Governing by ransom.

. Good starting wage or living wage in NY ? Are you a socialist or communist ?
Uniondale, NY is a poor Black community.
21K/year is considered a big deal.
. Are they being treated unfairly because their black ??
They're just not being hired.
The only time they can get a job is when OSHA comes around.
Very sad, but business people want the cheapest workers they can get.
. There should be law's out lining the qualifications that need to be met before hiring migrants in this country.
I agree, but the question is, who's going to audit businesses?
The feds.
Uniondale, NY is a poor Black community.
21K/year is considered a big deal.
. Are they being treated unfairly because their black ??
They're just not being hired.
The only time they can get a job is when OSHA comes around.
Very sad, but business people want the cheapest workers they can get.
. There should be law's out lining the qualifications that need to be met before hiring migrants in this country.
I agree, but the question is, who's going to audit businesses?
The feds.
They just don't care...until we threaten to vote them out.
And the local politicians belong to the local Small Business Authority.
Why should we be silent ass you & your orange hero destroys this country?

Its your own damn fault you lost the House, Senate, and White House. The people obviously think you people suck at governing so sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up your damn mess. :laugh:

Last Republican administration left with the worst recession in 80 years, a financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% , two quagmire wars, and losig 800,000 jobs a month.

Only a fucking moron would call that better than when Obama left office.
Last Republican administration (in the singular you write), was responsible for all that eh ? The Demon-crats and their policies had nothing to do with anything right ? How much partisan hackery is that ?? Pathetic.

The recession started in 4th quarter of 2007 after nearly 14 consecutive years of a Republican Congress & nearly 7 years of a Republican President.

Decades of Republican deregulation in the financial ma


Republican unfunded tax cuts

Republican unfunded expansion to Medicare

A Republican unjust war in Iraq.

But hey, blame Democrats? Man up there big boy & accept your responsibility for electing those responsible.

First off we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of Bush's second term. Secondly it was the deregulation of the banking industry that led to the housing collapse--much of the deregulation happening during the Clinton years through HUD and Fanny and Freddy.

And what's with you leftists anyway? Everything Bush did was unfunded. HTF is that even possible????

First of all, the Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Before you asswipes blame Democrats, please list the legislation they passed the first 9 months of 2007 that caused that recession or just shut the fuck up.

And still you dishonest fucks blame Clinton for signing a compromise bill where YOUR FUCKING REPUBLICANS got their deregulation and Clinton got something he wanted. You are such a moron, you don't get that before Clinton signed it that the Republicans had to pass it as they controlled Congress.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

You people are such a such of pathetic lying Pieces of shit. No wonder you voted for Trump.

'My God.
How about the iones Trump imports for his resorts? Do they count?

A wall will not prevent q

BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
They would take the jobs if they paid more.

Maybe your industry should pay more. People don't stay truckers because management to too cheap & drivers get tired of being away from home for that crap pay.
Its your own damn fault you lost the House, Senate, and White House. The people obviously think you people suck at governing so sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up your damn mess. :laugh:

Last Republican administration left with the worst recession in 80 years, a financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% , two quagmire wars, and losig 800,000 jobs a month.

Only a fucking moron would call that better than when Obama left office.
Last Republican administration (in the singular you write), was responsible for all that eh ? The Demon-crats and their policies had nothing to do with anything right ? How much partisan hackery is that ?? Pathetic.

The recession started in 4th quarter of 2007 after nearly 14 consecutive years of a Republican Congress & nearly 7 years of a Republican President.

Decades of Republican deregulation in the financial ma


Republican unfunded tax cuts

Republican unfunded expansion to Medicare

A Republican unjust war in Iraq.

But hey, blame Democrats? Man up there big boy & accept your responsibility for electing those responsible.

First off we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of Bush's second term. Secondly it was the deregulation of the banking industry that led to the housing collapse--much of the deregulation happening during the Clinton years through HUD and Fanny and Freddy.

And what's with you leftists anyway? Everything Bush did was unfunded. HTF is that even possible????

First of all, the Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Before you asswipes blame Democrats, please list the legislation they passed the first 9 months of 2007 that caused that recession or just shut the fuck up.

And still you dishonest fucks blame Clinton for signing a compromise bill where YOUR FUCKING REPUBLICANS got their deregulation and Clinton got something he wanted. You are such a moron, you don't get that before Clinton signed it that the Republicans had to pass it as they controlled Congress.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

You people are such a such of pathetic lying Pieces of shit. No wonder you voted for Trump.

'My God.

Lib please Democrats did everything in their power to push the economy in the ditch during Bush last 3 years so that they could win in 2008 FACT. After Obama won he was still yapping about how horrible the economy was months into his first term, Bill Clinton had to take the idiot aside and tell him shut up dummy you won already.
You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

Two top places of voter fraud are absentee ballots and legal non-citizen residents.

None would be stopped by the Great Wall of Trumpdom.


You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

How good a job do they do in California?

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

No illegal aliens walk into a DMV to get a drivers license?
No illegal alien takes advantage of motor voter while getting their drivers license?
Would you care to place a bet?

Who knows. Certainly not you. How good of a job would those at the polling places do. Could they distinguish a fake photo ID? You know, like the ones you can buy online.

They get a drivers license when the State allows it & does not check for citizenship.

Would you care to list all the example of voting by impersonation? I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting without jumping through a new hope because of this illegal voting that a photo ID would stop. So list the stats fuckhead.

Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.
Last Republican administration left with the worst recession in 80 years, a financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% , two quagmire wars, and losig 800,000 jobs a month.

Only a fucking moron would call that better than when Obama left office.
Last Republican administration (in the singular you write), was responsible for all that eh ? The Demon-crats and their policies had nothing to do with anything right ? How much partisan hackery is that ?? Pathetic.

The recession started in 4th quarter of 2007 after nearly 14 consecutive years of a Republican Congress & nearly 7 years of a Republican President.

Decades of Republican deregulation in the financial ma


Republican unfunded tax cuts

Republican unfunded expansion to Medicare

A Republican unjust war in Iraq.

But hey, blame Democrats? Man up there big boy & accept your responsibility for electing those responsible.

First off we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of Bush's second term. Secondly it was the deregulation of the banking industry that led to the housing collapse--much of the deregulation happening during the Clinton years through HUD and Fanny and Freddy.

And what's with you leftists anyway? Everything Bush did was unfunded. HTF is that even possible????

First of all, the Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Before you asswipes blame Democrats, please list the legislation they passed the first 9 months of 2007 that caused that recession or just shut the fuck up.

And still you dishonest fucks blame Clinton for signing a compromise bill where YOUR FUCKING REPUBLICANS got their deregulation and Clinton got something he wanted. You are such a moron, you don't get that before Clinton signed it that the Republicans had to pass it as they controlled Congress.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

You people are such a such of pathetic lying Pieces of shit. No wonder you voted for Trump.

'My God.

Lib please Democrats did everything in their power to push the economy in the ditch during Bush last 3 years so that they could win in 2008 FACT. After Obama won he was still yapping about how horrible the economy was months into his first term, Bill Clinton had to take the idiot aside and tell him shut up dummy you won already.

FACT? What, one your alternative facts?
You are just another panty waisted Republican who can't accept that their party nearly killed America under Bush.

And then you blame Obama for taking over with an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, A crashing stock market. a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars & losing 800,000 jobs a month.

Clinton left office with a balanced budget & surplus.

Bush & the Republicans left with that list above

And you fuckling asswipes have the nerve to blame Democrats. My God. What wooses you people are.
Last Republican administration (in the singular you write), was responsible for all that eh ? The Demon-crats and their policies had nothing to do with anything right ? How much partisan hackery is that ?? Pathetic.

The recession started in 4th quarter of 2007 after nearly 14 consecutive years of a Republican Congress & nearly 7 years of a Republican President.

Decades of Republican deregulation in the financial ma


Republican unfunded tax cuts

Republican unfunded expansion to Medicare

A Republican unjust war in Iraq.

But hey, blame Democrats? Man up there big boy & accept your responsibility for electing those responsible.

First off we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of Bush's second term. Secondly it was the deregulation of the banking industry that led to the housing collapse--much of the deregulation happening during the Clinton years through HUD and Fanny and Freddy.

And what's with you leftists anyway? Everything Bush did was unfunded. HTF is that even possible????

First of all, the Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Before you asswipes blame Democrats, please list the legislation they passed the first 9 months of 2007 that caused that recession or just shut the fuck up.

And still you dishonest fucks blame Clinton for signing a compromise bill where YOUR FUCKING REPUBLICANS got their deregulation and Clinton got something he wanted. You are such a moron, you don't get that before Clinton signed it that the Republicans had to pass it as they controlled Congress.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

You people are such a such of pathetic lying Pieces of shit. No wonder you voted for Trump.

'My God.

Lib please Democrats did everything in their power to push the economy in the ditch during Bush last 3 years so that they could win in 2008 FACT. After Obama won he was still yapping about how horrible the economy was months into his first term, Bill Clinton had to take the idiot aside and tell him shut up dummy you won already.

FACT? What, one your alternative facts?
You are just another panty waisted Republican who can't accept that their party nearly killed America under Bush.

And then you blame Obama for taking over with an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, A crashing stock market. a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars & losing 800,000 jobs a month.

Clinton left office with a balanced budget & surplus.

Bush & the Republicans left with that list above

And you fuckling asswipes have the nerve to blame Democrats. My God. What wooses you people are.

You lie here have these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: Dem's controlled congress from 2007-2010 suck it.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

yep, he did, and now the democrats have to choose....welcome to democracy

You're now saying their parents committed a crime......that's progress.....

and if they came here as children, why don't they speak the language? That's kinda dumb isn't it?
JFC, talk about missing the point. Real man of genius. LOL
The recession started in 4th quarter of 2007 after nearly 14 consecutive years of a Republican Congress & nearly 7 years of a Republican President.

Decades of Republican deregulation in the financial ma


Republican unfunded tax cuts

Republican unfunded expansion to Medicare

A Republican unjust war in Iraq.

But hey, blame Democrats? Man up there big boy & accept your responsibility for electing those responsible.

First off we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of Bush's second term. Secondly it was the deregulation of the banking industry that led to the housing collapse--much of the deregulation happening during the Clinton years through HUD and Fanny and Freddy.

And what's with you leftists anyway? Everything Bush did was unfunded. HTF is that even possible????

First of all, the Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Before you asswipes blame Democrats, please list the legislation they passed the first 9 months of 2007 that caused that recession or just shut the fuck up.

And still you dishonest fucks blame Clinton for signing a compromise bill where YOUR FUCKING REPUBLICANS got their deregulation and Clinton got something he wanted. You are such a moron, you don't get that before Clinton signed it that the Republicans had to pass it as they controlled Congress.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

You people are such a such of pathetic lying Pieces of shit. No wonder you voted for Trump.

'My God.

Lib please Democrats did everything in their power to push the economy in the ditch during Bush last 3 years so that they could win in 2008 FACT. After Obama won he was still yapping about how horrible the economy was months into his first term, Bill Clinton had to take the idiot aside and tell him shut up dummy you won already.

FACT? What, one your alternative facts?
You are just another panty waisted Republican who can't accept that their party nearly killed America under Bush.

And then you blame Obama for taking over with an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, A crashing stock market. a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars & losing 800,000 jobs a month.

Clinton left office with a balanced budget & surplus.

Bush & the Republicans left with that list above

And you fuckling asswipes have the nerve to blame Democrats. My God. What wooses you people are.

You lie here have these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: Dem's controlled congress from 2007-2010 suck it.

First off we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of Bush's second term. Secondly it was the deregulation of the banking industry that led to the housing collapse--much of the deregulation happening during the Clinton years through HUD and Fanny and Freddy.

And what's with you leftists anyway? Everything Bush did was unfunded. HTF is that even possible????

First of all, the Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Before you asswipes blame Democrats, please list the legislation they passed the first 9 months of 2007 that caused that recession or just shut the fuck up.

And still you dishonest fucks blame Clinton for signing a compromise bill where YOUR FUCKING REPUBLICANS got their deregulation and Clinton got something he wanted. You are such a moron, you don't get that before Clinton signed it that the Republicans had to pass it as they controlled Congress.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

You people are such a such of pathetic lying Pieces of shit. No wonder you voted for Trump.

'My God.

Lib please Democrats did everything in their power to push the economy in the ditch during Bush last 3 years so that they could win in 2008 FACT. After Obama won he was still yapping about how horrible the economy was months into his first term, Bill Clinton had to take the idiot aside and tell him shut up dummy you won already.

FACT? What, one your alternative facts?
You are just another panty waisted Republican who can't accept that their party nearly killed America under Bush.

And then you blame Obama for taking over with an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, A crashing stock market. a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars & losing 800,000 jobs a month.

Clinton left office with a balanced budget & surplus.

Bush & the Republicans left with that list above

And you fuckling asswipes have the nerve to blame Democrats. My God. What wooses you people are.

You lie here have these :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: Dem's controlled congress from 2007-2010 suck it.


Look stupid dem's were guiding the economy into the ditch way back in 2005. All we heard from Dem's and douchebags in the liberal media was how horrible and dire the situation was. The propaganda was off the scale.
Its your own damn fault you lost the House, Senate, and White House. The people obviously think you people suck at governing so sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up your damn mess. :laugh:

Last Republican administration left with the worst recession in 80 years, a financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% , two quagmire wars, and losig 800,000 jobs a month.

Only a fucking moron would call that better than when Obama left office.
Last Republican administration (in the singular you write), was responsible for all that eh ? The Demon-crats and their policies had nothing to do with anything right ? How much partisan hackery is that ?? Pathetic.

The recession started in 4th quarter of 2007 after nearly 14 consecutive years of a Republican Congress & nearly 7 years of a Republican President.

Decades of Republican deregulation in the financial ma


Republican unfunded tax cuts

Republican unfunded expansion to Medicare

A Republican unjust war in Iraq.

But hey, blame Democrats? Man up there big boy & accept your responsibility for electing those responsible.

First off we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of Bush's second term. Secondly it was the deregulation of the banking industry that led to the housing collapse--much of the deregulation happening during the Clinton years through HUD and Fanny and Freddy.

And what's with you leftists anyway? Everything Bush did was unfunded. HTF is that even possible????

First of all, the Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Before you asswipes blame Democrats, please list the legislation they passed the first 9 months of 2007 that caused that recession or just shut the fuck up.

And still you dishonest fucks blame Clinton for signing a compromise bill where YOUR FUCKING REPUBLICANS got their deregulation and Clinton got something he wanted. You are such a moron, you don't get that before Clinton signed it that the Republicans had to pass it as they controlled Congress.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

You people are such a such of pathetic lying Pieces of shit. No wonder you voted for Trump.

'My God.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

Bush funded his government just as all presidents before or after.
Taxes are collected, the shortfall is borrowed.

Obama was free to end the wars, reverse the tax cuts and eliminate Medicare Part D.
He had a huge majority in the House and at least 58 Senators his first 2 years.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

These people are here ILLEGALLY.
If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.

What a dumbarse analogy. That's like saying "I like aeroplanes" and you replying "Bubblegum". Two totally unrelated things. Then again, you are a Deplorable.

It makes perfect argument , it just requires a little common sense that liberals don’t have much of.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

How good a job do they do in California?

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

No illegal aliens walk into a DMV to get a drivers license?
No illegal alien takes advantage of motor voter while getting their drivers license?
Would you care to place a bet?

Who knows. Certainly not you. How good of a job would those at the polling places do. Could they distinguish a fake photo ID? You know, like the ones you can buy online.

They get a drivers license when the State allows it & does not check for citizenship.

Would you care to list all the example of voting by impersonation? I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting without jumping through a new hope because of this illegal voting that a photo ID would stop. So list the stats fuckhead.

Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.

Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State

Rendell must have really sucked, eh?

Photo ID laws are voter suppression.

I know, suppress the shit out of the illegal alien and dead vote.

10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters.

How do those poor, Dem voters register to vote, sign up for benefits, cash a check, buy a plane ticket or do any of the other things which require an ID? Are they all stupid and unable to help themselves?

knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.

If you can't be bothered to get one, how is that the fault of the Republicans?

I know you support Russian collusion

Nah, I think Hillary should do hard time for the Russian "contributions" to her "foundation".

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID

17201 - DOT

5 locations.

17210 - DOT

2 more.

17214 - DOT

2 more.

17217 - DOT

3 more.
You have to show to register or the first time you vote.

How good a job do they do in California?

Why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government location & put themselves at risk to vote?

No illegal aliens walk into a DMV to get a drivers license?
No illegal alien takes advantage of motor voter while getting their drivers license?
Would you care to place a bet?

Who knows. Certainly not you. How good of a job would those at the polling places do. Could they distinguish a fake photo ID? You know, like the ones you can buy online.

They get a drivers license when the State allows it & does not check for citizenship.

Would you care to list all the example of voting by impersonation? I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting without jumping through a new hope because of this illegal voting that a photo ID would stop. So list the stats fuckhead.

Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.
BTW they are legal, why you tards dont have a clue what the words illeagl and legal means is anyone's guess.
You bitch about illegals because they are taking US jobs./ Your worship the Orange One because he says America first. Then the flaming assholes imports workers for is resorts & you defend it.

So you don't understand the difference between foreigners with Visa's vs illegals?
So a visa holder does not take US jobs but an illegal does?

Why do you support Trump importing labor I thoyght you were all about America First?

I am, but if Americans are not taking the jobs, what else is industry supposed to do?

My industry needs tens of thousands of workers that they can't find. So now they too are bringing in foreigners to do the job. They can't speak or read English, and they are driving around in 75,000 vehicles right next to your family minivan on the highway.

Why work if the government will pay you not to?
They would take the jobs if they paid more.

Maybe your industry should pay more. People don't stay truckers because management to too cheap & drivers get tired of being away from home for that crap pay.

Pay is up to the individual. Some jobs pay into the lower six figures. Major local carriers pay pretty damn good, and people are raising their families on their paychecks as a driver.

Excuses get you nowhere. I dare you to find a book store that sells books by successful excuse makers. You won't find one. Do you know why? Because all excuse makers are failures.
Who knows. Certainly not you. How good of a job would those at the polling places do. Could they distinguish a fake photo ID? You know, like the ones you can buy online.

They get a drivers license when the State allows it & does not check for citizenship.

Would you care to list all the example of voting by impersonation? I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting without jumping through a new hope because of this illegal voting that a photo ID would stop. So list the stats fuckhead.

Who knows. Certainly not you

I know that illegal aliens have managed to register to vote, despite "hiding from government".

I mean, you assholes would stop 10-12 percent of those of legal voting residents from voting

What kind of moron can't get a legal ID? I mean besides the typical Dem voter?

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

Instead of cheating to win elections, try putting up better candidates with better ideas.

You really are thew typical Republicans willing to trash the right to vote to cheat to win elections.

Yup, I'm all in favor of trashing the right to vote for illegal aliens, felons and the dead.

There is one place to get a photo ID in my country.

What country do you live in?

No. Repiubliucans here in PA have gerrymamdered the State so ad that Republicans hold wice as any seats in the House even though Democrats & Republicans are evenly split.

Photo ID laws are voter suppression. 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. They are disproportionately poor & disproportionately Democrat Voters. Republicans erect this new Pgoto ID hurdle knowing not everyone will get one. Thus voter suppression.
'Why do you support cheating to win elections? I know you support Russian collusion so I guess it should not be a surprise.

Franklin County, PA. One place to get a photo ID in a rural country with little public transportation.


You tell any one of those suppressed people that there is a $1,000 check waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they need is a valid photo ID to claim it, they'd have one and be there in less than six hours.

What you and your side won't admit is that some of your voters really don't care about voting. Sure, they'll vote if it's convenient enough like late hours, polls staying open for days, getting a ride to the polls on a bus. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it. They would sooner stay home.

At least be honest about what your fears actually are.

How many people vote? How many give a shit? Yoiu act like its 100%

How many will stay home if the weather is bad.

In Ohio, the Republicans cheating fucks put too few voting booths in Democrat districts to make long lines. Why? Because they know some people won't wait.

That is voter suppression.

Just like when you cheating fucks vote in Voter Photo IDs. They know not evey one will get one.

It does not matter why.Why do you support cheating to win elections? Why is your party so pitiful that they think they need to cheat.

When the Republican voted voter photo ID in PA in 2012, the Republican leader bragged that they just won the State for Romney. Why did he say that

you are such a pathetic fool and part of the problem that gave us the moron Trump.
Its your own damn fault you lost the House, Senate, and White House. The people obviously think you people suck at governing so sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up your damn mess. :laugh:

Last Republican administration left with the worst recession in 80 years, a financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% , two quagmire wars, and losig 800,000 jobs a month.

Only a fucking moron would call that better than when Obama left office.
Last Republican administration (in the singular you write), was responsible for all that eh ? The Demon-crats and their policies had nothing to do with anything right ? How much partisan hackery is that ?? Pathetic.

The recession started in 4th quarter of 2007 after nearly 14 consecutive years of a Republican Congress & nearly 7 years of a Republican President.

Decades of Republican deregulation in the financial ma


Republican unfunded tax cuts

Republican unfunded expansion to Medicare

A Republican unjust war in Iraq.

But hey, blame Democrats? Man up there big boy & accept your responsibility for electing those responsible.

First off we had a Democrat led Congress the last two years of Bush's second term. Secondly it was the deregulation of the banking industry that led to the housing collapse--much of the deregulation happening during the Clinton years through HUD and Fanny and Freddy.

And what's with you leftists anyway? Everything Bush did was unfunded. HTF is that even possible????

First of all, the Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Before you asswipes blame Democrats, please list the legislation they passed the first 9 months of 2007 that caused that recession or just shut the fuck up.

And still you dishonest fucks blame Clinton for signing a compromise bill where YOUR FUCKING REPUBLICANS got their deregulation and Clinton got something he wanted. You are such a moron, you don't get that before Clinton signed it that the Republicans had to pass it as they controlled Congress.

Show me where Bush funded either war, his tax cuts & the expansion to Medicare.

You people are such a such of pathetic lying Pieces of shit. No wonder you voted for Trump.

'My God.

Why don't you explain how the Congress or President can pass any spending bill without funding it. It's never happened before. It's made up left-wing garbage to make excuses for DumBama's spending.

Did George W. Bush 'borrow' from Social Security to fund the war in Iraq and tax cuts?

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