand over the employee, so if you want to get rid of a driver, you have all the excuses in the world, it also is saving businesses time and expenses because less paperwork and DVIR issues.

So, it is another liberal law that attacks the employees and lets owners get the upper hand.

Really stupid law, that hurts employees, yeah, great idea!

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